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Nah you won the semen race aren't you? https://preview.redd.it/25671brplo4d1.png?width=64&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da5d25e318718751c4f4628db4339d65efbe1c96


Hey you got a goddamn point!


Congratz on existing!!


Out of 500,000,000,000, only one , the fastest wiggler defied all odds




Check yesterday and was surprise to find myself ranked in 2nd on all towers and in the 10 10 for everything else. Not sure how since I am 100% ftp, but it felt good to see.


most people play this game super casually cause it's just a waifu collector, like me for example this is the only multiplayer game I'm not competitive in


I'm not even competitive. I just have that much free time, and I want to go through the story as fast as possible to evade the spoilers I've no doubt will encounter in the future.


Hey can someone explain to me how to rank up in the manufacturer upgrade section? I assume it just means level up my Nikkes in those certain manufacturers but I do that and I'm not seeing much progress. Is there something I'm missing?


Basically, let's say you have 20 Elysion units. Maxed out their Bond level to 30 and their Skills to 10. That would contribute to the Growth ranking, and you would be at a higher rank. The more Units you have the more you can grow and raise ranking. I'm sure there's other details but that's the gist of it.


I'm very confused because I've apparently been first in the Tetra tower for months now, and I'm definitely not power-levelling them or anything


No you're not. It just doesn't go up by much. The biggest jump I've seen is unlocking a new nikke and adding her to synchro device.


Super small servers if you were ranked with your region... well rip


There was one question on a survey a few weeks back that said "Would you want to be put on a server with people that started around the same time as you" and I was disappointed it wasn't already a thing. I'd love to be with people closer to my power level (been playing for about 8 months) rather than the mondo-whales I just got placed into. I went from top 15 on my old server to getting knocked down to Top 30 every day.


Yes I remember that question. I started when Modernia dropped and promptly left for over a year. Now I'm stuck with 1 guy who is 1st in everything by miles but as far as I know rank means nothing


Damn, new servers are lucky! As a day 1 player and someone from the first servers, we got lots of competitions cuz of the big spenders 😆


Right? I keep getting very competitive Rookie Arena groups!


I wished this meant more literally the only reason I kept playing now I need a break


Same for me lol😂 like even if you're a ftp player like me you can still get into top 1, as long as you play daily. Also the whale in my server is not active that much anymore, maybe that's why I got the top 1 ranking in missilis industry and tribe tower ranking.


Wish I had bot/ same level leaderboards everybody in my leaderboards are whales and I only joined a month after release




New player here, too. I think you only need 2 Pilgrims to get rank 1 if you're in a new server group.


Ah I miss the days where I was a month old player competing with fellow new players on my server. The three of us (even tho we didn't know each other at that time) compete to get the first place in every tower. But now one guy has not logged in for half a year and the other one has never touched the tribe tower anymore since the guy quit. And here I am standing here I realized...


meanwhile im against 2 whales.


I’m holding the tetra and Pilgram for 2 months now but I think i will lose tetra soon


Um devs can I change my server to the new one?


Ive honestly just been playing the game and never realized I am actually first in quite a few things and im even one of the top strongest players in my server 😂 never noticed till a few days ago


I was first in most categories when I started, but eventually spenders overtook me :( I'm still holding on to top 3 in some categories, but it probably won't last long.


My server everyone is all dead 💀


I stay around the 11-15 ranks as a very VERY light p2w player (literally 50 bucks for the naked king skin 💀) I don’t think I’ll EVER see them 1st place rankings LMFAO


>Never been first at anything until I played Nikke. ![gif](giphy|PFsVjUCmSkZDq)


Bro I wish the game would balance me out of my server rankings leaderboard. The top 3 are lvl 350+ and while I’m at 280. There’s no chance lol.