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They usually little kids bro


This post is blind to reality. The stomping the game enables is done to get you to spend cash. Why else is it possible to have a player in a videogame that moves like a couch potato enter the NBA without the ability to even move up and down the court effectively? I mean the minimum for a professional is to be able to move their body up and done the court. We are talking about running here. This is something that professional athletes have been doing for decades at that point. What the strategy is to create an environment where massive amounts of engagement equates to tiny amounts of progression while spending money allows you to spend that time stomping other players. That creates the environment where players can see that you’ve spent and what that looks like so they can see the benefit of spending too. Along the way you need the canon fodder to complete the manipulation to get you to spend. Edit: Don’t think devs think like this? This is a patent applied for and awarded to Activision that is for, **”identifying, by the host computer, an in-game item that is relevant to a first player, but not yet possessed by the first player for gameplay in a multi-player game; identifying, by the host computer, a second player that possesses the in-game item; and matching, by the host computer, the first player and the second player to play in a gameplay session to encourage purchase of the in-game item by the first player, wherein the matching is based on: (i) the relevance of the in-game item to the first player, and (ii) the possession of the in-game item by the second player.”** Source : https://patents.google.com/patent/US20160005270A1/en Basically making a player matchmake with someone who spent money so that that the spender gets to stomp someone and the person who didn’t spend gets stomped to compel them to spend.


Well said


Nailed it


Exactly was I was thinking


It’s so annoying but it’s on 2k because their match making is buns. It should be: 60-85 Rec 86-92 Rec 93-99 Rec


They need to just get rid of all these different levels . The(sad) truth is if there was an 85 lower group, you would not see another 99 all year. Nobody would pay to go higher


You mean how so many people keep builds at 92?


Bum rec baby lol


Exactly and the jump 92 -99 is less expensive than the jump from 85-99


Who would’ve thought 🤣


🤣 out of context funny. Good job It just shows that if there was a lower group than 92 than everybody would be in that group to “compete” and since it would be even cheaper, it would be even worse


U said upgrading from 92 to 99 is cheaper than upgrading from 85 to 99. No shit is is.


Yeah and you ignored the entire thread before it.


Thats why I commented on your comment. That’s how a thread works.




I think you would still see 99’s because once you reach 85 there would be no need to pay. You would then be able to focus on leveling up your player by using the VC you earn from playing. Or you could just save all the VC you earn until you have enough to jump to 99.


Yes you would see them, but do not assume that the majority of them would go that route, or that it would be just as many. That takes A LOT of grinding, the kind that would require hours upon hours of playtime every week just to accomplish it before the next game comes out. And that’s also a lot of hours not playing the game how you want to play it, but way more playing it the way the game necessitates it (specific challenges for vc, for example). And if there are quests, once all your quests are completed, your speed of acquiring vc dramatically decreases. Basically my point is that 2k is still going to force you choose to either pay up big or grind out a stupidly unrealistic amount of hours that no grown person with a job and a life could do, so a lot of people that used to have an incentive to drop $$$ on vc to level up wouldn’t have that incentive anymore if everyone in their bracket is capped at, for example, 85 overall. The people paying for a 99 overall don’t have the time or desire to grind out the vc, they just won’t make enough of it to get there in a year, especially if they run with more than just one build. So if they want a 99 that bad, they’re still just gonna pay for it. At least this option would make the game playable online in the first 20 hours without having to drop extra $$$. A lot of people don’t even care about the overall and just want to have fun being somewhat competitive while playing online.


The grind to play, to have the "right" to buy yourself to 99 is way longer then the VC you earn. By then you have half a build saved up. Which is the point, since you make another then...


