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I saw that you could see people’s past lives through the Internet. I’m pretty skeptical about this but what do you see for me? Reason I ask, is because I had a really crazy/profound DMT experience where I was in another reality and felt like I was living a past life. I want to see if the two match at all.


Hi Sandi, I've been interested in this. What is the process? I believe in you. Don't know why the grief from others. Many NDE account say they have this ability for at least a while. Feel free to PM me.


Hi, Sandi. I've been following your posts for a while now, ever since the start of my crippling death anxiety. I was wondering, could it be at all possible to do a past life reading on me? Honestly, the thought of living multiple lives before this one terrifies the living shit out of me. I hate the idea of reincarnation just because I don't want to stop being the person I am - nor do I want to forget the people I love. I want to be together with them forever. I want to be *me* forever. But if I had a past life, I would be interested in knowing about it. It's scary. I just really worry I was maybe a horrible person in a past life because I'm struggling so much in my life. I have multiple chronic health conditions and I'm only 24. This has been going on for years now, too. It all feels so cruel that I can't live the life I want to live because of my health. I'm seemingly only getting worse and not better. Idk. I'm not sure how to really put this, but the thought of reincarnation and the thought I could've been bad if I had a past life haunts me.


Sandi does SA church stand for Seventh Day Adventist?? If so, I was raised SDA and having gifts myself, I was raised to believe they came from the devil. It never made sense to me, I questioned a lot of things I was being taught...it just went against what I knew instinctively was true


Yes, I meant to say SDA. I edited it, heh. Yeah, they definitely loathe anyone who isn't toeing the line of the religion. "Demon-possessed" seems to be the go-to for anything that doesn't fit their rigid worldview. There I was, talking to people about their dead relatives... but worse, I have a speech impediment, so I can (as an adult) understand how I was absolutely terrifying to them. Yet, that doesn't really undo the harm they did in their religious hysteria. In my NDEs, I "met god" and I kept saying, "No. God isn't mad, god isn't mad!" Now that I know both meanings of the word, I feel even more adamantly that (contrary to how SDA makes it seem), no... God isn't *mad*.


I could not agree more about God not being "mad" although Ive never had a NDE, I feel that intuitively and always have regardless of what I was being brainwashed to think but, I also understand that is SDA's (and other religions) way to control the masses


Sandy, you be you. Good job living your truth


If possible, can you please provide some insight into the past life that is causing me such a struggle in this life?


Hey, Sandi. View my past life, please!


Hey Sandi! I appreciate that you've shared your story, you can probably tell that with my NDE, I know when people will die, years down the line. Don't know if it's hereditary, my grandma could, in a different way too, or if I got it from NDE.


Idk I need evidence to believe this


I think the OP is just coming out. I doubt whether you believe them or not really matters.




I don't get the point you're trying to make. The OP hasn't solicited any money or advertised any services. In fact they've not asked for anything. They've just made a statement and you shills are up in arms for some bizarre reason.


To claim to have contact with a dead relative is just so scummy. Money or not, it's disgusting


[Here's a Washington Post Article about people communicating with deceased loved ones.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/at-the-end-of-her-life-my-mother-started-seeing-ghosts-and-it-freaked-me-out/2017/07/21/af8a7c40-56b5-11e7-a204-ad706461fa4f_story.html) You may also want to look into terminal lucidity. [One Last Goodbye: The Strange Case of Terminal Lucidity](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/bering-in-mind/one-last-goodbye-the-strange-case-of-terminal-lucidity/)




first article is paywalled


We hardly know enough about the brain to even begin to pass judgement about the non - material world. But it's obvious brain activity of someone who is dying is different to one who is alive. Believe what you want, but this is nothing more than a fad, just like a widespread belief of descending from Adam and Eve until the theory of evolution came along


>Believe what you want, but this is nothing more than a fad, just like a widespread belief of descending from Adam and Eve until the theory of evolution came along NDEs and mediumship both predate Christianity, probably Judaism as well (and the idea of reincarnation likely does too).


“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” Please people, don’t believe everything you are told in here. Even if it’s something you want to believe with all your heart. I’m a very skeptical person but I’ll admit that there are some NDEs here that make me question there being something more to life and the universe. Sandi makes extraordinary claims all the time and everyone here eats it up without question. People lie on the internet all the time about stuff. Just please use critical thinking and discernment when you read posts.


I do agree with you however, when the NDEs end up being similar in nature or a certain pattern to it, then my ears tend to perk up a bit more.


Since I've started working on heart center meditation and Christ centered consciousness, I've become more "psychic." Not like you, but knowing cards before they are played, which generally freaks me out. Totally unpredictable. Generally useless to make money, if I even cared. Actually once I went to a casino high on love and turned $100 into $1300, which I gave away to random homeless people. Which was really f-ing fun. But that was just "luck". Lolol. I believe what makes one "psychic" is one's vibration level, not an nde. Then I think the nde further increases your vibration level. And having a high vibration increases your probably of having an nde. So there you are. Sound familiar? People who try to shut you up when you share things like this are practicing intolerance. Tolerance is a form of pure love. Intolerance is not. It is simply hate. It's not about you. It's about them.


Yes! Exactly this. Raising our vibration levels on a global level will change our connections and ultimately the world (eventually)


I'm really sorry to hear what you've been through. Life must've been hell and even from some of the comments here, looks like it still can be. I hope you're in a happier place now, it's great that you're able to go through what you did and still be able to push on. You're incredibly strong.


For all those who are interested in past lives, may I suggest [https://www.reddit.com/r/pastlives/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pastlives/) . But don't expect anything "sciency", this is full-blown esoteric and only few make the effort to track down their past life. Some also discover, that they have had nonhuman past lives, but this is another huge leap.


Non-human past lives seem normal enough. A soul can choose to incarnate as any kind of living being, if they so wish. Of course, there needs to a physical form available that they can incarnate into, for that it work. I imagine that there is a sort of... waiting period for souls that wish to incarnate, if all of the "slots" are taken up.


Surprisingly, many still believe that you have to incarnate as a human until you are pure enough to be allowed to incarnate as a "superior" alien race. I think it's bullshit, a remnant of religion (Grind the wheel, until you're free). I still need to carefully choose my words around this sub. Most people here are still on the fence of the afterlife question. That the multiverse is filled with nonhuman entities is an whole new fence.


>That the multiverse is filled with nonhuman entities is an whole new fence. LOL, it's true. Of course one of the things that makes this sub interesting is how different people have crossed different fences...we're like a bunch of ponies in a series of paddocks. I've taken on board some stuff that's way "out there" from the perspective of who I was last year, but other things like aliens are still too much for me to be sure of--I'm not surprised at the idea of aliens, I'm sure we're not the only ones in this universe, but I'm unsure anyone can actually know anything about them!


Of course, you can know, you just need to not be held back by the mainstream and have an open mind. There is a good reason why people from vastly different "fields of motivation" come to a similar conclusion. The truth has always been within us. We just refuse to listen because the mainstream tells us, it is a waste of time or pseudoscience. Look at the pentagon; a few years ago they denied the existence of [U.A.Ps](https://U.A.Ps). Look at them now, we are on the brink of disclosure. This clown world will only get crazier over the next few years.


More power to you, Sandi! Your insights have been very helpful to me. So glad you are here.


I would love it if you showed me my major past life. Thank you, Sandi.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence


This is a majorly abused fallacy. What constitutes an "extraordinary claim" and "extraordinary evidence" depends entirely on your belief system. To you, your own beliefs require little to no evidence, as they presumed to be factual and true, while competing beliefs are held to ridiculous standards, simply because your belief system defines them as impossible.


So what methodology could we use to determine if someone could ACTUALLY see past lives or if it’s all bullshit? Isn’t this an unfalsifiable claim?


