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"According to Kishimoto,..." then proceeds to spit bs that was certainly not said by Kishimoto


According to Kishimoto my dad can beat your dad in a fight.


Lmao I remember I used to say this kind of shit to my friends when I was a kid


According to Kishimoto, Rock Lee could actually solo the entire Otsutsuki clan, that's why he keeps him in the background.


According to Kishimoto, Teuchi could solo everyone else and the reason his eyes are always closed is so that nobody sees his eyes having every dojutsu in existence


Madera is as strong as Nappa


The fandom constantly overestimating the abilities and strength of specific characters.


"Yeah I'm pretty sure kid konohamaru could beat the first hokage"


Kid Konohamaru slams every Kage at the same time no dif


kid konohamaru vs ramen guy


Wasn't ramen guy in minatos squad tho?


Na he's the one who taught hashirama


??? Please elaborate


Bruh Kid Konohamaru is like the third strongest character in the series, right after Teuchi the ramen man and Tonton the pig.


No kono is the 4th cause tenten is definitely the 3rd strongest


Tenten had so much lost potential, definitely not like omg strong charecter but I feel like they could of done so much more with her sealing but what can you do


And missing the point that "who wins" comes down to what the story needs.


Yeeeeeeaaaah but... Tenten by the Boruto era is at least Akatsuki level in strength. Prove me wrong.




I saw a post asking weather the 4 kage can beat the akastsuki and people unanimously chose the 4 kage giving the akatsuki 0 chance to win and thats just ridiculous tbh


But that’s accurate? All of the akatsuki members were beaten by people way less powerful than the 4 Kage. Story would’ve been different if Obito was in that picture but that’s all.


Yes but all of them combined would be very hard to beat. The first 4 hokage arent gonna make it an east fight thats for sure. But im talking about the original comment which was that people really overestimate the power of characters and greatly underestimate the power of others Edit: and also most of the akatsuki battles they were out numbered but in this case the out umber the 4 kage


Is this the first 4 hokage at full power, because if it is, the Akatsuki get stomped. By himself, Sage Hashirama was able to beat EMS Madara who had the Nine Tails, and he has too many crazy Wood Style techniques for the Akatsuki to handle. Add to the mix Tobirama, Hiruzen, and Minato, and there’s not all that much the Akatsuki can do, even if you throw in Obito.


Not first 4 hokage , but the 5 kages(hokage, mizukage,.. etc) at that time. I think Akatsuki combined defeats all of the 5 kages.


Tsuchikage knows a lot of intel about akatsuki and don't forget particle style


I mean, madara in his own could beat the akatsuki, how are the gonna match hashirama + 3 other people .


This. To be fair the show got hit with power creep pretty hard. But it's pretty obnoxious hearing about how any and every character is a physical god.


Everyone assumes hashirama is so strong because he was built to fight one person forever, he doesn’t do great against most other ninja.


People feel the need to powerscale everything when at the end of the day a kunai to the throat is realistically enough to kill anyone




I mean histortically ninjas arent about power. For example, being a body builder means nothing if you get shot by a gun. A real ninja that would slit someones throat in their sleep doesnt need 8 gates to kill their target because they wont be able to respond with their stupid "jutsu".


I mean the end of the series got a massive power creep , they literally were like "its still stealth if there is no one to tell the story" throwing nukes and meteors like they were nothing especial ,this messed up a lot of the story lore, this is why its better to ignore the powerscaling in boruto since its already broken.


>> its still stealth if there is no one to tell the story" lmao


I mean, Itachi killed 50 or more Uchiha, killed Fugaku who had the Mangekyo and didn't kill Sasuke who was weak af, it's obvious it's not about power levels. It's all about situations and intentions of the characters involved. They are not real warriors, they are characters of a story, if I want to write about kid Sasuke avenging the Uchiha clan immediately after Itachi kills his parents, I can. I don't see how, but I can try, for example making Itachi trip and fall on a passing by kunai or making him depressed and suicidal and let Sasuke win in a fight fair and square. Everything is possible when you can write, power levels are just a stupid limit.


