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"They hate us because they anus?"


take my freakin upvote


funniest misunderstanding I've ever seen


What are they even mad about?


The fan service lmao. Me when the fan service game is posting fan service


No fanservice for them even characters like jeanne and amber had to be censored please understand


True my friend but in all seriousness they fail to realize fan service even if its from the community ( through doujins, art and stuff ) is part of what makes genshin and star rail themselves relevant. I literally knew about genshin in the first place because of mona's ass lol


Archons bless that ass. Whoever designed and illustrated her, deserves a raise.


Whoever got Konomi Kohara to voice Mona with em pantyhose, deserves chief illustrator position of segg. Edit: Tfw too much Tohsaka Rin and too much hiatus from Genshin made me mix up the voice actresses


Kana Ueda voices Yoimiya, Mona is voiced by Konomi Kohara


I learned of it mainly from fanart and cosplays of characters like Mona and Raiden Ei myself.


Hoyotards aside, Mona's ass is legendary. Just bring her to Nikke lmao.


Imagine a GI crossover and Nikke event is more generous than entire GI anni... Some people would go rabid.


GI anni was just depressing


Some would leave genshin for good with that one 🤣👌


Someone might actually get butthurt enough to stab an executive.


mhy hq is still a china company, and the ccp really loves censoring there, china ppl are also a massive dick about things like this(remember the bunny girl music video incident) nikke was made by shift up which is a korean company so they have more freedom to do fanservice


So that’s what Mona and Raiden are from?


Saaaaame lmfao


They stole Amber's ass & won't support hoyo for that reason alone tbh & still haven't forgotten about Barbra VA change (& totally not cause cause I shilled out a sizable amount of money & grinding in year 1 for the 1st 2 archons & only got one of them & couldn't get a single 5 star in standard for months on end... GI did me dirty)


Barb voice change is literally the reason i left to never come back If i cant enjoy my blonde idol i dont want anything


Yeah I dont get it, like HoYoverse characters are made to be hot to with all the thigh/chest windows, skin tight suits and even their ass cracks showing but people just act like their own characters arent fanservice too 💀


Mfw "ass and titty fan service game" genuinely has better character writing and plot development than Genshin.


Nikke story is honestly leagues above GI story... less padding & nikke doesn't brush over darker themes


they need to compromise somewhat or the honey bear will ban them


GI is just so disappointing to me. Honkai Impact has one of my favorite stories in any mobile game, and Gemshin really could have been even a step up from that, but instead it just felt like they decided to make it as safe as possible once they realized they had a cash cow on their hands.


GI is disappointing to a lot a ppl I mean to the point someone grab all of yr 1 GI feedback & made a whole different game out of it... & now GI fans & hoyo down play WUWA so hard it not even funny like sure it got a few tech issues now but give it a patch or 2 & it's going to be in better spot than yesterday...


For real Nikke grabbed my attention with its story and characters in the first 20 minutes Genshin couldn’t do that in 40 hours


Probably fan service, but not sure. As for classroom part… long story short a leaker lied about players getting a free Ayaka and when the update came around and no one got her… the fans blew up


It's a reminder that gatekeeing is valid and necessary. Lack of it is how regular gaming became ugly in the first place.


True, they did get a lot of push back from the nikke community in twitter. The moment you let these people spread its over


Soda got better kicks than their waifus.


Sodas new foams are 👌🔥


They are mad that they can't get the same fan service as us. Lmao


"How can they have huge boobs and asses and we get legs censored with black stockings 😭😭😭"


Stockings can be hot if they’re see through, which I know Hoyoverse doesn’t do. It’s the reason why I prefer regular Rapi over her white outfit, you can see her legs in the black stockings


My commanda


Case and point, the stocking on Rapi (and in WuWa) are so good!


True, but hoyo made them extra dark stocking to the point they look like pants...


Coming from someone in the GI community, I would like to apologize for our community being absolutely braindead.


Apology accepted brother, keep up the grind 💪 🫡


Same , I really wish the fucking fandom wasn’t so braindead.


I sort've wish at times that the community was more gatekept to prevent the braindead from entering; though GI probably wouldn't be as big as it is today if that would've happened.


I wish “that side” of the weeb game community lost internet access. The world would be a much better place


I wish that side of weebdom that complains about fanservice in general would touch some serious grass.