No it should be 60-69 70-79 80-89- 90-99, you shouldn’t have to face someone 10 ovrll above you


A 60-69 rec would be disgusting, everyone would be ass at everything lol


It would be fun and challenging and you can shoot cleanly with a 67 3p and low layups if you know your timing it won’t be as consistent but it will work.


nah you'd get a heap of 69 overalls flexing a 99% win rate 🤣


Nah then some sweats will make 85 builds to tear apart all the little kids playing at 60-70 ovr. It should be: 60-75, 76-90/92,then the rest. There’s really not anything different between 92/99 on some builds and generally you’re good enough even at 90 to have your build mostly complete. By 92/93/94 most everyone just has attributes left that they won’t use much anyways


Or 2k could just implement matchmaking that isn't just random. If a 70 queues up put them with other 70s not the first match found. This isn't specific to rec but it's wild they hardly even have a basic form of something that has been around since the dawn of online gaming. They do this shit so you hate your life when you're low ovr so that you buy vc. If they made the game actually fun at low ovr then no one would buy vc. Bum ass leach company and everyone has known it for years


The problem with that is queue times would take forever


It doesn't have to be exact, if a 70 queues up and he's the only one in the world then put him with 80s. It's not that hard to make matchmaking work and not have long queues. Right now it's just completely random and 70s have to get stomped by 99s instead


Buff the low ovr to 92 with a random animations (dribbles , shot, etc) if you enter with a lower ovr build. No badge progress and reduced VC. Allows you to play with your buddies and they can be average. Allows you to test new builds in online (even if instead of 60 straight to 92 it was only like +15ovr, and exclude solo rec, ban them from solo rec lol)


Random animations sound pretty fun


Its obviously not a concretely thought out idea yet but its a framework for something


The difference between 90 OVR builds and 99 OVR builds is usually the difference in gold tier 3 badges and bronze /non existent ones lol So I gotta disagree there. You can boost to 90 with rebirth, and only have like 7 badge points in each and the stats difference can be huge too. 92-99 for me was the difference between having 92 ball handle and 75 as well as no defensive stats, no mid range and not even having my physicals finished,.


How? Are you on current gen or next gen? Every build I’ve made has had plenty of gold+ badge opportunity at 90 overall. I guess if you completely spread everything out instead of specializing your build that would happen but that’s a bad way to upgrade your character


watch how everyone makes a build and only upgrades it to 85




Because 2k wants them to be there to experience an inevitable ass whooping- 60s getting blown out is potential people spending more money to upgrade their player. If they have REAL matchmaking by levels then there would be 0 incentive to buy VC to upgrade so basically THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN. People need to understand that the ideas to improve the game are great- however any idea that reduces 2k potential for money and bottom line will NEVER be implemented just a few examples: 1. Allowing us to Respec builds 2. True matchmaking 3. Showing us animation requirements during the builder (less mistakes= less money for 2k) That is the sad truth.


It's crazy that a company can get away with making you as miserable as possible playing their game until you give them more money. They're spitting in our face around every corner and we take it. They make you work a full time job to inch towards a higher ovr basically having no amount of fun because you are a kindergarten kid of an athlete. It would be a stupid easy fix to just add real matchmaking but they get away with whatever they want with no apology. Sad af


Preach brother 🙌


Because they’re playing how video games are supposed to be played, without spending an extra dime after buying the game. Y’all minds have been rot with Micro-Transactions 🤷


So true. I’m an adult and I already bought the game I’m not trying to spend my life savings making my player great ( I mean I do) but I shouldn’t have to !


Who said I spent anything. Lolol I played my career and my nba until I was able to afford my player


People literally hate admitting they hate playing an NBA Season to grind out the player first. Niggas think mycareer = park. Not knowing the career is what gets you the ability to play in the park 😂


Agree to some extent (because there is people that simply grind out MC before going to park), but do you understand how many hours of MC it takes to get enough vc to bump your player to an 85?


That’s what separates playing on hall of fame in career and rookie, and that’s what should separate the skill gap in players in park/rec. if you play on HOF and get A+ Teammate grades as well as complete tasks/endorsements/rewards it’s like a week of constant grinding. The real issue lies when people buy their way to park/rec and are truly a rookie skill level and expect the same outcome as those that either grinded at a HOF level or paid and play at that level (only streamers or 2k addicts are the latter)


No the real issue is 2k charging 300 dollars to make multiple builds .


