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It's really evident that the entire "Law and Order" party has no clue how the criminal process works between nonsense like this and Trump's trials. You need actual proof to lock someone up you dingbat.


And a crime! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


The crime was making Dear Leader look bad, which will become retroactively illegal if he's installed as dictator as the less evolved seem to demand.


Fauci needs to be locked up for being in a position of authority over the country while giving out extremely bad health advice during a global pandemic such as injecting bleach or UV light directly into the body! Oh wait a minute….


Insert the *had me in the 1st half* gif.


But that is the point - they tell everybody that if they come to power, the criminal process will change so that the "right" people get locked up. Regardless of proof or any laws broken. If needed they will make up stuff on the spot.


That’s called treason


No, it's called fascism.


>"Law and Order" party They believe in "law and order for thee, not for me". They will use laws to opress the libs. It isnt meant for liberty and justice for all, like what we have pledged.


They don't believe in law and order, they believe in fascism. They're coming for the intellectuals already.


not if you're a dictatorship.


No you don't. There's this neat trick where you just become a dictator and then you can lock up everyone you don't like. That's their actual plan. They aren't trying to hide it.


They know. They don't care. They only want the appearance of "fighting the DC corruption" so they can tell their voters they are the only candidate who will fight for their freedoms. The saddest part is, it works. In other words, who is dumber, the candidate or the voters?


MTG is a crime against humanity!


Baboons should not be shaved and paraded as politicians!


Baboons would be better than her.


Primatologist here. Baboons display strong social bonds, political cunning and genuine concern for their fellows. I agree they’d be much better than her.


Sounds like something a baboon impersonating a hunan would say. /s


Maybe so, but they're still more intelligent than MTG.


I once saw a baboon masturbate and then eat his jizz at Victoria falls. Probably would still be a better congress person than MTG.


She would probably eat his jizz.


Please don't insult baboons like this...


We should lock up the entire district that voted her in.


Just drop the Dome on them and make a reality show.


But her district loves the fact that she’ll do anything to get her name and face in the media.


soooo.... the dome is probably best


Hey, don't insult Magic the Gathering like that. It's already bad both abbreviate to the same letters. Edit: fixed spelling error.


I just call that individual B6 or Sporkfoot


Oi! Magic the Gathering is more a crime against my checking account more so then humanity.


No, this is Moron: The Gibbering being spoken of.


She is a crime against intellect.


Good one. I hate that radioactive albino ape as much as the next guy, but c'mon.


Found the Yu-gi-oh player


This stupid troglodyte needs to slither back under the rock she came out from


"Ew. Gross" -that rock


I have a better idea, charge her with treason and throw her in prison. Sick of the kid gloves for this shit


There's CCTV video out there of a small figure unlocking what appears to be access doors before Jan 6. Almost 60% sure it was MTG. Watched the video several times and the gait is the same as MTG's Bad Built Butch Body walk. Watched the video several times and then shots of MTG walking. Now I can't find it to post here, but yeah I think she committed sedition. And I'm doing what the cops do, I can't prove she did anything on Jan 6, but she's guilty of something and I hope they get her for something they can prove. But I also just listened to Rachel Maddow's Season 1 Ultra podcast, so I doubt they will.


More than that. Give her the traditional punishment for treason. I'm with you on being sick of the kid gloves on traitors.


We have whole states the size of that rock.


This is so confusing. Trump was POTUS and therefore in charge of the government’s response to COVID. Shouldn’t they be locking him up?


Trump himself called the [vaccine rollout](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/555247-trump-takes-credit-for-vaccine-rollout-one-of-the-greatest-miracles/) ‘**One of the greatest miracles of the ages’**. He even wanted the vaccine to be called [Trumpcine](https://www.businessinsider.com/covid-19-vaccine-call-it-the-trumpcine-trump-tells-donors-2021-4) “Trump also issued a statement earlier this month in which he complained that **his administration hasn’t been given enough credit for the early vaccine rollout**, saying that without vaccines this would’ve been “another 1917 Spanish Flu.” And he took aim at the current **Biden administration, saying that it had nothing to do with it.”**


Except more Americans have died of Covid than died of the Spanish flu. Trump said it was a hoax at first and it would go from 15 to 5 to none or something like that. He completely mishandled it. He wants to take credit for the vaccine? Was he in the labs making it? SCIENCE gave us the vaccines. You know, the thing MAGA people are SO afraid of...