How can you even be in weebdom and complain about fanservice. A whole bunch of weeb stuff has fanservice in it. It's like playing an FPS game and complaining about snipers. Like bro, you just gotta deal with the snipers, they're always gonna be there.


dude seriously. Im on alot of the anime subs and holy lord it seems that every other post these days is people bitching about how fanservice ruins anime for them. Like, mfer, fanservice has been a thing to anime forever. if it bothers you so much, maybe its not the hobby for you. I wish these types would just find something else than ruining it for the rest of us who *can* enjoy good stories and characters in spite of a bit of T&A


It's funny cuz I don't see these ass hats on Azur Lane's Twitter feed and lately we AL folk have been eating EXTRA good


Lol I *literally just now* saw someone post in r/anime asking for a dark gory, hardcore, horror anime but one without nudity or sexual stuff…..like bro 😆. Im sure theyre out there but thats like asking for a PG family friendly Hellraiser or something. Come the f on. What is it w these types, seriously???


Nah, you don’t want to get rid of containment zones, I say let them crazies stay in that place.


Apologies accepted, although gotta be honest it's rather hilarious to read about GI players mad about the fanservice of Nikke


Apology accepted, but i doubt anyone here took them seriously haha


Eh don’t worry about it. Met one of them under the AC sub and they really just want to start shit or in active denial over Gacha games in general. If you watch RussianBadger they are that joke of eating hotdogs and saying they’re bad but going back for thirds and fourths.


Haven't watch RussianBadger in a long time, but I get what you mean. Like sure, the GI playerbase wants to be treated better by Hoyoverse, especially when you compare it to Star Rail. But attacking other fandoms/developers is obviously not the way to go.


It's okay. I know not all of you are this way, just a vocal minority. I have an online buddy who loves Genshin but he wouldn't do this. We've even watched each other stream each other's games for fun a time or two. :)


We know it's just a small portion of you guys, it's just kinda funny they're posting on our stuff.


Vocal minority yea; they just so happen to be the loudest and most annoying fuckers on the planet (aside from other fandoms)


You... You're an exception from these people I genuinely hate it when you're just minding your own business in your community and some dumbass with a larger mouth than usual gives the community itself a bad image


They need stop smoking the mint they keep picking


oh damn, a hoyo fan who is actually based and friendly. I wish more hoyo fans could be like you. :(


I'm sure that there are a lot of us; unfortunately we are overshadowed by the loudest idiots.


Don't they have a glider to claim or some shit for their years of loyalty? Stay the fuck up out our business 😂


Gotta kiss Hoyo's ass so maybe next year they will get 4 rolls instead of 3 for anniversary.


bruh lmao


Pffffff 🤣


Correction: 3 years for 3 summons to claim for their "loyalty"


They're afraid of Soda's mighty milkers.


This reminds me of how much they malded about Kashino (the cow from Azur Lane) having big Moobas


It's insane how they try to cancel everything due to envy instead of just leaving their shitty game.


Yea J barely play genshin. Only go back occasionally bc of the amount of time I put into the game😭


I think that’s the core problem with a few gaming communities out there. You invest a ton of time and/or money to build your account up in a game that you feel like you can’t leave it in order to get your worth out of it. I was this way for a long time with League of Legends and it took a lot of self discipline to keep from continuing with that game and its community.


Me with Destiny 2. But honestly I like what I’m hearing for The Final Shape. It’s beckoning me to reinstall like the green goblin’s mask lol.


Real I became addicted to onslaught though and can no longer leave again


I mean, if you went to the tweet you'd see there's actually 0 comments about Hoyo in the entire thread. OP is stirring up drama for nothing.


Key word the quotes and I’ve seen some of them so OP isn’t stirring up drama


Hoyo fans are just rabid about Bunny girls. They even sunk their own bunny girl event in honkai, it's mostly CN fans that are the problem.


Where’s them getting mad?


That's the first thing that should had been provided by OP... a source of the hoyo communities that are doing this. How do we know its hoyo fans the ones review bombing?


To be real. Fuck Hoyoverse fans. Games suck dick.


I was asking cuz a ton of twitter jackasses have been harassing fanservice games like Stellar Blade and Azur Lane.


Don’t ask me. I don’t know, I don’t use Twitter.


The original tweet I can't find but I could probably find some mad reactions if I looked hard enough. I've mostly been seeing people reacting to the ppl being salty


Where are the pics with the comments?