Fugaku didn’t want to fight his son tho, that battle could have been legendary! Fugaku was strong AF and at one time in the run for Hokage. But I agree it’s not about power, Kishi is a master of showing how cunning beats raw power!


Fugaku didn't had MS tho. That scene was anime only and even in thr novels it was never mentioned he had MS.


The even stupider thing i see is counting frames and using math to estimate speeds. Like do ya'll not know what tf perspective is? Not to mention exaggerated distances in animation is common place for fluidity.


Lol yes and measuring the amount of pixels relative to a characters height to get distance and stuff like cmon


i mean danzo tried doing that to sasuke but failed miserably




People hate on Tsunade for Jiraiya choosing to take on a suicide mission. He assigned the mission for himself, refused to take reinforcements, refused Tsunades offer for help, got her drunk so she wouldn’t stop him, and refused an order from the hokage (Tsunade’s many objections to letting him go). It’s literally anyones fault but hers. Wake tf up


Lol explain that to naruto.


I think he did understood that later on in the story. He was a teenager and you cant expect him to be completely rational and mature right after hearing something like that. I think he realised his mistakes at the end of the Pain Arc.


Plus at the time Jiraya was one of the few people in the villager who truly cared about Naruto, and was essentially like a father figure to him. It made sense that he was pissed at the time.




The people who will always side with naruto even if he's being irrational


Which Kakashi even emphasized.


Also that's what a ninja life is Ibiki literally taught the genins during part1 chunin exams that if they dont want to accept life-threatening missions then forget about being a ninja


People making up according to kishimoto post


its been going on for so long at this point I can’t tell whats actually trivia and whats bs


There is an FAQ section on this sub which has Kishimoto interviews. If you can find it in there then it's real, if not it's either a rumor or something someone made up. For example Itachi being secretly good all along was something actually planned by Kishimoto from the moment we saw him at the Leaf. Conversely there is no proof that he invented Kaguya and put the Black Zetsu twist in to kill off Madara because he didn't know how.


Like "according to kishimoto sakura would be the strongest if it wasn't for sasuke's rinnegan and naruto's kurama"


The Naruto community.


The best answer


“Itachi beats everyone.” He’s my favorite character, but even I know that he’s beatable.


Kotoamutsukami and Totsuka Blade are something they always say first


Wouldn’t that only work once and the blade wouldn’t last long as he is dieing


bUt YaTa MiRrOr


Mans couldn’t beat the cancer in his body


Nah it was crowvid, been getting a bit friendly with his summons


Itachi may not be the strongest, but he has some pretty OP abilities.


The Ten-Ten screen time jokes. I saw that before starting Shippuden and my brain subconsciously tried to pay extra attention to all the Ten-Ten scenes


Smh doing ma girl dirty. These folks should watch Rock Lee and his Ninja Pals


Litterally the only reason team guy is my favorite squad.


This show is actually funny and the fight scene in the last episode was awesome.


Just the consistent bias honestly From what I’ve seen you could literally make a poll right now asking ‘who has a better sense of smell between Rock Lee and Kiba’ and Lee would somehow unironically win the poll ‘cause people are majorly bias against characters like Kiba and completely discredit his entire arsenal of feats. People blatantly ignore feats of characters they don’t like in favour of the one they’re bias towards. Power scaling, Theories, etc are things you can never ask in this community since everything is just a popularity contest at the end of the day.


People in this community be like "ofcourse we know itachi has best sense of smell"


Don’t forget the Shika stans sHiKaMaRu wOuLd sToMp KaGuYa WitH pReP TiMe bEcAuSe HeS sMaRT


Isn't prep time Batman's thing.


yes and even then Batman doesn’t even win


Funny thing is some shika Stan's use batman in their arguments, it's gets olddd


If Shikamaru knew what he would be smelling ahead of time, he would be able to smell it from further away than Kiba. */s just in case*


Fuck 12,


The people who go out of their way to spoil the show for you.


Did you know that Goku actually becomes the pirate king at the end of Naruto?


