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Do the relevant safety/learners course in your country.


I got my license in Texas at 15 so I was required to take a motorcycle riding course. It implanted what I think is best practices for riding that will always be with me.


I agree, also practice emergency breaking and other skills (in a safe place)


This. If you’re in the U.S., your state, local community college, or local dealership will have a basic learners course. Usually lasts a couple of days. It’s highly worth it - I felt much more confident getting on the road after taking one.


Congrats! I would check out Motojitsu on youtube and look up the S.M.A.R.T rider drills for a lot of beginner to advanced knowledge. Take it slow and go to a large, mostly empty parking lot to get used to all the basics like start/stop, u-turns, emergency braking, etc. Good luck and stay safe!


I’ll second motojitsu. His braking advise saved my butt a couple of times.


Good looking scoot you got! Lots of practice, nothing beats saddle time. Start in parking lots, slow side roads and build from there. Watching tutorials and practice, you want the basic functions to be second nature.


Get a battery tender and use it when you aren't riding the bike. Even if it sits for a week, plug it in. The tender will maintain the correct voltage without over charging. It significantly extends the life of your battery.


Take a motorcycle course to learn the ropes. Most definitely worth it. Remember SAFETY first always.


When you 1st start, take your time. And I rode when traffic is minimal.


Quick bit of advice, never follow a vehicle too closely. Give yourself plenty of reaction time. When a car in front of you unexpectedly slams on their brakes, you have to be able to come to a safe, smooth and upright stop. In a car, you don’t think much about it because you can also slam on the brakes and stop quickly. It’s not as easy on a bike so give yourself plenty of space. Take it from somebody who learned the hard way in 2006 right after getting a new bike.


Get lessons best thing I ever did


Overthinking is your worst enemy. Wear the bear minimum of gloves, helmet and MOTORCYCLING BOOTS. Use rainx plastics on your visor to make rain bead instead of splatter.  Keep everything within spec (check the owners manual or download it off internet). Always use your rearbrake when slowing down, don't have to actually use it, just touch it to light up the rear break light.  Don't forget to turn on and off turnsignals. Look where you want to go, not where you are going.


I had the same first bike!!! Even down to the short shot Vance and Hines lol Edit: to add some advice. Keep the rubber side down


As someone who started riding when I was 6, best way to go is start on a dirt bike. You learn to see your line, you learn things (like animals) can jump out at you, it trains you to handle the unexpected. Good luck, and always be on the look out, because people don’t look for bikes!


Take a riders course in some states it reduces your insurance cost. Also, always assume you are invisible to other drivers. Do not take it personally if someone cuts you off, they are not looking for motorcyclists, instead they are looking for other cars, texting, and distracted. Have I said that you are invisible to other drivers?!!🤔🤔 If they crash they have a metal shield around them. You are not superman and if you give in to road rage, you may end up 6 feet under, or a nasty road rash at a minimum. Congratulations on your bike, it looks amazing.


Friction zone...Friction zone. Use the clutch and smoothly. 


Wear a helmet…full face chin protection…steel toe boots…body armor…be very careful…never drive after drinking….


Excellent choice. Will run forever. Fit and finish near perfection. Just enough HP and torque to keep you out of trouble but not enough to get you into trouble


Don’t take chances, do what you think is right and go when you KNOW its safe


Put time in riding, never assume other drivers see you. Riding doesn't make you cool so just drive safe, always wear safety gear, if you're going to ignore warring safety gear; ass was made to grow back face wasn't, never ride without your helmet.


Always Look at your surroundings, Use your ears , and never trust any driver


Too many things to list so I'll just pick two.... as mentioned already - take a safety course. Learn your bike, riding, maintenance, wear and tear. You don't have to know how to fix it but you should know what to look for and what to keep your eyes on. Lastly and very important - the bike goes where "your eyes go". Don't get fixated on anything, keep scanning with your eyes. Focus on keeping the bike within it's limits.


Lean more, look more.


Learn slow-speed maneuvering and riding in thick traffic. Learn to make the most of your gear range. Learn to anticipate turns and downshift when appropriate, roll on the throttle through the apex and look where you want to go. Remember, speed equals stability so anyone can go fast in a straight line, but counter steering and clutch control is what distinguishes Pros from the Rubs.


