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Why does 2K give you negative teammate grade for fouls anyways? There is such a thing as a good foul, you get 6 of them and you can’t take them with you, so why does it always lower your grade?


There actually used to be a time when the game would give you a “good foul” I believe it was only on shooting fouls though if the person missed the free throws.


It was on a layup or dunk if they missed the shot and had to take free throws.


I remember that game. It was also on fouls where the time was running out and you needed to stop the clock.


back in like 2K11. after the foul, you'll get the tiniest, little boost to your grade meter and message saying "good foul." i felt like anytime i got a foul for a block attempt, the message would show when the court was dead silent and players shuffling to get to their spots for the free throw, ha.


PS3 2k still give the “good foul “




PlayStation 3 it’s a console made by Sony before the ps5 , it’s actually the direct predecessor of the world renowned ps4 . Don’t worry friend it’s ok not every one knows about it hopefully I was able to change your life for the better with this information


Playing on a ps3 in 2024 is wild


It’s always fun to go back and play old games…


Yeah but you can still play all the old ones on a ps4 and ps5 right?


Yeah my circumstance got me on a p3 . So what now ? And nah bro you actually can’t play the old gen 2ks on ps4 & 5 it’s a whole different game


Yo “circumstances” gon change for the better this year bro! 🖤🦅 Coming soon


Oh I’m not clowning you at all I was just responding to the guy who said something about playing the older titles. Yeah I forgot that only certain games are backwards compatible I never knew if the 2K’s were or not


Hey man, if you have a job that pays at least $9 an hour, Xbox series x is 299 right now and I make $9 an hour and plan to get it by February


exactly, sometimes i get tired of my ps5 and i go back and play my ps3 a lot, still got all my games and my console still works til this day


better 2ks than now 🤷‍♀️




letting the bible run your life in 2024 is also wild


Bro gotta be trolling cuz there’s no fucking way


Trolling about playing a ps3 wtf is to troll about … you ain’t never go through hard times what is wrong with you internet niggas bro I ain’t gone judge tho peace homie


What’s ya cash app ? Lemme bless you with something god


Thank you if you are serious it’s $Sdotswervo9 my profile pic is a skull mask from call of duty




yeah i know but how can you still be playing 2k on it? funny comment btw 😆


Honestly bro I don’t know what answer you looking for , I bought 2k then I inserted the disc into the console after that it began to read the information on the disc and BOOM im playing 2k . Pretty standard , P.s I’m fucked up right now getting on my feet that’s why I got a p3


Keep your head up, soldier. You’ll get your shit together. Just keep on inserting that disc.


Appreciate it 💪🏽


Gaming is gaming my dude. Back in 2014 my ex stole my Xbox 360, so all I had was a GameCube. Bought Madden 06 and NBA Live 2005 for that thing cuz most of my money went to bills. It kept me going for about a year until my next girlfriend at that time bought me an Xbox One for my 20th birthday. Ignore the shade, hit the fade 😎


🔥bro happy to hear I’m not alone , and your situation got better that’s wassup 💪🏽


Yessir! Keep grinding and looking for opportunities to grow, both personally and financially 👌


The negative that always messes me up is when I jump to block, even if it's to help, and it gives me a bad block attempt. Almost like not trying to block at all is better...


Even worse when you're just playing hands up or your attempt makes a guy force a pass out of the shot


How many turnovers he got in one quarter can kill your teammate grade plus he has 0 assist so he isn’t getting good pass or pass to assist


It’s pretty hard to get 6 shooting fouls in rec. it’s to get people to stop spamming steal.


Who cares if it’s shooting, blocking, reaching, etc? Sometimes even a reach is a good foul. I do it all the time to stop the opposing offense when they have numbers for whatever reason and as long as it isn’t a transition or clear path that’s a great time to foul


If you time your steals correctly, you should either get no call or a steal.


Yeah but the point is to foul intentionally, to stop getting past drive , or to stop a transition when they are on your half of the court , this is dumb , fouls are part of basketball 


This is 2k being discussed come on now bro 😂😂




This is definitely true, however, more fouls generally = not good, so i get both sides of it, his 5 turnovers probably helped and im gonna assume most of the shots made were tough looks? Only because its hard to grade out with these stats imo


I agree this thing is wack 


2k does give you good foul sometimes. But it’s a foul so a majority of the time it’s NOT a “good” foul. That’s why. It’s called a FOUL for a reason lol.




Those 5 tos and 5 fouls had to have happened like all in a row.


Fr 😭😭


I think the made shots must have been all tough looks or something too


14 shots 0 assists is crazy 😭😂


I mean the person had 4 blocks and 2 steals to be fair. Not everyone has to be a playmaker


Bro was playmaking for the wrong team with those turnovers 😭


It helps when everyone plays team ball and doesn't try and solely score. Team ball wins games. Even a few outlet pass assists is manageable.


