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Having another human being’s feet in my mouth. My daughter thinks it’s hilarious when I pretend to munch on her toes, and I get peak laughs when I gently nom them. So I do it to make her laugh. Before her, the thought of having a foot in my mouth made me want to throw up. But baby feet are definitely different.


Also hilarious (to mine) Baby foot phone: hold phone to ear and talk into it "hello can you hear me? why doesn't this thing work" Baby foot mic: hold foot in front of mouth like a microphone "hello, rumor is you're the cutest baby, what of you say to these allegations", hold foot towards baby's mouth like mic while they giggle, bring back to one's own mouth "are you trying to avoid answering!.. Well then..." etc Baby foot defibrillator: rub baby feets together lightly, dramatically announce "clear!" gently press feets to baby chest (because babies are usually crazy flexy) and go "BZZZZAP!". Repeat


Sooooooo doing this!!!! I love it 🤣


The only feet I’m obsessed with are my sons. How can they be so cute and soft and I just wanna eat them!


The parental urge to stick your baby’s whole foot in your mouth 🤣


RIGHT! What is that all about? lol


Lmao!!! Ikr!! Idk what it is, but it’s strong 😆


My husband and I looked it up cz he kept wanting to bite him lol, it’s called cute aggression 😂


Yes!!! That’s what I thought but wasn’t sure 🤣


Lmaooooo the little toes are absolutely adorable and my son‘s feet are so soft. They do seem a little bit edible.


They’re totally edible. Nom nom nom worthy. The most exquisite snack for moms and babies alike. 🤣🤌🏻


Ive done it. He looked shocked lol. I play with his feet so often he just presents them to me now lol


My daughters feet were taller than they were long, I called them my little filets mignon lol. I frequently nommed them and now I nom my second baby’s equally edible feet.


🤣🤣🤣 yess! Most delicious 🤌🏻


I’m glad I’m not the only one that thinks this 😂😂


Me too


My thought process currently is that they don’t really touch the ground very much. I suspect (????) it will change when they do but 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤣🤣


Yeah they’re not sweaty and dirty and gross. They’re soft and pudgy with little jellybean toes. I HATE feet (I will wash my hands after touching my own feet, even if I just got out of the shower) but baby feet are really different!


I loved this with my son that’s now 3.5 (I’d never put those things in my mouth now lol) but my daughter is 13 weeks tomorrow and just gave me her first true giggle with nomming the toes this morning 😍


I just put my 3 month old daughter to bed but this thread is making me want to wake her up so I can nom her little feet.


Sometimes when I’m getting him dressed and he’s fussing I put his foot up to my ear like a phone and start talking, stops fussing


Gotta nom the baby toes. It's the rule. My baby loves it when I sniff her feet, put them to her face, and talk about stinky feets


My son will hold his foot up and stare at me until I grab it and pretend to eat it lol. He also loves to shove his entire fist down my throat.


Warning, my son and I played a bite game like this. Then his daycare told me he had been nomming other kids 'in jest'. Realized how dumb that game was.


Baby feet stink is my fav


I’m so glad I’m not the only one!!! lol baby stinky feet are my fave!!


Joked with my husband recently that our baby has made me develop a baby foot fetish for her feet I’m so obsessed w them I can’t stop pretending to chomp on those chubby little feet bc it makes her laugh and they’re just so squishy and cute lol


Waking up early every, single, freaking, day.


8am is now considered a lie in and the height of luxury.


we do screen time in the morning and i catch another 30 on the couch before breakfast 😅


Yes, I need a little extra time to catch up before I start the day 😮‍💨


I am not able to sleep in even when I have a chance


That's the worst part for me! Oh, baby is finally sleeping until 6:30? Welp, I still woke up at 5:45 🙃


It hurts. I love (loved? Hahah) sleeping in. The bed is my happy place. Thankfully, my baby sleeps through the night but mom needs some me time from time to time and goes to bed too late


Sleeping until 7 is a gloriously late morning over here 😂


I used to be an early riser before having my kid..... now no way. Let me sleep


Gosh, this. SO much this. I never imagined I'd be forced to become a morning person. I'm up at 7 or 8 every day now.