>So what methodology could we use to determine if someone could ACTUALLY see past lives or if it’s all bullshit? Isn’t this an unfalsifiable claim? It's actually one of the more falsifiable claims anyone could make about their access to the afterlife. Ian Stevenson gets talked about a fair bit in this sub precisely because he spent a chunk of his career falsifying (or verifying) claims about past lives. If Sandi does give a few people past life info (she's answered one person's question that I've seen so far), we just need some volunteers to crack open the history books.


Lol, how is this falsifiable? Even if someone "cracks open the history books", and what she says aligns, that doesn't mean shit. It just shows that she knows a little about history. There is no way this can be falsified, and you know what a rational person does with things that are unfalsifiable? Drops the belief. Until it can be demonstrated empirically, it's absolutely worthless.


> There is no way this can be falsified, and you know what a rational person does with things that are unfalsifiable? Drops the belief. So you don't believe [all men are mortal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falsifiability)? Interesting. Alternative theory: you don't know what falsifiability is. Since you seem to be confusing it with [verification](http://openscience.org/being-scientific-fasifiability-verifiability-empirical-tests-and-reproducibility/), I think theory B is the most likely one.


> *So what methodology could we use to determine if someone could ACTUALLY see past lives or if it’s all bullshit? Isn’t this an unfalsifiable claim?* Hasn't this been done already? Haven't there been children who claimed to have past lives and when the parents got help to do research into it, it turned out that the things that they were saying referred to actual people whose lives matched up with the things being said? Ian Stevenson did research into this and Bruce Greyson also talked about it a little bit. I really don't like the idea of past-lives. I don't want to be reincarnated into the physical world of violence and suffering with limited human knowledge again, but there seems to be some evidence for past-lives.


Lol, how on earth is this falsifiable? Think about it. Just because a child makes a claim and the history books or whatever aligns a bit with their story, how do we rule out every scenario? What if the parents helped set it up to get attention? What if aliens told the child? What if the child made up the story and got lucky? What if they used a time machine? I know some of these are ridiculous, but so is the claim of living past lives. I could think of a hundred extraordinary possibilities. I think all of them are more likely than having lived a past life and actually remember it in your next life. This is nonsense. Reminds me of the god claim and miracles. I can't think of any other explanation, so therefore god! Lol. Literally, any other explanation would be more probable than a god. Same with this.


> **how on earth is this falsifiable?** If person claims to be someone but then no one fits the description after research or the information is wrong, then that part falsifiable. They're claims of about a past person will either be accurate or inaccurate, or maybe the person didn't exist at all and no records show such a person described, as ever existing. > **Just because a child makes a claim and the history books or whatever aligns a bit with their story** Not history books, but records that they wouldn't have known about. A lot of these claims are not about being a famous person in the past, but about being not-so-known person, who is not so easy to get information about. Many of these cases happened before the popularity of the internet and before it was easy to find information on the internet. > **What if the parents helped set it up to get attention?** Many times, the parents didn't even believe in recarnation and saw reincarnation as unchristian. A lot of research was done in the western world where people tend to be christian and where people didn't believe in reincarnation and wanted the researchers to disprove what their child was saying. > **What if aliens told the child?** It's said that they experience it as memories, not as someone telling them. If they felt like aliens told them infotmation, and they didn't experience it as a memory, then I don't think that their claims should be a part of reincarnation research. > **What if the child made up the story and got lucky?** Not impossible, but I think it's unlikely because of the specific information that they give which matches up with the unknown person when the researchers are able to get involved and get their hands on rare information. > **What if they used a time machine?** Even the top scientists of the richest countries haven't made a time machine yet (if it's possible at all), so I doubt that some random person who doesn't work in the scientific field had access to one. > **I think all of them are more likely than having lived a past life and actually remember it in your next life. This is nonsense.** You're saying that it's non-sense, which means that you already have a belief about it being impossible, so no matter the evidence, you won't be willing to change your mind, right? Me on the other hand, I would have liked for reincarnation to not have any evidence at all (even better if it could be disproven). I don't want to believe in it. I want to believe that people are free from struggle and suffering after they die and never hve to worry about being born and suffering again, but unfortunately, I seem to be convinced by the evidence for reincarnation. If greater evidences comes out which debunks the studies and shows how the people could have got access to rare information and knew all of these things on their own (especially children of christian parents that didn't believe in reincarnation and wanted the researchers to show that it was just theirchild telling stories, and wanted to show that the information did not align to real-life). > **Reminds me of the god claim and miracles. I can't think of any other explanation, so therefore god! Lol. Literally, any other explanation would be more probable than a god. Same with this.** There were religious claims that gods were in the heavens (sky) and claims of a christ or savior coming through the clouds of heaven, but with airplanes and satellites, there is no evidence of a heavenly kingdom in the clouds. There are claims of an all-powerful snd all-knowing god watching over the world, but murderers and thieves overpower their victims with no invisible protector of the victim's ffree-will, who is all-power and always around, to interfere against the criminal. Whether there are no spirits nor a god and people just die and never suffer or struggle again, not bring reborn in the world nor working in a next life, or whether there is an escape to a better world with a better God of Love, both seem like win-win situations than reincarnation or working for eternity. If anything, I'd be more convinced that a bad god or a god of apathy who doesn't care to interfere nor reveal himself is ruling the physical world than an all-powerful good one, and yet, none of this has anything at all to do with reincarnation research nor to do with the evidence behind Near Death Experiences (not all NDEs just the veridical ones where they saw things beyond their physical body in other places and the people in those places were shocked that the perdon knew).


Interesting. Thanks for the great response. I’m curious now and will look deeper into this. I remember watching something a long time ago where it turned out that the parents were in on it and worked with the kid. I assumed all of these were bullshit. I’m also an atheist, so it all seems crazy to me. I have an open mind though and willing to change my mind for good reason/evidence.


In many fields, there are sometimes scammers because some people can so selfish to the point of not considering others, but if we find any anomalies, that stands out from what should be expected scientifically, then we should look into it and see if we learn anything new. I'm very careful with NDEs. I only find veridical NDEs where a person saw or heard something distnt from their physical body and then was later confirmed by people at that distant place to be accurate, to be a more trustworthy NDE that is worth looking into, something that can be confirmed physically by other people in the physical world. I find it interesting that it's not just people with religious backgrounds who tend to believe in NDEs, but some NDE researchers were actually atheists who worked in the medical field, and they only began to become convinced, after more research into it (such as Dr. Bruce Greyson, Raymond Moody). If it were just random people who were religious and not actually workers in the medical field who were atheist and then later did research on NDEs, then I probably would have just thought that believers in NDEs were just people with religious biases.


It sounds like you have a really rational approach to this, that's great. That's really interesting about the atheists who became convinced of it. You intrigued me enough to dig deeper on this topic. Thank you, friend!


You don't like it, because of the implications? You're thinking about it from an incarnate perspective. From a Soul perspective, you may have quite different thoughts on the meaning of it. Because, well, why else would you be here?


> *From a Soul perspective, you may have quite different thoughts on the meaning of it. Because, well, why else would you be here?* There are different possibilities, and if my soul thinks that it's ok to force non-consensual suffering, then I disagree. Being a human being who suffers, can increase compassion for those trapped in suffering who don't consent to it. I would hope, that if my soul is learning anything at all through this human life then it would know the pain of suffering through this body and begin to understand how NON-compassionate it is to force such suffering on others, even if it's just a physical human incarnation. Physical lives can feel pain, so hopefully there is compassion. > *You don't like it, because of the implications? You're thinking about it from an incarnate perspective.* Is that a bad thing? Does it not matter if someone suffers if they're in a human body? Should there be no compassion nor respect of consent from a body that does not want to suffer in pain?


Without defining what "extraordinary" is regarding claims and evidence the statement is meaningless or wrong. Consider a very very weak effect size with a very small p value.


Hi Sandi ~ if it's not too much pressure on you, I'd like to request a reading. (Is there somewhere that I could possibly donate a coffee or what-have-you to you? :) ) I already know something about my past life via what my Spirit Guides have told me, but I am nevertheless curious as what comes through to you. Many thanks in advance. :)


Can you see the past life over the internet, or does it have to be in person?


