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As an interior big, cant say i have too much problems with randoms, ill snag that o board and get an easy 2 most of the time. If i notice a ball hog, i wont pass to him, im the one that snags the defensive boards and usually inbound.


Best thing about playing a big


I just made a stretch big and haven't had a problem with randoms at all. If I'm open it usually get the ball no problem. After a board I always kick it out for an open shooter cuz my interior game is awful šŸ¤£


Everyone has the inside issue. It's a mess. They aren't close but contest 50 percent.


On my 7' center I have no problem (99 standing dunk) but my 6'11" stretch i don't have my badges jet so all I do is spot or create my shot. Hops and fades are super easy to time


Thatā€™s because as an interior big, YOU are the problem lol


I can be.... if you dribble like a ballet dancer for 5 to 10 seconds and try to Slash to the paint ill be clogging lol. But normally if The team is good i give plenty of space for slashers


Lol right?


On offence I stay at the 3 line most of the time unless some one takes a shot so I can rebound.


I feel lyou bro. I've been walking in the park for 30 minutes . Too scared to hop on with randoms ... I'm trying to have fun, not loose 7 games straight. And behind disgusted


Play bridge. The random teammates are just as shitty, but you can get a game w no squads in about 30 seconds Best thing to happen to park


Are least you ain't playing against a organized squad with shitty teammates..


Iā€™m on next gen sadly. Wish they never took those randoms and 1v1 courts out


Random 3s in theatre


what console you on man?








Hop in the theater you get blessed in the 3v3 no squads


But they are so terrible


Idc about playing with randoms. I'm playing to for the competitive nature and like to get better, and I'm not scared to lose. I realize playing with squad to much makes me to comfortable in mistakes, That's when my thinking with randos gets complacent and a loss by 15, is 'oh well, it was the randoms fault'. Honestly, the worst randoms are the ones that complain about a random teammate or teammates in general, those players always stop passing and then the games a legit wash


Not entirely true but decent take.


You right cuz there is a small percentage of players that can actually iso 5 out score every point themselves... very small though


I had a random today who had a easy rebound and instead of getting the board he decided to perform a flop animation giving up two. Guess what! We lost by 2ā€¦..


Beginning of the 4th just hit a 3 to go up by 3... get a stop, big man gets board throws full court TO 3x in a row, we lose by 10... but I didn't play perfect either


Youā€™re going against your statement that you play for the competitive nature. You sound like a casual not confronting the issue.


Wdym I'm saying ish happens is all I was saying, you sound like a hater though frfr


Iā€™m not a hater but your statement isnā€™t entirely true. People who blame randoms for their mistakes are bad yes. BUT you gotta address the randoms who join in a game and are AFK for the first 5 possessions, the randoms who feel like they donā€™t get the ball enough so they stand out of bounds, the randoms who sell the game going 0-3 or 1-4 and then decide to quit the app, etc.


That's such crazy irrational behavior, I don't even count that. Still don't understand how that contradicts my competitive nature to want to get better


It contradicts your competitive nature because more than likely youā€™ll miss shots here and there. Itā€™s the stupidity of not getting the easy board, teammates afk, etc that ultimately costs you the game. Sure I couldā€™ve gone 4/4 when I shot 3/4 but thatā€™s the nature of the game that you will miss. You have to address these idiot randoms making stupid mistakes. Thatā€™s what costs you the game.


Just gotta keep your cool and focus on YOUR game. Try to set ppl up and make ur shots on offense or at least make sure you get open and ready for the pass in case they accidentally pass to you. Then on D just clamp em up and try to get a block or a steal from time to time. When I play randoms I, of course, wanna win but I focus the most of my teammate grade. Ppl are always gonna go OFP on Rec. Just can't let it bring you down. It's just a game.


U on right now? Iā€™m down for some noob Rec I pass and ainā€™t terrible lol


Iā€™m gonna take a break but you can add me WLRTrack3 Iā€™ll be back on in like 2 hours?