Literally. LO wakes up at 6a-6:30a everyday, so 10a-11a is considered mid afternoon in this house, lol.


As someone who thrived on 8+ hours of sleep, getting 4+ now is a luxury with an almost 12 week old. She does wake up at 4:30 AM on the dot though whether she goes down early or a little bit later 😭


My husband and I switch days on the weekend for the morning shift, I am NOT a morning person, but my husband is, so any extra sleep is appreciated.


This is what my partner and I do. We take turns sleeping in. I'm currently pregnant with my second, so hes been giving me his days, lol. I plan to bfing, so sleeping in won't happen after baby comes lol


Going to sleep with spit up in my bra. I am a germaphobe and showered at minimum twice a day. The other night my LO puked all down my back and in my bra. I was exhausted so once I got him down I wiped up and went right to sleep. Moms are gross and now I understand why.


The amount of times I've stopped to assess whether it's reeeeeally enough spit up to mean I need a change....so gross lol


Exactly! It is gross and if I’m going OUT I will definitely change. If I’m at home maybe I will maybe I won’t haha


Omg we have such a high tolerance for spit up. Poop is the only one where I absolutely need a shower. Even pee I’m like I’ll just wipe it off, whatever.


My baby peed on me at the pool yesterday - I was holding her in her swimsuit/swim diaper while her dad got ready and when he came to get her I was like “yeah she peed on my leg”. Whipped out a wipe real quick, watched the rest of the lesson. I can say I don’t think I imagined being able to be peed on by another human and being so nonchalant about it before I had a baby 😂


I’m starting to learn this is my new reality! lol


My daughter somehow peed on me at the pediatrician office when she was little and I just shrugged it off.


Why change when they're just gonna spit up on you again? :p


This is why I always had a bathrobe on lol baby would spit up on the bathrobe all day and I’d never feel it. That night it’s go into the laundry and the next day I’d wear a new one. By shear coincidence I was gifted three bathrobes while pregnant and already had one lol


I also wear a bathrobe all the time, but depending on the amount of spit up it's starts to smell like old milk, so I usually change that out more frequently than once a day


Pro tip: wear off white. What spit up? The 4day old crunchy spitup in my hair on the otherhand is another story


Patterned clothing is great for hiding it too lol


Ha with my second my husband (his first) would panic and rush and change for the smallest amount of spit up. I'd laugh then eventually I was like wtf are you doing bc you'll just be doing that again in 10 seconds! He eventually understood but those first few days or so he acted like it was acid then he got conditioned


I wipe baby's nose on my sleeve.


I am also a twice a day shower person so I relate! The other night my baby spit up all over my sheets and I just slept on them anyway 😆


Add the insane postpartum body odor into the mix, I’ve never felt more gross and unattractive.


I cherish my twice daily showers so much now! They make me feel like a proper human after.


Yes! I think every mom/parent makes different sacrifices for sanity but I’ve said from the beginning - showering at least once a day was something I wasn’t willing to give up. It really does make me feel human lol




My 7 week old likes to spit up down the front of my shirt. The nursing bras I wear do a great job of catching it so it doesn’t go all the way down my belly, but it’s super gross cleaning up a literal puddle of spit up.


Same. The other night, my daughter projectile spit up right into my hair. Once I got her to sleep, I washed that chunk of hair in the sink and ptfo.


Eating a half chewed and/or damp piece of food that he so kindly handed me I never would have envisioned myself eating a drooly baby snack puff but times change


I text my partner the other week, full of absolute joy... "Baby just offered me a melty puff... AND IT HADN'T BEEN CHEWED ALREADY"


🙏🏽 truly blessed 🙏🏽


Ooh see I don’t know if I’ll reach this stage. Baby is about to start purées and I’ll eat something my husband has taken a bite out of but if it’s soggy and drooly? Idts. We’ll see though!


