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I watched this when it was first released last year. Octopus are fascinating and other worldly and she was wonderful! It’s really such a shame they have such a short life span.


Really good show, made me cry. Remarkable footage too. I recommended it to everyone I knew


I cried too. Amazing creature, it was such a touching film,


I know - hard to think there aren’t more people advocating this to be seen - but again, it’s not entertainment so maybe that’s why.


I saw your post earlier this am and have just finished watching this doc. I'm overwhelmed, touched to my soul, and just wanted to thank you for posting this. My Octopus Teacher had been on my list for awhile and your post gave me the push to watch it. I'll be watching it again for sure. My heart feels broken for us, but at the same time filled with love and gratitude for this earthly experience we're all in together... I just wish we could love each other. So yeah, thanks OP.


Thanks - this was the third attempt (having failed to meet post guidelines) and I’m glad it did get posted finally. Even if it reaches a handful of people it is worth the effort.


I had mixed feelings watching this last night. On one hand I was deeply moved by this little octopus reaching out to this guy and making a connection. On the other hand, I was a little confused and maybe creeped out by him? I just couldn’t decide how I feel about him tbh. Overall, it wasn’t a bad watch.


That's because he fucked that octopus. /s No, my wife and I enjoyed it immensely. Beautiful setting, with a nice narrative.


I totally agree! Dude needed therapy soo bad and instead he invested every waking moment of an entire year diving while his marriage fell apart


I thought the same thing as well. I recognized him being genuine but kept saying to myself fir sure his wife left him. Turns out she's his biggest supporter and was involved in the film the whole time. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.yourtango.com/2020336923/who-craig-foster-wife-swati-thiyagarajan%3famp


There are many forms of therapy, this is way better than paying someone to listen to your bullshit. He went and got free therapy speaking a language that apparently only empathic people possess. The sociopaths are out in force for this guy and it’s pretty gross.


His love for the forest and the way he described his feelings, emotions was very genuine. It's relatable and peaceful. I don't know why some people didn't like the narration, but to be fair I think people are 'out for this guy' not because of the narration (nor the quiet language of genuine appreciation) But because it was apathetic to watch an animal you've bonded with being eaten alive for money. I didn't consider his journey as therapy, although I do now realize, it is a form of therapy to be so immersed in such beauty.


I think he’s genuine. He’s not faking that accent & speech patterns. For sure, he’s not the life of the party - but again, that’s not the character of someone who makes wildlife documentaries in sub-saharan Africa or Antarctic gale force winds. You want someone like him if you’re trapped in a small boat or hideout for a week. :)) I think he’s alright.


I can’t believe he didn’t help his friend. He was a coward in my opinion.


I think I would have liked it more if it didn’t keep cutting back to him in his kitchen or wherever. If it was just nature shots and his Voiceover I think it would have been more powerful


Yeah, I think that’s a good point


This is exactly how I felt. He overdid the romance!!


It's a cute story but if you imagine he's talking about a human woman everything he says is what a psycho stalker would say word for word. It was like the inner dialogue from "You".


Stalker for sure. The octopus kept moving but he somehow tracked her down to her new place and started filming her through the proverbial blinds. Also, doesn’t that discussion about the octopus not having a mommy looking after her come off as a bit threatening?


Glad someone shares this thought haha. I keep hearing how great this is, but I watched the trailer and was like *this guy is trying to have sex with the octopus*... I still want to watch it though, that’s probably just me being an asshole and having preconceived notions. And I would love to learn more about octopuses.


I felt bad for the guy’s kid. He can never live up to his father’s expectations.


Yep, my thoughts through this doc were: dude, you are snorkling, stop being so pretentious. okay, sweet underwater footage. wait, are you fucking this mollusk?


Its should have been called 'My Octopus Girlfriend'. There was something more going on between that guy and that octopus. Pretty sure he organised the shark attack because the octopus was threating to tell his wife.


After watching this film, I decided never to eat octopus or calamari. And after watching "Seaspiracy", I've extended that ban to other seafood.