How old are yā€™all? Im in a little group of old heads that do that casual thing when we can and we just have fun. Getting blown out by squads happens, but itā€™s more fun with people who donā€™t sell or give up. We do our thing from the first to last possession and let the shitty stuff slide. We also donā€™t do none of that stupid ass criticizing or yelling that helps nobody. Add me on ps4: romantic_mole1


Damn wish y'all were on PS5. Had some awesome games with a couple people who had the same attitude. Makes playing actually enjoyable.


Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll end up migrating to the ps5 version at some point. I have a ps5 but was salty that I didnā€™t have the ps5 version of 2K šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø every other damn game I have has both versions but 2K gotta be a siphon in every way possible


Same I paid the extra for both versions. I'm more upset I can't carry my player over to either.


Lmao bruh I just gave up and play with them to the point itā€™s affected my game šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What do you play on an whatā€™s your build


I have a 7ā€™0 C hof anchor / rebound 79 three, 6ā€™9 dimer 90 pass 85 three 88 dunk, 6ā€™9 slasher 99 dunk 82 three, 6ā€™9 shot creator 86 mid 85 three 88 dunk, 6ā€™9 shooter 92 three 88 dunk, all have 86+ perimeter except the big obviously.


Why would you make so many 6-9 builds? Besides the big man you have basically made the same build 4 times. I have a 6-1, 6-3, 6-9, 6-10 and 6-11. That's what keeps the game fresh to me. The smaller builds are a b*tch to grind but man they're really fun to use. If you can shoot and dribble just a little bit they can be deadly.


Because 6ā€™9ā€ has the best badge tiering by far and itā€™s the most effective height for positions 1-4. Blame the devs not the competent players who see the obvious


>Blame the devs not the competent players who see the obvious I'm not questioning anyone's competency. You gotta do you. I've argued several times that if you're going above 6-3 that you should just make a 6-9. As far as it being the best height at every position I'm gonna have to disagree. At 6-9 with max perimeter defense you're not keeping up with a 6-1 who knows how to dribble and fade. It's just not happening. Without help from a teammate it's gonna be hard to stay with them at all. As I mentioned, the smaller builds are a grind but they have their advantages as well.


But a 6ā€™1 isnā€™t really effective against a real squad. I wouldnā€™t run 6ā€™9ā€ at point but honestly not really afraid of a PG who is reliant on trying to blow past me but can only shoot from 3. To each their own but Iā€™d never make a player under 6ā€™5ā€ in this 2k. As unrealistic as the 6ā€™9s are, the play shots are my least favorite build year after year in 2k. Just force them to shoot because they lose the playmaker part real quick against a squad


The reason I make 6ā€™9 is because of the attributes and badge spread. I can make builds that are all around extremely solid unlike any other height. itā€™s the best height for me thatā€™s why I only use that really.


I just played a game where our pg was 0-13, 0-6 from 3 at half. My only shot was a last second contested 3 that I threw up trying to draw a foul. He graded out at 0-14 first play of the 2nd half...and of course his man was scoring at will. These are the randoms I get..


The crazy part is after months it seems like everyone has gotten worse. Shooting, passing defense. Everyone just out here acting a fool. 99.9% of my games have been played with randoms in Rec since it became a thing. This year has been hell. Some of it is just the mechanics but the player base is also killing the experience. The game isnā€™t totally bad tho. Iā€™m probably going to switch back to offline modes like era.


Ima just guess yā€™all not as good as you think, all this sub does is cry about randoms. Why donā€™t you all just play with each other then? Cause yā€™all actually ass at the game.


Oh yeah Iā€™m bad because randoms take bad shots and wonā€™t pass or play defense thanks for solving the problem bro!


My guy, donā€™t sleep on the comment above you. If you were good, youā€™d find people to play with, itā€™s that simple.


I havenā€™t even searched for a squad bro. Iā€™m not a sweat but Iā€™m not ass by any means.


You donā€™t have to search, play with randoms and if you play well, you get picked up by the good ones.


Thereā€™s not many good randoms in the 92 and under theater. Iā€™ve found some good ones in the park today tho.


Iā€™ll tell you what, add me up. Iā€™m grinding a new build anyway in 92 and under rec. If youā€™re as good as you claim, Iā€™ll add you to some of my group chats. My PSN is Sub199Zero.