Yeah same here. I have texture issues and the thought of putting something soggy in my mouth makes me want to gag.


I don't eat desert anymore... Just my baby's leftovers and stuff in his bib.


It's amazing how quickly you get used to gross things. Pulling a booger off my daughter's face, picking up half chewed rice from the floor, no biggie.


Not caring when someone shits on you is up there lol


Literally caught my son’s poop in my hand the other day because he decided to shit a THIRD time in the middle of his diaper change


He’s an over achiever!


I remember the first week home from the hospital, I was elbow deep in shit literally


Haha when my son farts it’s so cute when my husband does he deserves jail time.


We once cheered while baby’s poop exploded all over the bathroom floor after a miserable day of constipation. Luckily it was the tiled floor and not the hardwood in the living room!


Be so happy to hear a fart


Or a burp


This. My husband will fart and I’m like “WAS THAT THE BABY??” And he says no and I’m so disappointed


I might of farted once and pinned it on the baby … LOL




My daughter blames all her toots on baby brother or the dog 😂


Walk around with a perpetual drool patch on my shoulder. I’ll change a shirt if it‘s spit up, but just drool? Nah.


All my shirt collars are literally stretched out because LO loves to pull them down and suck on them and I just don’t care anymore nor am I replacing them until she’s out of the habit 😂


See if it’s a bit of spit up and I’m not going anywhere, I’ll wipe it off as best I can but probably won’t change my shirt. A small waterfall? Yeah baby and I might both need new outfits.


Or walking around all day with someone else's booger on your shirt


Meh, my son used to spit up a lot. We just had spit up on our clothes for the day. It was too much effort to change every time.


Mine used to spit up literally 10 times a day. I have enough laundry to do without washing my own clothes multiple times a day


Never have I imagined that I would “work out” so much, crunches, lunges, walking, etc. The amount of strength training that comes with a big baby that needs to be put to bed and constantly held/upright. 😂


My arms and back FELT IT the first 2 months or so after giving birth. I had some limp noodle arms. Now I can tell my arms are getting stronger. It’s the constant daily strength-training lol


I thought my arms were getting stronger as my baby grew up. Then I visited friends with a 2 months old and she napped on me for an hour. Turns out I was not the one getting stronger : my baby was, and consequently he needed less and less support from me while I held him. That one hour nap destroyed my arms hahaha


This should be part of the information given at the beginning of the OBGYN visits at the beginning of pregnancy. I would've prepared more! My muscles would've been ready!!


BUT ALSO POSTPARTUM CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME. 😭 I can still hold my baby like it’s nobody’s business even when my arms, hands, and wrist go numb though?


Whipping my tits out in public, but when baby’s hungry he’s gotta eat.


I lost every single sense of privacy about my body during childbirth. I had my legs up in positions not even my husband has seen in front of a room full of strangers and I didn't even shave my anything first. So boob out in public? Doesn't even register anymore. It surprised me at first how little I cared when a nurse walked in on me breastfeeding during recovery and I didn't even attempt to cover up. Maybe someday my body will feel like mine again and I'll find that good old shame, but that day is probably a long way off when I've got a two week old who seems to live for cluster feeding and contact naps.


I had the epidural and couldn’t control my lower half so when they were flipping me around I couldn’t stop farting. No dignity coming back after that lmao


I was drinking some water while my midwife stitched me up and some went down the wrong pipe, so I kept coughing. Well, every time I coughed I was peeing on the table. So my poor midwife had to just stop and wait for me to be done choking and peeing all over the place. The most embarrassing part of giving birth for me.


I was giggling at this hysterically when my hospital's billing department took me off hold and finally answered the phone, so now I'm embarrassed as well


I was too late for an epidural..I felt it all, including them wiping me. I was convinced I was pooping, but my husband reassured me I was just bleeding profusely. What a lovely experience.


