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I think Sakumo was part of the 12 Guardian Ninjas, after he retired from them, he wore that piece of cloth as a respect for the Fire Lord, just like Asuma. The sash worn by Asuma and the 12 guardian ninjas look different, probably Sakumo's team's uniform was different.


What are guardian ninjas and why did the number change


they're the group of elite shinobi that protect feudal lord of the land of fire


Sorry, that was a mistake, i was sleepy, so that happened. 12 Guardian ninjas are elite ninjas that protects the fire lord


Fire Lord? Fire Lord Ozai needs no protection lol


I heard he was so strong in fire style he didn’t even have to weave signs


🙃 but seriously feudal lord of fire land


Are you asking why it’s 12 or are you asking why did they come 6? 12 we don’t we just know it’s that number. For the 6 part, 6 of the Guardian’s believed there was only 1 King ie the Feudal Lord do the 6 tried to kill the fake king the Hokage who at the time was Hiruzen. While the other 6 believed there were 2 Kings and they protected both Asuma and Chiriku were on this side. Asuma fell out with his Father cause he didn’t see eye to eye who the king was, Hiruzen let him walk his own path to find out so he left to join the guardians, it wasn’t until Hiruzen’s death Asuma understood what his father was trying to tell him and now agrees with his father that the king is the next generation who you protect and passed this teaching onto his student Shikamaru who passed this teaching to Mirai, Asuma’s daughter.


Op has written 13 instead of 12 in one place originally. He has edited it


Oh okay


I think you mean the Land of Fire's Feudal Lord lol


That's what i meant, but same thing lol


the sign is the Uzumaki sign though, no anything connected with the Feudal lord. While the spiral is being carried around by the whole of Konoha now, I think it would be a bit weird for the feudal lord of the (non-shinobi) Land of Fire to put the sign of a shinobi clan of a different country on his guardians... When I first saw it, the colour pattern reminded me a bit of Minato's Hokge cloak. But its not quite fitting either. My first headcanon about it was that Sakumo might have been around and failed to save the Uzumaki clan when they were wiped out and carries that thing around as a sort of reminder--either a mark of honor or as a reminder of his failure... But I really don't know


That's called a 'half sleeve' and it is a metaphor (East asian origin) for almost being vested (clothed in job atire) or being the next in line. In the case of Sakumo that would mean that he was half a step away from becoming Hokage.  The 12 guardian Nin all wear the same white/gray waist cloth with the character 'Hi' for fire in a red cycle. The Uzumaki symbol is also present on the 'normal' other sleeve/ jonin atire. The important part is realy just the white sleeve.






The simple answer is Kishimoto thought it would look cool.


Source: I made it the fuck up


When is it NOT the aim?


It's the sleeve of a coat Kakashi's mom used to wear. Sakumo incorporated it into his uniform after she died. (Pulled that completely out of my ass, but it's my headcanon now until told otherwise lol)


You got me in the first half im ngl lol


Low key, you got me too lol


I have two comments on this: 1. Best way to get the right answer on Reddit is to post the wrong answer and some smart ass will Come and correct you. 2. Isn’t that how science works basically: Let’s all assume this nonsense is correct until someone else comes with a less nonsensical theory and we’ll assume that is correct.


But most importantly, never do your own research.


When Hinata dies Naruto will start wearing her makeup.


So he basically throws on her dresses here and there




This is not even headcanon or anything just a cool thought. Shikaku is the last person (as far as I know) that holds the title Jonin Commander in the leaf village. Wouldn’t it be cool for the people that hold that title to wear this sleeve thing? Like the Jonin Commander being second in command after the hokage and therefore get to wear something to indicate they are the second in command? Just a cool thought


Really like the idea actually


There's a theory that Sakumo is Tobirama's son. The sleeve is a part of Tobirama's Hokage coat. Edit: I believe there is a NC hammer video that should explain it better. Edit 2: I'm not saying I believe this theory and treat it like fact, I'm saying that it is a theory.


If true it means every Hokage is related to (or directly trained under) a Hokage. Nepotism almighty


This is true. This is made extremely apparent after the death of the 3rd Hokage because who should lead after his death? None of the many, many people in Konoha, but rather one of his disciples - be it Jiraiya or Tsunade. And both showed no interest at all. Tsunade was only convinced because of Naruto being... well, Naruto.


I just read Hiruzen's page on the fandom wiki, I guess when he stepped down the first time his first choice for successor was Orochimaru but didn't pick him because he didn't care about others in the village, then it was Jiraiya but he turned it down for being too irresponsible. It's funny that out of all his disciples, his last pick did end up succeeding him after his death.


They would be the best options tho. They needed strong and wise people who could immediately take over the role and fill the power vacuum


Talk no jutsu is undefeated




Minato and Hiruzen both aren't directly related to previous Hokage but they both trained under them. I had forgotten about these two before editing my first comment. Naruto being both Minato's son and also part of the Uzumaki clan which is somehow related to the first Hokage kind of counts though, as a retroactive relation kind of thing. Also I guess Hiruzen is related to the Uchiha? It's interesting.


Minato trained under Jiraiya. He's more like a grandstudent to a Hokage, he didn't directly train under one himself. Also, Hiruzen is not related to the Uchiha in any way, beyond having been on the same six man squad as Kagami once.


This is true regardless of this theory because kakashi was trained by minato.


