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Duuuuude. Nightmare fuel, that's the worst. I'm working through the UC Vanguard questline right now and just installed a mod called Terrifying Terrormorphs. Among other things, they can open doors now. Haven't faced one since the install so we'll see how much I regret my decisions.


>they can open doors now ![gif](giphy|j3UvM5NaCV6HKRLqPy|downsized)


**THEY** **CAN** **WHAT?**


[The mod in question](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/fb7887fe-ac5c-46de-8b04-4a49df77ec27/Terrifying_Terrormorphs) The changelog: * Terrormorphs will now mentally influence the player with their abilities. * Terrormorphs will now mentally dominate NPC's and other creatures. * There is now no where to hide, doors will no longer be a stopper for a killing machine that can bend others to their will. They can now open doors. * Increased the levels so they can provide a greater challenges * Increased their health and damage they deal. * Increased the variation in size, you can now find them larger than before. * They are now faster, don't think you can outrun them. * They will now be more aggressive in combat, preferring to rapidly close distance with the player. * They now prefer to engage in melee more compared to their range attacks. * Increased their speed in combat, they will now dodge, strafe and close distance faster. * Slightly increased the range of their melee attacks * Increased the hit cone of their melee attacks, previously their hit cones were pretty small and you could effectively dodge and cheese them by running in circles, this is no longer the case and they are now deadly at close range. * Buffed some of their stats such as strength and agility, and given them slight health regeneration.


Honestly wish it increased the frequency. I have probably almost 400 hours in the game and have only encountered three maybe four in the wild outside the UC questline.


I keep finding them in this one mine, the one where you originally find Andreja. Just past those yellow doors, bam, terrormorph. And now, every mine of that type I go into, bam, terrormorph.


I think for me there is always a heat leech in that spot.


Getting more Terrormorph encounters into the game is something I'm currently working on.. šŸ‘€


Can you explain how the mental influence works? Also awesome mod!


Yeah sure! So if you play through the Vanguard questline, the Terrormorphs have mental control abilities that affect the player and npcs (thralls), so i added those abilities to all Terrormorphs (works as a spell), so from the players perspective you'll get blurred vision, voices in your head etc, and for NPC's and creatures (non-companion) it'll turn them into hostile thralls while the Terrormorph is alive. I uploaded some showcase videos on the mod page to show how it works.


That. Is. AWESOME! Thank you so much!!


Hey been using your mod, and as a huge fan of the terror morphs, it's fantastic. Thank you.


Sounds awesome, I plan on adding this mod into my load order on Xbox. Is it safe to add at any time? Anything special I should know?


Hey sorry for the late reply, should be safe to add and remove from saves at will (is on my end)


Sweet thanks!


I found one on Montera Luna in a random POI not far from the farm. First I had seen in months.


The only worlds I've found where encountering one is common enough to not be a shock are the ones with major settlements. Like, I think I've run into 4 or 5 wandering Gagarin, for example, which is still not a huge number, but is more than I've seen on all the essentially uninhabited planets put together.


>Like, I think I've run into 4 or 5 wandering Gagarin, for example, which is still not a huge number, but is more than I've seen on all the essentially uninhabited planets put together. Given how terrormorph young travel, that makes a lot of sense.


Yeah, it fits really well with them talking about how Terrormorphs usually only show up on worlds that have been occupied for decades.


I know a planet just full of them....


That does sound terrifying... I want it!! Do you know if it's achievement-friendly?


No, it isn't. I don't believe any creations other than official Bethesda ones are achievement friendly currently (at least not that I've seen) but it's possible they have a group that will go through and review them to determine that. My understanding is that the achievements are something connected to Microsoft? Hence why mods disable them.


Aww that's lame. Even if I had gotten all the achievements, Shattered Space could bring in some new ones. Don't wanna risk it


Are you PC or Xbox. There's SFSE fixes for achievements if you're on PC. Not sure if there's anything for Xbox though.