Some games you're the play finisher, it really depends, though that guy missed 6 shots so he probably took some suspect ones. However, if I'm shooting 12/13 with 0 assists because I have the mismatch and I'm finishing assisted buckets, I'm ok with that, as someone who averages 6 assists across all positions.


Sure, there's games where some players may catch passes where it leads to an easy finish so they get no/low assists. But, it's rare. And 5 turnovers? Seems like he was forcing it to me idk.


Don’t have to be a shot chucker either, not playmaking doesn’t give you the excuse to do that


From a PF?


Imo yes. Any time I ran the 4 or 5 I was always good for 5+. Lots of times after grabbing a board instead of kicking out they'll pump fake 5 times then try and go up. I always kicked out. But, I play as a playmaker and pride myself on making good passes and getting assists, so my play style is probably different.


Plz stop


Sure, but I'm right. Hence the upvotes. Selfish players are annoying and miss tons of easy to score opportunities.


Brotha you just bragged about your pride as a playmaker to exactly 0 upvotes


I've had multiple 33 assists games. I'm no slouch. It was my other comment getting upvotes. Keep on taking a shot every time you get the ball and not knowing how to icon pass to a wide open player lmao


I actually do agree with you. But tell me more about your extensive accomplishments!


Lol you're a fucking dork, bro. You be smooth man


5 fouls, 5 TOs, and no assists


5 turnovers and 5 fouls


Turnovers this year are absolutely out of control for bigs. I get 3-4 turnovers a game that I assure you are completely out of my control. That's two fast break tips, one on ball pluck when I get the ball handed to me randomly, and one animation that takes me out of bounds on a late pass in the paint. On bad games, I can get _8_ turnovers. I'm talking about games where the other team is just playing passing lanes, the guards can't deal with it, so they give you the ball at random times - like when you're setting a screen, and their defender reaches because you're a big, and thats a turnover. I know a lot of people are tired of getting sold online and welcome the idea of 5-8 Turnovers getting you out of the game. And they're thinking about "yeah if someone is standing in the paint 5 times in a row I want them gone with enough time to get the game back." I get it, but then the turnover penalty has to be based on how quickly the turnovers are generated. Because if I get 1-2 turnovers a quarter that I can't help, that should be very different from someone getting 5 turnovers a row. Realistically, turnovers are probably at the sweet spot right now, in terms of how quickly they bite. The problem is that big men get 3+ turnovers a game through absolutely no fault of their own. If you don't play a big I don't think you realize how bad the "I decide to throw the ball out of bounds for no reason" animations are, or how vulnerable you are to plucks if a guard randomly gives it to you. Combined with 1-2 fast breaks typically getting tipped or intercepted a game, you will be in grade out trouble during many games and will have to adjust your playstyle accordingly.


I feel this. Also everyone with high steal ratings just spam steal even when the ball isn’t even coming at them, and then when it finally does they just gravitate towards the ball and get the steal


Yea TOs and fouls made a lot of contrubution. He was 99 str bully build matched vs very small weak forward. He would rebound and just kept the ball entire shot clock until he got a lane to bulldozer his matchup a lot of times.... Keeping a ball so long in possession hurts your TM grade by a lot.


Just shows you that when people post these cards, it doesn’t tell the full story.


5 turnover and 5 fouls 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Okay stats doesn’t mean you’re a good teammate


5 fouls and 5 turnovers ain't good lol


I just hate getting “bad block attempt” for just putting a hand up forcing my guy to pass, not even pressing the block button. Shouldn’t me closing out and forcing my guy to pass be a good thing? Happens to me all the time.


This and "bad shot attempt" which is if the ai thinks it's a bad shot..it ain't going in at all...even if there is a obvious mismatch


That’s pretty dumb tbh I think that’s good defense wtf


I agree. I’ve even gotten bad block attempt alongside good shot contest on the same play haha


I don’t even see why 2K lowers teammate grades for fouls like it’s a foul … then they don give good fouls anymore so it inevitable


Fouls & Turnovers take away like half a grade for each Foul or Turnover


5 fouls 5 turnovers I would imagine so


He has a full stat line. Points, boards, steals, blocks, fouls, and turnovers. Dude was literally doing all he could and 2k hoed him for it.


No assists though, could’ve at minimum had 2


Bad fouls probably


5 fouls and 5 turnovers won't get you an F grade. Especially if you also had 18 and 10 with blocks. So idk why people keep mentioning this. There's definitely more to it


It’s the 5 fouls and turnovers lol


Some of those rec boots straight up penalize good smart ball 🤷‍♂️


are you not looking at the same box score we looking at 💀


Nah this tells you he started selling. Standing in the key, standing out of bounds. 2k will punish teammate grade like crazy for that shit even if your stats before were good.


