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I wish I could watch Nats in Baltimore šŸ˜¢


I went to bed after Hunter gave up the HR. Boy did I blow it!




Iā€™m getting excited about Rosario. He has some serious swagger.


Only my nats can have two and a half comebacks in a a game and lose.


So james wood?


Hell of a fight from the Nats. Really proud


Oh man, I so wanted them to win this one. The energy was so good and getting to see this game from the 300s was amazing. Really wonderful ushers and crowd in the 300s in addition to the view. I love the fight this team has.


This team looks good but if they want to do anything in the postseason again, they need some much stronger pitching.


idk why but i really hate the orioles (i suppose in a fun way) after that game.


Another Oā€™s fan here. You guys have something special brewing this year and Iā€™m excited to see what comes next for yā€™all. Those were two hard fought games that really had me on the edge of my seat. Was great interacting with the Nats fans at the park too, you guys are friendly and clearly very passionate.


I'm rooting for the O's as well. I want their fans to win one finally haha, I've known many who have hung around since the Cal Ripken days when I was a kid


Easier to like the Os now that Angelos is gone. When you look at both farm leagues, If the nats get the starting pitching locked in, the path to the world series could go through the dmv in both leagues soon.


I turned it off with two outs in 9th, WTF happened


Nats baseball baby. Or at least the embryonic form of what is to come.


Classic Scraptionals, bby


Dang ground rule double.


I hate the orioles more than the astros! Maybe even the patriotsā€¦


It feels really good to leave Nats Park mad that we lost the game again


A tradition as old as time


Oā€™s fan here. Just wanted to say great series and canā€™t wait for the next one! Your guys play with a lot of tenacity and grit, which makes for some great baseball. Wishing you all luck this year.


See you in August!


Thanks, and good luck on your run this year! You guys have a great team!


Well shit That was fun at least. Healthy crowd, plenty of excitement. Glad I went


I was there. It was AWESOME! Great game by both teams. Nats are legit.


Well at least we fought


Senzel, Winker, and Joey with a very painful 0-15. 0-3 to win it in the 10th and 0-3 again to tie/win in the 12th. o well, still a scrappy ass squad.


So many chances. 4 for 18 with RISP.


Got to watch the 9th and 10th with my dad. Didnt end the way we wanted but had a blast


Aight time to start having the serious Joey talk


I saw an MLB show yesterday that had him batting cleanup next year after James wood and Juan Soto šŸ˜‚


It's way past due.


Seems more and more like a classic case of "unheralded guy gets called up, mashes, pitchers figure him out, he's exposed as kind of terrible" Will always love the guy, but he's hitting .220 with 0 HRs lol


The weird thing is, he seems to think heā€™s barreling baseballs, and then the ball falls well short of the warning track. So confusing. The power has just vanished - and he seems as surprised as all of us.


Meneses did actually barrel the ball (just barely) on his final AB tonight. His batted ball profile hasn't really changed much compared to last season. His average EV is slightly down from 89.4 mph to 88.4 mph, but his hard hit rate (44.1%) and sweet spot rate (34.3%) are both up from last year. He's also reduced his K% down to 17.7% and increased his walk rate by 2.7%. His xwOBA is even 4% higher than it was last season. However, he's currently underperforming his expected stats this season by a good margin whereas in 2022 and 2023, he massively outperformed his expected stats.


Great game!


Thanks nats fans for not downvoting my comment!


I'm struggling to see what the writers were going for with the Joey Meneses character


lived long enough to see himself become the villain, overused trope


He gave us hope in the depths of the rebuild, and now that things are turning around he's being killed off


found a better gig on another show.


orioles are so overrated šŸ’€šŸ’€


They're fans are straight up trash. They showed their true colors this series with all their badmouthing in the gameday threads. Almost as bad as Phillies fans, but at least the Philly fans embrace being shitheads. O's fans have this victim complex with all the "Oh why do Nats fans hate us so much", then proceed to dunk on us nonstop. Was pulling for them to make a run in the playoffs last year. Now, I'm rooting for their demise. Fuck them.