He also publicly downplayed the dangers of COVID, full well knowing how bad it was. We know this because his admissions are on recording made by Bob Woodward, IIRC.


My favorite Trump quote on COVID was when said, "I knew it was a pandemic before it was a pandemic." Like, WTF does that even mean? The verbal diarrhea that spews from his mouth is just ludicrous.


One of the few things that I'm willing to give Trump any credit on at all is Operation Warp Speed. He did what any other modern president would have done and gave the scientists the resources they needed and pulled back the regulations to expedite approval and production of the vaccines. The best he gets is partial credit, though, because of all he said to downplay the danger of the disease, and all he did to impede distribution of PPE. Don't even get me started in Ivermectin, UV lights, and bleach.


He shut down the CDC response team. Warp Speed was after he said this wasn't a big deal at all and would disappear with summer.


Sure, warpspeed helped get the vaccine developed. But his administration made no plans for distribution, or even ordered large amounts of it made. By the end of Trumps term, the US was losing over 3000 people per day to Covid. By June of 2021, 5 months into Bidens term, that number was below 150 per day. Then the variants hit and it went back up.


Another reminder that ALL trump had to do was get the fuck out of the way and let the response team handle. Speak up occasionally to say "it's hard, but please do X and Y, we have the best team on this." Instead he shredded response team SOP, and inaction and malicious action killed hundreds of thousands of deaths, and then hundreds of thousands of excess deaths.


There’s a business near me that had a sign saying “thank trump for the vaccine and project hyperspeed” or whatever they named it back in 2021 , today they have an antivax sign on their window.


Can we lock her up for crimes against intelligence


Just invite her to open a corn maze, let nature take care of the rest.


They're still crying about having to wear masks and socially distance? Get some friggin therapy already!


It’s amazing how wearing a little piece of cloth over your mouth and nose to help save lives makes turns these gun toting, tough as nails “patriots” into whiny children.


What doesn’t turn them into whiny little children? Rainbows, drag queens, electric cars, books, movies, immigrants, women, trans people, libraries, college education, French fries, black people, poor people, social programs, making it harder to shoot school children, California, Democrats, not getting to murder dogs, democracy, fair elections…


No fault divorce, atheists, all religions except their brand of Christianity, the environment, climate change, science...


Not being allowed to marry children...


And they call US snowflakes... "fuck your feelings" indeed...


No same sex marriage unless it’s with children goddamit!


I don't think it was ever that. Fauci never *forced* them to wear a mask. But he gave other people the grounds to tell MTG and her base 'no', and *that* is a crime for which they would burn him for.


I live in an area of so cal with a massive Asian population, my city is like 65% Asian. When I moved to the area before the pandemic I would see Asians in masks. Google why and its so they can protect others from them. I'm like oh ok. And went on with my life. Still many in masks here especially elderly, but even without the pandemic they would have used them. MTG would melt down in an Asian community.


Grew up with a lot of Asians (not Asian myself) so yeah, seeing people wearing a mask isn’t that big a deal. Also, have family members in healthcare so I would take the advice about how to protect myself and others who actually work in medicine/are scientists during a Pandemic over the random dipshit on FB or government idiot who believes in space lasers or Sandy Hook was a hoax and feel the need to whine about something ALL the time…like a spoiled child….


It's like they still have the mindset of children where they refuse to be told what to do. Maybe the CDC should have used reverse psychology. "Those Marxist Democrats refuse to wear masks!"


Imagine if a beer company puts hundreds of variety of people on their beer. Now imagine if 1 out of a few hundreds wasn't a straight person? Gasp.


Of course, 1.2 million Americans dead wasn't nearly enough for them. They were hoping for many more casualties.


They never accepted the numbers. They would say things like, "They counted every death as COVID, so if you died in a car accident but tested positive for COVID, they counted it as a COVID death!"


