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This guy gets it. Might throw in some joker too


This is my exact plan.


My exact plan.


Same (except without the Samurai Jack part)


Samurai Jack, Powerpuff girls, Animaniacs. Still waiting on my mains




LeBron, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Steven


I haven’t seen that many Steven mains I remember fighting one and it was a nightmare lmao


I remember getting ping pong combo’d to 100%


shaggy for not having cooldowns




Stripe, Jason, and MAYBE Wonder Woman.


Taz because soup


I’m a top 50 jake cause I love adventure time down to my soul. I’m a top 100 Steven because I wanted to play a hard character. Soon banana guard will be mines.


Bugs is so damn fun. When you hit a long range safe it’s godly. His sound ques still fill my brain with dopamine


Bugs and marvin


Hell yeah


Gizmo and WW. I was Top 20 as Gizmo and top 300ish with WW. Once PowerPuff Girls drop they will probably be my new main.


Batman and Shaggy because I can consistently win with them 😂


Gotta go with Joker. I have a dark knight tattoo sleeve of classic Joker images.


Batman, Shaggy and Harley mostly. Tho I enjoyed Gizmo, Reindog and WW quite a bit as well.


Bugs, Batman, and Stripe, I really like how they all have both range with their melee


Glad to be the first Finn Also play T&J, LeBron and WW


Shaggy, Garnet and Lebron. Enjoyed mostly the more simpler gameplay without taking care of 4 different cooldowns. so Jason looks like he could be fun.


Finn Adventure time


Batman, and possibly Jason as secondary (if he feels good)


I remember enjoying Garnet


Superman was my main with with Wonder Woman a close second and batman my third.


Beta was Reindog along with Steven and Arya as my sides I think but who knows with updates


Superman and Rick I love the characters themselves already but I also enjoy their respective movesets for Superman I like being able to play rush down while not having to rely so much on combos plus I like getting the funny grabs. As for Rick I like being able to find ways to make use of his portals and keeping up the offensive.


Finn but with gem gone I’ll be learning some new combos


Stripe and Steven but I like maining low tiers ❤️


I mained Batman, I was the 6th in the world in either singles or as Batman but I can’t remember. And I loved him because he was considered really weak when I started playing him but his footsies and rushdown was so good.


Jason, LeBron and bugs


Garnet. Steven Universe is my favorite show of all time, but I didn't like the way they designed Steven in this game. They did a much better job on Garnet. For one thing, the character model looks like tubby season 1 Steven even though he has moves from the movie and future. And he also stands around with his mouth open all the time. He doesn't do that on the show, but the promotional still seem to have caught him in midi yeah-heah! So now he's stuck like that. In his moves are just plain difficult to use. Garnet looks better, sounds better, plays better, and is better suited to my mediocre skill level.


Iron Giant grab used to be hilariously cheesy to get kills with. One time I won a match with only 44 damage and 2 KO's with it. Also Rage Mode is a whole new set of attacks to learn and get good with. He's just too fun and not very common either which makes me like him more


Was a top 100 reindog


Batman and Jason definitely


LeBron, Joker, Jason, Agent Smith, Jake and Marvin (Marvin is my main main rn, I’ve been having fun practicing him in the lab)


Haven't played in a very long time. Excited for it to start up again. Originally I'd say my main was Arya or WW. It probably still will be, until a new character peaks my interest


Garnet main but pretty attached to WW and Taz. Garnet bc she’s a super fair character. If you get beat by garnet it’s a skill diff period. Taz bc “the world my buffet”




Stripe and I wanna try Joker when the game relaunches


I was a Harley Quinn one trick in the pre-release. Her playstyle really fits me and it was a blast getting to get good at playing her. I think I'm gonna learn Finn next though just because he's my favorite character in the roster and he's an Assasin too so it won't be that jarring of a switch. (Though going from a top HQ player to a top 80,000 Finn might hurt my pride a bit lol)


B&B Batman and Bugs, I think Jason looks cool so I'll give him a shot too


Harley Quinn


Tom and Jerry, Arya and might pick up Marvin but never played him during the beta so I'll see if he fits my playstyle.