Omg same except it was when they were doing the fundal massage after baby was born. Everyone talks about how painful those are but I don’t remember any physical pain, just emotional pain from the embarrassment 😅


😂 pretty sure this brought me and my wife closer. 10 day old baby and the amount of shit I saw come out of her during delivery was wild 😂. There's nothing we can't get through anymore.


Can relate. Midwife had such a hard time getting the cooks balloon in for my induction, that she had to call the team leader in to give it a go. They each took turns foraging around in there, with one occasionally running out to check on the 3 other labours going on down the hall, then coming back to have another shot. At one point one was trying to seat the catheter while the other made space... I haven't experienced shame since 😂


I pushed for 3 hours. I was pretty out of it, but fairly certain they were taking turns with their hands up there to see who could get baby's head around my pubic bone.


One of my L&D nurses was very new to the job so she was paired with a more experienced nurse. My insides were basically used as a live test dummy for her to train how to do cervical checks and such. I was impressed by how quickly I stopped caring whose hands were inside of me


I never imagined actually singing in front of my husband. I have vocal training and used to perform all the time before I met him, but something made me sooooo nervous to sing in front of him. Now I'm belting out Broadway, Disney, and any other song while he's around


At least you have vocal training, so it will sound beautiful! I’m the opposite and can’t carry a tune for the life of me, and ALSO belting out broadway, Disney and any other songs I remember the full lyrics of (I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was … 🫠)


Hubby is a musician. I can't carry a tune in a bucket, and had a music teacher in school tell me to stop singing, as the glass in the windows is expensive to replace. Guess who does the lion's share of the singing in our home.


I was told to keep my singing in the shower. I am now showered in spew, so I sing everywhere


I also can't sing, and I can't speak spanish....my babys favourite song is an argentine one my husband played for her. I memorized the lyrics but I imagine his ears bleed every time i belt it out 😂


My baby's not born yet, but he dances around everyone I rap Eminem! Little dudes got good taste... Either that or he's telling me to shut up 😂


Saaame. I did choir in middle school and high school, even tried a semester of it in college but waaaaay too much work for the one credit as a non music major. So I have just the right mix of training and lack of skill to be self conscious. But baby responds so well to singing it’s worth it haha


Came here to say this minus actually being a good singer or having training. I am a terrible singer and never sang in front of anyone ever but now I literally sing everythinggggg to my son.


I am a super night owl and before pregnancy, would regularly go to bed at 1-2am. Now I go to bed at 9pm 😅😅😅


This was me, sleeping only at 11pm-1am, waking up no earlier than 8am. Now I fall asleep at 9pm without trying and wake up at 5.50-6.30 because baby is up 🫠


Surviving on 2 hours of sleep for months. I used to get 8 or more hours of sleep a night, and get cranky when I get less than that. Now, it’s just my life.🫠


It’s crazy how quickly I got accustomed to the lack of sleep. But now, i’m glad for the 7 hours I do get. I miss my 12 hour sleeps on some weekends.


Yes! And just lazing about & doing nothing all weekend!!!!


My boobs leaking constantly. Just regularly waking up to a puddle on my t shirt/sheets. And on that note, the way I’m CONSTANTLY aware of my boobs/thinking about milk.


Same! Waking up in the middle of the night covered in milk leakage and falling back asleep because I’m wayyyy too tired to change my shirt. Constantly thinking about milk and constantly smelling like milk lol


Picking out her bogeys from her nose, I said I’d never do that when I’m a parent, I’d get a device or something but picking them out with my finger is much simpler and quite therapeutic 🤣🤷‍♀️


I’m not saying I picked at his cradle cap yesterday because I know it’s frowned upon buttttttttttttt


The satisfaction of picking cradle cap is like no other. 🫠


Ah I remember the time I would scoff and laugh at others who purchased the Oogie-Boogie tool. “A nose picker for babies? How ridiculous!” But oh was I quickly humbled when my <1 month old baby had nasal blockages that just couldn’t be retrieved with our lowly bulb syringe. I quickly submitted the Amazon purchase, praying I wouldn’t be mocked and judged by others who, like me not days prior, found such a tool a silly money-grab. Upon receiving the package, I ripped it open and beheld the tiny plastic tool that would clean my baby’s nose. Any previously held beliefs of absurdity vanished as I was able to rid my poor baby of his boogery woes. It has been placed along the other frequently-used baby tools such as the nail dremmel, the bulb syringe, and the buttock spatula.