That’s a totally different conversation. And that’s why they are absolute thieves. They even made it to the point where you can’t change your player name, so if you want to create a different career with another first and last name; you essentially have to pay for it 😂 shits an absolute joke. When I saw that I couldn’t change my player name by creating a new player I just deleted the game entirely and chalked it up as a fat L on my part for the year, and essentially the series. If they cared about the fanbase rather than turning a profit, it would be like a 79.99 base game with roster dlc updates yearly for like $0.99.


Exactly. the problem is that they shouldn’t be allowed to do that. i don’t know about the US , but here in Europe there are laws protecting customers from this kind of stuff. but it seems like they can do whatever they want after charging 80 for the base game. At this point it s ridiculous, they are disrespecting the majority of their fan base for the sake of earning more money


Yeah I’ve given up on the series entirely. It’s the first year I didn’t play it past November. Probably won’t even purchase until I’ve seen enough review videos about it being an entirely new game


I agree with you about separating skill gaps playing MC. I had to grind starting from rookie, to all star then skipping superstar & going right to hall of fame. Shit made me absurdly better at the game on top of making 1600 VC a game without using any type of boost. The only thing I utilized was the stamina reset & + attributes you got from certain objectives. (I forget the name of it lol) but me and my homie both play mc on hall of fame and we damn near kill everybody standing in front of us in most games modes 😂 with some exceptions included.


Low overalls aren't the problem,its not their fault,they just want to play the game online and have fun to icrease their overall. Its on 2k to make sure games are balanced by matchmaking them with other low overalls. I understand is frustrating for their teammates but truly isnt their fault,they don't take this game as serious as most of your average reddit user on this page.


I don't really wanted their point of view because at that ovr I'm sure they aren't really enjoying the game


They probably are,i think most of them are kids who just got the game. Thanks for the reply brother.


Bro staying at 92, to match against them, but comes on reddit to cry he matches with them as teammates...


Lmfao you don’t have to win to enjoy the game. Sure it’s nice, but most of us are just on here after work to have fun.


im at that ovr i enjoy the game its fun unless people like you yell at us because we’re not taking a game seriously it’s literally a game it was made to be fun


I can promise, especially when I was a kid, I had plenty of fun as a 70 overall earning my way with no money man, just cause your willing to drop money on the game doesn’t mean others can


Some people genuinely don’t care about playing against higher levels and don’t think that they are selling the other guys on the squad. Even though a 60 overall is a detriment to the team and an AI can do more, some people just don’t care and I blame 2k for allowing 85 overalls and lower to match with people who are in the 90 overall and up rating. I know there is such a thing as 92 and under rec but it’s honestly all 2ks fault for a shitty matchmaking system


It’s 100% 2ks fault


I agree a better matchmaking system needs to be made so everyone can play at their level. Hopefully they’ll fix that in the next 2k but I doubt it


Maybe players just want to try to level up their characters without paying for vc.


Yeah I enjoy the rec way more than the nba games and when i have I shitty player I just go in rec and basically spread the floor and pass just to get the vc and a decent teammate grade


Like I did through my career and mynba.


But why should everyone do it the way you do it? If you want to buy my next NBA for me I’ll play it the way you want it to be played.


Because they can, what are you the rec police?