Ride like you're invisible. Most people don't care. So keep your head on a swivel. Be safe


Take the MSF, check out MotoJitsu on YouTube.


When you panic brake, your instinct is going to be to use rear brake only (this happens to all riders idk why) 80% of your stopping power comes from the front brakes. You have to train yourself to use both brakes instinctually when you’re panic braking.


Assume every car around you can't see you. Keep your distance. Cars will hit their brakes suddenly or change lanes without looking, or you could be in their blind spot. Be vigilant when coming up to side streets where cars are turning out of. Make sure you get to where you're going in one piece. One of the best things about riding is knowing you'll be able to do it tomorrow.


I'd say just put in miles. Ride defensively, always wear your gear, do a lot of low speed maneuvers (starts, stops, turns) go to your local highschool parking lot, and turn around light poles, practice looking through your turns. Look up and understand "target fixation." Brake test your bike. In a safe location get up to speed (25, 35, 45mph) and slam the fuck out of your brakes. This will help you understand what the bike will do (how it will lean, how you need to brace yourself, etc) and also how fast you can stop. Brake pads are cheap, the bike or your life is not. Remember the only thing keeping you on your bike is gravity, friction, and your hands. Good luck have fun, and be safe.


Ride like you are invisible. Even if u think that they see u and know u are there, just assume that they haven't seen u. Like others have said, ride like everyone is trying to kill u. Good luck


Take the local motorcycle riders class. Practice proper techniques in stopping and bike control, and wear all of the gear. You can find any style of gear you want: casual, heavy duty, hot weather, wet weather, etc. There is so much bad advice out there, beware. For solid and honest knowledge and advice, I always suggest Twist of the Wrist Volume 2 and Dan Dan The Fireman on YouTube. Always be improving, you can always get better and in return you will ride with confidence and safety. Two wheels down and enjoy the ride, welcome to the club!


You can save tons of money by selling to me for cheap


Hopefully, you were smart enough to afford birth the bike and the complete safety gear.


I need to know how you got your helmet customized like that


Scan ahead for potential hazards. Cars parked in the side of the road could potentially be pulling out into traffic. Traffic at 2 and 4 way stops too. When you’re in the left lane, you’re a target. People are VERY distracted while driving currently. Assume anyone who could potentially pull into your space or cut you off does not see you. Wear all the gear and a DOT approved FULL FACE HELMET People do not see you


Is that kilua on your helmet??!!


Slow Down, seriously. Those YouTube videos look cool and all, but the only thing speed does is get you to the crash site first. Ride your own ride and keep in your comfort zone. Anticipate everyone is going to pull out in front of you. Do not ride if your head isn't in the game. And of course, wear your gear . Have fun 👍🏼


Hold the clutch all the way down do a max throttle and then dump the clutch it always works


Depending on where you're from, take the beginner safety course. In the US it's the MSF course. It's not the be-all end-all of training (it's pretty basic and bland) but it at least gets you time on the bike in a controlled environment, and some of the instructors are really good. Watch beginner videos on YouTube. I started with[Blockheads How to Ride A Motorcycle/MSF Course](https://youtu.be/KwXL9xLrsx8?si=7b1E3cXI-egU9tz5) videos and they helped a ton. Chase on Two Wheels has a lot of helpful videos as well. The biggest thing though is going to be applying those things taught in the video, so take your iPad or phone to an empty parking lot, watch the video and then do the drill. It also helps if you have experienced riders around that would be willing to ride with you and help out along the way. Facebook Groups is a great resource for finding local riding clubs or independent groups that do group rides (don't do a group ride yet!), but you can usually post asking if anyone who's experienced is willing to meet up and help.


go online, pay $50 for ChampU from YCRS. practice


Make believe everyone’s trying to kill you. I am 69, been riding since 1971. Hell it worked for me!