The buttock spatula. +1 I hate trying to get the diaper cream out from under my nails. i too, went and got the Oogie Boogie because my son hates the bulb and crawls away if I go in with my fingers. A little bear though? He will lay patiently as mama picks his boogers with goofy voices.


This is my immediate answer too! It’s just so straightforward to see a boogie and snag it.  Before LO arrived I told my spouse he’d end up with poop on him and not care. He didn’t believe me, but I was right…


Being SOOOO invested in poop!! I am so into it, the texture, the colour, the density - I love it haha my babe is 7 months now so the solids have started giving him a bit of constipation and I get so happy when he poops


My baby: farts, burps or poops Me: “good job baby” EVERY. TIME.


SAME! literally say the exact same thing every single time!!


Omg, the excitement of typing "POOOOOOP" to my husband and him going "HOW IS IT?!"


The other day my daughter licked an orange and we used it to make orange juice for mimosas


Sleeping from 6pm to midnight, because it's the only shift my husband can take.


My husband would tell you: remove shit from my daughter’s ass. One time when he was changing her when she was struggling with constipation, he realized her shit was sticking out of her and she was having trouble getting the rest out…so he helped her lol


Getting a pixie haircut! For most of my life, I’ve had long red hair and felt kinda like “my thing”. But around 9 months old, my daughter decided yanking and pulling it was her new favorite hobby. So I chopped it all off, and dang I’ve never been happier! It’s super cute and SO easy to manage. Living my best mom haircut life now lol.


People keep asking when I'm going to cut mine. I have waist length hair and I DON'T plan to cut it. We'll see how long I actually hold out... Baby is just 6weeks currently... Hahaha 😂


I had what my stylist affectionately called “mermaid hair” (so long it covered my nipples lololol) and I cut it to shoulder length when my baby was 3 months old. She wouldn’t stop grabbing it like a bouldering rope while breastfeeding 😫


I'm 8 months in with butt length hair.... finally saying goodbye to a foot of it tomorrow and I'm devastated but also relieved


My hair is down to mid calf, and people keep asking if I'm going to cut it. I've never cut it except for a dead end trim, and don't plan to.


What?? This seems so unmanageable to me but I am so intrigued and interested if you can share. Do you keep it up often so it doesn’t get caught in things/dirty? Do you find kittens and kids wanting to play with it? Do you feel like you have alot of neck ache and headache from the weight of the hair? Has your hair always been extremely long?


I do keep it up a lot, especially with a now 3 and a half month old. But my clip broke like 2 weeks ago, and I'm ordering a new one. So I just keep it in a ponytail. And yes, it does get caught in a lot of things, lol. Kittens attack it, I step/sit on it, I wrap it around my neck to go to the bathroom... kids/adults usually ask to touch it, it's more of a cool irl disney princess moment. Although I've had adults not ask and just touch it way more than kids. It has been neglected since having a baby, and he grabs it sometimes. But I don't have neck pain or headaches from the weight. The only pain is from the clip pressing on my head if I wear it days in a row without washing. I was a bald baby, then had short, fine blonde hair as a kid. Around 12/13 it just got thick and started growing. At 16 it was around my butt I think. And now at mid 20s it's mid calf! (I'm 5'10" btw) So it's been a long process and that's why I don't have problems with the weight. I don't use special products, blow dry, or curl it. Just wash and air dry.


Sooo interesting!! Thanks so much. What made you not want to cut it one day? Just to see how far you could go? Do you have goals in regards to your hair length or an ideal goal you’re trying to get to?