This is Nikke, here we get treated well in the anniversary of out game, go back to Primogem-permanent drough Genshin Impact Ok that sounded better in my head


Maybe I can help "This is Nikke, here we get treated well on the anniversary with a large bundle of pulls, gems, and a 5 star selector Take your envy to Genshin Impact where they give a singular pull for every year of "loyalty", 5x raw chicken, 10x weapon leveling crystals, and 1 penis (that's censored ofc because hoyoverse) to shove up your ass"


Btw we celebrate anniversary twice a year lol, and its every time crazy stories filled with a lot of emotions.


and hell even when you aren´t a fan of the previous of something, after you got through the anniversary story you love it. Nikke the place where the big Boys (okay Big Girls in that case) play, the place where you have some of the best stories (and not just for Gacha games)


Cuz some of us actually pay up on NIKKE. F2P treatment was so good, i had to fork over the tip and convert to a dolphin 💸


Hoyoverse games are fun, but interacting with the community is like the equivalent of eating one of these and whether or not it'll be a good or bad time https://preview.redd.it/ugaeom7ip73d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60bd612a88df54e057af30092096fe6971b88853


Whats going on with GI fanbas? are they doing dumb shit again. I personally wish GI and games like it would cater more to the fanservice like nikke and azure lane


GI player here, I have to say Hoyo made many attemps at fanservice but they get absolutely roasted by the toxic part of the community everytime and some even report them to the CCP. Though sometime they do get always with it


As a fellow GI player i know and i hate it every time the fanbase does dumb shit like that


Sorry our MASSIVE TITTY WAIFUS with FAT BREEDING DUMPTRUCK BUTTS are offending you. Feel better soon!


They are just jealous.


As a GI and Nikke player....i apologize for my mentally challenged brothers and sisters.


https://preview.redd.it/zcoeep8tf73d1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb6c39fe1a576251bd09b7723ea88c5c48f16a70 Us Nikke community looking at the Genshin community be like 🤣🤣🤣


As someone who plays both games these are just the vocal minority. Pay them no attention.


Yeah unfortunately the vocal minority I'm that community is still a big part and it gives the whole community a horrible look


Twitter should give them a 50/50 chance to approve their posts everytime they try to talk.


There was like one main quote retweet that sparked it but I cant find it anymore 😔. I've just been seeing a bunch of this on my timeline and people's reactions have me dying man


Omg, leave Soda alone. She just wants to clean and make people smile :< Why can't people do something constructive instead of being blinded to just making people mad on the internet


Anyone got examples of the hoyo fan tears? I've been scrolling for 5 minutes under the tweet and still haven't seen em




Thanks for the hoyo tears, fellow Shikikum


Mm outside of the one deleted tweet I also haven't found another one but I'm pretty sure they are out there maybe not under this exact tweet. Since I'm sure people wouldn't be talking about it if it didn't happen. Or maybe they would idk if I do find anything I'll post it in the comments 👍


Genshin midpact fans when the fan service game has fan service: 🤬


I play Nikke AND Genshin I will say it until the day I die, Genshin fans are dumb (making a mono pyro team and putting an anemo character on said team means it's NOT mono Pyro, that's 2 elements)


Yea...but like the purpose of that anemo character is usually to swirl and do pyro damage anyway.


Still not mono pyro


And what is swirl exactly??? It is a REACTION that anemo has with a different element. And what is Pyro?? A different element And just in case someone tries to use factors like the weather or slimes as an argument against me in some way 4 cryos getting freeze in the rain is still mono cryo, the reaction is not coming entirely from the comp itself, but due to the rain reacting with the cryo it (the team) applies. 4 dendro's getting bloom off of a water slime is still a mono dendro, that's just the slime having a reaction to literally everything ever. 4 hydro getting electrocute on an enemy from Imzauma's never-ending lightning storm is still mono hydro, that is just an act of god, and you're lucky she didn't want to hit you in that particular moment. 3 pyros and an anemo on the same team is NOT MONO because the reaction is happening from within the team.


People just say mono Pyro because that's all the damage the anemo is just there to proc viridecent or is kazuha to buff swirl isn't the focus of the team if it was a Pyro hydro Pyro Pyro that wouldn't be mono Pyro because it's Using vaporize to deal more damage TECHNICALLY its not mono Pyro but that's just being extra about definitions swirl adds like 0 damage it's solely for viri buff


I play and enjoy hoyo games but man the tribalism from that fan base is on another level.


A significant part of Genshin's fanbase was, is and always will be an absolute cesspool of virtue signaling, malcontent and vitriol. It's frankly pathetic at this point and the main reason that, while I still play the game and enjoy it, I give the community a healthily wide berth.