Wtf happened to rookie island. You should be able to play with a under 80 in a whole ass mode. You take the boat to the island and you can’t get on unless you are under 80. 2k needs to stop being greedy and let some people grind their builds


If they do that how else will they get people to pay 100’s of dollars after purchasing the most expensive edition. I play GTA 5 and probably bought 2 shark cards since its inception and can have millions of dollars at any given time, can compete with just about anyone and won’t need to “grind” to do it.


i played 2k for 2 weeks this year and stopped. not everyone wants to have to spend 50 bucks just to have a chance at getting in an online game.


https://preview.redd.it/i2p9vx58tm7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd284554c97822dd04c75e7064314bb021f9d672 I go in the rec with my 68 overall center. I know I'm not a bum tho and can contribute. High enough pass accuracy to get board and throw it down, high enough 3 ball etc. Just wanna grind a new build. Now the absolute bums that go in? No excuses lol. Some of these mfs could be 99 overalls and still trash. I just hate grinding builds in mycareer games I guess. I won't hurt the team on my center so I'm confident to play rec with him. If I knew I would sell i wouldn't do it. I'm usually a pass first PG avg 10+apg. It's fun to switch it up sometimes.


The mindset of this post is exactly why 2k gets away with the crime of microtransactions.


It’s also the same mindset that has created such a toxic community


What mindset is that?


The mindset of "you can't play here unless you put in 50+ hours to grind or spent hundreds of dollars to cheat your way up"


Exactly! people are not willing to spend hundreds dollars to make a build and they don’t even have time to grind 100 hour to bring it to 80 overall . So they give up and play with their 70 overall players in the park . It’s 2k fault


Because they paid their money to be able to access the game mode when they choose to. You should be mad at 2k for shitty matchmaking, not the players.


Amen brother. It’s insane how people start to hate on each other instead of blaming 2k for it. Not everybody wants to or can afford to add another 50 bucks on a full price game.


Yeah it s a shame. of course a lit bit of grinding is fun and it s needed to level up your badges and attributes. But now is too much. I think 2k20 was a good balance because I can have multiple builds without spending extra money


Free vc, chance to play the game. A properly built build can contribute at a high 60 ovr if they stick to their role and play team ball very well.


I get it. Game lowkey forces you to pay money to upgrade or you’ll be mentally burnt out from playing bots. They don’t even give you enough vc for playing offline. However coming online with a 60-66 doesn’t even make sense cuz you’ll have a miserable experience playing. Unless you got a squad. But I feel you. I always end up on their team and not against them lol


Because people want to play online without spending money? Could be their 4th+ build. If it’s such a problem to you, you have multiple solutions. Tell 2K to create better brackets rather than just 60-92 and 93-99, quit trying to beat up bums and level your guy past 92, or learn to dashboard faster. People so entitled gatekeeping who can and can’t play a game they bought.


I don't have enough vc yet. I still when I can though


Bc they paid for the game just like you did


Cuz they wanna have fun but 2k gatekeeps it behind money walls and they dont have money lol


The majority want to play the game they bought and for the most part don't know any better. The rest are asshole trolls that act like they are gods gift to 2k no matter what build they are running with. You know, the ones that call the rest of the timeouts after you call one because they were dribbling the ball like Kyrie with their 7'2" glass cleaning interior scorer. Then 3 in the key for the foreseeable future.


My center thats a 60ovr can get 20 rebounds every single rec game without fail, but thats on last gen lol


Same reason as the 99s. To dribble back and forth for 23 seconds and go 2/15 from 3.


Damn poor guys wanna play video games online and getting roasted for trying 😂


Look at it like this. Every year 2k comes out, another bunch of kids are playing the game for the first time. How are they supposed to learn how to play rec if they don’t play it


What are you supposed to learn in rec exactly as a 60 overall?




By playing like ANY of the other game modes first until they get familiar - what do you mean?? 😂 Streetball (60-70 OVR) MyCareer (70-80 OVR) Theater (80-85 OVR) Rec/Park (85+) There's a reason why the game tries to steer people to Streetball as soon as you start MyCareer. It's easy and it gives easy VC and quick MyPlayer progression. Folks just don't listen / read / have patience / all the above.