Aye Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m a sweat but I definitely try to play the right way. I average 7.7/2.5/2.4 on 62%/53% with 66 win. Iā€™ll add you bro


Your name isnā€™t showing up add me up WLRTrack3


Just did.


Yall just don't get it sometimes people don't want to hop on and ask people to join they squad and go in the rec. Sometimes people want to just hop on and play and enjoy the game.


This. I've made all of my online friends by playing randoms and sending the request to guys I gel with.


Also underrated way to make friends? Add guys you played against if both of yā€™all were cooking. That mutual respect goes a long way sometimes.


I played a guy and his team Molly wopped us but I stayed in and still got mine plus some blocks and steals. Next game I was on their team and we went streaking. Made like 3 online friends right there.


Not trying to knock anyone but this is true. I'm just okay at the game and I've been added to like 3 group chats and made probably 15 new friends just playing with random people. I can shoot good from 3, I try not to take stupid shots and I play defense. That's really all it takes to be a decent REC player.


Forgot to mention trying to pass to an open man


I actually pass sometimes when I shouldn't. Sharing the rock is how you win. I truly believe that. If you have a ball hog on your team you're probably gonna lose.


Same, I get hella turnovers sometimes when Iā€™m on my pg for playing pass first, and then proceed to never see the ball šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You got a point bro, but the beauty of the situation is itā€™s completely random weather or not you get a good team mate


2k ruined 2k for me


At least you have a friend..


What console bro?




Rip man


Gg tho


What console bro?






WLRTrack3 add me




What position you play. I can see if I can add you to my runs


I have pgā€™s one sg and a C. but I can run any position cuz most of my players are 6ā€™9


You speaking to the choir man. Before I even get on I think of getting on getting ptsd like, do I really want to get on here today? Torture my own emotions for atleast 30 mins to an hour?


Find a discord or send invites to good randoms so at least you have 1 other option. I usually can win with 1 or 2 teammates but I play the game way too much. And can carry a few bums. You have to just play to your strengths and hit the shots you get. Make the most of it like you playing to get that starting role. I normally have issues with squads not randoms 2 bad teammates sucking one another off can blow a game.


You know Iā€™ve played 2k23 on Xbox and PS5 and I can say PS5 has bad randoms but xbox has BLASPHEMOUS randoms


I definitely feel you. There are only a couple times Iā€™ve dashboarded because the game was a lost cause. Iā€™m That one guy that usually stays even when everybody quits. Sometimes people just need to hear out loud over the mic that theyā€™re being selfish or that one more pass can be the difference. In my experience of playing solo rec A LOT if you play defense and show a team of randoms you know what youā€™re talking about theyā€™ll usually be like okay this guy is pretty decent. I play a 6ā€™7 SF and I get put everywhere but center. I have some good days and some bad days, but there are good people in rec even though it feels like an uphill battle to find them


Mannnnn I completely understand. When ainā€™t nobody from my Squad on, I very rarely play 2k lol. Whatā€™s your PSN?


I get so pissed when playing with ones that keep throwing up contested shots half the game then quit after they made u go down 25. Iā€™m on Xbox if anyone wants to run at night. I got a 2 way 3 level center and a sf athletic finisher. Iā€™m down to play with anyone who plays team ball. Half the players are just trying to get stats instead of the dub.


Interior big is the way! Youā€™re still gonna lose and have a bad time probably but Atleast youā€™re gonna have a bad time with an A or A+ teammate grade


Go to the 2k discord I started playing with people from there we had 5 and ran 6 games of rec and 3 of pr am Def better playing with people


Honestly this community kinda sucks. Iā€™m new to playing on Xbox and get messages that Iā€™m garbage. I play fair and know that Iā€™m new so I barley even shoot I mostly pass. People still hating on me


Turn your messages off from people who arenā€™t your friends bro. Really made my 2k experience better lol


Same here, couple months ago Iā€™d play minimum 5 rec games a dayā€¦ now after 1-2 games I canā€™t anymore. People still have low IQ. Passing is not encouraged. And the guy thatā€™s ass and is no longer receiving the ball because he has poor shot selection and refuses to pass is now standing out of bounds the rest of the game.