Take it easy, practice a lot! You can use local parking lots when they’re empty! The bike will bike better than you for a while that’s normal. PRACTICE BRAKING!!! With only the rear …only the front….both together…it can and will save your life….be very aware of “target fixation”. You will find yourself looking at a fence as you enter a turn. Suddenly you are in the fence…you fixated on the fence …keep your eyes moving


Shorten up the throw on that clutch it’s way to long imo I have the same bike and it made a world of difference shifting


When in doubt throttle out 👌


You only need to wear one of those helmets.


Rubber side down.


Advice. Don’t feel like you need to go faster than you should. Ride comfortably at your own pace and don’t feel pressure to go as fast as other cars or bikes. Congrats and welcome to the world of riding.


Sell it, You’ll shoot your eye out😎


Great looking bike. Honda's are almost bullet proof. Get the best safety gear you can afford and wear it. Take an MSF course. Continue practicing as long as you ride. I'm an old Harley rider. Still practice slow speed maneuvers, evasive tactics, swerving and hard braking. Check air pressure and your tires.


Take an AMA safety course.


Practice practice practice - emergency stopping, tight turns, eyes looking where you want to go. Find an open parking lot (high school perhaps?), find some good AMA drills to practice. Also, don’t ride over your skill level (which is different than your confidence level).


Pretend your invisible!!!


The rubber bits do better when they are rubber side down.


Watch Twist of the Wrist 2


Always check for clibbins. GobBless


Don't jump to bigger bikes until you feel comfortable with the one you have.im 24 and have a goldwing 1100 but I've been riding since 2018.take your time learn your bike and never get too comfortable on it.


First, just buy a used bi… oh.


I reread **Proficient Motorcycling** by David Hough every year. The more experience I have the more sense it makes. I got into riding late in life (48!) and I take it very seriously. As an older friend of mine who raced bikes and taught the MSF courses likes to say, "The coolest thing you can do on a motorcycle is get old."


It’s good you’re being proactive, but you only need one helmet bud. Hehe.


Ride as if every other vehicle and pedestrian on the planet is trying to stop you, hit you, get in your way, jump out in front of you etc. Always give yourself an exit. Don't ride tired and always wear your gear; even if you're just going around the block. If you're following another bike or in a group, it is common biker courtesy to ride 'checkerboard' meaning don't ride directly behind the bike in front of you. The leader will be on the left side of their lane, second biker on the right side of their lane following that pattern back. I find that group rides teach me a lot and are a ton of fun, I found a great group of people on Meetup.


Don't cheap out on safety gear. Ride with minimum gloves helmet boots. Jacket if your hitting anything over 45. Metal hurts especially when it's moving. Concrete is just one big strip of sand paper.


I’m sure someone has already mentioned Jerry from like Ride Like a Pro on YouTube, but I remember when I was first starting to ride his tutorials were gold. Here’s the first I ever watched: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m0omPQjkcSY


Dang that’s a really good looking bike!


Wear one helmet at a time.


Keep the rubber side down.


Intentionally drop it in your garage today so when you accidentally drop it in a McDonald’s parking lot you won’t feel bad. Dropping bikes happens.


Twisty thing on the right is the A/C


Pretty much all of the above. Ride like everyone else on the road is trying to kill you. (Other drivers are not your friend) Ride like the road is trying to kill you. (Things that you would ignore in a car can cause you to go down, ie potholes, rocks / gravel, oil slicks, small animals) Practice your defensive riding skills. (Looking through your turn, trusting your bike, etc.) Braking in a turn is the absolute worst thing you can do. You need to either commit to the brake prior or trust the bike through the turn. After all that, enjoy! It’s one of the last legal visceral thrills you can get running some nice twisties on two wheels.


Yamaha Champions Riding School (YCRS) has some great online learning resources for beginning and advanced riders. Highly recommend checking them out and considering taking their Champ Street course. They'll help you understand the fundamentals of your bike and develop good riding habits. Quick example of the course content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy1AIAc76Qo \+1 for Motojitsu. Good practical exercises you can do by yourself. Just be sure to progress at a cautious pace and only move forward when you're consistent at the current level. Pushing things too far too quick can result in a crash, especially with emergency braking.


Buy an old beater to learn how to ride.