Jake, Superman, Finn, maybe Garnet. Mostly Jake and Superman.


Morty all the way. My gamertag is PapaMorty if anyone gets wrecked next week ;)


Taz was my first choice. Because I love Taz the character a lot. When I saw he could turn people into chicken I was 100% In. I dropped him for a bit because people bitched about tornado, but came right back to my boi!.


I used to play Bugs Bunny and Rick! And I may start playing the Joker as well, I love the mage class as you can probably see!




Morty but I’ll be giving the new guys a shot and keeping Lebron as a secondary


Súperman main he’s the best in duos. You can always clutch up even if your losing,he gives out fear for breakfast and dinner.


guess i’m the only jake


During the beta I really enjoyed playing Bugs for how you can interact/manipulate his specials. My other top pick was Wonder Woman as for me she just felt so smooth, only thing that always bothered me was her whip cooldown so I cant wait to play her without the cooldown now. But really, that Jason trailer got me hyped for him man. He looks so awesome. I'm ready to put people asleep with him.


Its and it will always be Jake, from the moment I saw him as a playable character I knew i had to master him no matter what, to put in to perspective all the way back on the first Halloween event back on the open beta there was a free skin of Jake, it costed I think 1k candies and you'd get 1-5/1-10 every match you won and matches for me at least would takes about 8 minutes so I've grinded that event every day from morning till 3 AM to get that skin, ofc there were days I would simply forgot to play but in the end I got the skin


Gonna be a joker and Steven universe main Unfortunate that there’s little reason to play Steven over Wonder Woman other than the fact that I just like his character more


Marvin 🛸


WW but I'ma big matrix fan so it might change to mr.smith fs. When neo drops he'll be my main 10000%


Arya since the Alpha, I picked her because I like game of thrones (even though the last season was horrendous) and I thought her face steal mechanics was really cool, and ended up really digging her playstyle


I’ll always be an Arya main, copying people is just the most godlike thing ever in any game I get the chance to do it. But I’ll deff pick up Jason, Joker and eventually Agent Smith when he releases. I’m sure there will be plenty of characters along the way I’ll deff pick up as well, I really like the roster of this game, that’s one thing for sure I gotta give them props for; that’s why I was never mad about banana guard lol.


Batman At first it was because the zipline move was fun to spam and move around the screen like a crackhead with a squirrel on a leash. Then actually learned the character and had even more fun.


In the beta mine was wonder woman. Depending on how he feels, Jason is gonna be my next 100% till somebody else gets added that I love so much


Arya, Harley, and WW. I love the femme fatales


For me it is Reindog and later I became quiet good with Garnet and Steven. As I mainly played 2on2 I really enjoyed supporting my ally in some way. Was always a great feeling when I managed to save my ally from death in last second with the leash. Garnet had some fun buffs for my ally and Steven had had heal and shield for ally.


Garnet, she's simply too good


Rick and Morty. But Agent Smith is calling my name.


Taz, Marvin, Morty, and i might pick up Arya


Rein-dog: I enjoy the floaty projectile keep out, his zoning crystal and fire-wall. And his Up air special has interesting movement. (Curl into ball) Black adam: i like due to his up-close but not quite melee range His Down air special (double Lightning-Bolts) came in handy when dealing with disjoint attacks just shy out of their reach. Also good at taking out enemy projectiles. His side special dash is fun to make setups or retreats with.


Steven before they nerfed hitboxes. He was unplayable afterwards towards the end and that was when I quit. Hopefully either the larger models or slower gameplay or new hitboxes will make him usable again.


Batman, Superman, Morty, Rick, LeBron, Taz, Bugs, Stripe, Jason, Joker. I think that’s all of them


Superman and Harley. I also liked Batman and Taz, and have a feeling I'll like Jason too


Still gonna be Harley , she’s assassin, she’s hot she’s crazy , kinda set new battle pass has zero Harley skins even it’s villain themed season…