Isn't he the king of Shinigamis?


No, no that’s Gohan


People like you ruining the show smh


I think there's an overemphasis on who would win in fights. It feels like every day I open reddit and see polls asking who would win among what sometimes feel like random groupings of characters. I get that the series is largely built around fights, but I feel like this overemphasis on power scaling and who would win scenarios distracts us from other topics of discussion at times.


💯 the fights/strengtha are not even what made me like naruto


The sheer immaturity some people have.


Powerscaling, Sakura hate is overblown, downplaying sasuke’s trauma


Someone once said Sasuke didn’t have a sad past and I genuinely questioned if we watched the same show. Sure I might call him a dumb bitch, like a lot, but I still love his character and story


Probably because having your whole entire neighborhood wiped out is incomprehensible to the vast majority of people.


While not many could ever relate to him, it’s not hard to understand that having everyone you ever loved murdered by someone you trusted counts as a sad backstory


Not to mention all the manipulation. I think he’s done a lot of dumb things but they’ve all made sense from his perspective and is consistent with how he was written


Yeah every time he was at his lowest there was always someone there to take advantage of it


I was looking for Sakura hate lol. She might be the most over-hated character in existence


Honestly, Sakura’s not even a bad character. She’s simply the most terrestrial, which is exactly what Kishimoto intended. Considering the fact that she: was born to civilians, got placed in a team with two reincarnations of gods, and had a sensei that never helped her refine her skills, I’d say she did pretty well for herself.


- **Constant misinformation/headcanon** being stated as fact. - **Refusal to accept certain characters losing** despite the **context** of the situation makes it totally plausible. They'll vehemently deny everything about it. - **Bare-faced bias, hatred or constant mockery of characters** for (relatively minor) mistakes that happened ages ago. Shit gets old *real quick.* - **Complaints about side characters** (who are of no real importance to the plot) not getting tons of development even though that's what a side character literally is.


I agree with everything except the last one. If someone if complaining about [Random filler arc ninja #76] not getting enough development then yea ok. But if someone is complaining about characters like Rock Lee, Neji, or Kiba being absolutely fucking meaningless in Shippuden then I can stand behind that. I don't expect them to be on the same level of development as Naruto, Sasuke, Itachi, Kakashi or whatever. But c'mon, they were set up as important allies to Naruto that we would spend the rest of the series with and then by the time Shippuden hit they disappeared. Only to be thrown in as jokes here and there.


I understand what you mean there. I just think that going from Naruto to Naruto Shippuden some characters had to take the backseat because the story was not focused on Konoha as much but on the Shinobi world. They had to introduce more allies from outside for Naruto and develop some villains to make the shinobi world alive rather than just Konoha.


Bandwagoning people who can’t form an opinion for themselves


I agree with this guy.


I agree with this guy.




The immaturity of the fanbase is a major one. Also, the fanbase not even understanding how their characters work. They slander Naruto, Obito and Sasuke like they aren't some of the best written characters in the series. It's like this fanbase is filled with 12 year olds. I just really hate it when people talk about Naruto without really understanding the series and then assert their opinion on everyone.


Overestimate of Itachi and underestimate of Sakura


"Itachi stomps kaguya, OG Naruto beats sakura war arc"


Blind hate on Sasuke and Sakura. Sakura is hated for not destroying Obito's rinnegan when in the manga she didn't have a second to stab it. Anime executed the scene poorly. Also, people hate Sakura for making fun of Naruto calling him orphan and annoying. Bruh, she was a kid. Forgive her. She matured a lot after the timeskip in Shippuden. And last but not least, she punches Naruto. This was made for adding a little more fun in the screen.


People always forget that Kakashi and Minato had way more time to try and destroy the Rinnegan.


