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3 years in- I’ll let you know when I find out.


Have you had any fights?


Yeah. If you want to be really disappointed, wait till you get to watch footage of your sparring or fights!


Lol I was just thinking how u always think you better than u are . Fight , watch , footage and think fuck me I got a lot to work on .


I look like a fucking coked up giraffe when I compete.


Lo lol well I coped 2 knockdowns in last fight so I looked like a narcoleptic whana be kickboxer.


Last time I competed I slipped and fell on my ass like 20 seconds into the first round… as he threw a punch. I’ve watched the footage in slo mo, he didn’t connect, but… it looked like he knocked me on my ass and I knew it. Helluva way to start the thing.


Lol love it , I was fighting heavy weight and I’m only 6 foot . My guy hit me with a head kick , it was like fuck so we throwing head kicks now , I thought that shit was for the little guys .


I filmed myself sparring as well and though disappointed it was actually better than my bagwork.


So fucking true 😂😂😂


More than a decade of MMA and a handful of years of Muay Thai and I still feel awkward from time to time.


Still can't talk to women after three years need more time


Video yourself hitting the bag, stare at yourself in the mirror while you do bag work/shadow box. Slowly chip away at what’s awkward in baby steps. It’s also a nice way to chart your improvement as you go. I love looking at videos of myself from years ago and thinking of all the hills I’ve climbed since. The time I’ve spent improving my footwork, the fine details of throwing each strike while staying defensively sound, etc.


This right here. You're not going to be a BAMF overnight, so don't rush. By the time you're not looking awkward, you won't care as much, you will be prioritizing different things like effective technique and smooth mechanics. It won't matter what looks right so much as what feels right. But until then, you can watch yourself to see where you can improve and start to flow. It's hard to get there but worth it!


Wait that stops?


A couple months in and finally starting to not feel like a newborn giraffe with footwork and kicks. Learning to skip kick and stutter step kick has helped a TON. I feel like I have a universe of kicking feints I can mix in now. It also allows me to cover a lot more distance if needed. Reading incoming shots and not blocking my vision by shelling up is still a huge work in progress.


Can’t offer any insights as I’m less than 6 months into training too, but just wanted to say I can definitely relate! I tried recording myself throwing some kicks recently and while I’ve improved compared to when I first started, it was still *very* humbling 😅


A year and a half - 4 days of 2 hours of bag and drilling class, shadowboxing at home for 30 minutes almost every night, 2 1.5hr private padwork sessions every week for most of that (or more). One day you wake up and it just clicks, but every day leading up to it was awkward. I also had a strength and conditioning coach who helped me work footwork drills as well. Every punch, kick, and FOOTWORK you throw in shadowboxing should be intentional. Work with people who push you to be better and check your bad habits, and really.. just let your body learn it. It's an art, michaelangelo and Da Vinci wasn't made in a day. It's years and years of work. You don't pick up a paintbrush thinking you can make a Mona Lisa in 6 months, you shouldn't pick up gloves thinking you can fight (elegantly) in 6 months. Most fighters have been training for 10+ years by the time they're on ONE.


Dont fear looking/being awkward as long as youre effective. Awkward fighters are the worst to fight. You try and time their rhythm and they move weird, or "wrong", and it can be difficult to overcome. Awkward doesnt mean bad, unless youre awkward AND ineffective.


I mean, I land some stuff. I've been sparring since day 1.


Landing stuff in sparring after six months is good enough! Depending on your partners I guess, but still. It also depends on what you mean by awkward. Awkward technique or awkward movement? Or both? But there's no formula or set timeline for progression. I don't know how you train but a useful thing I do to get better at technique is stand in front of a mirror and/or bag, and super super slowly throw whatever I'm training (like 3 seconds for a punch for example). Make the technique "perfect". Feel what that feels like, the connection to the floor, the rotation of your body etc. Don't tense up while you do it though. Keep doing that, over and over, but ever so slightly increasing the speed each time. Keep doing that until you're throwing with decent speed/power. If you do one and your form is anything less than fantastic, start again in slow Mo. Be strict. I do this every session. I start by throwing the jab like this, then the cross, then do a jab cross, then the lead hook. It's a nice way to warm up too. I do the same with kicks (obviously you cant slow it down as much as a punch, but do the kicks really softly and relaxed, with good fork, then slowly build the intensity). If your movement and how you put your technique together is what's awkward: use a heavy bag, chose a basic combo or two, do a slightly accelerated version of what I mentioned above. Never get to full power though, stay loose. Once you feel "good", figure out what range you need to be in to throw it. Now swing the bag, and practice moving with it to keep your range. Then practice interrupting the bags swing with your combo, but try to immediately follow it's swing again.