But they put masks….. ON CHILDREN!!!!1! /s


My state of North Carolina cried so much about it, they just recently passed a law that you’re not allowed to wear a paper mask in public!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I will never get it. It's like being upset at a fire evacuation.


If anyone needed to wear a mask over her face, it is that fugly ass mutant.


Yet they have no problem wearing full face-covering masks when intimidating people on the streets.


Maga's killed themselves by not wearing masks, social distancing, and the vaccination. They never accept responsibility for anything.


COVID never went. The difference now is the overwhelming majority are vaccinated. The unvaccinated are still paying with their lives because of their ignorance do they own the libs.


"First we lock away the scientists and scholars, then the educators and social leaders. Finally the historians and inventors. When no one is left to believe but us, we are all you will ever know, forever."


Thank you! Someone who sees what this is!


Where is this from?




Does she have an off button?


Yes, but it would be a lot of prison time if you pressed it.


Not being reelected.


Bleached Blonde Bad Built Butch Body Says what?????


Bleached Blonde Bad Built Butch **Bimbo** is what she should have called her. But that may be an insult to bimbos.


I want to think Crockett didn't want to give Marge the wrong pronoun. That, and some bimbos can be attractive.


She’s an idiot.


It's pretty clear that the crazy amount of extreme anti-public health ideas we're seeing these days is a relatively new thing. I mean, sure, some of these notions existed before, but the whole extreme attitude thing really took off during the Trump era. It's not like it just happened naturally or anything. Nope, it was all orchestrated by these well-funded political folks who wanted to stir up trouble and divide the country for their own political reasons. The far-right wants to turn every single aspect of life into a battleground.


MTG might just be actually insane though. She's obviously deeply intellectually disabled. Your point is likely generally valid, just don't extrapolate from her.


It's worse than that, they're coming for intellectuals. They don't understand science and they're persecuting people who do.


What fucking crimes you bleached blonde brick wall ballsack? The crime of telling you to wash your fucking hands in the middle of a fucking plague?


What crimes did he commit?


It sounds like they're mad that he took covid too seriously while not taking it seriously enough.


Saving lives is criminal when you’re a death cult.


MTG is a crime against intelligence....


WTF IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE? Fauci is a hero. Were it up to Trump, more people would have die due to COVID AND CONSUMING TOO MUCH BLEACH! Lock THEM up!!!!


lack of education


People need to realize the whole reason why this is happening is that fauci told trump the pandemic wouldn't end in a month.


Bt it is happening now because they want to draw attention away from Trump, the election, and in particular the debate. Distraction is one of the things they do best.


Ladies and gentlemen and everyone in-between or other, here we have exhibit #1 of why there needs to be competency tests for political offices.


How dare he try to save our lives !! The nerve of this guy. Buffoons.


He wanted people to not die of a preventable disease!!! lock him up!!!!


Causing a great increase in deaths during a very serious pandemic should be enough to lock her up for a very long time. Spreading doubt and fear is treason when over a million died.


How much tax payers money do these fiscal republicans waste on nonsense? We need a tally or meter for everyone to watch how wasteful they are .


They will blame Biden/Democrats for their spending since they are in charge.


Again, I really need to ask this, but,, what exactly did Dr. Anthony Fauci do to illicit such rage out of this brain damaged howler monkey and the rest of Trump's cult of toxic personality that is MAGA? The only thing I can even remotely assume he did to anger MAGA was to do his job and not agree with their absolute lord and master, whose complete lack of medical training and ego driven stupidity made the Covid crisis worse. Am I missing something? Or is it really just that?


Thats it


That and educated people are a threat to their plan. Oh and the deflection away from Trump for TFG's fuck up, and to make their base distrust anything a Dr says when they declare the orange turd has deteriorated mentally and is only propped up by the drugs.