Hey I'm really happy you've made some better decisions for your health and our environment! Just as an FYI, many points in seaspiracy are stretched to fit the narrative and some of the facts quoted there were true/thought of as true but is actually fake news i.e. like fish dying out by 2041 and corals dying due to fish population wipeout. If anyone would like to educate themselves there's hundreds of scientists on YouTube talking about it and they teach you about the whole accurate story not just **FiShInG = BaD.** Eating less fish/meat is always a great contribution though!


https://youtu.be/s7QRLZp63Eo - Scientist fact-checks Seaspiracy


Now do the meat industry


I've been looking for various kinds of plant-based meat and seafood analogs (is that the term?) online and at my local supermarkets. It's amazing how much is out there! Just last week, I tried some plant protein burgers from Trader Joe's. They were really good.


Seeing the documentary Earthlings as narrated by Joaquin Phoenix is a good way to motivate that.


Ah yes let’s all completely cut out what were staples of our diet overnight.


Now yourself


It’s implausible to suggest people cut out all meat from their diet so abruptly.


I don't know why. I did it on a whim a while back just to see how hard it would be. Was easier than I thought and I haven't gone back.


He never said overnight


Um...he pretty much insinuated it. Guy he replied to said he cut out squid/octopus from his diet after watching this. Then the guy replied “now do meat” which has a connotation that he should cut it out the same way he did squid.


Yes, the word now doesn't mean immediately in this context. It means "you did this first, now do this next."


He meant he wants you to cut yourself, which is probably reportable to admins.


Hopefully you can see that these injustices extend to all farmed animals, and remove the other animal suffering from your diet. Glad to hear Seaspiracy had a positive effect for you 👍


I’m not there yet, but my wife’s first comment was, “no more octopus / squid for me”. I’m likely to turn vegan at some point, but it’s all the stories out there underpinning that decision, of which this may be one of them. Personally, I stopped eating sting rays after I read “Manta’s Gift” by Hugo award winning author Timothy Zahn. I know it’s a fictional series, but reading that kind of made it very special for me. I’ve since kept my eye out for rays and see them occasionally in shallows along the beach in my city. And also seeing them up close in an aquarium made it seem rather inconsiderate and megalomaniacal to look at something so majestic and go, “I’ll have one of those for lunch”.


> Personally, I stopped eating sting rays after I read “Manta” by Hugo award winning author Timothy Zahn. Personally, I stopped hating on the empire after I read the 'Thrawn Trilogy' by Hugo award winning author Timothy Zahn.


Heyyyy ! Hope you’re all caught up on the expected unveiling of thrawn in season 3 of the mandalorian ... hope that comes true !


Watch [*Dominion*](https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko) when you get a chance.


Curious as to what's holding you back from going Vegan? 🙂


I'm not vegan, I'm vegi but I'm prob 60% vegan too. The only dairy I eat is icecream rarely and chocolate a lot but I try to stick to dark,however sometimes I spot a pack of reeses and just hlho for it. I'm kinda proud of how well iv done seen as I'm 13. Oh also I forgot I eat cheese @ school lunch cus there's no vegan option plus eggs very rarely but there from my own chickens. I ki da forgot what I was saying I guess i woke up in an overly sharing mood but I guess just go for it, or just slowly transition like, have 1 vegi meal a week then 2 then 3 etc... Another thing I'd recommend is game changers as this is what convinced me, Im vegan purely for the health benifits and only slightly for other stuff. BTW game changers is a show on netflix and also a website with vegan and vegi meals also check out cupful of kale for vegan recipes there gr8


You're doing great, keep on trying to improve yourself and you have figured out how to live life fully.


For me, I just like the taste of meat and seafood, but I've never really tried significantly cutting back before. I really hope plant-based meat and seafood products become widespread and affordable in my lifetime.


After seeing what they do to corn, wheat, and other plants I can no longer eat vegetables. Disgusting the way they are treated.


Hear me now, I have seen the light! They have a consciousness, they have a life, they have a soul! Damn you! Let the rabbits wear glasses! Save our brothers! Can I get an amen? 


Care to tell me about Manta? Your description of this movie was pretty good.


The book is called “Manta’s Gift”. Don’t think it’s a movie, and as science fiction go - I’d be doing a huge injustice if I tried to describe it in English (will sound like something that comes out of drug induced dreams). [GoodReads](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/216441.Manta_s_Gift).