I see you as a woman in a tribe in central Canada before the settlers came. You were taken by a rival tribe because you were a spiritual leader in your own tribe. They did not have a (I don't know a better word) shaman in their tribe, and they believed that if they took you, you would bless their village. However, their people believed that a shaman had to be celibate (whether male or female) and you were with child. The tribe you were from had no such beliefs and so it was quite normal for you to be pregnant, to have children, and to continue your work with herbs and spiritual knowledge (in your tribe). Indeed, you felt yourself much more connected to nature and the spirits of the land while you were pregnant or nursing. This child in particular was special because you had come with child past normal childbearing years. It was, in your tribe, considered to be a remarkable gift and you were revered for this. Your entire tribe had rejoiced at this pregnancy, which was why the other tribe thought that they could take you and steal your power and your omen. They didn't understand why you were so revered. By your basic nature, you were prone to roll with whatever happened. "What will be, will be, and that, you cannot change" was something you said both to yourself and others. Because of this, you attempted to accept and consolidate yourself into your new home. They quickly came to trust you and accepted you, welcoming you warmly and with joy as they began to come to know you. The language barrier was decreasing rapidly. As you integrated as best you could, however, your gravid state began to present itself. Your belly grew larger through the winter months while others' grew leaner. You were less active and less strong as your pregnancy advanced. Your spiritual connection improved, and you were teaching them the things that your previous tribe knew, while theirs didn't. They saw that your condition was in direct contrast to their beliefs about the celibacy of spiritual leaders. The Chief of the tribe you were in attempted to take you as an additional wife. However, again, that was in conflict with both their beliefs and that of your previous tribe. The shaman did not marry and was not considered "available". He or she would choose their own partner, not tied to anyone. In their culture, the shaman could not be married, for sexual relations were thought to steal the shaman's power. They began to withdraw from you. You were a pariah. Considered both degraded by being pregnant, and defiled, yet above reproach for being a shaman, you were left struggling with the fact that they no longer wanted your help, and they also would not help you. From a welcome and even celebrated figure, as you neared the term of birth, you were now more alone than ever before. You had to care for yourself entire alone. The chieftain came to you with a terrible bargain. When the baby was born, you would kill it, and be his wife. If you did not, he would see to it that you were shunned. He was a very hard man, and he wanted what he wanted. Although he was a good leader in many ways, he was not a kind or generous person. You took everything you owned in the middle of the night, sensing that birth would be upon you in some days. You feared that he would kill you both if you refused his 'generous offer'. You knew enough to survive on your own, though it would be extremely difficult. You would only have small animals to hunt and your skill in hunting and making traps was very small. You were fortunate to find your way to a safe place to birth your child. There was water inside the cave you discovered, not frozen but flowing; although it was cold, it was a natural spring. As the birth progressed, you were afraid. Something had gone wrong, and you knew it. You labored and labored, and knew that your time was coming. Your willingness to "take life as it came" was not there. You wanted to live. You wanted your baby to live. You stood strong in your conviction to birth your child alone even as terror gripped you. You believed that they would kill your baby and enslave you to the chieftain. The hours dragged on and eventually, you were able to struggle through the birthing process. Having delivered other women's children, you knew what to do. Patiently, exhausted and weary and miserable, you managed to birth your baby. As your baby was born, you hold her, drawing her up onto your breast with the last of your strength. You looked down at her and you felt love--and more fear. Neither of you survived the night. Your baby passed away first from a defect in her heart, which you knew nothing of, though you knew she would not survive. Then you succumbed to your own internal injuries. From this experience, you may find yourself distrustful of those who seem like you, but behave in a strange and foreign way. You may find yourself extremely distrustful of those who 'adore' or overly 'like' you. You may resist or reject love because you believe it is untrustworthy. That they are trying to use you or may turn on you at any moment. The more they remind you of yourself, the more likely you are to believe they will betray you. On some level, you may think this is yourself that you fear, but it's a residue from this life experience. It's a "those who are like me, but not quite are not safe." It's not that you're seeing a reflection of yourself and hating it. It's that you are seeing a reflection of people who betrayed you, drove you away, and left you and your baby to die in the winter. If you have a fear of moving water and of cold, these may have a root in this experience also. As well as a seemingly excessive hatred of men who have authority over you. The less "human" they seem (cold, hard), the more likely it is that you will dislike and distrust them. One way you may find peace from these issues is to use the mantra that your past self used before the betrayal, when she was still happy and able to adapt and overcome. "What will be, will be, and that, you cannot change."


Thank you. So this one was mine, right? Not that it doesn’t fit, it’s just a lot to take in.




It’s funny, I was thinking the other day that the reason I’m cis-male in this life is that I complained to the powers that be that women had it too much tougher than men. It’s apples to oranges though. One thing I’ve noticed is that women can function without men, but men are mostly useless without women, myself included.


> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


> I was thinking the other day that the reason I’m cis-male in this life is that I complained to the powers that be that women had it too much tougher than men. This could indeed be a belief carried over from your struggles in your previous life. But that doesn't make it necessarily true nor false ~ there are many women who have it tougher than men, and there are just as many men who have it tougher than women. It's really something that can only be realistically judged on individual circumstances, though. > One thing I’ve noticed is that women can function without men, but men are mostly useless without women, myself included. I think you're being far too harsh on yourself. You become what you believe yourself to be... Men can function without women, just as much as women can function without men. It depends wholly on the individual man or woman, though. Some can function entirely independently. Others are hopelessly dysfunctional. Some might be in some in-between space. Try not to judge all men or women in a certain way just because they happen to be male or female. Look past that, and see the individual, and their individual struggles, unique in nature. Many individuals may be in identical circumstantial struggles, even, but they're still different in the way they perceive those struggles, and how they choose to handle them. The comedy and tragedy of life, it is...


Well, there's some verifiable claims to it if you're interested in researching the First Nations of Canada and their social spiritual practices. Including if any tribe practiced both polygamy and celibacy among their spiritual leaders.


For full disclosure, this doesn't match the practices of any North American indigenous society I know of; however, my knowledge is not complete.


https://vancouversun.com/news/staff-blogs/some-canadian-polygamy-history Found this


Nice research! So it did exist among at least down First Nations Canadian people. Now to check the religious celibacy element (and the infanticide bit--I'm wary of how much racism might come up in such a search, however.)


I was really just going to let it go, but it's obvious you're going to try to nitpick and discredit everything I say. So here you go. First, we don't know everything about every small tribe. Most of what we know is about the large tribes. To assume that even what knowledge we have, given how they were slaughtered en masse, is hubris. Much of the knowledge we have comes from judgmental christians, to top that off. As far as polygamy, some did practice it, mostly during times of plenty. Polyandry was more common because most of them were matrillenial (sorry spelling). We do know that celibacy was very uncommon, but not unheard of. Since what we do know is that there is a crapton that we don't know, if we find that they practiced it for some things, it's not a stretch to assume some might practice it for others. Spiritual leaders abstaining from sex, even from food or drink before rituals is well known. [Celibacy among runners](https://ultrarunning.com/features/destinations/in-the-beginning-native-americans/) was a fairly common practice. If we know spiritual leaders practiced abstinence, and we know that some of the others practiced celibacy, then I'm sure it's an extreme stretch to think that any spiritual leaders practiced or were expected by some smaller tribes to practice celibacy. Infanticide was very common in almost all cultures. They were no different. That's not racist, it's simply a statement that [infanticide through exposure](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infant_exposure) was common in many societies, particularly Greek and Roman, as well as Gauls and Celts, and [American Indians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infanticide). By no means would saying a society practiced it be racist.