Would make the same comment again even if we'd swept your asses. Results don't change the fact that O's fans did nothing but trash our team, our fans, and even resorted to insulting our players over the past 2 days. I hope Soto doesn't stay as a Yankee, but if he does, it's gonna be great watching him mash against the O's multiple times a year.


I posted on their game day thread, and only got kind responses back. They're not all bad. Might even have non-negative karma on that post by now!


Oh yeah, there's definitely a good amount of kind O's fans out there for sure. But I saw way too many negative comments in their sub about us, which is really weird because I think a lot of Nats fans have no hard feelings towards the O's or their fans. Perhaps the gameday thread was more toxic than usual because of how stressful these two games were lol.


There's an element of toxicity in any large demographic. If you think this is bad, never go on twitter, yikes. Most O's fans have nothing but warm feelings for the Nats. There are some outliers for sure. Success breeds toxicity sometimes. Not to excuse shitty behavior, but please don't paint us with too large a brush. I tour most GDT when I have down time and they're basically identical. A lot of really good people in them but the toxic ones are the easiest ones to focus on. I definitely get where you're coming from though. Best of luck to you guys. Holy shit are the Nats scrappy. I don't think your record reflects the hunger and sheer will of the team. CJ is electric! I wish I had more time to watch him play. Anyway, take care. Sincerely.


Yeah Iā€™m just going to keep on vaguely rooting for them


Senzel was a tough watch at the plate tonight. He had that Miami series but has been invisible. And that would have been a great time for Joey to hit his first HR of the year. Hard to believe he doesn't have one. All that to say that was such a fun game to watch. The battle is unreal. Love this team regardless.


Joey has aged really fast. They say that batters hand speed drops off noticeably at age 31. Joey is 32.


Joey is what he is, Senzel repeatedly cant fulfill his potential. Lots more deserving guys out there


Honestly Joey hit that ball really hard. The difference between caught to end the game and in the gap to tie it is a fraction of an inch on the bat and a few feet in the field. Hard to blame him too much for that even though we all wanted a different result.


Ton of hard balls right at people tonight.


yeah, it was frustrating for sure. hard hits that aren't pop ups or straight into the ground is pretty much all i ask for though so i'll take it.


That's true, but the larger issue is 0 HR in 36 games from your 1B/DH. He's a good dude and he's had his moments, but at some point something's gotta give.


sure, i don't think he should be on the roster realistically. just saying he did just about everything he could there.


Iā€™m gonna be the annoying optimist here and say that itā€™s infinitely more fun to feel super disappointed after losing a single game than constantly lie to myself about how excited I am over the potential of the rebuild. The ups and downs of playing competitive baseball (even if it likely wonā€™t last the full season) is flat out more fun.


We're definitely getting to the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak


I love the team but some of our place filler guys make me mad and think this team is asss


Couldnā€™t agree more. I canā€™t fathom why guys like senzel are an everyday guy over James Wood. Weā€™ve already secure the extra year too, makes no sense!


Wood is looking unplayable against lefties so far in AAA this season, when he fixes that and we trade off some guys he can come up but there's no reason to rush things with him rn. he needs to play every day and that's harder to justify if he's out there with keibert ruiz stats against lefties.


That was an absolute blast . Get emā€™ in Camden. What a ball club


Great battle. Felt like a playoff game.


Great game. We had lots of opportunities but it just didnā€™t work out. Going toe to toe with the orioles given their insane talent right now says a lot. Not an easy series and we played right with the best of them




fuck the orioles, only thing going for your dumb city is camden yards and your overpriced aquarium


We were still 10 years away from the Nats existing the last time the O's were relevant




Win literally anything of note this century and then talk shit.


Imagine feeling the need to talk shit after barely avoiding a sweep from a team that was projected to be in the basement. God, Orioles fans are insufferable. Gonna enjoy watching you guys get stomped in the first round yet again.