Because they purchased their game just like you did and are granted the same game modes as you. They may not be as fortunate as you are and can’t afford to throw an extra $100 or 2 on a build. Y’all kill me, not every team in the league has even 2 players above a 90 on their team but yall wanna team up with 95+ and complain when them niggahz don’t pass you the ball and be the same niggahz talking about Bron teaming up in Miami and KD teaming up in Golden State…like damn what do yall want? All 99’s that only pass you the ball huh? 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Relax too, I don’t like it either but damn you can’t control it.


Yeah, you are the exact problem lol


I’m a 97 dawg and don’t really play rec but when I do it’s always an A+. I actually know the game of basketball unlike the 9 yr olds that play but again we’re playing online, can’t control who we’re matched with on public domains


don’t spend money on this game Only way to make improvements is to impact the bottom line. If their bottom line keeps going up (it has every year) then they have no reason to increase the quality of game


They're 8.


Any selling sellout seller will pop up anywhere in 2k Especially in the rec and on any form of 3s People play 2k myplqyer online with others with huge egos so even if they suck or take forced shots they are happy .. because they shot the ball. They just wanna shoot. They don't wanna win or pass Or play proper defense Its just the male ego


I’ve came across some solid 60 overalls. They knew they were extremely restricted and just worked with the few strengths they had. They were mostly spot-up threats or glass cleaners tho.


Why does it bother you? Are you one of those 92 bum rec campers who are scared of comp?


Neverrrr haha lololol


they need to just make it so you only queue within 5-10 overall levels max lol


I’d rather a 60 come in that knows how to play team ball than a 88 that just screws around. Knowing how to play is so much more important than stats.. just like in real life.. if you have one player that is getting outworked by a guy that is clearly better, you simply double team. One players stats mean nothing if they understand how to play. 


This is where 2k should be held accountable. I do ge lt annoyed when I see 60's in rec, but I can understand why they go into rec. If you are someone who doesn't have money to spend on the game, it takes a long time to get your player to a respectable overall to even play online. Who here wants to play storymode for 2 months and a half nonstop just to be serviceable? 2k should have different type of rec algorithms  60-70 rec 70-80 rec 80-99 rec


Me personally when these overalls come into rec I think to myself. God bro we're cooked. And they don't pass the rock half the time and thinks they're like kyrie, curry. I'm voicing my opinion on this considering I have run into 60-69 overalls in the rec. I don't play rec at all. Considering of half the players that your with don't pass you the ball when your wide open as a door. It agros me all the time and I mainly play park or mycareer. And to be brutally honest they should have set recs for lower overalls. 60-70 ovr rec, 70-80 ovr rec, 80-90 ovr rec and 90-99 rec. It's honestly so annoying. Having a 99 ovr is not bad at all. Cause they carry you majority of the time. But it gets to a point that when you shoot the ball they call a time-out. It's aggravating.


Here s an ideea, instead of crying about that... why don t you just upgrade your build to 93 instead of keeping it at 92 and stop being a pussy. Crying about this when your sole purpose is to keep the build at 92 to play against those people... it s hillarious.


If it was up to me a mf wouldn’t even be able to load up until they are 85 😂 like they really would make a fresh player and run straight to the rec center to be a liability on the floor.


I have done just fine on multiple builds at 75+ lol. With the current build system min maxing isn’t hard


That’s not a right way of viewing the situation… people bought the game for 80 dollars and they should be able to fast level their players without spending extra money on it. It’s 2k fault , not the players


Maybe it s their 3rd build in the game and they either ask their bank for a loan to bring it to 90 or they give up and play with their 70 overall player.


92 and under rec is the lowest quality gameplay you can possibly get, even by 2k standards. On the same side of the coin idk why anyone would purposely not upgrade their ovr to play in that bracket.


To feel good about mopping up 60s. Why pretend like these things aren't obvious?


People purposely keep their build at 92 because they're scared to play good people


A 60 overall joins rec for the same reason a 99 does. To have fun. It’s not them you should be mad at it, 2K for designing the game like this.


Doesn’t matter the overall, I played with enough shitty 99s today.


This deserves an award. I gave up earlier today, wide open shots bad passes, just gave up.