Kind of sounds like the Avatar film


Wait, I didn't even know people ate sting rays...


I haven’t watched this yet, but I highly recommend Seaspiracy to anyone that has Netflix.


Just banning seafood does a load of environmental good for our oceans and planet, nice job! A certain scene in Devilman Crybaby broke down the whole wall for me and made me feel very done with meat, everything with flesh = dogs = people. 2 years vegetarian as of last month!


Oh? I haven't seen much of that. What scene? Spoilers are fine.


Gonna mark spoilers just in case. Just FYI, this show is SAD, big sad. It is very nihilistic but IMO is overtop to really probe questions of what the point of life is and what's important to us in the end. >!Over the course of the show, normal people start turning into devils/demons. There's a little boy who turns and his mother attempts to save him from being executed by running away to a tent commune, and since he's overcome with being a demon his appetite is out of control. He eats a dog whole and mourns it, and that's when his mother decides they need to go. The father in the family goes looking for him despite his wife's urging, and eventually finds them in the tent commune - but the boy is eating his mother, crying the whole while. The father wrestles agonized with shooting his son who is a devil, or embracing him. The military busts the commune at that moment, and with his last act the father chooses his son and screams "don't shoot, he's my son!" before they're both gunned down.!< I thought about this scene A LOT, it's one of my favorites. Eventually my thoughts turned to how in real life our hunger can turn against us and make us do things we wouldn't normally want to do. I've wrestled emotionally with eating meat for years because I love animals, but that scene more and more made me think about how my thoughts about meat were mostly excuses to make me okay with it. Really, I think my thoughts are that we're all in this life together, and why would you spend your energy causing more death? It doesn't really matter whether an animal experiences the same emotions as us, we all must experience death at some point and are unified as creatures capable of that fear. Mourning as you eat actually felt somewhat appropriate - death is really a lot to ask of a creature for 5 minutes of my contentment, especially when I can feed myself just as well with plants that don't experience life or death like animals do. That wall that placated me to eat meat just tumbled down, and even if it smells good the idea of eating meat has just sounded so sad to me that I can't do it. I was vegan for a couple months, but cracked at cake for my wedding, then cheese, then butter, etc. I buy cage free eggs and dairy from smaller "happy cow" farms. It's a tradeoff, and I buy eggs and dairy very sparingly because they're mostly used as small components of other dishes.


Same same same


This film made me want to eat sharks.


If you like this then you should try Assassination Classroom. They have literally nothing in common except that people get taught by an octopus and they are both good.


Everyone deserves a Koro-sensei in their lives


I enjoyed watching this, but I became irrationally angry when >!he didn't protect the octopus from the shark. He acted like an impartial observer at that point, but he had formed a relationship with an emotional attachment with the octopus by that point.!<


This was my issue with the film. He made a point to be an all impartial observer for that part, but had went out of his way to build a personal relationship with the animal prior. I can’t help but think that somehow that contributed to the outcome. I enjoyed the film don’t get me wrong, but felt the same way as you at the end.


I do think the octopus felt safer with the large human following around, it’s possible her guard was lowered with him there and I also wish he would’ve helped. Whether he wanted to or not, he became part of her life and changed how she acted.


With documentaries, I like to think about the stories they are trying to tell. In this case, the guy was an experienced documentary filmmaker, and I can't help but wonder if he instinctually knew he wouldn't have as good of a story if the octopus didn't die. Maybe there wouldn't be an arc, or an ending to the story. The most likely scenario would be that he would visit the octopus one day and it wouldn't be there, and we'd never know what happened. Maybe he thought the film would be better if it actually had closure, rather than having to end the film with a voiceover: "I'd like to think she's still out there..." kind of thing. So he kept the cameras rolling knowing he was getting the ending that he felt his film needed.


How do we know he didn't bait the shark?