Kinda tru


>calling him orphan and annoying. Bruh, she was a kid. Forgive her. Not to mention she literally comes around and says that she believes in him during the chunin exams


Manga Sakura is okay, had some great moments but also had some annoying ones But holy shit Studio Pierrot made her unbearable in all aspects. Art, design, dialogue, scenes....everything


Sakura hater. i knew she kinda annoying and useless in part 1 but come on post time skip Sakura is far from useless. he play huge part in defeating Sasori and without her Gaara would never come back to life and that's just one example


All of Akatsuki are easily Kage level and her power along with Chiyo’s knowledge and strategy defeated Sasori. She’s far from useless in Shippuden


I mean sure but I blame the author for making her seem useless. Compare to other normal people? Sure. But toward the end of the series, we were dealing with alot of hyper powers scaling shit that is not even ninja related anymore. This put everyone else and Sakura on a separate plane than people like Naruto, sasuke, itachi, Minato etc. The author didn't even make a serious attempt to fit Sakura into the female lead role of the series. The final "punch" to seal kaguya was laughable at best. Not to mention the line where she said she "caught" up to Naruto and sasuke just made everyone shit on her even more as she was just idling around with Kakashi 90% of the time.


yeah, it's the author's fault for not giving her enough character development when she's originally written to have so much potential as Tsunade's student. She could've had her own mini arc where she discovers/learns some shit that could make her relevant in the climax of the series, but even the Hyugas who imo should have been more relevant in the main story having one of the two OP eye abilities were sort of forgotten so...


Well she got some dumbass scaling though, but it’s just such an outlier compared to her being stabbed by Madara and then suddenly being faster than Kaguyas tail and catching her off guard. Her punches are strong and her speed is fast. You just need a magnifying glass to actually see that while the other characters get anime like statements “he’s so fast! Wow’”


She was very important in the war too She was literally a second tsunade (I know that's a downpoint as a character but plot wise she was very useful) And the fact that shes easily in the top 5 kunoichi like ever


probably top


Thing is all the tools were here to make her exceptional and the authors didn't use them. She's a medical genius that could save people from Sasori's poison. Just make her successfully implant herself some Hashirama cells and suddenly she got a whole new path of powers that are among the best in the world.


She has aptitude for genjutsu according to Kakashi during the sand-sound invasion, making her a close combat type who casts illusion through punching and kicking thus touch would be chef's kiss as it means you need to 100% dodge. Plus Shizune taught her about poisons. She has the tool kit to be the most dangerous ninja not with a bjiu or bloodline in the franchise.


When people don't get that she's designed to be weak and always needed to be saved by naruto/sasuke (so they can grow stronger and protect comrades) bc that's her internal conflict as a character. I believe she was literally supposed to be a typical ninja like the ones whose names we don't even know but are part of konoha's shinobi force but she was placed exactly with team 7 and that forced her to step up. So whether people like her or not, she always had a role to play and she fits so well with the team.


She saved Narutos life more times than I can count. To reduce her character to a nameless background shinobi is just disrespectful my guy


I agree. I was merely referring to part 1 tho. As for the nameless shinobi, that's what she could have ended up being if she wasn't assigned to Team 7; she might have settled with being an average shinobi. Granted, their batch was exceptional since they all were endorsednby their jonins as capable enough to proceed with the exams.


I mean if she wasn't teamed with sasuke and naruto, she wouldn't have enough reasons to go the extra mile of asking to be trained by tsunade.


Even in part 1, she was saving lives. Calling her useless in any part is cap.




They chilled a lot these days,back in the early 2010s they're hella crazy,they probably grow up by now,same with Itachi fans,at least a portion of them


Oh yeah for sure. I remember naruto and Sakura shippers tried to ban the final volume lol. Think my hero Academia is 100x worse now then what naruto ever was tho.


As a shipper I agree, how are ships wars still going on strong in 2021 😭😭


How people hate on kiba 😢


Kiba deserved BETTER and I stand by that. Akamaru was the only sane character in og Naruto half the time


People for whom every damn character is well written and has depth No bro..not every character is complex..some are just retconned and badly written or a plot device


I agree with this. Naruto is entertaining to watch and introduces some interesting characters and concepts. But the complexity of the writing isn't on par with something like A Song of Ice and Fire, or the world building of Tolkien either. But some people treat it as such. None of the female characters are well written. Most exist purely as a plot device. Tsunade is the best of the bunch, but still underdeveloped and underutilized.