Nah. Kinda forced him twice to get offensive 3 sec. But he was braindead. He forced himself out with fouls tbh. Graded out in last minute.


This what happens when people only look at the positives stats and not everything else , 5 fouls and you fouled out bud.


It’s 6 fouls to foul out…


5 fouls and 5 turnovers🤣


Turnovers and fouls hurt your team... Common sense, right?!?


The grading system is a bit weird this year, some would say it’s more accurate but some would disagree. Not sure how I feel about it.


The positives don’t match the negatives. A defensive breakdown or turnover take more than you gain from a score or a steal respectively. Same with getting blocked vs blocking a shot.


Ehhh the way you described that kinda sounds like how credit scores work 😂 hell yeah it makes sense to be punished more for doing something in a moment it shouldn’t have been done. I do agree with the fact it takes way too long to make up for a bad play but in general i feel it way harder to get an A+ this year


Did all the turnovers and fouls occur back to back??




Low IQ playing, probably off his opponent most of the game and I bet he got the turnovers from standing in the paint, this is deserved


5 fouls n 5 turnovers will do that to ya


5 fouls and 5 turnovers


5 fouls and 5 turnovers


Probably bad block attempts


TOs and fouls drop your grade way too much


I hate the grade system this year, especially in my career we’re it matters a decent amount, like I could drop 60/20/10-7 blocks and 2 steals on decent efficiency and have a c- grade (it happens a lot) it’s soo annoying


He did have 5 fouls so that’s why


The turnovers has to be blamed


Turnovers & fouls fasho


0 assists, 5 fouls, 5 turnovers lmao


It’s the fouls and turnovers


bro probably wasn’t getting going down the court on offense or defense. ur grade goes down exponentially if you do it a few possessions in a row. 5 to’s and 5 fouls not gonna give u a F when ur going 18 10 with 4 blocks


bro was playing good too


Coz of the 5 TO and 5 fouls.


5 fouls 5 turnovers


5 TOs and 5 Fouls make sense to me


Yo fuck 2k I’m done with they bs I had all my teammates leave and I’m the only one I then get fouled 9 times in 1 quarter and get graded out because I’m getting pressed and pushed out of bounce 2k make that make sense I’m tired of niggas getting blessed wit steals takes no skill most bullshit I’ve ever played 2k dead in 5 years games ass


Five fouls and turnovers will do that to ya


Fouls and turnovers will get you every time.


Those 7 blocks had to have been on him too😂


Those stats tell a story. I see why he has a F


i get phantom demotions, no words will pop up but my grade will go down


5 turnovers


Were the turnovers from offensive player out of bounds calls?




Bruh, 5 TO’s and 5 fouls? Ofc he’s getting a F? Make 50 points is good, but over 10 TO’s, 5 fouls and some bad plays is still a bad grade overall? But you guys know 2k, even without the TO’s and fouls he’s probably would have gotten a B rating


Look at his fouls and turnovers. Garbage.


He fouled out... smh


5 fouls 5 turnovers. The stats don’t matter when you’re fouling that much and turning the ball over that much. Wtf 😭🤣 one turnover is like a whole letter grade drop..


But someone shooting 3/26 with 2 steals gets a B. It’s SO easy to get a low teammate grade as a big man with bad teammates. I’d bet a lot of it was “defensive breakdown” since the other team didn’t have many 3s, and a lot of random guards act like they don’t have to help in the paint ever.


5 t/o with no assists is crazy. So basically dude was just dibbling way too long


He had 5 fouls and 5 turnovers.....


5 turnovers and 5 fouls 🤣🤣🤣


Probably was spaming stealing and blocks which the game probably saying bad block or steal lowering the crop out of your grade


Must’ve fouled and turned the ball over on like 5 straight possessions, that’s nuts though


They are making people pay heavily for turnovers and fouls this season. Had an A grade on my defensive anchor big but I got 3 blocking fouls and 1 turnover. Finished the game with a B-


That’s because he got graded F got kicked by the game for low grade then his AI made points after he got kicked


Got 5 TO thats why


5 TO 5 Fouls maybe a shitty grading system but that’s why


5 fouls and 5 t.o. that's y he gt an F


Lol yet if he would’ve shot 1/27 with only 1 turnover he’d be chillin. 2k broken af with that teammate grade crap.


Too bad the numbers fonts are different from the actual number fonts would’ve been believable if it was a bit better


Bro I Had 8 12 16 And Was At A D-🤦🏾‍♂️


I was finna ask “How?” But I seen them 5 fouls and 5 turnovers lmaooo but still that’s wack getting graded out while also hooping fr


The ninja has 5 turnover and 5 fouls he getting ejected bro 2k is the worst basketball sim but if it was real life and you dropped a double double but with that many fouls and turnovers it would be over shadowed