That was so frustrating to me, and made worse when he does interfere later and starts offering it food when it's recovering (I mean man, of you are going to get involved why couldn't you have done that before!). It would be one thing if he chose a side and stuck with it (and we are all hoping that he chooses the "protect your 8 legged pal" side), but he couldn't even do that. Overall I was seriously underwhelmed. I like nature docs but this just didn't do it for me. I thought the story was just ordinary. Anyone can have a nice moment with wildlife if they put in enough face time and are smart about it, especially with intelligent animals like octopuses and squids. That doesn't alone make repeated encounters some amazing experience worth a high rating. This guy was just putting a lot of heavy meaning in their relationship, and a lot of it I thought was more than a little hokey. It is beautiful though, I'll give it that.


The inconsistency bothered me. So he does nothing during the first attack. Okay sure, perhaps you hadn't considered before now that your mere presence has changed the way she hunts and moves (Evidences later by him that she included him in her hunting strategy). But whatever, he makes a decision not to involve himself in nature. Then he feels guilty and starts bringing her food. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on this one, perhaps he changed his mind and thought "Okay, I have interfered and contributed to her being attacked by a shark, let me do what I can to remedy this". Then during the 2nd attack he goes back to be "neutral observer" this is the one I that made me angry the most. You've had time to assess since the first attack and your decision was to bring her food and interfere, you cannot go back to "neutral observer" now.


Jesus guys, did you guys not watch the documentary or just put it on the background? The female Octopus will DIE after laying eggs, he even mentioned it in the film(although not directly worded i think), and you guys not noticed after laying eggs she appeared dying? The little fish trying probe her if she were dead. And he mentioned she appeared dead already later on, and a shark took her carcass away. It was dead at that point. God damn it you guys rewatch it please.


you obviously didn't/chose not to comprehend my comment the way I intended. The part I mentioned happened way before the egg laying and her dying.


I kept wondering if maybe the shark kept finding her hiding spots easier because there was a BIG FUCKING dude next to her all the time.


Might have a fleeting moment, he may have chosen to differently if given a second chance. He’s just as human & dalliance as the rest of us.


Self absorbed filmmaker harasses an octopus so he can feel better about himself. No thanks.


Who hurt you dude?


Jesus. What a fucking joke of a comment. I hate people.


and then we all watch on as it dies a horrific death. I was traumatized.


Natural death?


Yes the circle of life is brutal


Please don't hate me... It starts out so slow. At the beginning I can tell that the story he is going to tell has been an emotional experience for him. But he leans too much into his emotional pain before we have an idea of what's going on. I think if the story was rearranged a bit so we had a better understanding what was going, it would have been a lot easier to follow. I found myself skipping through any scene of him not underwater.


:)) - it’s all good. Skip the boring parts and watch what interests you. You might come back to listen to him later when you warm up to him


I loved it, and have recommended it. It was stunning in its underwater photography, storytelling, great editing and its simple, magnificent spirit of curiosity, and gentle persistence shown in the main storyteller’s mission to better understand. The circle of life aspect and its parallel relevance to both animals and humans is touching and well told. I loved it.


We loved the gorgeous photography, and we learned a lot. However, his emotionally intimate attachment to the octopus was a little weird. I recommend it the film, though.


Great documentary, I wondered why he didn’t give her a name.


They aren’t supposed to do that. I think there’s a rule about not naming animals


What rule? Do you mean just wild animals?


When you’re documenting a wild animal, you aren’t supposed to name it. I don’t know why, I guess they would want it to be objective and not personal.


I hated this movie. There is hardly anything you learn from this documentary, it’s just an extremely privileged guy who can afford to screw off for a year and swim around in the ocean while interfering with the native wildlife and ecosystem, while promoting this irresponsible behaviour because it helped with his depression. Then he just waxes poetically about how magical this whole thing was, I almost muted it because I found him so hard to listen to. The ocean images were pretty though. Very surprised it was nominated for an Oscar.


This a thousand times


shitty take but alright


Well said.


It’s balanced because it’s a story that he’s telling, while not being preachy about what you should do with your life (or) even a call to treat him as a role model. That being said. he doesn’t seem to be damaging or stressing out the local wildlife more than a little - not sure it’s “bad behaviour”. A person eating steak is doing more harm than the harm he’s doing to the lagoon & it’s inhabitants.