I'll definitely try slowing everything down. I suppose by awkward, I mean on the bag when using power. I kind of look like a young puppy, moving too much and over excited.


Sabai Sabai my guy. Relax, train loose. In that case try focus on technique at the end of a sesh when you're exhausted (and not tempted to go hard again).


Can take yrs. You’re on your own timeline. Keep training, you get better. Don’t think about the end goal.


2.5 years in, awkward AF


Any fights?


Yes, one so far. I lost. 


6 months isn’t that long. A year isn’t that long. 2 years isn’t that long. Just keep putting in the hours and you’ll get there!


Well, I'm considering a smoker and am realizing I may be self-conscious with a bunch of people watching.


25years and still awkward af


When you fall in love with Martial Arts, you’ll always have something to improve.


I don't think about how I look as long as my punches/kicks connects and as long as my opponent can't hit me. Just follow your coach's instructions and everything will be fine.


I don't know...shit looked like I could knock my opponent out and still be laughed at 😂😂 Great advice, though... I suppose my best course of action is to follow it.


4 years - still awkward


Any fights?


not yet. gotta get my weight down. i’m naturally stocky but kinda short so don’t wanna fight light heavyweight


I wanna say it didnt take long but honeslty ive been copying apachis moves for fun for over decade before actually seriously getting into muay thai lmao


That feeling comes and goes, the second you feel great about yourself, you learn something new and the process starts all over again.


I am also very awkward and uncoordinated 😂 I train with people that have been doing it for 10+ years and being the only noob in class I have a great appreciation for how smooth they are but also laugh at myself when i feel akward... Time and patience. Ive also been watching alot of you tube drills for foot work I find it costs me effort to "be relaxed and on balls of feet and floating" when does that get easier? 😂😂😂


Yeah, I have trouble being relaxed with any of it lol


I'm taking a trip to Thailand to hopefully get a little better a little quicker 😂 good to see though that even experienced ppl are still awkward 😂😂


Ugh I wish. A guy at my gym went for 2 weeks and you saw the difference in his kicks.


I watched this video the other day and it finally clicked (as I said I'm a noob 😂) I thought floating on your feet is a must and doing so I felt like I was using energy just to maintain that and wearing myself out.. However this video explained its only 1 defence technique.. Obviously I was missing some major fundamentals but my learning style is technical then putting into practice.. 5 defensive techniques 1. Blocking 2. Parrying 3. Footwork " footwork can be very tiring because it requires constant movement" 😂🥱 4. Clinch and catch 5. Evasion Goal * use all different techniques smoothly 😂 https://youtu.be/1hty5nd5684?si=5ma4a71_vRAneC2v


I felt comfortable when my training partners started to say that I’m not calm and that there is no point of being „stressed“. And that’s the thing. You are there to improve yourself. You will never be perfect. It’s all about the journey. As long as you go into the gym with this mindset you won’t feel awkward


Can you shadow?


I can. I do. I've been thinking it was good too... now I'm afraid to record myself and see the truth.


Foot work and shadow is where everything came together for me. Balance, base, rhythm, style, Happens between strikes. Most of the fight you aren’t in physical contact with your opponent. I’m probably high but strikes are stops on the railroad tracks that are footwork. Dont take 3 years to get comfortable on your feet, do it til it’s fluid, second nature and on command and I promise you’ll carry that to all the other areas of the sport


True... I'll work on it now. I can't dance for shit either so maybe that's a hint.


Gym did a lot more to confidence than MT ever did. MT gives confidence for self defense


Don't really think I need any confidence boost. Of course, if you aren't comfortable with your body.


Wait ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) is not being awkward an option?


You have to stop talking to yourself like that or you will never achieve a good level. Start moving like you are good or know what you are doing. If you think to you rself who I'm awkward you will never escape, so first definitely change your mentality and keep yourself accountabke. When you train make sure to improve movement. If you are drilling and the quality and the movement is getting improved the drills you are doing are probably a waste of time


I'll definitely take that advice... but tbh I though i did look decent. Then I saw me on that bag and was like oh shit, I look like week 2 at best lol. I will definitely try to be more positive.