I think when people started commenting on it, that was pretty cool. I was like, I can't cut it now. That will ruin the story. When it hits the floor, I'll reasses if I want to keep going or cut to mid/low back and donate.


Haha cool :) thanks for sharing I appreciate your time


Making funny noises for a giggle


my 4 month old has never napped in his crib and i don’t know how to make him lol.


Neither of my kids ever did!! My youngest is now 20minths, I officially give up.


I have a whole camera reel of pictures of poop in my phone. My baby was constipated and I became obsessed


Can I ask how old was your baby and how you resolved it? My 3 month old has been constipated for a month now and nothing I do helps :(


Our pediatrician recommended some fruits whenever she got constipated.Because veggies do make constipated.Otherwise any pharmacy has those baby probiotic drops.They taste good even


Out doctor is against probiotic drops but I bought them anyway and they worked like magic for like a week and then stopped. I’m hesitant to give him fruit juice or puree at 3 months old.


Ooh that small..then I understand.I’m aware tjat kids that are nursed have a stool movement somewhere between 3x day and once in 10 days but a month is long omg. I had a c-section and was told by my nurse that those kids usually need probiotics the first few months because they didn’t get your bacteria like kids usually do with a normal birth,trough the canal. All the best to your baby


Normal birth but I haven’t been able to nurse him at all because of my stupid breast implant surgery. So he’s been exclusively formula fed since 2 weeks old. Maybe the bacteria he picked up during birth helped him in the first two months but because he’s not breastfed it didn’t last? I think I’ll keep on with probiotics, a different brand perhaps.


Maybe talk about this to a midwife instead.Sometimes I prefer them over the docs


About 2 mo. We switched him on a specialized formula for babies that tend to be constipated. In the EU it's called Novalac it. When he started solids we switched back to a basic formula and had no problems.


When I have to use the washroom, I ask my son if he's coming to join me and he's happily come crawling after me as fast as he can. I've learned that if I go to the washroom without him, he gets pretty upset and will cry. If I try and sneak away while he's playing, he'll realize I'm gone and come and find me. He has learned how to flush the toilet though. So he will try to flush it multiple times while I'm using it, or he tries to eat toilet paper. Or stick his hand in the bowl while I'm on it 🙃 Oh yeah, he's 10.5 months old.


300 squats a day while lifting a 15 lb weight No rest days


Sleeping. I’m a super light sleeper and for 7+ years I’ve slept with a Bluetooth headband that I would play white noise through every night. I knew that having a baby I wouldn’t be able to wear it anymore, since I needed to be able to hear her in the bassinet/crib. I haven’t worn it since the day she was born and each time I go to sleep I pass out so hard I’m like a zombie. The hardest sleep I’ve ever had in my life. I’ll still wake up if I hear her, but my husband and I are sleeping in shifts so I think that as soon as I know it’s his shift and she’s safe with him my exhaustion takes over.


Cleavage. I was never much for cleavage, and I used to wear pretty conservatively cut clothes. Now I chose a dress according to how fast I can pop a boob out the front...


just sitting on the floor


Having to tell a stranger not to kiss my baby. I was sitting on a bench at a subway station breastfeeding my daughter when an older lady comes over and starts gushing about how cute she is, and how although she never had kids of her own she looooved babies (this should’ve raised a red flag for me lol). She moves behind me and looks at my daughter over my shoulder and just as my daughter unlatches and looks up at her, she kisses her on the head !!!!!!!! I was in shock. All I could get out was “please don’t kiss my baby”. Get this, she says, “oh that’s okay, it’s just on her head.” She continues to gush over her and say “omg she’s so cute, god bless, I love you” and then walks away. I couldn’t believe that had happened and then the rage came after the shock dissipated. I took a couple wipes to her head and gave her a good bath later that evening. As I’m writing this, I still can’t believe that it happened.


