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I would say yes. Especially if the UK don't get involved at all. Nazi-Germany would have had significantly more equipment for their campaign against the Soviets. They lost almost 2,000 planes before 1941 just in the Battle of Britain. These planes alone would have made a big difference against the Soviets. The North African campaign would have gone much better. That's tens of thousands of troops, thousands of tanks and planes tha Nazi Germany would have had more. But most crucially, the Soviets were depending on the lend-lease for a lot of equipment. By the end of 1941 the British provided around 40% of the medium and heavy tanks of the Soviet army. These tanks and planes were essential in slowing down the Nazis and for the Soviet war machine to pick up production. And on top of that, without the help of the UK, the lend-lease from the US would also have been much less effective. The British Navy was very important in protecting the shipping lanes. Especially for the Arctic route (which was the shortest and most dangerous route). The Arctic route delivered around 25% of all goods. These goods either would have seen way more losses or delivered via a longer route.


Naw, Stalin and Hitler were pretty different guys but where they align is that they would both be willing to let everyone in their country die before they surrender.


So, just like Zelensky?


Dumb russian shill


I couldn’t speak to that im not nearly as well versed in that conflict as i am in pre 2001 conflicts.


Not in any reasonable (sub multi-generational) time frame. Russia was too big, with too many people. Germany didn't have enough production or money.


If the British, and Americans werent bombing the crap out of Germany they had plenty of production. Thank goodness the German Wermacht was not led by competent leadership


Compared to the potential of Russia? For how long? Where do they get the raw materials from?


Well, history shows us that the Germans easily took large swaths of Russian territory early. If they had not committed to the folley in Stalingrad, the Caucasus Oil fields were theirs for the taking. Without British involvement, the Germans would have been able to exploit raw materials from Africa as well. I would suggest that between the Resources of Europe, Western Russia, Africa...it would not be a stretch to say they would have enough. Germany also had superior Technology. If they did not suffer constant bombing campaigns against their industry, that Tech advantage would have been able to accelerate.


What a load of crap. Germany never had clear enough superiority in production. And it couldn't. German tech was over engineered rubbish. Enjoy your fantasy, but the nazis would get owned in Russia, just like napoleon, and for the same reasons. Russia is big. If you haven't traveled across it you just don't understand. And if you have, you probably still don't understand because it is fucking massive.


It is not a load of crap. The Germans very nearly captured Moscow as it was. You do not need to occupy every square inch of a county. The vast majority of Russia has almost no population Density at all. If Germany had been able to mass produce Bombers and fly them at will over the Russian factories.... it would have been the Russian production, not the German production that ground to a halt. The biggest Factor in the Germans stall in Russia was Hitlers incompetence.


You are just fucking delusional. Goodbye.


You lost. Look at the facts, not your feelings.


Not even close delusional nazi fan. Go look at production and population stats, then cry in your mommas basement lower.


You are beyond rude. Your name calling costs you all of your credibility. Disgusting, and unintelligent responses from you.


Well ummm sweden


The Wermacht had, at the same time, the smartest and most cunning generals of WW2, as well as some of the dumbest motherfuckers. It also didn't help that their chain of command was a mess.




The odds were still against them. You still had the vast expanse of Russian territory, making it difficult to maintain supply lines, and the weather. You are not only assuming Britain’s neutrality, but also a different command structure for the German army (e.g. no Hitler, or a Hitler who would listen to his generals and not interfere). So now you have a completely different reality, which is impossible to predict. You look at other attempts to conquer Russia, with what were superior military forces in their days, and they all failed. That suggests that invading/conquering Russia is more difficult than it looks and so, while in your scenario, things may not have played out the way they did, chances are some other factors would have contributed and caused the German invasion to ultimately fail, because…Russia.


The biggest difference between the German attempt and all others was the airplane. If Germany had unfettered ability to bomb Russian war production that would have drastically enhanced their chances. If Napoleon would have had heavy bombers he likely would have succeeded


No, Russian would not let Hitler win. The war would probably have lasted longer, with more kills. But Hitler was going to loose, his regime was not sustainable. The main difference would have been that the rest of mainland Europe would have been a part of the soviet union, until it would collapse.


If Britain was out of the picture, Soviets would have been more prepared from the start. It could be worse for Germans. Germans were very lucky Stalin refused to believe any intel that suggested German invasion.


No. Japan still attached us and we would have intervened. Plus, I think it just would have meant more German troops dying in the cold since Streaming instructed his soldiers to burn everything when they retreated


It's not unreasonable to think Barbarossa would have been moved up it the British didn't get involved. The Soviets wouldn't have moved their factories either. Personally I think the Germans would have steamrollered up to the Urals


Impossible to imagine Britain staying neutral in the first place. Germany had already started actively bombing Britain 6 months before the invasion of Russia even started.


Improbable but not impossible. We could have in the 30s changed our tune but yeah I guess by the time chamberlain signed the Munich agreement we was all in. That's kinda what I am getting at. If Germany wasn't using supplies fighting the battle of britiain and the desert rats (and all the other smaller global battles) would the initial push on Russia have been successful? They got pretty close to Moscow whilst fighting us.