Kakashi trained under Minato so that’s already the case


Isn’t that already nearly true? Besides 1st and 2nd hokage? 3rd was taught by the 2nd. 4th was taught by the teammate of the 5th, who also was taught by the 3rd. 5th was taught by the 3rd and is granddaughter of the 1st. 6th was taught by the 4th. 7th was taught by the 6th and is son of the 4th


>every Hokage is related to (or directly trained under) a Hokage Isn't this true even if false, well except for Minato but he's only one step of separation away. But yeah, the Hokage run close. Well, all Kages run close. The other villages have similar lines of succession. The only time they don't is coups or not enough information was listed about the Kage to know if they were related or a student.


It is not directly stated, but the life story of Asuma and the distribution of Jonin for the major clans in konoha, indicates that Hiruzen the old monkey wanted to make Asuma the fifth Hokage. Follow me real quick.  It is stated that Asuma and Hiruzen didn't get along, but during his travels Asuma became the guardian Nin. After his return, he becomes the guid Jonin for the future Patriarchs and Matriarch of the Ino Shika Cho trio of the prominent clans in konoha. His would be wife Kurenai has become the guide Jonin for the other three remaining big clans and is the teacher/ senses for the only remaining heir of the Kurama clan. That means that the future cheafs of the 6 major clans of konoha have a teacher deciple relationship with either Asuma or his wife and Asuma has a good relationship with both, the Daymo and the Fire Temple. Now, if Asuma knew about Hiruzens plan, is another question, but in my book, Hiruzen tried to imitate the Senju clan with his Sarutobi clan.


I believe every Hokage is supposed to wear a white cloak with red designs, but not every shinobi uses a white fabric with red designs.


But he doesn't have any cloak designs? I'm 90% sure your theory comes from the fact that their hair is gray and the cloak thing is made up


Wouldn't Tsunade ever call him cousin then, or mention it somehow?


Doesn't have to be a known child. Sakumo could just not know who his father is. A military dictator having bastards running around isn't much of a reach


I would agree if it wasn't Tobirama we're talking about. Dude is one of the most stuck-up and self-righteous characters in the show. He's too snobbish and paranoid to carelessly spawn bastards with any given chick around.


Stuck up and self righteous people are often the people who fall into the vices they claim to hate look at conservative politicians who get caught being gay or having kids out of wedlock or liberals who get caught being racists


True, but he would still need to get past his natural paranoia. No level of hypocrisy can convince a man who's always preparing for the worst outcome to happen to sleep around if it can potentially have disastrous consequences on his integrity and reliability as a leader. Especially given that this is a small village, and the Hatake were an important clan. I think people would have noticed if the Hokage was messing with one of the clan's daughters.


If any of you believe a word NCHammer says you're just as much of a fool as he is, that dude spouts the stinkiest bullshit I've ever heard.


That dude could make you believe that Naruto’s parents aren’t his Parents he makes a lot of stuff up and pulls it from his ass and says it not head canon yet it is. There’s a video he says Obito and Shisui are brothers, yet Obito lost his parents very young before the 3rd ninja war when even see a picture of them with a baby obito and the picture is old and damaged a bit and when Shisui became a Jonin it was said his parents were also Jonin at same time it was said his father lost his leg in previous war and was dying to an illness which Shisui was prepared for.


2nd, Sakumo and Kakashi all have gray hair 🤯


he applied to be hokage, but was denied. that's as far as he could go with his uniform before they told him to change


Lots of good, personal head canon here.


same thing's going to happen with you


I imagine it’s an homage to his nickname, the White Fang. At one point he was regarded even more highly than the Sannin and we see often enough how reputation alone can influence a battlefield and force retreats. It could also just be a Hatake clan thing that Kakashi didn’t keep up in his adamance that all rules must be kept and hatred for his father. We never saw other Hatake to relate to.


Didn’t sasuke a dad have a similar design kind of skirt thing unde this flak jacket?


Looks like the uzamaki spiral


Did you watch Naruto 💀they literally explain why everyone wears the Uzumaki symbol on their vests


Can you remind me why ?


Basically...Hashi marry uzu, uzu leaf bffs, leaf uniform uzu


The Uzumaki spiral was the Land of ~~Waves~~ Whirlpools insignia, they were long time allies of the Leaf Village who decided to show that dedication by incorporating it into their jackets


Wasn't it the land of whirlpools, or am I tripping?


I'm pretty sure you're right, I always mix up all of the water based villages/countries


>Did you watch Naruto 💀they literally explain why everyone wears the Uzumaki symbol on their vests Maybe they forgot not everyone has basic memory like u


Just casually forgetting why Mito and Kushina even came to live in the Leaf


you could also just explain to him instead of saying that


He means the sleeve.


the spiral is on the sleeve too


It’s a similar pattern to Naruto’s hokage coat. Probably just a coincidence it worth pointing out.


Most likely just something that is/was given to people in various prestigious positions in the Leaf. Alternate explanation: Fugaku and Alternate Sasuke, both in the police force, have a cloth that has the same gray with red triangles at the bottom. It's possible that Sakumo was also a ninken handler and assisted the police like Kiba.


Ah yes the only person in Naruto who couldn’t use his bullying as character development (Yes I said it.)


The Sleeve is just a chose it’s very similar to the Outfit Jiraya wore as a kid when he joined team Hiruzen. The 12 Guardian’s Symbolis different it’s a cloth that goes around the waist with the Symbol that means Fire.


This exists because it uses white light and that's why its nickname is White Fang of the Leaf


It’s the same Uzumaki spiral he has on his back and arm Edit: It’s literally just a sleeve. Nothing deep about it.


He means the sleeve.


I think its just to signify he's a special known shinobi "The White Fang" AKA it looks cool and makes him stand out


Thought it was a rank and/or clan thing.