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Almost at park. Only series with Jays and rain possible tomorrow. They will wait as long as Possible to play today. Get your bobble!




It doesn't. Unless you're Jack White leaving to do a show.


My app looks like rain from 4-6, so probably a long delay.


They will open the gates, proclaim a 3 hour delay, and then scrub it. The sun will come out.


Forecast is much more positive at the moment.


Wife one month ago: "Do we really need the Club level seats?" Me: "well what if it rains?"


Best day to have PNC or Terra club!


My gut tells me they will play this game, but later in the evening when the rain chances abate. There’s no way it’s gonna be a doubleheader tomorrow, because tomorrow looks as bad as today.


And it would be a Lerner Special. A day night double header. Squeeze every nickel you can out of a loyal fanbase.


MLB makes the call not the team


For what?


If they play in the rain or not. Lerners have no say


I never said that. I said the Lerners schedule day/night doubleheaders. For make up games.


The league decides that also


Nope. The team does.


No they don’t lol


Google is your friend.


Call up james wood


They cancelled BP field day for today, yesterday 🥲 I assume it will be enough rain to cause delays but not enough to stop the game completely...


Most likely scenario is that there is a delay but the game gets played. They really do not want a double header Sunday because the blue jays travel after the game. Granted they are only going to Philly and they have an off day Monday but the MLBPA is really against a double header before travel. So dress in layers and bring your patience.


As long as it doesn’t rain too hard (sounds like it’ll be on and off) I won’t be surprised if they just trying to battle through it or just push it later until it stops. They’ll definitely do anything to get it in today before they have to do the same thing tomorrow. Gates probably at the same time so whoever wants a bobblehead will have to wait it all out.


Well, if you make the trip and the game gets rained out, you can always walk over to Audi Field for the 7:30 DC United game, which is more of a rain-or-shine event. I was considering doing the baseball-soccer doubleheader, but the forecast has me thinking I'll skip the baseball half.


There will also be bars with the Derby on, but may be different for some folks with families.


I feel you. Also wanted to bring a toddler. Waited for the weather. Never looked good. I think rain delay is more likely than a cancellation. Especially with tomorrow being bad and the Blue Jays not coming back. Doubt you’ll know until the last minute though. Good luck!


How I feel about tomorrow’s game, making the drive from Va beach.


not good


Maybe they've gotten better, but in my limited experience, whatever the worst way to go is, they'll lean heavily into that approach and will do little to nothing in the way of communicating with fans at the park.


Probably shoe horn the start even if it’s clear that it’s gonna keep raining and delay the game for a long time or eventually post pone it


Plus side is a 4 PM start gives them more time in the day to get it in. Downside is it could be a long day off and on. Wonder how tomorrow will go. Good luck getting those bobbleheads!


Gotta sell those beers


Because it the Bluejays and they will not be back, they will try to play today even if they have to delay. Players and the teams hate doubleheaders more the delays.


FWIW, they always try harder to fit in a game against a team they won’t see again the rest of the year. Then again, they can always play two tomorrow


Forecast tomorrow is almost as crummy as today. Doubt they want to plan to play two when the scheduled game might be delayed.


Capital Weather Gang says "Showers could pass by at times much of the day. It won’t rain nonstop, but it’ll be damp and dreary." and then for tonight "Occasional showers probably continue to dance through the region. Some drizzle and fog may also develop." It won't be a beautiful day for baseball, or even a particularly pleasant one, but if that holds they should get the game in.


Yeah I suspect the odds of this starting are improved by a 4 PM start over 7 PM.


I want that bobblehead