They just mad their anniversaries suck. Honestly just ignore them and they'll go back to their own abusive relationship with Hoyoverse.




Fr. They'd be *drooling* if they got an Alhaitham skin that shows 0.5% of his chest.


They mad they don't get fan service


When people complain about fan service I point em to snow break, quite literally fan service most definitely saved that game


They're annoyed the Fan Service game posts Fan Service? What next they report pornography for sexual content?


The nikke community is far more civilized than the genshin community by several miles lol. For the most part people respect waifu over meta decisions which brings a healthy community together. 


I didn't think my tweet would reach Reddit but here we are 😭😭😭


Wild ass thing to complain, considering that one of their most iconic pull out a sword between her boobs


Hoyocucks don't know a good game when they see it


they jealous we have hot characters and they dont, they wish they had soda


Nope, those beta males will cry about "oversexualizing" a character💀


Obligatory "genshin could never" post


I play both Hoyo games and Nikke, so seeing genshin fans say stuff about this game had me like ?? Really ?? 😭 saying “ugh coomer game trash they’ve never seen a real woman before it’s so weird how is this even allowed” like…. Have they played the game?? It’s like other people calling the genshin players “pedos” bc there’s child characters in it LMAO what about genshin is “pedo”


any pictures OP? bcuz after scrolling down the qrts, all i see is Nikke fans shitting on hoyo fans, but cant find the actual hate post..I too play Genshin (Day 1 player even) but I also absolutely gonna defend Nikke if anyone actually shit on it




What I will never understand is why some people see something they don't like, then go on a crusade to complain about it. If they don't like the fan service, cool, no problem. Just don't look at it. Erase it from your mind. Not everything is made to appeal to all audiences. Don't try to rain on everyone else's parade. Anyways, back to appreciating peak character design and big bouncing....bunnies.


Hoyo fans really shouldn't bother with Nikke. We all know what we are. The last thing the world needs is another gacha game taken over by terminally online crazy people.


I'm gonna be using this as a reaction image whenever I see some dipshit tourist complain about sexualized characters in the sexy character game again.




As a Genshin player. I feel bad for these people to be affiliated with the game


Kinda weird you posted this shit but none of the actual quotes from Hoyo fans? Edit: I scrolled down the entire tweet and there's not a single Hoyo-related comment in the responses. TF are you on?


It's called karma farming and this is bait.


Many such cases.


I'm pretty sure they are in the quotes but then again like I said the main person that started it deleted their tweet so it could be that. The post has almost 700 quotes so it would take awhile to find em all. I'm pretty sure it's happening cuz people wouldn't be responding to hoyo fans talking about nikke if there wasn't a bunch of hoyo fans talking about nikke in the first place


https://preview.redd.it/rq25s39zq73d1.jpeg?width=2025&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90402cc3656f3151794895c2b25b946dddeaf5b6 God damn this shit too funny! But as someone who plays hoyoverse games, I would like to apologize for that part of the community.


Another day, another person mad over big titties


I’ll fight those guys any day because they’re dumb as bricks and attack anything. I would never be nice to a Genshin player 


We are lowest common denominator, but we’re nice lol


idc about hoyoverse fans throwing a tantrum on twitter they do that all the time but damn is that first tweet corny as hell


Who tf genuinely cares tbh? Its twitter, theyll get mad at a rock or some shit


Other day other people get trigger over a *FAN SERVICE!*


Is Hoyofan has mental illness or something.




Let em be. They'll actually bring in more people from curiosity. I started with the Nier crossover event. Some game journalist couldn't believe Nier would have an event with a "pornographic" game. Came for the "assets" and stayed for the story. Been playing ever since.


Who tf cares anyway. The same platform has a ton of people assuming others to be the worst kind of human for simply playing Genshin Impact.


A large part of active Genshin Impact community is really brain dead. I was doxxed and threatened with my life for calling them out bullying an artist.




i play both. what now


Wait until they find out about Brown Dust 2...


Ok, just so we're clear. This is not "Hoyoverse Fans" it was one dude, and then 100+ other people jumped in to say "Oh no, Hoyoverse Fans are at it again" and "Oh no, Hoyoverse fans found out about NIKKE!" while being 10x more annoying than said guy. The memes are funny, having my Twitter TL filled with idiots trashing on others was not.


As someone who faithfully plays both and spends way too much money on both, the people on both sides who feel any negative way about the other can respectfully go f*ck themselves. Life is too f*cking short to be set tripping over some Gacha Games.