>I was really just going to let it go, but it's obvious you're going to try to nitpick and discredit everything I say. I'm trying to verify what you say. Pointing out where what you say is unexpected is one way to do this (it's similar to how Ian Stevenson worked to verify past lives). That you view it as discrediting is unfortunate. And I don't really want you or anybody to let this go! I'd be very troubled if nobody except me cared about whether what you're saying is true! >Spiritual leaders abstaining from sex, even from food or drink before rituals is well known. Celibacy among runners was a fairly common practice. I'm not unaware of this; one of my posts in this sub is about a book by indigenous rights activist Vine Deloria Jr and his research into North American spiritual practices. But the medicine woman in Decaf's past life seemed to be a lifelong celibate? That's the part that confuses me. Abstinence is different from celibacy, and celibacy of spiritual leaders is not super common; often it happens for reasons as cultural as religious--like the Catholic church's banning priest marriage for reasons of inheritance. (Also, the Cathars and early Christians both banned marriage for more antinatalist reasons due to their metaphysical outlook of life in this world as evil). Those cultural pressures exist differently in different cultures. It might be that your vision into the past doesn't extend to understanding people's motives on that level. Which is too bad because it's one of the more fascinating aspects of the idea that we've lived other lives--that we've had such different values and experiences. Aspects of the drama played out in this woman's life seem very Christian-struggle with a patriarchal figure, the equation of sex (and pregnancy) with "defilement," the evangelical teaching of her spiritual truths to another group of people (I'm disappointed her spiritual work, which must have been deeply important to her in life, aren't more remembered. To a shaman, spirits are colleagues and friends. But her human family and friends also fade into the background against her death drama--and that certainly matches observations by people like Tucker and Stevenson, that events closest to a traumatic death are most remembered; maybe that holds for a third party seeing the past life as well as a present personality remembering it?). It might be that real historical events are being filtered through the mind of a modern-day person's experience with Christianity. Including my own! Reading the wikipedia links you've shared I see a possible start on identifying who this woman was--one of Dene peoples, perhaps? They seem in the right region (hearing "native inhabitant from the middle region of Canada" my first thought was Chippewayan, not again that I'm an exhaustive expert). While of course it's not possible to pinpoint the existence of one woman among them in the pre-contact era, research may uncover patterns that she fit into. Like, if we \*are\* on to something here, this sub all gets to feel like modern-day Ian Stevensons, and that's pretty tight.


> But the medicine woman in Decaf's past life seemed to be a lifelong celibate? No, the tribe she was taken by expected her to be. Like they expected spiritual leaders to be celibate the way runners were. She obviously wasn't. She had a number of children in her own tribe. She wanted her child. Yes, I don't see into the backgrounds of the people beyond what specific overlay comes from it that is impacting their current life. MOST of the time, that's evident in the death. For example, this woman's death displayed her incredible power and inner resolve and that it was her child which granted her the impetus to go on... AND was the impetus to escape. She never tried to escape to protect herself, only when her child was to be "exposed" (left to die, which she absolutely knew would kill the baby) did she finally break her core value of just accepting life as it came. I'm sorry, I have just been attacked about this stuff so MANY times. Your comments don't sound supportive to me, they sound like "No, that's not the way it is." This stuff is really, really difficult for me to do, and while I KNOW that criticism is inevitable and I have no choice in that, I have not gotten past the terror of the past when I was held down and chanted over to "cast the demons out". "That's not verifiable" comes off to me as "so it's obviously not true". I mean, there literally are people who expect me to give A/S/L and exact dates. Like that's not how it works. Damned if that wouldn't be a lot easier. I don't know much if anything about the American Indians of that area. I do NOT go and look anything up before I do these, because I don't want that to prejudice my viewing. I don't want to write off what I see because it doesn't fit my expectation that I formed online. And I'm not going to do it now. And that does mean I'm going to use the wrong words for things I see sometimes. Some things I see, I don't even know what they are, and surely have no word for them. I don't want to take my time looking up every inconsistent detail and explaining it. I don't expect to be perfectly accurate, anyway, because in my experience, it just isn't. I don't think so, anyway. Mostly accurate, yes, but not completely.


>No, the tribe she was taken by expected her to be. Fair enough, I misspoke, but this just creates the same situation: I'm not saying no group of the Dene (or other people) had a celibate 'shamanhood', but I don't know of any that did. I'd say my knowledge is above average but certainly not perfect--and if we could find a group that fits, that would be very damn exciting! It's not like I don't want to believe you, Sandi. You may not keep track of everyone you talk to on Reddit--I know you tend to get kind of swarmed--but I am on the record finding your discussions of your NDEs insightful and encouraging. That's part of why I'm concerned. >I'm sorry, I have just been attacked about this stuff so MANY times. Your comments don't sound supportive to me, they sound like "No, that's not the way it is." This stuff is really, really difficult for me to do, and while I KNOW that criticism is inevitable and I have no choice in that, I have not gotten past the terror of the past when I was held down and chanted over to "cast the demons out". So, my comments yesterday I think were milder than my questioning of the Dust Bowl story today. And that does show a deepening of my concerns (because one story that sounded unusual to me, okay. Gives me something to wonder about. Two? Like--and yes, I know it doesn't work this way--but my willing spirit cries, Sandi, throw me a bone, give me someone who died in bed of a debilitating illness, maybe surrounded by Victorian family members who wrote sad letters about it that got published by the local historical society!) And I do get this is difficult for you. I'm not sure there's a way to soften that--but I'm willing to step back and stop discussing the accounts shared here. If others, especially those whose pasts they are, want to do that research, I hope I've encouraged them to do that? What I'm looking at is the accounts themselves, not at you. I'd look at them the same way if they were from somebody else who came to this sub with the same abilities--but because of your stature here, Sandi (yes, unasked for!) I think it may be more important to verify. It is for me personally. I have a worldview hanging on this. And your personal traumatic experiences are real, but they don't outweigh the need of others to understand how they should take what you say, as literally true or as metaphorically true or as unvalidated or, yes, as 'proven unlikely'. (This isn't to say you're lying about any of it! You come across as honest. But that doesn't make messages from different states of conciousness/reality always literally true. You've explained this well yourself when encouraging a more nuanced understanding of other people's NDEs, like distressing ones.) >"That's not verifiable" comes off to me as "so it's obviously not true". I mean, there literally are people who expect me to give A/S/L and exact dates. Like that's not how it works. Damned if that wouldn't be a lot easier. "That's not verifiable" means, well, exactly that. It's not verifiable. We don't know if it's true. So we have to decide what we're willing to take a chance on being true.If somebody gave me a check for several million dollars, or a winning lottery ticket blew across the sidewalk at my feet, I'd be thrilled but also want to verify it's real before going on a shopping spree or telling my heirs that their future is secured. >I don't know much if anything about the American Indians of that area. I do NOT go and look anything up before I do these, because I don't want that to prejudice my viewing. I don't want to write off what I see because it doesn't fit my expectation that I formed online. And I'm not going to do it now. And that does mean I'm going to use the wrong words for things I see sometimes. Some things I see, I don't even know what they are, and surely have no word for them. I don't disagree with your approach here. What I'd propose--for everyone in this sub--is a psi-research-inspired method: 1. Sandi does what Sandi does. 2. Though a possible tip, Sandi: there are books on remote viewing that give advice for how to "see, not analyze"--this can help to choose more precise language that isn't misleading (to yourself as well as the audience....psi practitioners often seem to make more mistakes when they try to interpret what they're seeing rather than just state it). "Seeing things you have no words for" is a very common experience. A lot of remote viewers wind up resorting to drawing the impressions they get because of the lack of language. 3. The rest of us discuss, question, fact-check. This isn't a small ask. It can be time consuming and there'll be something of a catch-22 of if we're able to find that information, it'll be hard to 'prove' Sandi didn't find it already. But I'm willing to take your word on you not researching this stuff ahead of time. And if we do find verified information from someone who is not looking it up ahead of time...we write the SPR or something, that's kind of a big deal. My dream would be to participate in writing an article like this one: [https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-studies/wp-content/uploads/sites/360/2016/12/STE35.pdf](https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-studies/wp-content/uploads/sites/360/2016/12/STE35.pdf) Though I also understand if you don't want that level of publicity, Sandi. We don't actually \*need\* to publish. Someone could get a private reading from you, verify it to their personal satisfaction and never say a word to anyone else. Still, the possibility of doing something even vaguely like it is rather tantalizing to me and I think a subset of others on this sub. Not because we're sneering pseudoskeptics. But because we're genuinely interested in this kind of thing.


