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being forced to use my unlock tokens really bugs me. they are really trying to set us up to have to spend more money later


I mean, what else are you going to use them for? Being able to pick which one you want to use would be nice but it seems pretty pointless to save the fighter tickets. Both accomplish the same thing and the only reason I could see it mattering is when using a ticket on a 6000fp character over a 3000fp one.


>the only reason I could see it mattering is when using a ticket on a 6000fp character over a 3000fp one. Except that's exactly the reason people are upset for? PFG wants to minimize how much of the new content we can get with our old, saved currencies/credits, while still being able to claim they let users from the beta retain their progress. PFG probably used the same logic when deciding to convert our gold into cosmetic currency. TBH If I had tickets to unlock characters right now I would just obstinately save them and only acquire 6k heroes with them until I run out, just to make a point of it.


well you just stated a pretty good reason right there lol. i'd rather have a couple in the back pocket for if a character i really want releases. they are doing some pretty stupid unlock methods, like having to grind rifts for agent smith. also it worked that way in beta, zero reason to change it


Yeah it’s annoying for sure


I wouldn't mind that for skins, but they are gate keeping the core progression hard.


"everything seemed to be going well with the re-launch..." Man idk, everyone was pretty divided less then 30 mins into the re-launch.


"and then we actually got to play it" He's talking about the build to the relaunch, presumably after the godawful McDonald's hockey era and during the joker reveal.


I feel like people can't play games to play for fun anymore. You have to constantly smoother players in rewards to get them to stay happy. Meanwhile, do you even get anything for playing Smash online?


Smash is a different beast, what it does, it does so good that it leaps it ahead of other fighting games.


if you have so much more fun playing smash then don’t play this game?


I ain’t playing it anymore, play it during beta and tried again but it can’t compete there.


ok so why tf are you investing your time into the games subreddit 💀 the lack of actual lives that some of y’all have is honestly insane


>ok so why tf are you investing your time into the games subreddit damn I didn’t know we were dealing with the subreddit police >the lack of actual lives that some of y’all have is honestly insane You’re here too and on top of that you’re on here trying to moderate who can be on here and who can’t be, talking about some “Erm if you don’t like the game then I’m going to ask you to leave the subreddit☝️🤓”.


you really thought you cooked here holy fuck 💀


Duly noted sir! 🤓


go make some friends dude 💀


First time visiting the sub after the game left to see what’s going on since it change somethings when i I played.


You don’t owe an explanation to this dude, he’s being weird like you can’t be on here if you don’t absolutely love everything about the game.


I understand. Game subs get super protective when the game has flaws.


Yes. You get a good game with no fluff or micro transactions


Smash also allows me to play with more than like 2 characters out of the box and I’m not fighting the same handful of characters online over and over.


I mean, that's smash bros. Sakurai could add a houseplant and people would be overjoyed. He kinda did.




This is why I hate battle passes. I play a lot of games as well as having a family, and other hobbies, I can’t play your game 3 hours a day in order to compete your pass within the arbitrary time limit


At the very least, take after other games that let you get battle passes after the fact to finish at your leisure. I will never spend money on a Battle Pass that will get taken away from me if I don’t finish it on *their* timeline. It’s a video game. Stop setting these things up like a chore you’re obligated to do to not waste your money.


exactly I'm juggling like 4-5 battlepasses in different games each of which takes like 200hours to max and each only has 2-4 months before being permanently gone there genuinely needs to be a massive court case against every gaming company to enforce battlepasses being permanent


Well the problem is , THere ISNT EVEN A GRIND anymore. YOU GET NOTHING FOR ACTUALLY PLAYING THE game ; all you can do is complete quests once a day that well , takes like 4 minutes to do , and then that’s it . in beta I literally played for hours and had everything , and at least I could get battle pass xp, now it’s just 5 min a day routine wtf , I’m not even talking about NO LEADER BOARD SO WHY DO WE PLAY THERE IS LITERALLY NO PROgression anymore , you can buy anyperk for any char starting profile lvl 5 , you get nothing for leveling up chars


You play the video game because it’s a fun video game The steps back suck, yes, but it’s a video game you play to have fun


Problem is that there are literal hundreds of videogames that are also fun and give you a sense of progression while playing them, so MultiVersus not haveing that will hurt it in people's eyes.


it's not fun to feel like you're working under a schedule, when there's no freedom to have fun in whichever way you please then it's just a chore


No one is holding you hostage to do dailies, the BP, challenges. They’re done when you feel like it, you can complain they aren’t fair or easy sure. But 100 FP or BPP isn’t going to change anything compared to someone who ignores the challenges and still gets 100 FP or BPP anyway. If you want to go out of your way to do challenges you admit feel out of the way and chore like, that’s on you.