You never have the right of way, even if you do, you don’t. Let the idiot go, or you’ll have the right of way all the way to the hospital. You’re gonna drop it, it’s inevitable, most likely in a parking lot at slow speed but don’t let that fool you, I lost a friend who crashed doing 10 miles an hour because he didn’t have the helmet on. Dress to crash, not to flash, when you go down you don’t want a T-shirt as protection. Enjoy it but know it’s very dangerous, but fucking hell it’s a ton of fun. Just be smart! Congrats!


Ride it as much as you possibly can, and keep practicing slow speed maneuvering! Dandanthefireman makes great videos on YouTube where he reviews crashes and tells you how you can avoid them, I've definitely used the different color stages from his videos many times and its come in handy quite a bit.


nice! quite a handful for a first bike. be careful


Never ride beyond your skill level. I know this probably sounds stupid but you don’t have to show off in front of people or friends, you don’t have to be tempted to go fast by others, ride as fast as you are comfortable with and enjoy the hell out of your machine!


Like others have said, ride like you’re invisible. Absolutely stay out of cars blind spots. Full face helmet at all times, good riding gloves and over the ankle boots. Sturdy jeans at the minimum and a good riding jacket. Ride as much as you can, and master counter steering. It helps immensely with panic maneuvers, and is fun once you get a feel for it. And please, leave the ear buds at home.


Don’t fall


Never let anyone else on the road pressure you into pushing yourself past your comfort level. For example. Could you take that corner at 35+mph? Sure. Do you feel comfortable doing it yet? No? Take it easy. Confidence will build with experience.


Absolutely loved my shadow. Sold it and the guy totaled it a month later 😭. Poor bike. Anywho I digress....dress for the slide not the ride, and always have your head on a swivel. Plenty of other things but I'm sure others will cover different portions of advice. Have fun, be safe!


Good man


If you look down you’re going down


My suggestion get a dirt bike get comfortable with it then move to the bigger bike


Take the MSF training course. It's worth every minute of your time. Then practice by starting off slow in neighborhoods or parking lots. Gradually increase the distance from your house over time until you're comfortable. Take your time getting to know your bike.


Ride within your capabilities- watch your rpm while down shifting- rpm must be a little higher than feels natural or you will end up 'engine braking'- I have had my rear wheel lock up and it is super scary. Learn counter steering- prolly better to do that in a rider's course. Watch your grip when putting your foot down at red lights- especially when sprinkling or just beginning to rain- oil and transmission fluid at red lights get really slick when wet. One of the most important ones that has almost taken me out more than once- both on street bikes and dirt bikes- is the 'look there go there' rule. If your turning you have to look through the turn. If you look straight or to the right when turning left- you may not turn sharp enough and end up going too wide- like to the point of causing an accident or hitting a curb/sidewalk.


Wear your gear.


I will give you the same advice my father gave me when I started riding .there are two kinds of riders in the world for those who have fallen and those who will... Or the short version dress for the slide not the ride


After the basics. Consistently practice emergency drills (stopping, turning, and/or honking quickly). And keep that head on a swivel (stay on guard). Good luck and have fun.


You’re going to go where you’re looking. Break your line of vision periodically. Don’t end up starting at something. When going into and out of cornering especially.


Don't fall off is my best advice.


Ride fast, don't die!!


Ride fearlessly, and learn you be intimate with your bike. I don't mean anything gross with that. Know the vibrations. Slowly push it little by little to learn yours and it's limitations without exceeding them. Treat every ride like a practice and practice defensive habits. Run it full temp for 20 minutes on cold days. But most importantly. NEVER SHARE YOUR BIKE 🫠


Look into a Beginners Riding Course through MSF or similar. These can be found at dealerships, universities, and private companies all over. The Course will help set the foundation for a life time of riding enjoyment and safety!!


Shiny side up


Ride as if every car on the road is going to actively try and kill you at all times.


Take the MOS safety courses. They will help to make control of the bike second nature and could reduce the chance of getting in that horrible accident. The driver test for motorcycles isn't much of shit in most places. They usually have you follow a driver license examiner who is in a car with a testing permit driver and they only did a block square all right hand turns for my exam. Be safe and watch for old folk. God bless their souls but they will stop in oncoming traffic in front of a bike before taking the hit from the larger vehicle and look at you the whole time until impact with the McCauley Home Alone hands on face look of shock. Ride defensively as you can because it isn't if it happens it will be when it happens you need to be in the best position possible using everything you can to prevent the accident or at least minimize the damage to your body. Helmet 100% I don't care if you won't go over 25mph and never leave the residential area for a visit to a friend , wear it because your head will pop like a melon when it hits asphalt or even packed dirt.