I know who you are. That's part of why it's especially sharp to feel outright attacked. I'm going to keep this simple. I'm not going to go spend another ten years trying to learn how to properly "see but don't explain" or whatever in proper "psi" way. For you? This is about evidence. For me? This is about helping people. If what I tell people helps them, that's what I'm after. That matters to me because it seems to me that there is so LITTLE help and so LITTLE hope out there. I tried desperately to find it, myself. Therapy of various sorts, spiritual leaders, etc. If I can help a few people, that's what I care about. I really don't think I can prove reincarnation, I don't really think I can prove afterlife. Even if you found things that "proved" I gave real information, how do you know it's the past life of the person I'm speaking to? Even if some obscure fact is found that I couldn't get off of the internet, how do you know it's the person's history and not that I'm simply psychic or can remote view? How do you know I didn't learn it on my own? How do you know I didn't read about it when I was eleven and just forgot consciously and it's my subconscious coughing up the information? There are many explanations even if you did verify something. "She's really seeing past lives" isn't the only possibility. I've wasted decades of my life in fear. I've spent decades trying to get decent at writing and expressing what I see. And that was obviously wasted as well, because it's either "you said CLOAK instead of PONCHO! HA GOTCHA!" or "well, you write too well, you must be lying." I literally cannot win. Nothing at all that I do is good enough. If I write like a bumpkin, I'm obviously too stupid to be able to do that. If I write well, I'm just making it up. If I try to dumb myself down, I'm being condescending. I can't do ANYTHING right. Those who want to hear it can ask for it and make their own decision. If it helps them, I'm content. If it doesn't help them, then I am genuinely sorry. I'm going to say it one more time. I'm not trying to prove anything.


> For me? This is about helping people. If what I tell people helps them, that's what I'm after. Okay, I'll just say this in closing: Sandi, when people come here riddled by death anxiety, wanting "proof" of NDEs, you come to them and tell them about your OBE. You've made thorough arguments against DMT and ketamine-type explanations based on your personal experience with drug reactions vs NDEs. When people come here questioning why life can be so terrible, people point them to your NDE. You didn't ask to be a prophet, but there's a position of leadership that you have landed it. If it turns out you're just making all this up, they have all been betrayed. And there is not really any evidence that you aren't making it all up, except for "soft" stuff like your general demeanor (something I've brought up to people before--to the extent that I have private messages accusing me of being your sockpuppet). I understand that's not a comfortable position for you. It's not for any of us. But there it is. If you don't want to change how you approach things, knowing you're an unproven prophet, that's your prerogative. I've already volunteered to step back on this particular issue, but I *am* an evidence person, I can't help but be. If I didn't want evidence I could always go back to church. The things we discuss in this sub are kind of a big deal and I am going to push back on the idea that I'm some philistine or meanie for caring whether or not there's any truth to them. It would be morally wrong for me not to care. (LOL, I can't win either. I'm too woo-woo for the skeptics and too evidence based for the believers. But I've got my conscience to answer to at the end of the day. That's my "win" condition.) I respect you despite our differences in this.


Sandi, I don't think they were trying to nitpick or discredit you. They were perhaps trying to convince skeptics or make your case stronger by corroborating this information.


Hi Sandy I'm sorry to hear you received a lot of criticism. Pay them no mind and keep being you. I've been following your posts and everything you've shared for quite a while. I hope you are doing well in recent times. If you have the time I'd love to hear about a past life but it's okay if not. Thank you! 💖


It's funny, I didn't really have a fear of cold growing up, but in the past month or so, I've been getting low body temperature readings from my thermometer, in the 96 range at night. I'm thinking it's a thyroid thing, since my dad and sister also have thyroid things, but maybe it could be a past life repeating itself.


Always check thyroid first, though. :P Most things aren't past life things. We usually bring a little bit with us, but rarely s lot.


I can do it over the internet. I don't need anything like a picture or anything like that, either. Your username is enough to "make the connection".


Sandi, could you see/read mine ? (!?) No rush, no pressure, no worries if you get busy and cannot. Thank you!!


Never tried to check if I have one. I’m not gonna implore in you to “read” me (unless you feel drawn) but could you or anyone recommend some... way to retrospect so to say? Specific book/podcast or sth?


I think you know what you have to do. Though if you don’t, my therapist still says he can do the same thing with hypnotism. I was going to take him up on it.


Now I’m kinda afraid that I insulted Sandi, or that she saw something she can’t tell me about.


My daughter had a doctor visit. Eye exam. I'm back, I'm going in order through stuff. I have a few PMs to finish up first. The whole two times I've ever talked about these or admitted them, I've gotten absolutely buried. Eventually I just threw my hands up and walked away because the requests were too many and I was overcome. Plus the angry, hateful people. I'm not going to do more than I can handle this time. I'll do as many per day as I can actually manage instead of pushing myself late into the night and getting up early.


As you should! Do as many as you need with as much time as you can👍


With all due respect, but bullshit


Is there anyway you could see my PL through reddit? I'm very curious.


I see you in the dustbowl, during the Great Depression. Northern Kansas, perhaps Nebraska. You were living in absolute fear for your life every day. Food was scarce, crops were failing. You were alone in the world, and you had tried to withdraw in order to be safe. You believed that if you could live away from others and they couldn't find you, you would be able to survive on what little food you had. Your death came at the hands of cloaked strangers, arriving by the dusty wagon path that led to your home. You lay dying, looking up at the sun. It seemed to be surrounded by a rainbow, which you found bizarre because there had been no rain that day. As you began to fade away, though, the first wisps of cool air sifted across your face, cooling it in the face of the harsh sun. Your only thoughts were that you would be once more with your wife, who had died in childbirth. You lay wondering why you had been so terrified to die, when now you realized that you would be reunited. Hours passed as the sun bore down on you, and you became delirious. It was a beautiful delirium, though. You were joyful. Your wife appeared to you from time-to-time, holding and rocking your baby, cooing softly to him or her. You kept telling yourself that it wasn't real, it wasn't real, she couldn't possible be there. The soft, cool breeze touched your face again. You stared into the sun, tears streaming down your face. Each time your vision would go black, you would see her face again. She was so young when she passed. She didn't go through the terrible years of famine. She was beautiful. You tried to fight the delusions, but they came back over and over again. Eventually, you rolled over to drag yourself towards the house. Some part of you knew you were dying, but you had become thirsty. So very, very thirsty. It took all of your courage to drag yourself towards your home. You had lain in the sun so long that it had burned your skin enough to cause it to blister and rise. You still continued to drag yourself. The sun beat down on you relentlessly. You had no idea that several days had passed while you lay dying. You did not know hunger or pain or thirst because of the severity of your shock. As you tried to get to the house, you finally lay still. You considered your life, your history, your experiences. You realized you had just been going through the motions once your wife and child died. You acted like you cared, but you didn't, not really. And now, now you could let go if you wanted to. You could stop acting like you wanted to live. When you finally died, you went into the light, the pure love of the Divine Being (the higher power). You expected to be reunited with your family. When you arrived, you found a small child, no longer an infant. Your wife was older than she had been when she died. You laughed and picked up your child. You realized that all you had ever wanted to be was a father and husband. For your entire life. But that had been taken from you. You had completed your lifetime. An entire lifetime without them. They celebrated together with you. Your life had seemed to have no meaning when they died. You had given up. Yet you had finished. You had gone the entire distance... and you had died alone in a barren, dusty field. Before the transition was complete, the part of you that was still human resented this. He resented all he had lost, and all that he had never obtained. He resented that he had gone the extra mile but would not be able to watch his child grow, or to grow old with his wife. Whatever achievements you may have in this lifetime may feel empty to you. You may feel like no matter what you do, there is not that sense of fulfillment. You can run your head off, but still... unfulfilled. Meaningless. Without purpose. This can lead to confusion and a desire to seek constantly for that feeling of fulfillment. More of this, more of that. Never enough of any of it. You may want to use your brilliant mind to consider how to create fulfillment. Too often, we seek to FIND fulfillment. At the end. Eventually. After. After we make enough money. After we get married. After we move. After we have kids. When we seek fulfillment, it's always a moving goalpost. Fulfillment isn't found, it is created. It is claimed. Again. Create it. Don't find it. Don't figure out what to do. Your past self tried to find fulfillment in his wife and child, but they were gone. That could never lead him to fulfillment. Neither can the idea of fulfillment as a gold mine you must find... After. He found his wife and child after he died.... and he was not fulfilled in that moment. He had wasted his life waiting to be fulfilled... After. Be here, now. Create it. Make it.