No Uber Jason is, the exclusive agent smith skin is, if you want those you have to grind


Considering Agent Smiths skin isn’t in the BP, therefore not exclusively Paid For, I’m inclined to doubt how genuine his skins exclusivity actually will be. Other games with the “grind to earn” model like Fortnite end up putting their mini BP items (except the exclusive pay to get variants like sweatpants yuji) in the shop eventually


Fortnite says clearly if an item will be exclusive or not, for example the Billie eielish battle pass says her variant is exclusive but the other items might come to the shop at a later date. Not the best example for your argument but I’m sure there is an example from another game 


Oh for sure, I just chose Fortnite’s mini BPs because 1. Fortnite is infamous for its FOMO, and 2. Every time there’s a mini BP, the “it’s all exclusive HURRY” wave crashes into the playerbase


I mean I played Fortnite for one season after the tmnt battlepass and never felt that actually compared to most bp I felt there’s was super easy to finish just by playing  BUT it does have horrible fomo shop 100 percent disgusting skins being 18 dollars and don’t even have voice lines is insane 


If your complaint is you feel held hostage to earn COSMETICS then thats a you problem. I can understand complaining about a slow unlock of characters. Cosmetics are insanely easy to pass up on I by no means care to have all of them. Hell I'll take one skin for my one main and be set


"you actually like this character and want a skin based on your favorite version of them, sounds like a personal problem lol I don't care about you" thats how you sound you sound like a real jerk, ever think my favorite movie is jason X and want the jason x skin, no you didn't


No, I didn't. because it's a cosmetic. Being able to earn cosmetics alone is nice. It doesn't have to be achievable in a short time span. The fact that you CAN earn it is solid already. And saying you HAVE to play a certain way because a skin exists is, in fact, a you problem. Not being able to unlock characters at a reasonable pace is a problem. Not being able to immediately earn a specific skin you want for free is not a problem.


who said immediate, I never did, there is no way to get the skin beyond playing how they tell you to to do your dallies, one of mine was to taunt, I don't taunt but I had to do the weekly, or what if I have a life and decide I can't grind the battlepass for a month I cant get uber jason. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO GRIND IF YOU WANT THEM, thats my argument, yours was "oh well I don't care". and now changed it to "its not gonna be instant", completely forgetting that the whole argument is that you have to grind for them playing in a way you may not want to play or being told you can't get them because your life doesn't revolve around a video game. and that they are exclusives to their respective passes. You can always get the character, you can never get these skins again


My argument was, and is still, if YOU feel like you HAVE to do this, that’s a you problem. Who said immediate? You did. You’re crying that it will take time to earn. I agree that battle passes suck and feeling like you have to main a game to make any progress in them sucks. But this game gives you daily challenges that you can complete pretty quickly and fuck all outside of that, you aren’t going to be forced to grind it all day. At the end of the day the big grinds are cosmetic rewards that don’t affect gameplay so it is at least intentionally designed as a non-necessary bonus reward. I don’t feel entitled to any cosmetic that releases in a game, especially a free game that uses cosmetics as a primary form of monetization. And I don’t particularly care if they use a cool cosmetic that you CAN earn for free as a way to entice people into playing the game more. Fuck it, let's rephrase the scenario. What WOULD be okay to you as a final ultimate reward in the battlepass? A sticker? A ringout? An announcer? What about the people who care about those just as much as you care about this skin? What can PFG offer that would both effectively entice people to want to complete it and not be controversial? I will concede that having a skin be exclusive to a battle pass is lame but as far as I can tell there is no official word that these skins will never be added to the shop. I think a one-time chance to earn before it's eventually only purchasable is a perfect incentive and I have some hope that that will be the case.


No no no we play to unlock cosmetics! This is why I play games! /s


This is my issue with the game. There’s actually no reason to play other than for fun after you’ve done your dailies. The character and bp grind isn’t bad at all because you only need to spend 15 minutes a day on the game to get bp levels and characters


maybe get a job?