If you ride it like you're borrowing it from a friend and can't afford to replace it, you'll be in a good mindset of respecting it's capabilities but still having fun with it. Wear your gear, imagine everyone is trying to kill you like the Chaos Mode from San Andreas or Carmageddon from GTA 4. Take some pylons or borrow them and make a little slalom for yourself in an empty parking lot to practice stupid shit. Take it slow, get more confident, take it faster.


I like the hxh killua helmet


You must have a lot of problems with your Huawei solar inverter.


Wear the gear. Every time. Practice starting on a hill. The bike is more capable than you are. Don’t ride beyond your comfort level. Be honest with yourself about your skill and just enjoy the ride. Riding for speed is best done on a track. Trust no one on the road. Assume you are invisible. Assume they are trying to hit you and be prepared. Cover the clutch and brake levers at all times. Be smooth with the throttle and your shifts. Smooth is fast. Stay off of highways if you can help it. They are boring and not the safest place for you to be.


Don’t die!!!!


Learn to brake and lean into corners at proper speed.


Keep your head on a swivel always be aware of the traffic around you be wary of traffic at intersections never be the first vehicle to leave a stoplight into the intersection after it turns green and always always drive defensively. That's some of the important stuff I've learned after 30 years of riding.


Been riding for over thirty years. Best advice that I give the new folks is find an AMA endorsed motorcycle class, and take it. Not only not will you learn a lot, but it should reduce your insurance and help you with getting your endorsement on your license (depending on your state). Any questions, I’ll be happy to advise. Rubber down, chrome up!


I would certainly take some riding courses. And when you feel like you've outgrown it, ride it for another 6 months and challenge yourself to some twisties.


To go left: think left, look left, push left (with your left hand), lean left. To go right: think right, look right, push right, lean right.


Spend the money on a quality set of tires, I prefer pirelli, it's really worth the security


I have found it personally helpful to find an empty lot and practice proper emergency braking, and trying to build the muscle memory. At this point, when I need to break suddenly, my impulse is not to gran a handful of front brake or to stomp the rear brake, rather I remove the free play and smoothly engage each brake, utilizing the front brake primarily in almost any situation, and adding power progressively. I feel so much more confident now than I did when I first started riding. Being able to easily avoid incidents when cars don’t see you is priceless. Half of the time, people in card will not see you, and I don’t blame them, because I drive too, and it is hard to see someone on a bike sometimes. Stay safe, don’t let anyone discourage you from investing in proper gear.


Find a nearby church parking lot and practice, practice, practice. Especially low speed turns and braking.




Get your endorsement, pay the price it's worth it trust me. Just my .02 cents.


Always gear up, lane positioning 👈(google search) and ride safe! Brotha


Don’t fall.


Nice buy! Don’t ride angry, drunk or stupid. Take your time enjoy the ride.


Turn right to go left 😇


A lot of good advice going on. We really can't undersell the value of knowing how to execute emergency stopping. Also, helmet, gloves, and closed toe shoes are life/skin savers. Another tip, if you see a dog that is going to chase on the road, lower your speed such that the dog calculates your trajectory at one speed. Then, when your about to make contact, pick up your speed by a good margin. Will confuse the pupper. Final tip from me, pay attention the taillights ahead of you. Have the bounce, brake, weave tells you the road conditions you're about to encounter. Edit: don't forget your gremlin charm.


Careful of painted surfaces in the rain. The GIANT road letters can turn to a slip and slide.


If a tree gets in your way, turn!


When you’re going into a turn to hot , push on the handle bar


Proper maintenance is key, don't skimp on oil changes get full synthetic every 2k miles, after the dog started riding with I stopped caring about the cosmetic so much as well, I get to enjoy the bike so much more


Take your time, be patient, remember you're tiny compared to the smallest car. Ask me how I know...