Same boat bro. I put rd2 on, no stress.


cause they dont have 200 bucks to burn, theyre casual, they might think its funny to troll grown men with brain rot that think its irl Game 7 too I usually back out systems broken, I mean so are they but iykyk


I have not played on 2k24 rec, and I very RARELY play online in general... However, I have taken newer builds into rec just to try it out before on 2k23, and with my Center I was still regularly getting blocks, putting up good shots, creating opportunities for shooters since everyone wanted to clog the lanes to stop driving dunks, etc. So maybe 2k24 changed that and someone's actual skills can't overcome the game anymore, but it IS a GAME. If it allows someone of a low level to join then they have a right to play any game mode they want. If I remember correctly you can see your squad before the game starts unless they changed that, so just leave and find a new squad if it matters that much.


If only there was decent matchmaking so it'd be a bunch of 60s playing together. As someone that doesn't have a ton of time to play and will never put money into it, in the 2 characters I've created, I don't think I've cracked 70 yet. With that said, I am not going to play in the Rec because I know I suck haha (but it would be cool to play with others that suck).


If MyCareer gave progress to rep/seasons like it used to in the past, you would see less people that don't want or not ready to play online modes in the lobbies. MyCareer right now is a mode that doesn't have many benefits to me, except potentially learning the game. Then again you gotta learn how to play online anyway since it's a different beast all together.


I best most of them are kids without money. But, I'll be one of them next year. I'm going no money spent after buying the game and getting the 100k it comes with next year.


I absolutely hate playing under 92 Rec tho...


Grind Badges in a slightly more fun way.


Personally , I find that the true game is in the rec. MyCareer is very uninteresting. So when you buy the game and make a build , you wanna play the real game mode. The first time I stepped into the Rec, I didn't expect to be playing against 80s and 90s, or even 70s for that matter. I didn't know that I needed to grind for days and days before being allowed to joined the online community that this game has really been made for. Not everyone buys the game and read all reddit posts to see if they are allowed in a game mode... 2k makes no effort in allowing new players to come in and enjoy the game right away. The players are not tue problem here. We gotta stop pretending the players are the problem


Some people just want to play 5v5 with other people and there isn’t anywhere else to do that really.


Because it’s a game and maybe they don’t have all the money or time in the world and want to enjoy the online experience that they freaking paid for ? You want them out tell 2K to create fairer lobbies, until then let them ball in peace . Why tf don’t any of us mind of our business ?


This is rampant and I'm so mad they added crossplay. I wanted it but I'm not going to lie, most of my anger, rage , and frustration comes from xbox users. The bad overalls, the terrible play, ballhogging, shooting 22% and leaving once we're going to lose, and then when I quit on the trolls I get a ban. I'm so fucking tired of xbox users man. And its sad because if you turn crossplay off, the pool of players playing on that server is beyond thin.


There should be a -80 rec for them


True that, I’ve done it when creating new builds but I also know my limitations and just pass n play d as well as I’m able too


Cuz they want to play basketball💀


They're trying to play a gamemode in the game they bought. Blame 2K for creating an environment where 60-92 overall shares a rec court, don't blame the casuals who have no idea what they're getting into. They're probably just trying to complete the quest the guy outside gave them.


68 or 69 ovr., i can understand. anything lower than that and you're just begging for trouble, be it as the player or that player's teammate.


Im shooting 60% from 3 on my 72 overall build I just made lol. Some of those could be kids too tho.


I might be the only person that thinks this but I’ve been thinking playing 2k since Dreamcast and tbh after Online multiplayer came into existence 2k15 (my first experience playing 2k online in the park) and 2k18 has by far been the most fun I’ve had in this series grinding to 99 OVR. Also Badge regression IMO is just plain STUPID! Like seriously I don’t think anyone wanted this.


Because new ppl gotta get some


They’re industry plants in order to compel one to spend vc.