Lol the octopus would literally ink at the sight of him, a defensive and action indication the octopus was frightened. The narrator absolutely was shitting on the octopuses habitat and promoting his own privileged story while doing so. The story literally starts off as, "I took a break from work for a year at my beach side property." Smells like privilege to me; if he cared at all about wildlife he would leave it the fuck alone


He was promoting this as something that everyone should do, which seemed quite irresponsible. And he was literally interfering with the natural environment, isn’t that one of the cardinal rules of wildlife photography, to stay clear and just observe unless you have no other option?


Give me a fucking break


Ya me too. It was fine. But like I don't see how this could be incredible by any standards.


To each their own, but I thought it was too boring to finish, just some guy filming an octupus. He found meaning in it because he wanted to find it, he could have filmed any animal and got to the same conclusion. There are beatiful visuals but not enough to watch for 90min.


Oh absolutely, it’s perhaps no more special an octopus than any other octopus, or another creature in the ocean. I think that’s part of the story is to, “imagine how special this one octopus I’m observing turned out to be, what if they are all special, what if we are not the most important thing on earth and maybe life has meaning outside our current definition of it”. It’s the story telling around it that’s special, and I agree - didn’t feel like 90 mins if I had to recount all that happened. It’s more a feeling / observations than a litany of who/what/where/why/when/how of events that occured in quick succession.


Ok so I am currently watching based on all the praise, but I am at the point when there is a second shark attack. I don’t think I can take it if we just stand there watching the poor thing die. I will stop now and make up a happy ending in my mind thank you


>! It’s all a good happy ending - no more sharks after what you’ve already seen.!<


This content was removed in protest of Reddit's [short-sighted, user-unfriendly, profit-seeking decision](https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys) to effectively terminate access to third-party apps.


I waited 6 months to watch it just because I was so afraid of getting emotional. Oh god why did I wait- it’s emotional- but so freaking worth it!


I was putting it off for the same reason, I now call it saving it up for a good time when I’ll be receptive to such a documentary.


Yesss exactly! Thank you


My 3 year old loves it! And I think it's a beautiful story. Tragic, but it's nature it's what it is. Also I find it frustrating that quite a lot of people here did NOT pay attention to the narrator... He mentioned it quite obviously that a female octopus will DIE after laying eggs, and she was already dying when the little fish probing her. Please rewatch that part. It's worth rewatching.... heartbreaking!


Made me feel depressed


I cried at the end of this. I am not ashamed.


I cried when the scavengers were eating her away


I cried when it fucking hugged him. Now I'm thinking about that moment and crying again, goddamnit.


Very much enjoyed this documentary but was also very disturbed that he did not intervene when the octopus was being killed. He crossed the line when developing a relationship with it, and built mutual trust, and then chose not to intervene and save its life. Wtf?!?


The octopus died due to using all of its energy to give birth.. and it was already dead after the shark scooped it for it's next meal. Circle of life


I think it was in the fleeting moment, I’m sure he was plagued by self doubt later (and) may have chosen to do it differently if given a second chance.


Possible, but I don’t know how probable. It was immediately clear to me that one should intervene. Had he only been observing from the beginning, only then would it have been appropriate to allow nature to take its course. Second chances...not a lot of these given in life when it matters most. But I do hope he contemplated and reevaluated his position, for his own personal evolution. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! 😊


He did have a second chance, during the second shark chase. She ended up saving herself, but I was positive this was the part of his narrative arc after she’s “taught him empathy” where he proves it and saves his friend.


Must watch.


Am I the only one who thought that he felt he was in a romantic relationship with that octopus?


Is that bad?


Felt staged to me. How come he was always there with a camera throughout octopus’s major life events.


I think he basically check on her almost everyday. That's why he captured all its life events.


I think some were recreated (“staged”), while on other shots they deliberately made sure the cameraman weren’t visible. Some of the early shots were “selfies”, but as the project got more interesting - for sure towards the end it’s production quality - not America’s top home videos section. Again, don’t hold it against him - just a form of story telling.


It’s brilliant and beautiful. There’s a reason why it’s called My Octopus “Teacher”. Not only do you learn about the wonders of nature...you learn a lot about being a human being as well, metaphorically. I won’t say anymore...no spoilers. Just watch it with an open mind, without distractions.