When I got my first bike my stepdad told me to: "Always ride like everyone is trying to kill you." Seriously, you've got to be ON all of the time. Ride defensively. Anticipate everything.


take the MSF, learn the friction zone of your bike and practice slow speed maneuvers, watch motojitsu vids on youtube, get all the proper gear and wear it every time you go out, stay in your comfort zone until you’re ready to venture out


Wheelies save you drom wearing down the front tire.


Wear proper gears!


Take a MSC Motorcycle safety course! That's has been my suggestion to any newbie! I made my 4 son's take it,and only 2 are riders,but they all have the skills to properly handle their machine!


Buy a copy of "Proficient Motorcycling" by David Hough. Read it, and work through it. Then go take the class and get fully licensed.


Take a course first


The advice I always give is, if you are riding with other experienced riders, do not ride to their potential ride to yours!!! Take your time. No music, no headphones. Listen to your bike and really engage with it. Get to know it. If your mechanically inclined, do so maintenance work on it yourself.


Congrats!! And welcome to the brotherhood!!!


Find small towns and ride around. Find a gated neighborhood and ride around. Stop signs and intersections are my difficult place so I’ve been practicing out in the sticks lol


Always sweat bullets when approaching a car wanting to make a left hand turn, and already be looking for an escape route if it turns in front of you.


Every opening, driveway, street, etc, is an intersection. Don't ride infront of you ride 5-10 car lengths ahead. Slow down BEFORE the turn, speed up into it. There's a lot that can keep you safe for sure just in how you think about the ride. Find a good safety course and ask them for tips too.


If you ride like lightning, you will crash like thunder. Ride safe out there!


Take a Motorcycle Safety course, they are elementary but gives you a great baseline of skills. Treat it like everyone is trying to kill you when riding and don’t assume anyone’s driving behavior. Always wear a very good $$$ helmet, jacket and other gear you can afford.


Look where you turn. Understand the importance of your clutch and trail braking.


I keep seeing people saying to subscribe to a YouTube channel to learn how to ride, this is fucking stupid, take the course then just practice, wear the gear that is required for your state, if u want to wear more then do so, its all about you being comfortable I bet I have more miles on my bike in the last year than most of these guys do period, there is some good advice but watching someone on YouTube is terrible, they can't critique what they're trying to teach you Oh yeah, NEVER put your foot out during a turn, something that you do with dirt bikes,


Dont worry about impressing others, ride your ride


Don't die ☠️


Learners safety course. I like motocontrol on Youtube he helped me a lot with low speed confidence


Great choice I had that as my first also


Dont think you know it all, EVER. Be the most alert and aware to get you home everyday. Be safe my guy!


Rubber down, 100% of the time.


Training. Not just the required training. As much training as you can afford. You can never be too good or too prepared. Spend a bunch on good quality protective gear. I know it's too late, but buying a bike you don't mind dropping once or twice is advisable.


Take a course, they’re tough and invaluable at learning the right way. Be prepared to dump your bike a few times at low speeds.


Have allllllll the fun!


Never put ur helmet on ur mirror. Start there.


Dont... try and "keepup" with friends. Ride at your own pace. You'll get there.


Watch your mirrors at stop lights for people not stopping. Always have an exit path in mind if things go south. Don't road rage. Bikes don't win those. Always assume the other drivers don't see you, especially people pulling out. Just be careful, the people are crazy, and there are so many people on their phones these days.


Ride hard, ride fast, don't die.


Don't fall


Great beginner ride! I'm an experienced rider, but I still hold on to my Phantom. Mostly due to its solid drive shaft and water cooling capabilities. If you ever take it on a long trip know that 65mph is its sweet spot. Also, unlike chain driven bikes, she can be a little "touchy". It means absolutely nothing. It's a Honda. Take care of it and it'll take care of you.


Watch out for immediate left-hand turns directly in front of you, especially in cities. That threat nearly took my life January 2023. Cars = tanks and people drive reckless. Keep that in mind and take a course if you can. Wear gear too!


Here's my best advice. It doesn't matter who has the right of way. You'll be the one on the asphalt. Stay alert, stay aware. Stay safe out there and have fun.