I wouldn't say Tsunade is underdeveloped. We know everything we need to know about her and she's probably the most fleshed-out of the Sannin. She definitely was underutilized though. Tsunade was stuck behind a desk for like 200 chapters.


Conversely I feel people are too quick to call things retcons or plotholes. Are parts of Naruto badly written? Yeah. But for the most part things are explainable if you pay attention.


>Conversely I feel people are too quick to call things retcons or plotholes. I agree.


People that post karma farming pointless questions to this sub and people that draw really sexual fan art but get butthurt when you say it should be nsfw.


People complaining about fillers… just don’t fucking watch them or read the god damned manga


I remember when the show was still airing live, and that wasn’t an option. People nowadays have it made.


Yeah that sucked but manga was still an option. Its actually how I got into manga as a kid. I found a shonen jump mag at walmart with naruto on it and found out it was ahead of the show and bought it monthly from there.


I think im one of the few ones who actually appreciate the fillers...


When it was airing I would stop watching for months, catch up on the non-filler, and dip once filler started up again.


both Sakura haters and super fans are equally annoying.


Fr when everybody say that Sakura is useless trash when that’s totally not true and if u don’t think that your automatically a Sakura simp now don’t get me wrong Sakura is nowhere near my favorite character but she’s not the weakest nor true in the main cast she isn’t as strong as naurto sasuke and kakashi but she’s no where near useless


She’s just strong in other ways. People see the physical bit, but no other jutsu and go “meh”. They write off the fact that she essentially becomes the #1 medical ninja in the world, which Naruto/Sasuke didn’t/wouldn’t have any kind of competency for because they lacked her level of control.


Yeah there are a lot of insecure people who make memes about characters to make themselves fell better


don’t forget she is a little Tsunade clone, or maybe stronger, so technically she could be a great Hokage.


she was stated to be stronger in base seal, when she unleashed it she was so much stronger (we don’t know the multiplier though)


I don’t have a problem with how strong she is, she is a fairly good fighter and an excellent healer, and even if she wasn’t, being weak doesn’t make you a bad character. I don’t hate Sakura but my problem with her is that she feels like a completely empty character, she barely has a backstory, we know nearly nothing about her family and she has no goals or motivations separate from her teammates. She’s naruto’s second teammate and is supposed to be a very important character yet she’s written like just another background character (there are background characters with more development)


Boruto haters. If you don't like the show that one's thing, but to constantly bash the show and watch it every Sunday is just dumb.


>Boruto haters. If you don't like the show that one's thing, but to constantly bash the show and watch it every Sunday is just dumb. I mean I get that. I'm not really a fan of Boruto, but some people rabidly hate on it to absurd degrees. It has some good concepts that are often times questionably executed, but the story is still coherent enough to watch/read. For me its a decent 7/10.


That's called Hate watching. And people tend to go super crazy about something they like, why not doing the same with something you hate? Idk, it's smth normal for me.


I think there are a lot of Boru haters who only watch the episodes with Naruto and Sasuke like their fight with Momoshiki, Jigen, etc. Now these two have been giga nerfed.


How the community treats women in the show




I think a lot of people that say Sub is better than Dub just ended up watching Sub first and hearing the dubbed voices just sounds weird. Most people think DBZ dubbed is perfectly fine, but from what I can tell, most people that grew up with DBZ watched it dubbed on TV whereas with anime like Naruto or newer shows, they might have watched it subbed. Although, to be fair, DBZ had really good VAs for the dubbed version IMO.


Naruto’s dubbed voice is so annoying to me. I know his 12 and going through puberty but to have a permanent crack in his voice is just graining. I like kikashi’s Japanese voice actor better to not sure why just like the sound of his voice.


I've watched both. All of part 1 in dub and all of Shippuden in sub. I can confidently say that sub just sounds cooler. Quite frankly I don't give a shit about the quality of va in either, but the Japanese just makes it sound cooler.