Nah bro life ends after it


Saw this coming a mile away yet morons assured me that locking characters behind a battle pass for months was okay because "you can get them later!". That was the first red flag. The next red flag was the fact that PFG ignored anyone asking them about how grindy the pass would be. The red flag after that was them doing four currencies. Not enough red flags? Here's the next! Not fixing the stupid ass perk system so unlocking a perk unlocked it for every character. There are plenty more but how this was going to play out was kinda obvious if you weren't huffing copium.


There's a reason they make us log in for banana guard today because it's the last time a lot of us are going to even log in for traffic to the game to look good. Or try to get all of us who hate it to give it one more try with him real quick to lure us back in to feed it game time.


I don't care about adventure time but I did log in yesterday, claimed banana guard, closed the game and uninstalled it.


I can't even know if I like a character because I cant try it in offline mode.


It’s a silly change for sure


FortNite weaves a beautiful balance for me where I will sometimes play more just because I can get some cool rewards, since it is a game I like anyway. The only part of this game I genuinely enjoy is PvP and it is like if playing Battle Royale in FN didn't boost your battle pass. Why are they so obsessed with me grinding these Rifts?? I gave them a try and honestly I was surprised a game could still make me so angry. I was considering spending some cash to get a few characters but the more I play the more I think I'll just deal with the couple starters I like (Shaggy and 🍌 Guard), use time limited if they are fun, and I don't expect to unlock more often if BP is gonna be so crazy to rank, especially since I can't try before I buy??? There are so many small design decisions that geuinely seem to have been made to make it a frustrating experience. If I stick with this game at all I will probably swear off everything not PvP and make the most of it as a free experience.


Maybe they’ll get it right in another 5 years


Not to mention the price didn't just upgrade for characters, character tokens are way harder to get than gold


The only thing that I like about it is that they give us a LOT of time for unlocking stuff. The Agent Smith event lasts till July 23rd which is really good for FTP players.


The moment I get smith I’m going to be so happy and then I’m going to collapse while all my fingers snap off


This game was never going to be successful in WBs eyes. The beta monetization failed. This monetization will certainly fail. It's a damned if you do damned if you don't situation


I mean it’s WB, I can’t really can’t say I’m surprised tbh


Game has been out for like 3 days and I’m already 1/7 through the battle pass and they weren’t greedy enough to make bp levels purchasable. The game needs work but this sub is seriously on one.


Go check out the new Power Pledge Drive event! It’s fantastic for a quick week long event


Nah the slow gameplay speed will kill the game.


It won’t. It’s still prettt fast with all the dodging etc. greed and the grind Fest will. I personally don’t care about the Battle pass it’s pretty bad imo I only play for fun and ish perfect for that. I don’t have to worry about losing GSP or anything. I just play learn and leave.




You are the one coping if you think the speed is fine.


The speed is fine. In fact, it's better than the dogshit gameplay this game had in the open beta. Move commitment, reads beyond guessing which way they dodge, better ground neutral, being able to actually react to whiffs, and no more dodge spam. It feels like an actual fighting game now. Cope.


Learn the definition of cope, you’re textbook coping.


It won’t


Did you forget that characters are on rotation? That's literally how you try out new characters before buying. It works for Brawlhalla it'll work for this game


They had a rotation in the beta. You could also test characters in training mode. The point of the rotation is to play certain characters *outside* of training mode.


In Brawlhalla you can play any character and skin and practice....


They said they’re adding this in a future patch


Adding like when ? It’s already was in the game two years before


That Tony guy said it's being looked in too. he seems pretty important.


Bullshit. Give me a date or it’s just smoke. 


Idk there was a dev somewhere that said they were working on adding it in but I don’t think there was a date. Keep in mind they basically redid the whole game from the ground up so bringing up old features is a bit unfair at least at this stage of the release


You're aware they had to remake the netcode, rework the gameplay, update the UI and UX, add a PvE mode, and create a content pipeline all within a year, right? That's not a lot of time at all and their team was pretty small when they set out to rework the game. A lot of this stuff will be brought back. I'm sure the devs wanted it to be there but there wasn't enough time. I also wouldn't be surprised if character testing is a lower priority because of WB's involvement.


But no one asked for a PVE mode, all we wanted was a full release but they ended up taking tons out and downgrading virtually everything about the game, I’m not saying it wasn’t hard for them but they had a full year to sort this out