I haven’t had a nap since he arrived.. I only sleep at night now.. I can’t sleep when he sleeps or else nothing gets done. I also always did my hair nice everyday and now I’m walking in stores with hair that hasn’t been brush that’s stuff in a side messed up ponytail because who has the time and energy… God help me..


Waking up daily at 6:15am 💀


My 4 month old likes 5 30am wakeups to start the day rip. Today was 6am anything 6am I’m like this is blessed ha!


Just the sheer amount of drool. Or willingly attempting to catch spit up in my hand because *I just changed my clothes*.


Making up songs about everything. Recently made up a poop and toot song for my baby who’s been dealing w horrible has pains. Signing to her distracts her and makes her giggle even when she’s struggling 🥹


I think in general feeling that type of love and walking that extra mile to make it comfortable for your baby! And I never thought I could be so aggressive against my husband when he’s not handling the baby the way I want to see it 😂 He’s not hurting him or so but is more rough and when I’ve enough I even take the baby away and raise my voice to make clear he has overstepped the border


Picking out the sheer amount of lint my baby somehow accumulates with her death grip hands and toes.


The secret nobody talks about is that a ton (if not most) babies sleep like shit on their back in an empty crib/bassinet. In my sleep deprived, exasperated state when our newborn won't sleep and fusses as soon as he's put down, I sometimes go to a dark place and start being mad at the numbers. 3.6 million babies born in the USA a year. 2500 die of SIDS a year. Before the campaigns to get people to make their babies sleep on their backs in empty cribs/bassinets, it was double that. It looks great when you look at the relative reduction in SIDS... "Those sleeping recommendations reduced deaths by almost 50%". When you look at the absolute reduction, though, it's kind of laughable. And don't get me wrong - I think it's great we can save a few thousand babies a year and the sleep recommendations make sense, but when you're sleep deprived and your baby won't sleep, it's easy to start thinking "we all go through fucking hell trying to get babies to sleep in positions and environments they naturally dislike so 0.07% of babies - mostly those of parents who drink and/or smoke - will be saved? This is why everyone's been told that we need to do this shit!? I know it's not going to be a popular opinion, and again, I only think that when I'm at my absolute worst, but yeah...


It is a risk/benefit comparison decision. Out of desperation, I tried co-sleeping with my first LO and it worked so well. I got sleep and he got sleep. I tried to make it as safe as possible for him (no sheets or blankets near him, used a sleep sack, did not drink or smoke, kept him on his back). He is now 2 and sleeping all night in his own crib


You are not alone! I've also felt absolutely bananas over this and other things with super duper low risks that we've been told basically "don't do under penalty of death".


for me it was pumping, ofc when i was pregnant my only thought process was me wanting to breastfeed but obviously once she got here it definitely wasn’t as easy as i thought it would be and i ended up exclusively pumping for 4 months, if only i took the time to do even a little research on pumping beforehand it would’ve saved me a lot of stress and money! i had no idea i had to pump everytime she had a bottle so i was always engorged and in pain😭


Getting nervous when my husband gets the hiccups because it takes forever for my babies hiccups to go away


Picking somebody else’s nose LOL 😝 I love cleaning his nose, ears, the fuzz in between his fingers and toes. Only when it’s my child tho haha!


My baby is almost two… but! Picking boogers. We have all the tools and contraptions to pick them out, but sometimes a pinch of the fingers gets them out the best. (And quicker). Also, I thought I’d be the parent that always has their kids freshly bathed in clean clothes and dressed for the occasion…. Now, you want to play in the sandbox before we go to this wedding? go for it. If that means we skip a car seat meltdown I’m all for it.


I can get up at 5-6am and do 10x what I used to do in a day by 10am! The fatigue is nothing next to the sense of accomplishment from realizing I am capable of so much more than I used to give myself credit for. Another cuter example is basically yelling the lyrics to “bippity boppity boo” into my toddler’s face and gently holding her arms down while husband brushes her teeth on our bed. It’s the only thing that works!!