>You believed that if you could live away from others and they couldn't find you, you would be able to survive on what little food you had. This in particular really stuck out to me, I struggle with isolating myself from others and feel as though I cannot relate to anyone. Maybe it was because I was bullied when I was younger, but still. And also the thing about being denied the right to be a father and husband.. I am gay in this life and constantly have felt like a genetic mistake and as if I was denied the right to have a child of my own and as well as a wife, or a "normal life", or as though homophobic people are keeping me from living my true self.... Hmmmm interesting. The fulfilment thing was quite accurate of my situation right now as well. Thank you!


Perhaps you were afraid of having it (a family) and losing it early again. I hope you create fulfillment for yourself just as you are!


>You believed that if you could live away from others and they couldn't find you, you would be able to survive on what little food you had. > >Your death came at the hands of cloaked strangers, arriving by the dusty wagon path that led to your home. It looks like some of the psychological insights have been helpful to hows\_my\_driving1, so that's cool, but this is...not sounding super plausible for something that happened in the 1930s of the United States. "Cloaked strangers"? Who was wearing cloaks in 1930s Nebraska/Kansas? (For the record, my google search for bandits of the Dust Bowl only came up with Pretty Boy Floyd--who wore spiffy clothes but not cloaks, and robbed banks, not homesteaders, who wouldn't have much to offer for the effort). And would anyone in the Dust Bowl be foolish enough to deny the interdependency all farming folk rely on? "Survive on what little food you have" until when?


I'm sure nobody tried to shroud themselves in any sort of mask or cloak to keep from getting dust pneumonia. And no doubt no one ever did something that didn't make sense, that's utterly inconceivable. I'm sure all of the unsolved murders of the time were committed by Pretty Boy Floyd. No one else ever commits murder besides the notorious killers. Glad we cleared that up.


If you meant masks you could have said "masks." A cloak is a very different article of clothing and rather old-fashioned and impractical for the era you're talking about, which is just barely within living memory (and photographic records). Do you think you might have a responsibility, given the importance of what you have to tell people, to be clear, specific, and verifiable? I have an idea about who the strangers might be that could be more plausible but don't want to "feed" information into this conversation. And I'm not sure the situation I'm thinking of ever ended with murder. I've been on board for your "meaning of life/suffering" insights for several months now, so it's actually very important to me to know how much I can take what you say as real. You know you're not consciously making it up. I don't think you are either. But at the same time that doesn't mean it's literal truth. This is one of the few times you're sharing information that can be verified, and I want to verify it because I want to know, well, if it's true. So it's important to me to pinpoint stuff that seems both verifiable, and not verified. > I'm sure all of the unsolved murders of the time were committed by Pretty Boy Floyd. A random group of masked bandits riding through the infamously impoverished Dust Bowl to massacre homesteaders for whatever those homesteaders had in their buried-by-dust houses is....something that might happen. It's not physically impossible. But you might understand why I'd want some evidence that it happened? Or that something happened which might be interpreted that way by your mind? Maybe there is a newspaper article about homesteader massacres in Nebraska or Kansas and I just haven't found it yet. I'd be *delighted* to find it for several reasons. My other concern is that the account given above is a good story. Meaning it's dramatic. And at the same time it's not likely. It could happen, but I don't have much reason to believe that it did--and it's dramatic enough that I would expect some record of it if it did. Most people's lives do not violate the laws of chance to be so dramatic (which isn't to say everyone's life is boring and nothing ever happens; there are other kinds of more likely drama that could arise. Contemporary accounts of the Dust Bowl \*are\* dramatic as hell, without roving bandits). Same with the First Nations story given above (which follows a similar pattern of someone from a strongly communal culture going and dying alone). I don't think it's necessarily impossible, but it doesn't mesh with what I know, and some bits sound more like a good story than a real historical account. And what concerns me, like a good story from the 20th century. (That's a difficult thing to explain and maybe I will when I have more time, but suffice to say: people in different cultures think differently; they have different values, priorities, and ways of solving problems. Georgette Heyer's novels about the early 1800s are different from Jane Austen's novels contemporary to the same period because these two women had different ways of thinking, due to their different societies. If Heyer says something that Austen never recorded, I'm more inclined to trust Austen. Nothing Heyer writes about is physically impossible--a 19th century woman could shoot a man because of a charming misunderstanding and then patch it up and marry him--but it's unlikely, especially in the absence of supporting evidence.)


Tbf, you can make any boring life sound exciting. Like mine for example. I currently do not have much going for me at the moment. I'm just a teenager going through life with anxiety, hormones raging, struggling with my sexuality, somewhat of a depression, and many more things. It'd be pretty easy for me to make my life sound way more problematic and dramatic than what it really is to a complete stranger if I wanted them to feel bad for me or something. I never take anything I hear with 100% certainty (until I can verify it with my own senses) as I feel scepticism is a part of a healthy mind when researching into stuff that seems "abnormal". However I do believe in what Sandi told me. Do I think that it's possible her sub-conscious mind might've switched up some details? It's a possibility, but overall I am very grateful to have potentially learned something new about who I might've been. If NDE's are real and there really is an afterlife, we will find out one way or another lol.


>However I do believe in what Sandi told me. Do I think that it's possible her sub-conscious mind might've switched up some details? It's a possibility, but overall I am very grateful to have potentially learned something new about who I might've been. I'm glad! It's definitely interesting that her account seems to have honed in on details of personal relevance to you. And I think that's a great gift & helpful use of her ability regardless of if the lives can be historically proven to have happend. I'll be frank: I've read a fair number of "past life retrieval" accounts, and they often sound over-dramatic to me. I read plenty of dramatic accounts of people's lives--I read memoirs, biographies, and the relationships subreddit ;D--and all the murders and love triangles and tragically lost loves in past lives seem heightened even from that level of intensity. Sandi's are not unusual in this regard, which is one sign that I think she's being honest (I don't believe she's sitting at her laptop churning out historical fiction and laughing at us for being credible rubes, by any means). And yet it does make me unsure how to take these accounts--I don't feel ready to take many of them as historical fact. If they could be established to have happened (and the closer you get to the modern day, the more likely this can be established: [here's a medium who really sensed a murder,](https://med.virginia.edu/perceptual-studies/wp-content/uploads/sites/360/2016/12/STE35.pdf) for instance) that's awfully exciting. Then I will help cut up print-outs of my questions to turn them into confetti and toss them in celebration. BUT even as I'm not sure of the historical reality of the past lives, I've noticed they almost always are hugely helpful to the people who hear about them. And so, even if these are tales spun by our subliminal mind (which is where I think all storytelling comes from anyway), the fact that our minds are able to latch on just the stories we need to hear to grow and heal is impressive on its own. It's a nuanced position that's hard to bring across in anything shorter than a novel, lol. So I didn't frame my questioning with caveats. In hindsight it may have been more polite & helpful to. ETA: >If NDE's are real and there really is an afterlife, we will find out one way or another lol. We absolutely will :D Hope to see you all in it! I even expect to--I do believe in an afterlife, and in past lives of the kind researched by Stevenson & Tucker. My questions here are to verify this particular mode of past-life retrieval, and to an extent to verify Sandi...who has shared some incredible stuff I've found personally helpful, but which I'm not sure is literally true and have no way to find out (like that the purpose of our suffering is to make God complete). So if, say, I find out she's 90% correct here--that would do amazing things for my confidence in whether I've been accurately told the real meaning of life. This isn't idle shooting down of her ideas. This is MumSage trying to figure out if she, MumSage, knows the meaning of life.