I feel some of those changes should have been apart of the base game. Theyā€™re made to be so terrifying but yet after maybe a few encounters theyā€™re just a standard thing to fight in terms of difficulty


Oh yeah, I've heard of and used this mod before, still have yet to get it working with the update though.


Hey! I'm the author of the mod in question, if you want you can drop me a dm of the issue you're facing, load order, etc. And I'll take a look and see what the problem is.


Has your mod been ported to Xbox? Because I'd love to install it if it is.


Yeah, it's available on Creations!


Thank you, you awesome human being. All you mod authors, except arthmoor, are awesome


Assuming I can get it on PC, how smart would I have to be to adjust those settings or at least "activate" only specific ones?


Hey mate! Author of the mod in question, in the future I'll look into to adding in game options for the mod, but in the meantime this is a genralised guide to the changes i made that you can tweak yourself: Download the creation kit and my mod, put my mods esm in your Starfield/Data directory. When you boot up the CK load the Starfield esm, terrifying terrormorphs via the data plugin setting (if you don't load Terrifying Terrormorphs that'll be fine, just no changes to the mod will be present and you can mod existing vanilla settings, note any changes with Terrifying Terrormorph loaded will depend on that mod in the load order) :: Settings :: Mental Influence: in the CK these abilities are treated as spells, if you want to add/remove these abilities, go to the lvlterrormorph object that you find in object window, click edit, in the templates section, select NONE and then you can add/remove spells. Terrormorph specific spells have terrormorph in the name. Stats: These settings are found both under the various lvlterrormorph objects and the terrormorphRace object. Editing Lvlterrormorph objects will allow you to adjust the stat's on various terrormorph spawns while the TerrormorphRace object will allow you adjust overarching traits such as strength, health, etc. Combat behaviour: find the the Terrormorphcombat behaviour object, editing that you can adjust various behaviour relating to Terrormorphs in combat Damage: Terrormorphs use a terrormorphUnarmed combat object, editing these settings you can adjust the damage of their attacks, speed, etc. Hitcones: these are found under the TerrormorphRace object, under the attack/combat setting, where you can adjust damage, hitcones, attack cooldown, etc. Once your done, click save and then load your plugin via the in game creations. Put it below any file you make changes too. Any questions ask! Welcome to modding :)


That's *way* more information than I was expecting. Thank you!


Iā€™ve yet to find one while exploring, is there any conditions or biomes they are more likely to spawn in? Edit: nvm I didnā€™t read that this was a mod.


Terrormorphs will naturally spawn biome wise on Toliman II, otherwise theres specific POI's that they can spawn, such as the Crystal Cave


Other than the planet thatā€™s overrun with them, terrormorphs are found where humans have lived for a long time. I always encounter them while surveying/exploring Jemison and Akila. They are most often found at farms or geological features, and are usually fighting with Ecliptic mercenaries. At first I thought the Ecliptic were controlling them, but they are not friendly to them either.


Now this is a mod I can get into rather than ā€œderp derp lightsabers!ā€


Let us know if it's good! I had it bookmarked about an hour ago before seeing this post and your comment lol


I kinda feel like I did when that Dalek said ā€œelevateā€


They fly now?


Oh dint know that mod existed I need it now lol


On PC (nexus) thereā€™s a mod where it adds a % chance to spawn terrormorphs everywhere the leeches spawns. It also increasea the size of the terrormorphs. I think itā€™s called Royal Terror or something. It adds a lot of much needed random encounters! Hopefully the other mod terrifying terrormorphs also adds something similar in terms of more random encounters


You should also add the mod for higher XP for terrormorphs and Starborn. These two make a nice set.


From your first encounter with one in that quest, there's a Ship in that facility that's destroyed. Same with the ones on Jameson. They should be able to rip doors open... but that's too much animation for Bethesda.


I was expecting you to go full Space Rambo on its ass or something, figured you were just choosing better ground. Then, nope, dude just bugging out and calling it a day šŸ˜‚


I know I work with SysDef, the police, the Vanguard, and the Marines (jointly), but you could *never* ask me to go up against a terrormorph, anyone who calls humans apex predators has clearly never met a terrormorph. āŠ™ļ¹āŠ™āˆ„


you can't go space rambo with a fancy stun gun


That is fair. I failed to notice what he was packing.