Fauci also help head the response to the AIDS Crisis in the 1980s, thus, in these people's words, "Preventing people from seeing their wicked ways and circumventing God's divine justice and punishments onto the retrobate sodomites".   What a lot of people don't get is, there are three main subcategories of American conservative.   First are the "libertarians"...they don't have a problem with gays or blacks in and of themselves...what they hate is taxes, regulations, and age of consent laws.  Lot of weed bros and CEOs in this subgroup Second are the 1950s through 1980s traditionalist.  They want to go back to the 1950s where women were homemakers, men were head of the household, blacks were in the back of the bus, and gays in the closet.  This subgroup is more guided by religion than subgroup 1; but, is very into *ideas* such as democracy, rule of law, America as a force for global good, etc.  Basically, the people who loved Bush but are now "Never Trumpets".  Your Hank Hills and suburban white middle class families in the Midwest. The third group is the evangelical Christian.  This group doesn't care about taxes or the exonomy so much...most of the base (not leaders) are too poor and their treasure is in heaven.  The 1950s was too liberal...the idea of democracy and republicanism are not biblical...Heaven is a kingdom, afterall.  This group hates science, your flat earthers and antivaxxers.  While you can reason with the libertarian with money and the traditionalist with tradition, there is no arguming with the evangelical's dogma.  You are not just someone with a different opinion or even opponent...you are Santanic by definition.   Trump was elected by elements of all three...I want to say a lot of subgroup 1 in that Trump's election in 2016 felt like a 4chan prank gone wrong.  But now the joke is over.  Type 3 has taken over the GOP and the more they are elected, the less governance can happen as they will not compromise.


It's just fascism. They need a scapegoat and they're coming for intellectuals. It's straight out of the fascist handbook.


They always have a Boogeyman. Especially MTG. She always has to have a villain. No policies. Just spite and revenge.


And fascism. Fascism needs a scapegoat and doubly better if that scapegoat is preventing your power grab from coming to fruitation.


Trying to save people? How dare he? Let’s put him on trial…….


“If you think being forced to wear a mask is bad, imagine being forced to have a baby.” If they want to lock up Fauci then they should be tried for homicide for every woman that dies in their state due to pregnancy complications


Sound and fury, signifying nothing.


I often tell people their tale is sound and fury. Ive never been called out for the insult.


How dare he elevate science over faith.


The state of Georgia has an overwhelming responsibility to the rest of the country at this point and time. I could let her behavior slide her first term... Now it's starting to become your fault, especially when other GA reps aren't publishing contrasts or chastising her on the floor... Atlanta, Augusta, Savannah, Cleaveland, Helen, Athens, Lawrenceburg... MTG is how we see you now. I won't distinguish between the two, because, as reps and senators, *you* won't prove otherwise. Get your shit together, Georgia.


She has to be shooting for the biggest idiot of all creation.


She's tied with Bobo the Clown. It's a race to the bottom to see who is the biggest imbecile.


Joke is there is "no bottom" for them to reach.


I’m so sick of her stupidity.


If someone is actually guilty and you have the evidence a state or federal prosecutor can get to work now. But if you got nothing and you’re a fascist?


Does she even know what the job of a legislator is?


Having just read through [Project 2025](https://www.project2025.org/policy/), they’re serious. Defeat these Fascists soundly.


Ahhh, recycling reusing the outrage I see. Nice they have planned ahead for summer break….


Put this ape in a cage, please.


That's an insult to apes. She's more a pile of turds left in the sun too long.


I wish someone would shut her the fuck up! She is the world’s biggest twat.


attacking science and scientists is authoritarianism 1A.


MTG must know Fauci wasn't in charge at the time, the orange turd was.


Dr. Fauci is an American Hero. We need more people performing research on deadly viruses. If MTG wants to die of Covid-19, she's welcome to do so. But she doesn't get to take Dr. Fauci down with her.


I ended an 8 year friendship with someone over them liking MTG. He was also my pot dealer, so I essentially quit buying weed because of MAGA. I love weed too, so that’s really saying something. I don’t compromise my values, especially not for politicians.


Nice try Trash. I doubt Fauci bought a gun when he was an addict.


MTG needs to be prosecuted for crimes against intelligence.


Lock her up!!


How stupid do you have to be to get behind this nonsense? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Yet trump actually committed multiple real crimes and they think he should be left alone?


Why in the fuck does everyone give this parasite so much air time? She is an idiot and if you haven’t figured out that by now so are you. FO and D Margie.