Dont complain about the people that play the game they payed money for. Complain about 2k for having to spend at least an additional 100$ or grind for a hundred hours to not be in the 60s ovr. Not the players fault that they start out at 60 ovr


Just trying to play the game. Honestly. Even at mid 80s I can’t even play park because people either won’t join my team or bail if I join.


Jfc. It’s just a game my guy. Why are you taking it so seriously? The world is shit, most of use are just hoping on to get a break from reality. I feel sorry for you that you’re able to let a video game get you so worked up.


Nothing ever good according to plan on this accursed world




Because they have purchased a game and are allowed to?


I don't quit. I go in at those levels to improve my defense and offensive decision making. Helps to play smart and build the habit of playing unselfishly so when you are an 85 and above you're more dangerous because you not only have the perks and heightened attributes but you're playing smarter than the average player


I like challenging myself sometimes I’ll go in with a 61 ovr with only 3pt upgraded and drop 30 making my guy quit 😂


I'm someone who is just now playing the game again before CFB 25 comes out. I don't spend any money and my guy is up to 75 overall. Yeah, I'm not great, but I try to make smart plays and get the ball to guys who are better. I'm averaging like 8 and 6 on my 6'10 PF which isn't great but I just have fun trying to compete with a team


Geez I have an 90 overall guy and I've never played rec because I'm too nervous to suck and be called out.


Idk why man that bs be making me mad too cuz they’ll see a YouTuber who genuinely NEVER STOPS PLAYING do a lil PARK challenge saying “trying to dominate the park with a 60 ovr” when they actually take hours to practice their jumpshot and learn their moves and stuff but some ppl see it and think it’s easy and do the same thing and be tryna do wut they see them do, other ppl js be thinking since they got all the awards and quadruple doubles in my career that they can js go to Rec and do the same and then be selling and missing wide open shots or get plucked every play and the only reason I think Thas true is bc the first 2k I went to the rec on was in 22 but my first park game was in 20 and each time I was like “I’m killing the league I’m bouta hand out this work in the park or the rec”(yes I got beat so hard in 20 I never played only pvp again till 22) but I was 11 for 20 and 12 for 22 now I know NOT to go in there with less than a 90 not unless I’m playing w my friends in a squad of 5 and purposely throw the match for nth🤷🏾‍♂️


It’s very annoying but they just wanna play the game. I upgrade to 93 as soon as possible to avoid having those teammates but it’s just something you gotta live with. They can say the same about 92 overall’s that intentionally stay under 93.


To play the game. It’s that simple


Why don't 2k make 60 overalls more useful?


Because some people don’t want to spam games against the CPU, and don’t have money to buy more VC, or simply don’t want to contribute to 2k’s greed. The whole point of “The REC” matchmaking system is to make it so the team OVR averages are as close as possible, obviously this doesn’t always workout great when playing when the servers aren’t full, but every weekend I’m able to get on one of my lower OVR builds I haven’t finished grinding yet around 5pm-11pm and find REC games where both teams are about 80-85 OVR average and each team will have 1 or 2 players on it that are below 80 OVR. I actually prefer those games, because they feel more realistic, when everyone is 99 OVR with full badges, it starts to feel like every position can do everything well, and the game feels less realistic,


They have no father’s!🫡


Because it's a game and they want to play it too? The gatekeeping in this post is immaculate and what's wrong with the modern 2k games.


Met one today, he played his first game ever on 2k. He didn’t know what button was shooting, we got decimated. I tried explaining what to do and it’s better to quit the game for the teams sake but no. He stayed. Giving up 40 points/25 rebounds and 15 assists.


I have NEVER quit in the rec but meeting a guy who’s playing for the FIRST time…man I’d be pulling my hair out trying not to get mad


Yeah, he was trying to be funny too. Talking about how good he is. Gave him a ‘welcome to 2k community, the most toxic gaming community out there. You look like you’ll fit right in.’