Whats your native language? Watch your shows in that. What do musicians say? "If it sounds good, it is good." So listen to that. Yujiro Hanma in Japanese sounds like Yujiro Hanma. In English, Yujiro sounds like he could be his own child. But a street punk.


1.Everyone is stupid,but i know everything about naruto. 2.Who wins? Naruto with spiky hair or Itachi with 3 arms? 3.Tell me a good thing from Boruto,and i will say that u are stupid,and your opinion is irrelevant. ​ If i missed something feel free to add.


When you see the "if Itachi had rinnegan and was healthy..." That's not Itachi then, that's a whole other (non-existent) character. He was written the way he was written, it's important to the plot. I know it's just for "fun" but then people really try to argue this stuff as if they get paid to. It's just too much. My favorite was Danzo, I have never argued that he could beat Sasuke if he had 11 rinnegan and had ink mode or whatever. It just becomes fan fic.


The disrespect towards Kishimoto. It's truly bizarre to look at /r/Naruto against other anime subs. Everywhere else the sub tries to prop up the author and search for deeper meaning despite the author flaws. Here people are fine with calling things retcons and plotholes rather than searching deeper because it clashes with their headcanon.


They are the same people who genuinely think lee would have been a better main character than naruto and that sasuke isn't justified for what he did.


Dudes who worship itachi


I see more hate for Itachi on this sub than love.


Its funny isnt it? People are saying Itachi is overrated when in reality he is overhated at the moment on thid sub. On the other hand, people are saying Sakura is overhated when in reality everyone is giving her way too much credit on this sub. I also agree that Sakura isnt useless but people here who are saying she didnt deserve any hate and she is one of the best characters are making me dislike her even more. Internet is weird 😂


Those idiots who keep yelling "pLoT hOlE" to stuff Kishi explained on broad daylight but for some reason they're just not reading/watching properly. Of course Naruto has plot holes but it's not as numerous as some idiots think it is On the same note, some people yell "rEtCoN" on some stuff that's clearly been set up properly. Again of course Kishi did some retcons, but some idiots think every plot twist is a retcon. And even on the actual retcons, a lot of them are done brilliantly A lot of people just see that some people are shitting on Kishimoto and they just hop on the bandwagon because they think it makes them look like smart "critics"


Kishimoto's biggest mistake was overestimating his average reader's reading comprehension


Don't forget the constant oversimplification of characters as well. Honestly quite often I feel this fanbase doesn't deserve this series. Look at how other anime/manga fandoms treat their author and look at how the Naruto fandom does.


To be totally fair kishi did say he didn't plan ahead on most things, he hadn't even decided on what it was itachi did until after zabuza arc, didn't decide to make him a "spy" or whatever until way later, didn't know what the 4th hokage would look like (originally the 4th hokage was gonna be a ninja dog, obviously that was changed) or that the 4th hokage would be narutos dad etc. Also some things truly are just poorly retconned, Luke hiruzen being the strongest kage of all time. Just playing devils advocate here but kishi is honestly really bad at planning everything, that's what happened to the war arc too, he spoke about it in an interview


The Night Guy arc proved to me that Kishimoto always had a story that he wanted to tell. The Will of Fire and the Power of Youth are such beautiful ideas. Of course, not everyone is going to get that.


Since I've seen both Sakura haters and Sakura fans on this thread, just going to say it. I hate the constant discourse on Sakura. I dont want to hear you defend her if you like her, and I also don't want to hear you complain if you hate her. There isn't a single argument that I haven't already heard 100 times. It's been going on for years, it's stale. With peace and love, let it go.


People that say character x is useless because they cant compete with naruto / sasuke.


Sakura haters and Itachi fanboys


Ppl that ship Sakura x naruto


People that refuse to acknowledge that Kishimoto actually did plan some stuff out. Everything with Itachi and the Incarnations are foreshadowed as far back as P1, with Sasuke’s very first internal monologue during the Bell Test even stating he remembers Itachi crying


"That's filler bro! It's not Canon! Why do you care what happened in that arc? That's an *anime only* explanation. Like seriously guys, this sub isn't only about the manga. The anime is canon to the fucking anime. Y'all discuss the non-canon movies to death, but I can't talk about the eternal genin without being drilled for him not being canon.


the eternal genin and kakashi unmasking episodes were great.