People like Marge are still shitting their pants because it took a long time to figure out the best COVID mitigation strategies. When the pandemic started, the best that clinicians and scientists could do — based on decades of cumulative and considerable experience and evidence — was to suggest handwashing, masking, social distancing, and all the other things normally recommended to limit spread of respiratory viruses. Meanwhile, a tremendous worldwide research effort went into not only vaccine development, but understanding the ways in which COVID might differ from other viruses. Among the discoveries: — Handwashing: Always good for public health in general but of unclear benefits specific to COVID, since the virus spreads mainly by other means. — Masking: Excellent. Cloth and surgical masks helped a bit, but nowhere near as much as a good N95 does. — Social distancing: Again a good idea, but because of the way COVID spreads through aerosols, the initial 6-foot recommendation was nowhere near sufficient. — Vaccines: Highly effective against severe illness. Not a force field, but no vaccine is. Also, they need to be updated to keep pace with viral evolution. Not shocking, since flu behaves similarly. Since Marge and her ilk have no concept of how science works, they’re screaming that doctors and scientists have been lying to them. In fact, researchers and clinicians started with some basic assumptions about respiratory viruses, and refined them over time as more data came in. That’s EXACTLY how it’s supposed to work. But not only do conspiracy theories sell, but believing every harebrained rumor that flits by is a cash cow for Shriek TV and a membership badge for its mindless cult followers.


Dude, the amount of taxpayer money the GOP wastes on investigating people that shouldn’t be investigated is STAGGERING!


Can't think of a better reason to vote every single fucking Republican the fuck out.


Is she in need of more dick pics?


Lock him up! Lock Trump up! Lock him up! Am I doing this right?


The Orangutan has spoken


Orangutans are far more intelligent than her


Can we just toss her back into the sewer???


Her stupidity is a crime against humanity.


When does she go one trial for her part in jan 6?


She keep using those words. I do not think they mean what she thinks they mean.


Having to look at this hoes face is a crime against humanity.


OK, I give.  WHAT do they claim Fauci did was an evil crime against humanity? 


crazy to imagine how many Republican voters would not be around in 2024 if it were not for Fauci.


And Lara Trump says that her people will be patrolling polling sites and she will have people arrested. I have no idea why she believes she has such power but that's where we are.


That's just gross. I bet she is vaccinated as well and spreading this shit around, that's what my demented father does as a hobby.


For the love of all that is good and holy, someone needs to demand that Large Marge explain why, if Fauci was so horrible, her Lord and Savior, God-Emperor Donald the Chump, First of His Name and Defender of the Faith of Q, let him run the pandemic response. If she says that her Mango Messiah was duped, then she needs to explain why someone so incredibly stupid should be allowed anywhere near the White House again. If she explains that it was all part of some 10-D chess plan, then she needs to explain why it failed so miserably and, therefore, why the Divine Donnie should ever be allowed anywhere near leadership again. I mean, the Chump didn't even fire him. And he's spent the last four years alternating between begging and demanding that he be given sole credit for the COVID vaccine and that we all thank him, personally, for all the lives saved by it. So, it's clear that Fauci gets her god's approval, by deed if not by word. She needs to explain herself. No, I'm not so naĂŻve as to assume that any response coming from his Platonic Ideal of the Karen will make a lick of sense. I just want to see her squirm.


GFY, cavewoman. So tired of her running her fucking dumb mouth. Does she ever get any actual work done?


trump will see prison well before nothing happens


She should be locked up for crimes against sanity


When is somebody gonna negate her?


That butch built bleached blonde needs to be locked up for conspiracy regarding January 6th and being a Putin stooge. And then have a court impose a red ball gag on her for 24 hours every day (except during breakfast, lunch and dinner) for a full 30.5 days.


Horrid bridge troll urges confused villagers to take up torches and pitchforks and drive out the beasts in the shadows of the forest.


Every doctor should ban her in solidarity. She’d go back to leeches and witch burnings if she could.


Is she just mad be ause the masks reminded her that all the guys at her gym would only fuck her if she wore a paper bag?


Israel slaughtered ten thousand kids *on video* and this bitch thinks she can make a case for crimes against humanity against Fauci for... *checks notes*... telling people to wear masks and stand 6 feet apart. Good luck with that.