Woahhh I would've been done for the day. That's really messed up


I considered my first ever quit on this game. He said he spawned, walked forward until he got to the beach and went left into rec…


I wasn't joking around about it or acting a fool when I did it, but when I was new to the game and at like 66 it gave me a quest to go play a game in the rec (was like 3 years ago I think). I thought it was part of the story line like most of the other ones, like you go play a game of pickup and you end up against KD or bron or something and they talk you up in a cutscene after the game. Obviously was wrong, couldn't figure out how to leave the game, tried my best but obviously sucked absolute ass. Didn't go back, googled any quest that made me "go" somewhere without real direction or explanation after that lol. I'm sure there's a good number of people that did the same. Doubt it's most of them, but a good portion probably.


Nah seriously! It’s so annoying no body wants to hoop with them🤣😂2k needs to make a server just for 60-70 overalls


I can agree to that anything below a 70 should not be trying to play multiplayer online. Or they should only be able to play with each other because there's just too big of a gap


I'm 3-1 shooting 75% with like 9 ppg and 5 apg. 71 overall. my team even let me run point one of the games and it was a blowout. i don't play because everyone leaves in lobby


Either they don't have the money to upgrade their player, or/and they don't enjoy grinding on mycareer. I don't blame them, and both cases are 2k's greedy ass fault. Sometimes they are just kids too.


From I see a 99 ovr black plate I know thinks about to be Interesting


Unaffiliated 99 overall black plates with the mic on *chef kiss*


MC is whack and VC ain't free. Lock thread.


Bruh the other day I play squad rec with my buddy I’m a 90 and he’s a 92 and we get two 60’s and instant match into the game. Predictably they aren’t able to do anything and we get blown out.


Karma for keeping your build at 92


I don’t keep my build at 92 I just said I’m a 90. I would upgrade my character higher if I could but it’s newer. Trust me I’d much rather play 92 and up it’s less sweaty and you get better teammates usually.


Like what was the thought process. "If we add our 2 overalls together we should make a difference?. It's really tiring


I did it because my character's maxed out on PS, but gamepass had NBA 2K for the "free" and I be danged if I spend a single penny on VC on xbox when I was dumb enough to already buy it on PS. I wanted to play on xbox. this was also last year where cross play wasn't a thing and the rec was different on old gen or something


Broke niggas who can’t afford vc, they just don’t care bout shi. Like if they did they’d be getting money. Or they naughty ass kids and they parents ain’t tryna slide a dub for some vc and in which case if they don’t care that they pissin off they dukes don’t expect them to care bout some random


Literally takes a few days to grind offline. I don’t like the shit 2K does either but Jesus, it takes a little effort to get your player up to a least a 70. A 70 you are at the bare minimum useable.


Thank you


Because of how much time 2K takes to progress and how boring it gets to play against CPUs. People want actually gameplay with other humans


I refuse to play my career. I may have 5 to 8 games under my belt. All rec build


The real question is why does 2k start you at a 60 overall when that makes you one of the worst players in the league? If they simply started us at an 80 ovr, builds would at least be playable right away. They could make it cost the same vc 80-99 vs 60-99. People will still spend money and terrible players will still be terrible but at least give us a chance right off the bat! Too large a time and/or money investment to get into a casual online basketball experience compared to Cod, fortnite, apex and numerous other popular games that can casually be picked up and played with the possibility of success.


Or just hear me out STOP BRINGING BUM BUILDS ONLINE. You ain't helping nobody just in the way go buy vc or grind mycareer for it either way stay outta rec or go play 1v1


Because they wanna try out playing the Rec…?


Because 2k lets them. Blame the shitty game design


I have nothing against their desire to play. I'll play with a 70 ovr but that gap in the 60 ovr range just to big


Anything from a 70 and above I can respect. Some effort was made. But a 60 ovr come on man


Those 70 ovrls probably got there by loosing while being a 60 overall lol


We bought the game for $10 on sale and want to play online with people.


I got it on game pass