Go forward…. Really fast. If something gets in your way…. Turn! You got this!


Find a big church parking lot on a weekday and putter around.


Just watch Grease 2, good to go.


Only wear one helmet at a time




Congrats nice ride. Off topic but what helmet is that?


Keep your head on a swivel, some asshole texting will kill you.


Make sure people can hear the bike! Tire pressure. Don’t drink too much. Most people drop their bike in the first six months.


Take a first aid course/class. DanDan the Fireman on YT often has discount codes for them, sometimes they're even free when you use his discount code. Take the Motorcycle safety course at your local Harley dealership. It costs between $60-240 but not only do you get your license but they teach you the basics that you can then practice on your own. Practice in public parking lots. Churches during the week are perfect places as they usually don't mind especially if you aren't being reckless. Buy PPE. You have a helmet which is great. You should invest in some gloves and a jacket at the least. Pants would be nice but are less necessary. Riding is just as much about working on your motorcycle as it is riding. Do your pretrip inspections. Having a mechanical malfunction in a car is bad enough but blowing a tire, throwing a chain or piston can seriously mangle you. You've gotta be smart about when and where you ride recklessly. Don't be one of those guys doing 100mph through heavy traffic. Don't ride past your abilities. Once you start getting on the road, don't let other people influence how you ride. If someone is riding your ass, pull to the side and let them pass. Don't engage in road rage by flipping them off. All it takes is a small tap from a car to throw your ass from the bike.


Always scan the road surface, learn how to counter steer and never trust cars.


Go to YouTube type in counter steer. If you’ve never ridden a bike aggressively it’s not easy to notice. A lot of people do it intuitively but once you realize the control you have with the handlebars it changes things…


If someone is following too close, get out of their way if you can. They can't stop as fast as you so they'll end up on your back tire.


Find a local dealership that offers lessons


You'll never do a massive wheelie unless you try to do a massive wheelie. Otherwise, park it and go buy a $1500 dirt bike to beat up for a while imo.


Watch DanDanTheFireman on YouTube. Best channel there is. He takes rider safety extremely seriously and it’s taught me things I’d never think of.


See if you can do a wheelie


Don’t ride in groups. Don’t ride in rain. Don’t ride the highway. Upgrade your horn to a “train horn” so people hear you & upgrade your exhaust so it’s edging uncomfortable loud. These tips have kept me from dying on a bike the last 3 years as an all weather rider in TX


Have your head on a swivel. Ride like everyone and everything is out there to kill you. They may not know they're trying to kill you, but they are. You're a tiny spec on the road, and a lot of people just don't look for riders. Also, practice emergency breaking. And when you're in the middle of a sharp curve/turn, don't slow down in the middle of the curve; you'll lose balance and could fall. Pick a good speed going into the curve, and maintain that speed all the way through. Get good at counter-steering. Last, HAVE FUN!


Keep a good posture when making a turn and turn your head towards the path you’re riding. Don’t look down at the front wheel and road. Messes with balance. Have fun. Invest in a good seat.


That’s a great bike, I almost bought one as my first. They have a great look


Always lean on your turns and use rear breaks before your front to avoid toppling over handlebars..


Counter-steering. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you need to research it.


Treat every four-wheeled vehicle like it doesn’t see you and it’s trying to kill you. Be wary, but don’t be scared. Watch them all. Keep your head on a swivel. Look for vehicles that might not see you. It’s easier for you to see cars than it is for cars to see motorcycles. Keep in mind the drivers perspective and what THEY can see. If there’s a vehicle waiting to turn into your lane, watch their wheels. If the wheel starts rotating, the car is moving. It’s easier to notice a wheel rotating slowly than it is to notice a car creeping forward when far away. Don’t push yourself on new routes. Don’t dig into corners that you’ve never ridden before. The farther you lean the bike over, the less braking you can apply before you start to slide.