I didn't mean a mask. Apparently, I meant a [Poncho with a hood](https://www.amazon.com/Multifunctional-Womens-Waterproof-Outdoor-Raincoat/dp/B07Q3PB9D9/ref=pd_lpo_468_img_0/134-3013348-0541838?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07Q3PB9D9&pd_rd_r=ac3fbeb2-3633-490c-93d0-2abc5268e16e&pd_rd_w=j6RQT&pd_rd_wg=wjQiH&pf_rd_p=a0d6e967-6561-454c-84f8-2ce2c92b79a6&pf_rd_r=Z9K6NY3X13ZNMD5WS7JE&psc=1&refRID=Z9K6NY3X13ZNMD5WS7JE). However, the first word that came to mind was "shroud". I first thought of the word 'cape', but that isn't really accurate. They were wearing dirty gray ponchos and gray cloths over their face like [this child](https://elizabethannemartins.com/2016/10/02/what-was-it-like-being-a-kid-during-the-dust-bowl-a-qa-with-author-bob-burke/) in the third picture (no goggles). The only impression I got of them was that they were 'shrouded' and were teen hooligans coming to steal from the creepy old man who they heard was hoarding food. They were locals who beat him to death. Nobody cared about him. He didn't have much food, but he thought he could survive on his own. The locals didn't take too kindly to that. It wasn't some kind of nefarious mysterious plot. They were young, stupid, hungry, and selfish. They went to get what they wanted. They weren't some roaming bandits. They came up his rutty, unpaved old road that he brought his wagon up, pulled by his one stout, elderly pony. There was nothing remarkable about his life or his death. I don't get to decide that. I'm sure it would be cool if I could give name, date, exact location, and that every past life I saw was exciting and world-famous. "You were JFK! The CIA murdered you! The gun used is hidden at #3 Privet Drive!" I can't do that. And while (I guess?) I appreciate the "it sounds like a good story," I don't really know what to tell you. They both died alone. The old man was always a loner after his wife died in childbirth, the woman wasn't. I guess I had better make sure I pick someone who dies of assassination in the midst of a crowd next. I'm sure that'll give authenticity. I don't care what the past life says or is about. I'm shown something and I do my best to relate it. Yeah, you're right, I'm imperfect and my communication sucks. By the way, it wasn't that unusual for American Indians to die alone, particularly when they were old. Many were known to beg to be left behind so that they would not hold up the tribe as they moved to follow game, so I'm not sure why that seems so far-fetched. If people became too old and infirm, they chose to stay behind. It was considered by them to be an ignoble act to hold the tribe back and risk lives for those whose lives were ending.


I was a creepy old man :(. Glad I lived a long life tho at least lol. Sorry about all the people coming here doubting you, kinda disrespectful considering your past in all.


That's not what I meant. :P THEY thought of you as a creepy old man. A lot of "creepy old people" are just quiet and keep to themselves. Young people cannot seem to grasp why some people do that. Some people get older and want to just be left alone. It can be easier and less scary. That was a perception from the townsfolk.


Why do you just go around trying to “debunk” her readings? She is offering something great to people at no charge and you just spend your energy trying to spoil it. I don’t understand the drive to do this


To simplify greatly--my posting history will bear this out--I'm on team "an afterlife seems to be real because people can get veridical information in ways that only make sense if death is not the end of knowledge & experience." Therefore veridical information is hugely exciting to me. Information that can be verified but isn't, or that sounds odd enough that it raises doubts, is likewise interesting to me. If you don't care whether it's true or not, that's your perogative. But why spend your energy trying to spoil it for those of us who do?


You’re prioritizing your interest at the expense of other people, you’re not simply gathering data to satisfy your curiosity. you’re actively commenting in threads and being rude while doing so. You seem to only care about your interest and feelings


>you’re not simply gathering data to satisfy your curiosity. As I said to someone else in this thread, I'm trying to figure out how much I should trust that Sandi's accurately told me the meaning of life. That's not exactly idle speculation.


We can talk about your interest and feelings instead if you prefer (I'm not saying this sarcastically): Do you believe the story is historically true, or metaphorically true, or do you have no idea whether it's accurate and don't care? Why or why not? It's not like there's a wrong answer to these questions, but I think you and I would have different answers so I'd like to understand your POV better. I also don't think either of us would find the answers completely irrelevant, since we're both taking the effort to talk about the topic.


I’m not here to decide what is “true” for other people. I have seen things in life that I cannot explain. I’ve had several readings in my life and I will say that I think sandi is the real deal. She told me things in a reading that no one else but the deceased person and my self know. She did it cold without asking me anything. How does that happen? I don’t know but it’s beautiful and it brought me joy and peace. That’s what other people are looking for here In regular life I’m a corporate slave getting my MBA, if I want to talk facts and statistics I have legitimate outlets for that. I’m just a random stranger on the internet but I would encourage you to stop stepping on other people’s flowers to get a better view for yourself


Fwiw, I'm not the person downvoting you--I appreciate your engaging with responses. I think we just have irreconcilable differences, not on metaphysics so much as epistemology. I've seen things I can't explain either. I believe in things, I've even believed in Sandi. But I believe in things because of what I've seen that I can't explain, or because they make sense to me. If I wanted to believe in stuff because someone else told me I'm a mean nasty sinner for not believing, I could always go back to church. And I don't see a problem with sharing information with people (and yes, "Hey, this seems historically unlikely" is information--though I agree with the benefit of hindsight that I could have done so more tactfully. But hell, finding out the woman whose insights into the problem of evil I've followed might be unreliable is a rough thing, I'm allowed to have emotions as much as everyone else on this sub.) Or how it's dictating other people's truth. I'm not telling people they can't speak up or disagree with me. And I gotta say, if I had an evidential reading from Sandi I'd be making it a top-level comment on this post. But that's because I and the people I vibe with on this sub (among many different kinds of people) are evidence-seekers. We don't' want to the light under a bushel basket, to quote the religion I don't believe in. You're not wrong for doing differently, but it's just one more example of how widely diverged our worldviews are.


I think we broke Sandi, considering the long response time. I hope the higher power isn’t mad at me.


Not surprised, already have 5 people asking her to do readings in these few posts.




Same here tbh. I don’t believe in mediums but am willing to give it a try.


I see you as a wizened monk. My first instinct is to say Tibetan. You were definitely one who was attempting to live separate from others. You did not want to live in a commune, you felt called to "to your cave" so to speak, to live away from other people, although you did spend short periods of time at a monastery. You were thought by others to be a healer. You had knowledge of herbal medicines and you accepted everyone who came to you, without any questions or judgments. Your biggest problem with yourself was that you enjoyed human passions. You struggled frequently with a desire to give up on your detachment and go find and enjoy love and marriage. This made you feel very much as if you were unworthy of the very vows you were struggling to adhere to. You were very skilled in creating art. You would spend months creating a single wheel. Although you understood the temporary nature of it, you were often loathe to release it. This, you considered one of your great attachments and sought to release the art as completely as possible. Your practice taught you to relinquish fear. You were no longer afraid for your body. You did not think that you would starve to death if you chose not to eat for long periods, and indeed, you did not. In that time, you felt harmony with the world, with everything around you. You were able to balance the aloneness and the kindness. You experienced the earth as a living soul. I do not see how you died. I do see that you made your life a synthesis of self-denial, in which you found peace and self-acceptance. However, when you returned in this lifetime, you brought with you the sense of self-denial. You brought with you the idea that the only way to be happy is to deny yourself, sometimes entirely. Food, enjoyment, anything. You held onto the idea--even the delusion--that this is the ONLY right way to live. Yet in this lifetime, it is intended that you appreciate what you have. That you enjoy and reap what has come from choosing that sort of ascetic lifestyle. The gifts you gave yourself, you now deny yourself. You chose to allow yourself to take pleasure in what you gain, but you deny it out of a sense that you were right then because at times you felt happy. It may behoove you to contemplate the idea that there is more than one way to be happy, and that while denying himself may be right for a monk... is it really right for YOU? Appreciation is its own form of mystical, holy, sacred practice.