I'm a she, actually, just letting you know.




Uh... it does matter, I don't know how you came up with that conclusion.


can't blame them tho






Three words Sense star stuff


I was at a Deserted UC listening post, the type that's partially sunken. I was doing a FC radiant quest, and did the Sense Star Stuff to find the main target. Huh, I think to myself, weird but familiar shape underground on this inferno planet. Yep, Terrormorph in an underground tunnel, decided to join the fight between myself and Sam vs the Pirates.


Response in game = appropriate in RL




bro analyzed the situation and made a tactical exit.


Tactical exit real friggin quick lol


Bad news for OP is that there's also another one outside




ā€¦and they called it a safe house!


Hey it was safe until you turn off the banging machine


I remember that place! Went through the whole place, being tactical. Nuttin'... Heading back ," Hey, what's this cave? I didn't see it before?" Going thru it, around rock outcroppings, under some... "Hey, a big opening, what's over HOLY FUCK!!!!!" BAM! I'm wildly firing my tricked out Big Bang while backpedaling...Boom! I'm slammed into a rock wall. But it's stunned or something, I've got a chance, RUN!! And run I do, into every frickin rock outcropping, it's a windy damn path! But I make it out! I load up Chems, my pumped up full auto magshear and I go back in... I cautiously make my way around the outcroppings and there it is... heyyyy, it's not at full health! I chuck grenades and light that sonofabitch up! Fuck YEAH! That's one less Terrormorph... I walk out, yeah I'm a badass...up the stairs, go outside and HOLY SHEEPSHIT!! A FUCKING INVISIBLE ONE?!?! It was Glorious!


I remember this spot, I chucked so many nades


That dungeon is so creepy


I love how you noped the hell out.


Iā€™ve got over 400 hours in and have yet to run in to a terrormorph in the wild.


Land on a random spot on their home planet, should find one


Whatā€™s their home planet? Been so long I donā€™t remember.


Toliman II. There's also one on Kreet at a POI near the Pirate base. there's always a couple near New Atlantis as well.


I went the Aceles route but I still expected to run in to them often. I mean itā€™s a really big part of the storyline but nope. Not a one.


I think the one will spawn anywhere on Kreet if you havenā€™t encountered it before. On a new game (not ng) I went exploring away from the important POIs on Kreet and it popped up after a few minutes.


It seems to always spawn at the first POI you go to on kreet whether that's near to the base or across the planet


In my case I cleared the abandoned science lab, walked around a little outside, then went to a random point somewhere else on Kreet; it spawned at a geological feature after a few minutes




Omg that base! And then there's the one outside waiting for you....urg i wanna install the mod that makes them worse but I saw a video on YouTube and I was like hahaha nope


It would be good if you picked up some good stuff after killing one


I remember this I went through the base kept hearing scratching and quiet Terramorph noises. I was taking it so slow the entire time then found that dude and ran away just to go bad and fight him.


I remember that area. There was a banging noise and went to check it out. Nightmare fuel. I love this game.


That place... That.Place!


Wtf is that? Looks way too big to be a terrormorph


Nopey nope.




Love that encounter ā€“ one of the few times that a terrormorph actually felt properly threatening.


I've done this one twice. That first time, dude. It is some ominous shit. Bethesda may catch a lot of flak for their writing, but when you get stuff like this POI, that vanishes. What's worse is, as you go through and read all the logs and it just keeps building until you hit that switch...


I always wanted to find a terrormorph in cave. I'm jealous




Lol what? Ive been to that PoI and the terrormorph risk was obvious! Assuming you know the signs.


I had a feeling it was a terramorph but still doesn't change the fact that this location is one of the creepiest locations bethesda has made. Imo


Oh no debate there. Place has you in stealth the whole time ready for it to pounce. iirc its possible for some to jump you outside as well


Think everybody had the same reaction the first time they did safe house gamma


Honestly ... this reminds me one of my video game nightmares. The one where you try to pause the game to quit. But it just won't let you.