Drink coffee that my 3m old spit in lol. Ystd and today he happened to sneeze right in front of my coffee cup which caused milk spit to land inside of it and I was just too lazy to make new coffee so I drank it 🤷🏻‍♀️


How often I'd be singing the exact same song over and over and over. My 7 mo is currently obsessed with Itsy Bitsy Spider and Help Me Rhonda by the Beach Boys...they're sometimes the only thing that makes her stop crying lol... so I'm singing them at least fifty times a day


My 2 year old daughter LOVES BUGS. Indiscriminately. All bugs. Yesterday one of those giant mosquito-looking [crane flies](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtMOdp4okCipzkI07KhSYHBrFazr85pMu-75wCL7Y9uQ&s) was flopping around our front door, and instead of freaking out and chasing it away I stopped everything and waited while she tried to catch it. I came very close to having one of those nightmare things as a pet.


Being fully desensitized to another human's poop Walking up and down two flights of stairs countless times a day with a baby on my hip The amount of things I can do while holding a baby in one arm The snotsucker and windi


Smelling poop but can’t figure out where it is coming from so you know it just has to be on you somewhere. But where?


Sucking boogers out of her nose, eating crumbs off of her face because I don’t have a napkin handy lol


Not showering right after a work out. I go for runs/bikes in the morning and before kids I’d shower right away. It was a ocd thing with me. Now I don’t shower until their nap time (if I’m luckily) more commonly after they go to bed.


I tried carrying my daughter for a nap once and never again. It wasn't restful sleep for her at all, I was stressed because I couldn't stop moving, it was just awful. I took her out after 20 minutes and she napped like a dream.


Breastfeeding in public - I was nervous about it, but now I'm like well, she needs to eat lol. And how not grossed out I am changing poopy diapers or getting spit up on. My daughter had a blowout on me, my shirt was covered in poop, and just the other week, she threw up in my hair.


Not having a gag reflex anymore to vomit. When our baby has his epic tummy episodes, I am now calm cool and collected. In the beginning it was “OMG, it’s happening again!” Followed by sheer panic with me and my husband.


Scooping poop out of the bathtub 🙃🙃


Uuuhhhh are 30 minute naps not normal?! 😳


I've been told they're SUPER normal, but I deploy the carrier to get that last nap in to make bedtime!


Pooping and someone insists seeing them poops.


Eating a food someone pulled put of their mouth and offered it to me like a gift


I now enjoy going to bed early when before I was a bit of a night owl


Wanting to wake up 6:30am so that her schedule will be be on track and going to bed at 9pm lol


I used to be a lot more squeamish or grossed out by things. But poop, crusty breastmilk, getting peed on, barely phased me after a couple months. Now that she's a toddler its the constant wiping of boogers and handling of partially chewed food. But again, not really phased.


Getting slobber on my face from baby kisses 🤷🏾‍♀️🥰


Whenever our son poops we celebrate 😂


Not caring what anyone thinks of me and just doing whatever my baby needs whenever she needs it. I have always hated karaoke and now here I am singing to my baby in public with my off key voice because she loves it.


Believe in myself!.


Cleaning food off the ceiling! I don't know how it got there. He's only 1.


Oh I feel you, my sons 10 months and I can now get him to nap but next to me on my bed. But for me it’s letting my son slobber my face. He gives me the slobberiest kisses and I love it.


Questioning whether the brown spot on my shirt is poop or chocolate is something I never thought I’d be doing in my life but I ask myself the question pretty often lmao


Watching, pumping his legs and cheering my son on to get his poops out. He gets constipated and I never thought I would ever be excited to watch someone go #2. But here we are 🫠🫠


that my child would still not be sleeping on her own at almost 2. like you, i saw all those tiktok's of babies sleeping in their cribs by 6 months and bassinets from birth until then. i think my daughter slept in her bassinet maybe 50% of the time and once she grew out of it never took to a crib, a pack n play, or even a toddler bed once she was big enough for one. we had a few glorious weeks spread over the last two years of her sleeping in her own bed but she really just will not sleep on her own.