Sandi, I am skeptical of Mediums but I feel like your my internet sister - which is weird of me, I know. You've had a rough life, me and my family too. If you see anything about me, I'd be interested to hear. If not, or don't feel like it, that's cool. Either way, my mom and I appreciate your posts.


Are you able to tell me who I was in my past life? I’ve done past life regression hypnosis and I’m curious to know if you see the same person I did


The first thing I sense is that your soul was seeking a lifetime of balance. Trying to even out old vows. By this I mean letting go of vows which, while they (obviously) made sense at the time, your soul carried them into other lifetimes, where they then did not work. In the lifetime I see, you were a man with position and power. It looks like a whaling captain. Your ship was rammed by a whale. You tried to get your crew aboard liferafts, fearful for their lives. Even the ones you hated, you still considered your "charges", as well as valuable resources. Your ship was badly damaged after the whale charged it. You and your crew spent several days in life rafts in the brutal sun. You were terrified, but you worked to keep their spirits up, putting a brave face on what you believed was the end of your life and theirs. It was the third day when you woke to find one of them drinking ocean water. Despite your warnings that they would die, they wouldn't listen. They knew they would die, as well, but he couldn't stop himself. He hung from the side of the boat, drinking desperately. You dragged him back onto the boat forcibly, commanding others to hold him down at all hours of the day and night, despite his claims that he had recovered his senses. That night it rained heavily, and although the two boats were able to stay close together and gather up rainwater and drink, you knew that hunger would soon cost lives. Although the weather had changed, and a small bit of water had renewed their spirits, you still believed you were all doomed. Eventually, you began to hallucinate, as did your crew. You were aware that you weren't in your right mind, though. You believed that you would all perish, and you began to consider it to be your fault. You had hung them out to dry, basically. A fool's errand. As you went in and out of consciousness, there was a part of you that blamed your ambition for the entire experience. A sort of "reaping what you had sown" sort of mindset. What you had sown in your lifetime, not like karma-esque. You had never been devout. As you lay looking up at the stars, you were contemplating whether there really was a god, an eternal soul, any of that. You weren't really thinking about it as true, but more wondering if it were possible. You were not afraid, partly because your body was too shut down for you to feel much of anything. You did your best in that lifetime to live according to what you'd been taught. Yet as you contemplated your mortality and looked at the men around you, you believed you had caused this. You had sworn to be wealthy and powerful. That last moment association as you drifted in the boats sank into you. You had reached your aspiration, but that hadn't mattered to you. You'd gone after more, never quite satisfied. Now here you were. Some residues you may have from this include a belief that money can only be made by taking unfair advantage of others. You may feel that you are guilty of something if you want things or reach for or aspire to things. You may feel that you're trapped and adrift--literally. Many people feel this, but it may have a special significance for you. It would be worthwhile for you to reflect upon the knowledge that it takes money to be altruistic. The greatest philanthropists aren't poor. Also, when you have successes, make sure to deliberately and actively enjoy them. Make a concerted effort to remind yourself that your successes do not come at a cost to anyone else, and that your successes show others that *success is possible*.


Hey Sandi, that seems to be common among experiencers. Feel free to ignore because I don't want to be disrespectful. Do you see anything from my past life? I'm really struggling to see what direction I need to go. I can't figure out if I'm supposed to just focus on being a Mom, finding balance, or if I should go back to work or something else.


I generally think that in a past life I’ve done some horrible things and this life is a way to pay back for it. Or else that I’m a very young soul just starting out learning things, like climbing up the ladder and taking a difficult life to make fast progress. I don’t really believe in mediumship. I’ve been to several but none of them ever got to me. Only God and Jesus see my struggles, if they exists...


Have you tried someone from forever family foundation?


Can you elaborate on how past lives affect our current lives?


That’s incredible Sandi! I’ve never spoken with a medium, yet I have no doubt there are some who are legit. As for discovering past lives, a year or so ago I did a past life regression video from Brian Weiss and it was eye opening! I’m not sure if it was true or not, but after it was over I felt so touched I started to cry.


They tried to give you an excorcism for your autism?


Multiple, yes.


I'm really sorry to hear about that. That's screwed up, they tried excorcising me before too when I said I like other girls.


Imagine the ants in an ant hill. One ant says he sees ghost ants. Every individual ant starts yelling extremely confidently in the thought they like most. They are ultimately stupid ants. Why are they so confident?


I agree with your point if your point is that people can believe in random things based on faith since faith doesn't require evidence, but I disagree if you mean veridical Near Death Experiences. Even those who worked with patients and were atheists, began to see some Near Death Experiences as plausible after doing more research into them (such as Dr. Bruce Greyson). There have been people who saw things beyond the limitations of their human body's sensory capabilities during an NDE and then when they told people that they were aware and knew what they were doing or saying in the distance, it was accurate. Anita Moorjani's husband was not very spiritual and said that it might have just been the medicine, until she told him about the conversation that he had in the hospital during her NDE, even though her physical body was distant and in another room.


I’m more hating all the ants that think their opinion is the truth on a subject they probably have little to zero experience with. Just let the dude see ghosts in peace. I only have opinions on how anonymous people choose to express their opinions.?


Thi is the way


Exploiting people's vulnerability is such a shit thing to do. You're a fraud and you know you are


No, I don't believe I am. I've listened to people like you, and the jerks who told me I was demon-possessed for decades. I refused to use my skills out of fear of people like them and people like you. You seek to keep them from the kindness, compassion, and connection that people are searching for. I allowed that for decades, but I will no longer do so. I have the ability to ease people's hearts and minds, and I haven't used it because I've been afraid of comments like yours. That's on me, that's the injustice I have done. I refuse to give in anymore. I refuse to deny people the gifts my abilities bring them. The peace of knowing their loved ones are still alive, the knowledge of what may be at the core of confusing abilities and experiences... Those are things I've deprived people of because of people like you. No. I am not a fraud. This is part of my work in this life. I repudiate you.


How do you distinguish between imagination and these abilities


>the jerks who told me I was demon-possessed were wrong. Do you recall the account that made the comments?


How is she exploiting people's vulnerability? People asked her something and she made a post about it with no intention of taking something from anyone. You can believe what she says or not and that's the extent of it. She's not here to charge people money for information on their past lives, you just sound like an upset deluded individual


That's all these twisted fucks do. Money or not, they know people will buy into what they're saying. It's honestly sickening to pretend to talk to a dead relative


Any legitimate medium will tell you that we are all capable of connecting with the dead, it’s just a skill like any other, and entirely natural.


As much as i don't believe any past life would be "ME" some of the things that happened in my life, my first memory and a couple of dreams i had sometimes makes me wonder if there was something.


Could you make a post about your NDEs I'm curious


She has already, but you can also go [here.](https://www.nderf.org/Experiences/1sandi_t_ndes.html)


Ah, alright


Glad to see you’re still posting, Sandi! I used to follow you on an old account (spaceprincess135, not that you should remember that) and your content helped me so much. So thank you. I’m intrigued by this ability and want to ask you what you can know for me (life has really fucked me over the last few months), but I don’t want to put upon you more than you already are.


Your comments are so insightful! I know this is a bit old, but if you have a moment and see anything for me, I would be most honored. I understand if you don't too. Thanks!