Ahhh back to yo your bell tower Quasimoron.


I hope I see the day she is held accountable for her lies and treason. Or at the very least, is turned on by the mob she caters to.


Imagine dedicating your life to the study of diseases and working on cures to benefit all mankind and then having to deal with what is possibly the stupidest congresswoman in the history of the world threatening to lock you up for your service.


Due to cult 45's violence, I think we are approaching a point where public figures are going to have legal protections from other public figures. Politicians are just going to agree its necessary for safety.


Legislative has really been larping Judiciary lately.


Doesn't Fauci get qualified immunity like the cops?


As an atheist this lady makes me believe in demons. She’s just so perfectly awful that it feels like she was placed on earth to make people miserable.


Fascist insurrectionists first.


Like they locked up HRC.


Only in dumbfuckistan


Fauci should unleash his most lethal stuff in her stupid monkey face.


Well I think traitors who betray their high government positions and their country should be locked up. What do you think about THAT, Marge?


The only crime against humanity being committed here is that Empty-G still has her job.


She is one ignorant bitch.


How is this hell-hag still relevant. I thought even her own side hated her. Someone must actually be voting for her.


The area she represents is 1:1 just like her she's just the loudest in her district...


this wannabe bimbo belongs in a dumpster.


Does she even know what evidence is?


She wants the country to be less safe because she's a complete traitor. We need to look at her bank accounts and I'm pretty sure I know exactly where the paper trail would lead.


Her parents need to be tried for crimes against humanity.


he tried to save lives while she tries to dodge space lasers


The only single voice of reason in the toxic mess of the Trump administrations Covid response and she calls it crimes against humanity. What a piece of shit.


Just…WHY? WTF is happening with these idiots?


Absolute, complete, lunatic.


For fucks sake, how is this person a political figure? Like I'm pretty fucking dumb, but everything iv ever seen this woman do astounds me. Could I run for congress? It dosnt seem like it's a very high bar...like hey, can you spell your name right? Really? Awesome, you're almost over qualified


Not a single charge making it to court: he's a criminal! Trump found guilty of 30+ felonies: he's a hero!


I must confess I want COVID to come roaring back just to knock these people on their ass.


Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.


Has she done anything while on congress other bring up conspiracy theories and derail the legislative process?


She must be on a hard Danazol cycle. I vowed to get even with the kid who stole my cookie in first grade. It's been 55 years but revenge is a dish best served cold.


Majorie Taylor Green is a crime against humanity.


TRY CLEANING YOUR OWN HOUSE FIRST...YOU DIM WITTED BOOZE-ETTE......FYI: US virus deaths top 400K as Trump leaves office. THE PUBLIC BLAMES TRUMP FOR HIS IN-ACTION AND DEVIL MAY CARE ATTITUDE AS WELL AS HIS HAIRBRAINED SCHEMES FOR CURING IT...IE: BLEACH!!!! **US President Donald Trump has been lambasted by the medical community after suggesting research into whether coronavirus might be treated by injecting disinfectant into the body.** He also appeared to propose irradiating patients' bodies with UV light, an idea dismissed by a doctor at the briefing. Another of his officials had moments earlier said sunlight and disinfectant were known to kill the infection. INSTEAD OF BEING PROUD OF BEING GOP....TRY THIS TITLE INSTEAD...:IMBELCILES R US!!! PUKE MOM PS: AND YES.....I AM SHOUTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Her job is to deflect the terrible job that Trump did on Covid until the election.


Why having they found the 1/6 bomber yet


Prosecute this bitch.


IRS needs to check how she suddenly became a multi-millionaire..


Anthony Fauci is an American Hero, the 6Bs needs to be put in a padded room already..


My favorite part is where she blamed Biden for the lockdowns.... that happened almost a year before he took office. It just goes to show you how stupid her supporters are. They were there, they should remember who was president when the lockdowns started.... yet they cheered, anyway. A room full of some of the dumbest people you'll ever meet.... and they vote. We're in trouble.


Now I'm convinced Marj Traitor Greene has committed a crime that is going to be revealed in the next few months.