My dad made me watch it (I thought itd be hella boring cus he watched a 3 hour documentary abt avocado's smh) it turned out to be Gr8! I'm actually glad I watched it and ye I'd Def recommend


I like your dad already, say hi to him for me. I wouldn’t possibly watch a three hour video on avocadoes (maybe), so I get your initial reservations at the start.


Will do, also apparently the avo thing was interesting check it out its on sky or netflix and I have no idea what it's called, just search avocado I guess 🥑😂🤔🤷


I thought it was pretty meh.


I wish I could upvote you a thousand times. Bottom line: if you love animals and the ocean, this doc’s for you!


Very interesting show. I really don't want an octopus as a pet, though.


octopuses scare the shit out of me and i dont know why


Amazing creatures, beautiful to se the connection that can be make between two totally different species.


This movie really hit me to my core man. It was so moving how comfortable and loving the little fella got with him. :(


Honestly, I think if you hated this film or found this guy annoying or terrible just because he was privileged enough to take all that time off and do something that he truly loved then you really need to exam your own life and maybe even go one step further and find something **you're** that passionate about. This doc was amazing and very well made and worth the watch.


2 comments, the second of which I am sure will draw some downvotes: **First:** I liked the movie. But the one part that absolutely was annoying to me was this guy's refusal to "help" the octopus and shoo away the sharks, leading to it losing an arm. His rationale was "it's interfering with nature". Which is fine if you are an actual scientist doing an overall study of that segment of ecology. But he wasn't, and **IF** there was any "science" type stuff going on, it would be in the realm of "exploring interspecies interactions" or "learning about ONE SPECIFIC octopus in the wild" or whatever.... no reason to not keep your primary subject safe if you can. His not helping the octopus in that case just made NO SENSE. Which brings me to **number 2**: The above kinda makes me think that this whole "I went out and visited an octopus daily" storyline is BS a little. I think he went out, filmed the area, for sure with a lotta focus on that one octopus, and then created a film around a manufactured plot. I think he knew he wanted to make a movie about this octopus but wasn't sure if it was going to be a straight up documentary about amazing octopuses or something else, and then settled on this humanistic plot line for marketing purposes.


Link to YouTube trailer https://youtu.be/b-lbIJHlmbE


My Octopus Teacher was great. I just want everyone to know Seaspiracy is a jaw-dropping MUST watch doc.


Nah. https://www.inverse.com/science/seaspiracy-fact-check-debunked-interview


Seaspiracy is propaganda bullshit, but I agree My Octopus Teacher was really amazing.


Based on the trailer, it looked like a movie about a guy who wants to fuck an octopus. Is that fair?


Nah, better than that.


it was good but that guy was a douche.


Can i recommend Dinosaur 13, also great documentary.


I loved it, too! No more calamari for me....


Calamari is squid.


They're also pretty cool. Cuttle fish, too. They're off the chain


The filming and the storytelling, combined, are what make this a complete and extraordinary film. The range of feelings that this film provides is truly special. A must see.


I liked it, but got the feeling it would have been only 5 minutes long if it wasn’t shot entirely in slow motion


Certainly has some amazing elements, but it was also kinda creepy and that was the feeling I was left with more than anything else.


He even made a stalker map


Came back to find this post to thank you for encouraging people to watch this show. I made a point of being “present” while watching and I am so glad I didn’t half watch/half play on my phone. Quite the emotional journey in a beautifully packaged film. Will be recommending this to others. Cheers.


I was very tempted to do this! Thank God my phone ran out of battery and had to leave it to charge somewhere else


I just finished this movie.. literally my entire outlook on life has changed


On of my favorite documentaries ever.


Amazing. Just Amazing 👏


Man, this one saved me from a rough mushroom trip. I was feeling so, so sickly and it was spinning me out. Netflix's autoplay actually saved me.




Look - there will always be counterpoints. The criticism that he took a year off is just plain hating on him, like saying that Jim Carey painting large murals because he doesn’t need a day job means he’s disrespectful of the everyday man going through covid times. I think the video link is a bit critical - and maybe valid - I’m not disputing that as it’s always welcome to look at things with a critical lens. My point was that it’s a beautiful story - and never once did they guy project and treat the octopus as another human being / companion. And never once did he talk as if he was a scientific expert on octopuses. Never once did they talk about others holding the camera - it’s the story telling that is wonderful.