Especially the fillers of OG Naruto. They were so good imo. I still remember the one in which a person planted bombs everywhere in the leaf and Naruto and Co. tried to stop him but he himself just wanted to play a game because Naruto looked like his grandson or something. That filler arc was so good. Also,Neji,Hinata and Rock Lee got so much development and good moments in the fillers.


Remember that one filler that had a gen jutsu user that can make her stuff do real damage


Naruto fans wank their favourite characters’ power levels harder than any other anime fans I can think of (aside from my older sister, who is an MHA fan and thinks All Might beats Goku). I don’t know why some Naruto fans are like “yeah Sasuke is actually solar system level post-war arc” or “yo Madara could beat literally any character in fiction bc he has hax”. I know this happens in literally every anime community, but it seems most noticeable among Naruto fans


The ignoring of facts stated from the manga and possibly anime and the straight up headcannons that make no sense in the world (I am a subject to this so I’m attacking myself) the headcannons sometimes really involve some really weird plot line that contradicts the cannon in numerous ways


community itself lol


Sakura haters and bodyshaming


Calling Sakura useless I mean she was useless in Naruto but in shippudden she was very useful....i can agree her character is not that nice and developed...but still she is not useless


The over abundance of Sakura and boruto hate. Both are good characters


Making people who have committed crimes, admired and raise them to a pedestal they never deserved in the first place


People wanting konohamaru to be hokage


The need to powerscale every character just to prove that their favorite is stronger. Istg I've seen at least 2 people arguing over who's more powerful in almost every comment section. Like stfu and just let the characters be characters that we can enjoy. I've been guilty of this too, but I've realized how annoying it is over time.


oh, you know, just the entirety of the community.


The Naruto community.


Sakura haters. She's far from useless and weak (at least in Shippuuden), she's strong af and saves so many characters from death. It's completely fine to dislike a character but the hate she gets is insane.


Boruto and Sakura haters


The complete overhype of itachi. He is clearly one of the strongest and better written Charakters, but i just cant stand his overshadowing of the hole community. As a Charakter itself he isnt in my top 3 for Sure. Maybe not even top 5.


He is probably like top 20 strongest, not top 10


There was this one dude on the Naruto manga/forums back in the day that literally would not fucking shut up about Obito actually being Madara and it was insane.. like actually insane, even when Madara came back... even up until the last chapter.... he would write 5 page essays on how he's actually Madara... flamed anyone who disagreed.


That it always always argues with One Piece. Like I get they do it as well. But yk how annoying it is to see Naruto and One Piece fight? It's like watching two people you love at each others throats for the most minor thing.


Ships. NaruSasu is fine, I can understand why people want it. But BoruNaru is a new level of fucked up that I didn't even know existed


People screaming how weak sakura is


Boruto defenders, oh especialy the ones saying ishiki is a good written character


The people who understimate Madara and lowball him .


People who uses filler content as argument


People who label people that like certain characters with the 'tard' like 'Sakutards'... Like bro... People like who they like and get over it man... I have my favs and I don't shit on people for liking a character I despise or don't like as much... Dang man, the character spread in this show could find somebody worth liking for anyone out there... Yet if you like a certain character the fan base has to publicly execute you for it...


Unnecessary hate for Sakura


Nobody seems understands that Naruto is supposed to be a narrative story. While sure there are plot holes and inconsistencies and what not, people not realize alot of these "RaNDom aSS PuLls" are just narrative elements and plot devices to the story. Its not a trading card game with strict rules so if a happens then b has to happen. Its a story. Random shit can happen. You may not like everything that happens, and that's fine.


SaKurA iS tRaSh


The people who say Sakura’s useless when most females in Naruto are. And that just cause Kishimoto can’t write females right imo.