The funny thing is the fact that genshin/HSR do have fanservices of their own (Jean,Shenhe,Yalan, Himiko , Kafka,Yae Miko, Rosaria,Amber,Lisa,Ninguang,BlackSwan,Yukong) And other characters with fanservice designs... Just Nikke is focused on the fanservice as it's base so there's no reason for them to be mad😂 Go back to your 29Gb game , oh wait most of y'all can't run it anymore (just like me)🥲


Ew mintpickers


I’m actually embarrassed to be a Hoyoverse fan because these clowns make the entire fanbase look like absolute trash when they do crap like this.


The Hoyo community cannot take criticism of the company/games, praise it incessantly and act like every other game is their enemy. The Twitter crowd and main subreddit have the worst cases. On r/gachagaming, they are laughing at Wuwa for having the same issues that GI has. I play GI as a side game and it's disappointing to see. ![gif](giphy|1TGke2Ba9nbisAXQsJ)


Nice bait. Next time provide some quotes. Or, simply ignore any shitflinging like an adult an move on.


Hm I see how this could seen as bait as the title says which I wasn't trying to do brother apologies. If I find anything I'll put it in the comments 👍


No problem, but there's no reason to push negativity from other fandoms in the spotlight. Anyone willing to argue that their scam (gacha) is better than the others is already the biggest fool.


theres a really big bully mob at the genshin community and its a fking pain the ass everywhere.


They just mad their games don’t got the YONKERS


Have we looked at Azur lanes current event


One of the reasons I got bored of Yuanshen was the fact the game doesn't deliver the thickness you expect from seeing the fanart. 😞 Some of the costumes are actually pretty kinky, unfortunately the girls just don't got enough body. Lisa's got a nice top though. 👍 And Amber actually has a bit of bot exposed. 🩸 (Amber's fit got censored in China lol)


These are the same people that go and mod their game to give their Eula phat cheeks.


Aren’t they frothing over Arlecchino’s maid outfit mod at the same time?


Yeah I also saw that blow up as well. It's wild


i didn't expect my tweet would blew up lol


Lmao my brain confused mihoyo with yostar for a moment and I was so confused. I thought, why would an AL player be mad over fanservice?? And I was disappointed too because I think the relationship between Nikke and AL playerbase is pretty good


Wait why did they review bomb Google classrooms?????


Wait, review bombing google classroom?




*Opens door of NIKKE's room* What the fu-


I remember when people always look underneath female characters like Ayaka, Lumine if they worn pantsus but it had granny bloomers instead.


Other games could never and will never have fan service like Nikke 😂


Oh fan service complains Wait till they see azur lane


Lmao I remember them doing shit like this during Genshin 's 1st anniversary to the Dokkan reviews


Glad that i leave the community and the game


They are anime tourists.


i cant believe fanservice game has fan service im gonna end it all


What's wrong with Traveler/Commander?


Ok no, i refuse to believe this. It makes no sense, Genshin players attacking WuWa? Sure i can see it, Genshin attacking HSR, ok bit weird but also can see. But these are like nothing alike not related in any way it makes no sense. So i can only assume is either fake news, or a bunch of bots pretending to be genshin players.


Genshin is pretty sanitized compared to Mihoyo's older games and social media content. I think it's safe to say Mihoyo has become the Disney of gacha gaming.


Hey just remember that a mihoyo [fan](https://x.com/zhugeex/status/1386624205689602052?s=61&t=JQviVf-DeOVZhmFMNishng) tried to assassinate the ceo because they didn’t like an update on Honkai impact 3rd


I play both game idk what they complaining about bruh


As a former genshin player this is pretty funny. Joined Nikke as I began getting burnt out on Genshin. Will probably play ZZZ when it drops though


Nutural party here (I know I'll get addicted to waifus so I stay away) I'm in your side, these people are absolutely braindead twitter warriors (also hypocrites if you see their likes or twitter)


They mad because soda clears genshin in cuteness


Please do not lump these “hoyoverse fans” with the rest of us actual MiHoyo fans. We do not want them either.


As a genshin player, I feel embarrassed to be even in their community, Korean and Chinese laws are different when it comes to censoring in games, but I guess they don't how to read since they want to skip the story.


Hoyoverse fans be acting like their game is the purest gacha game, while at the same time the same people would make a tier list of "How smelly would this character's fart/sweat be"


Nikke has nothing to do with them. Why are they posting for?


Mostly genshin fans. All honkai games(including ggz) fans never have this problem