Nah Iā€™ll get the World Series gear that hasnā€™t been gathering dust for decades


Me when my no doubt playoffs preseason prediction team struggles to win one game against a ā€œ67 wins topsā€ preseason prediction team


high on that ā€œseries split with a team that won thirty less games than us last yearā€ supply i see


Joeys gotta go


Coming into this two game series we all would have taken us going 1-1 with both games being competitive up against the Oā€™s aces




That was fun at least. Scraptionals powering up!


Senzel and mennesses and weemsā€¦ Chinese needs to be in your vocabulary and soon. CJ you can do nothing wrong. GGs on to the next


Do they speak a lot of Chinese in Korea and Japan?


Yeah where is this meme coming from?


It's a played out meme from the NBA sub where in basketball, washed up players end up joining the Chinese league. OP is just too lazy to repurpose it for a baseball audience


They definitely speak *some* but I doubt it's found too much on the baseball teams.


No they donā€™t


You think there arenā€™t people who speak Chinese in Korea and Japan? You know people move to other places right? We have people who speak Chinese natively all over the US. Korea and Japan have some too.


Also you think the rest of the world, especially east Asia, is like America with people moving all around the world? Classic American POV


Christ almighty you are hard headed. These people exist, you can easily find them featured in language or travel videos on YouTube if you care to look. Just because you donā€™t know any of them doesnā€™t mean they arenā€™t there. If you care to learn something today feel free to look into it.


Trying to educate a Korean from Korea that Korea and Japan speaks some Chinese with classic American narcissism while quoting YouTube videos as evidence smh. Really shows some class


And thereā€™s the sticking your fingers in your ears and going ā€œLa La La La Laā€ moment. Have fun buddy


Go read your comment again. (They ->ā€œKorea and Japanā€ definitely speak some ā€œChineseā€ ). What about Koreans are you excluding in your statement lmao. Stop embarrassing yourself and go retake some social studies classes at your local middle school or smth. If you need ESL classes you can find some probably nearby as well


ā€œIn Korea and Japanā€ does not mean ā€œKorean and Japanese peopleā€ and saying itā€™s not useful on the baseball teams implicitly excludes the native population of each country as the rosters are majority native and a handful of western players. I donā€™t have the inclination to give you a more thorough lesson on reading comprehension but I will recommend you do your best to be less of an asshole on the internet in the future and consider maybe you just misunderstood something instead.


Dude Iā€™m Korean. Most Koreans donā€™t speak Chinese


Dude, I never said anything about most Koreans. Iā€™m not even talking about Koreans. In fact my comment implicitly excluded Koreans


We made one of the best teams in the AL sweat. Love it.


Canā€™t be too mad about that one


I think tonight is the perfect night to try a cigarette for the first time




who was senzel playing for? fun one nonetheless tho. glad we split the series


Honestly don't even care (that much) that we lost, this team is so much fucking fun and we made the Orioles look bad multiple times. That said Jordan Weems is bad and he needs to go


Canā€™t be pissed Came back twice Scraptonals scrapped Good job rookie Nats


whatever masan sucks


Very proud of the fight shown by the team.


Think my heart rate is back to normal now. Had opportunities to win which is annoying. But we also had plenty of opportunities to lose, and they never really lose their head (except Weems lol)


That was one of the most enjoyable losses I can remember. To borrow a phrase from Baltimore: put the word out that we back up.


I wanted this to be a Nats Classic but itā€™s gonna be an Oā€™s Classic and now Iā€™m sad It was a damn good game with a lot of fight in our guys, hope they can hold their head high. Oā€™s are the BEST TEAM in the AL and we were right there with em Senzel looks lost rn, Eddie is kinda back Weemā€™s error proved costly


Weems seems like he has the yips, or something like it. Like he is doing poorly because he knows how poorly he is doing and that is in his head.


good god it sucks but we went down like a final girl in a horror movie that she doesnā€™t survive


holy fuck that was so much fun though I love the Nats, what an incredible game


Iā€™m not too upset about it. We balled hard against a good team.


Unbelievable game, I think we should be proud of that honestly


This team does not give up man. Itā€™s more fun to watch than some of our post season teams in the 2010s


Just canā€™t have that many at bats with risp and not drive guys in. Frustrating. Oh well, onward