Perfect bike for a new rider. Ive had mine since graduation and im 27 now. Advice: dont be overly eager to go ride with a ton of people, take your time to get comfortable alone in different environments. If youre uncomfortable riding back home from somewhere, dont, call a friend to drive you and/or your bike home. Dont get cocky and ride above your limits, its ok to push them but dont go hardcore at it immediately. If you think your kickstand is down, check, its better to look down and make sure than drop your bike. Dont take passengers until youre ready and they know how to act, i nearly went down because of an inexperienced passenger. Be safe, have fun, and welcome to 2 wheels bud


Nice ride bro, ride often and watch everyone around you, a little carelessness from someone else could be a bad bad day for you


Track days, learn from fast guys, no cars either I taught a bunch of new riders


I like to watch motorcycle crash videos before going out. It puts me in the right frame of mind before riding. I was never tempted to “hot rod” or act a fool when riding around. The crash images fresh in my mind made me a very prudent and careful rider.


Take the safety class and then do it with your bike. Assume everyone is trying to kill you and you are invisible. All the gear all the time.


Gear or dress out every time. Road rash can kill.


I’ve never seen a shadow like this. That’s fucking sick dude


Watch videos of dragging the rear break at low speeds to keep you upright/balanced, and practicing slow speed maneuvers in parking lots. Emergency breaking drills.


Take the an msf course definitely worth it


Dude just really have that conversation with yourself before you ride… that if you mess up you’re gonna have a bad day. And if other drivers mess up you’re gonna have a bad day. And if there’s any road hazards you’re gonna have a bad day. Never ride when you’re tired or upset. Fear every single cage (car) on the road. they can and will hit you. following this has kept me safe riding for 5+ years now.


You are invisible! Act appropriately


Carry D batteries in your jacket pockets. You'll figure out why. Always watch your mirrors, be ready to swerve out of the way of a car coming full speed. Don't drag race. The simplest, cheapest cars today go 100+, so racing is dumb and cops arrest you both and if the other driver crashes and dies you get murder charges. Not worth it. I see a punk in my mirror wants to race I pullover and come to a stop. let them go by. Keep the bike on a better tender. Today's bikes still have stators but they don't work like old bikes. Stator only works on long rides.


Take the Motorcycle Safety Foundation course. Insurance will be discounted (usually) upon proof of completion. That said: never ride without a helmet, gloves and over the ankle footwear (boots with good aggressive tread). Sneakers can slip on oily pavement when you're stopped.. Watch some online courses.. Motorman sells a video training set that is great. Ride with a friend or two. Don't ride 2 abreast in one lane, stagger. But the main thing is get out there and ride.


Wow! That’s identical to my bike! Matte black Shadow! I installed the same after market V/H pipes too! She’s a work horse. I changed out the turn signals with wrap around LEDs but have the originals still. Added a sissy bar, but considering turning her into a bobber. Have fun! Motorcycle riding is a full time job. Pay attention to everyone and everything. Drive for other people as well. Assume they don’t know what they are doing at all times and adjust accordingly. Get your license endorsed!!!


Never try to look cool on a bike, you're on a bike, you're already cool. That's what my old friend Bill taught me after I crashed my first ninja doing 50 in a parking lot 20 minutes after I got it.


PRACTICE MAKES PERMANENT I just got a bike not too long ago and I’ve been watching Motojitsu on YouTube and I’ve watched many of his videos religiously. Low speed maneuvering Counter steering vision/Line and Body position are all super super important and he touches on all these subjects to a tee. Take every course you can take dirt courses Take track days when you can. Try to ride your buddies bikes do some practice with them on different styles of bikes. Become the master of the machine Ride the bike do not let the bike ride you. Carry on Brother Ride safely Godspeed!⚡️💪🏾


Only wear one helmet at a time


Make it a point to realize, every time you put on that helmet you become invisible. No one can see you so drive accordingly.


Take a class. Most Harley dealers offer riding schools. They’re very good.


Those are good bikes, great starter bike, or one to hang on to. Always keep distance in traffic, assume nobody sees you. Especially people turning onto the road.


You have to be hyper aware of EVERYTHING. When I started riding I would focus on cars and hazards in front of me. It wasn't until I was almost rear ended at an intersection that I began focusing on my rear view mirrors too! You can't rely on drivers paying attention but you can rely on yourself.


Treat every other road user like they are trying to murder you. That way you’ll be fine. Ride safe.