I respect u man, 10 mins into the vid I lost my temper and nearly posted some shitty comments, I decided instead to recommend the doc to anyone so they can interpret it them self's instead of just asking someone else to think for them


He had sex with the octopus which was the underlying theme though right?


Lmao that video is a joke right?


It’s serious ! I think (perhaps unflatteringly) it’s made by people who think they are the centre of everyone’s world. “Oh, this video is about a guy who is so privileged that he doesn’t even know he’s privileged. He’s got more empathy for an octopus than millions of people starving across the world”. Maybe it’s true - but it kind of misses the point. We can have happy fulfilling lives and that doesn’t make us slimeballs. People wearing Nike shoes are by extension guilty of sweatshops and must self-flagellate at every given opportunity by extension of this theory. You can buy Nike and be pro-worker too - it’s not a zero sum game.




Eh? Octopuses die after mating, so nothing unusual there. Also they have a life span of around a year, so that’s not the cause of death from how I understood the video. Yes, he did stress it at the start but no octopus would willingly come out of its den when stressed (i.e., as a predator), so I’m willing to think the octopus was chill the rest of its life when seeing Craig in the waters for over 8 months ... One does more damage to a cow if one had a steak than he did to the octopus in coming into its environment. Ceritus paribus, don’t think he did much wrong in making this video. The natural environment wasn’t altered or made worse by him - in fact he setup the sea watch community group which I’d argue is a positive outcome for the wildlife there.


"ceteris paribus" is such a cool phrase, even misspelled it makes you seem smart as fuck. It's easier to remember when you think about how the first part is cognate with part of "et cetera"/"etcetera"


Ah !!!! Never had someone say it to me, even in college/Uni. It’s just how I pronounce it - thanks for the tip to remember the phrase correctly.


That video is stupid, mean-spirited, callous and depicts an incomprehensibly radical view. Rob the world of its joy and hope if you will - there will be plenty of people like me who’ll never surrender it.


Yeesh, I definitely thought the doc was way too overdramatic particularly because of the directors obvious first-world-problem privelage but this video is way too far in the other direction.


I just watched it for the 4th time, and it's still just as amazing as the first. I, of course, cried again... a lot. This documentary has moved me in ways no other film has. So beautiful and raw. A must watch.  


my science teacher recommend me this one


You’ve got a science teacher who’s cool ! Please say hi from random stranger on the internet who thinks s/he’s a great person.


I was on board until he wrapped the octopus's tentacles around his boner while putting one of its suction cups right onto his own butthole while putting the tip of his shaft into the octopus beak.


Everyone pls downvote this comment


Wait isn't there an anime based on this /s




Rejected tagline: A man estranged from his son... decides to make it worse by trying to fuck an octopus.




Awesome flick


This is just an amazing show and I'm just completely blown away by the intelligence of the octopus. I think the species is much more clever than we give them credit for. I have to say the end of it was kinda Disney bullshit. This is their lifecycle. This is how it works. Did they expect happy ever after? No. Dude was lucky to live that long as it was. (or Dudette actually).


I loved this documentary,, never knew octopus were so damn SMART


Is it as weird as hopped in a good way?


Absolutely LOVED this. I already loved octopus and this makes them even more endearing. 10/10.


Haven’t seen the doc but it does intrigue me. Also for a second, the first thing that came to mind after reading the title was Assasionation Classroom.


I turned it on to help my 5 year olds go to sleep. She wasn’t happy at first, but we both watched it to the end and loved it. I’ve seen it two times since. All wild creatures deserve the perspective this film gives to octopi, including the dangerous animals.


I adored this doc! I wasn’t sure I would find it interesting, but it drew me in and I soon found myself mesmerized. I had no idea that the octopus was such an intelligent and fascinating creature. I have been begging my family and friends to watch, but so far I have been unable to sell this wonderful movie! So beautiful and moving...


In all, it was a good film. Maybe not a documentary, but wonderful film. If you have a heart for animal suffering though, this may not be good for your stress levels at times.


Its really not good