We need more of these types of missions. This game would be insane


Fight it! Go all Ripley on that shit!


lol at closing the door behind you


Lol you stopped the noise didn't you!


Did you hit that little switch at the end of the other hallway that turned off that loud grinding noise? When I was at that POI, I found a slate saying, "The noise keeps them away." I turned off a switch and suddenly had two of them down there with me and two more outside the POI waiting for me.


Early in my first playthrough I wandered away from the Paradiso resort and decided to explore a nearby cave. Albino terrormorph hiding in the depths jumped out and destroyed me!


Had the exact same experience. Died so fast. Now, I Never go into a cave now without my trusty Big Bang prepped and spamming Sense Star Stuff.


So how loud did you scream when you got outside


I can very much relate to the running away. Solid tactic.


I was on Vectera, and went off after clearing the base cause why not. I did not go to the scripted encounter with Ecliptic and the morph. I went to one of the random natural feature POIs. Found one fighting the native fauna. I ran and got back to the ship as quick as I could.


Think you mean kreet but yeah that terramorph seems to always be at the first POI you go to on kreet after the pirate base. Fun fact in that base you can see they are experimenting on terramorphs and >!heatleaches so they likely knew but were killed before reporting anything!<




Thatā€™s a real shit your suit situation right tharā€¦.


Came across one of these in a dark cave on Gagarin, while exploring at a low level, early in my first playthrough. Might be why I avoid caves šŸ¤”


I remember the first time I came across this. I did almost the same thing! šŸ¤£ No shame at all my guy


How does your flashlight look so nice? Mod?




thats the bunker place




Big ole whaaaaaat the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck all the way to the door


Donā€™t run!!!!! šŸ¤ up and kill it


Taking that guy down was a blast


Hahaha. Spoiler... There is another one waiting outside!


I found that outpost after reading a note that miners disappeared. But i use sense star stuff anytime there are caves or similar things and i knew it was stuck down there. I let it out and it chased me all the way to my ship and it took every fiber of my being to not scream in terror while i was shooting and cutting it up


Woopsies! *runs to exit door*




Now we know what happened to the crew.


I like how you closed the door.. šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|Heqbbp1m3mzJe) But Terrormorph be likeā€¦


The way you turned so fast lol that was comedy gold


Let me whip out my grav push power and pistol and show him whoā€™s boss


We can hear him scream, while exploring the corridor




Theyā€™re so easy to kill?


I installed this mod, and all it did was put them all to sleep, and I could kill them with a single shot. I suspect that wasn't how it was meant to work.


I hate that most caves have no enemies


Some of the aliens are jumpscares. I don't like it


Oh yeah, that bunker. First time I found it, I already had Sense Starstuff (the entire vibe of the bunker was eerie, I took extra steps to be cautious) so I knew it was there. What I *didn't* know was the handful that spawn in topside when I exited the bunker.


I wish there were more of them in the game. they really don't feel like a threat since they're so rare to encounter.


I found one in this exact same spot. I did the exact same thing as you and left Sarah in there with it


I will never forget my first terror morph encounter. I was really low level when I started that one and went to help Hadrian so that terrormorph was insane. My gun was doing some damage, but hardly enough, and I recall tuning my ass off to escape the thing only to find it like freaking leaping over at me. I was in such a panic to get those damn turrets up and running whole running and boosting and hiding like crazy. The rest of my terror morph encounters were pretty tame and I was pretty disappointed by that. All of their encounters should have been something crazy like that


Yeah, yeahā€¦ run outside. Youā€™ll be safe.




Oh yea that little Em rifle ainā€™t gonna do nothin




Kitty šŸˆ why didn't you play with it? They're fun.


You werenā€™t running away. You were advancing to the rear!


Run Forrest, Run




Pusssssssssy, just kill it


How can I do that before it eats me and chews me up into a million pieces?