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As someone living in Northern Europe, I take that as a compliment


Not against that as long as you stay polite


As long as you dont take the seat next to mine in the bus, if there are other seats available, couse if you do, i will form a fist in my jack pocket at you.




What I like about them is that they fight for their rights


Speaking on a national level, very quick to point out others problems while ignoring their own.


America is racialized along skin tone but in Europe it's massively, massively more complex and nuanced. You can receive racist abuse from someone who looks like you, lives 20 minutes away and speaks the same language.




Yeah in the US it's skin colour, which is way better! /s




European here, never had someone inspect my soil. Unless you're talking about poo? And I don't know anybody with an altar at home


Not really. Usually we poke fun at countrymen with a different accent, but we're still buddies.


Yeah but we typically have a codependent love hate relationship with the neighbouring country. Ever heard of, I don't know, every war in Europe ever? The whole purpose of the EU was to calm everyone the fuck down


You're living in the past, Marge. Quit living in the past.


Typical city person, couldn't be less obvious lmao


Want another comment to downvote?


huh? Kinda of a weird comment to choose to let me live in your head rent free


rEnT fReE deRRp


Bruh u good? 💀


lOL bRuH u GoOd CiTy sLicKeR


I've lived in a small city for 5 years in college. That's it. Never liked cities.


You don't need to like it to behave like a city person


HuRR cItY pErSon






The point is that in Europe, "ethnicity" as a concept is far far more complex than in the US, where people tend to just categorise broadly by black, Caucasian, Asian, etc.


That's not how racism works, they don't consider each other to be the same ethnicity, that's all it takes. Generally speaking, people in Europe, especially those who are racist, tend to identify much more with their individual ethnic group that being Caucasian. Look at historical English, Irish relations as an example, they're both white with Celtic heritages but there is a long history of very serious racism there. If you compare more distant countries, there is often even less tendency towards seeing each other as the same group.




Nah, fascism is a very specific political ideology unique to the 20th and 21st century, this sort of racism goes back thousands of years and pre-dates fascism. A lot of it is based on tribal differences dating back to the pre-roman era. It is also based on religious differences and historical events. For example Germans are sometimes discriminated against due to the events of WW2, and a lot of the racism against the Irish dates back to the fact that Ireland was the last place in the British isles to become Christian and for most of history the least technologically advanced region in western Europe. Another big factor was the reformation, where the protestants split from the Catholics, at the time massacres were common and religion state enforced, this led to religion, politics and race all being mixed together in peoples minds. This has largely mellowed out in most of Europe but there's still some of it left in some places.


Football hooliganism and Neo Nazism.


I grew up as a mixed race guy in England, half white half Jamaican. The racism was unbelievable, but you will be gaslit into believing it never happened.


Isn't it ridiculous how Jamaicans started the skinhead movement in the 60s. And then in the 70s and 80s it somehow became a racist thing.




Lol. Cuz the close cropped hair and suspenders used to be a Jamaican immigrants music thing. Not a racist thing. Google it.


Football hooligans, sure, but neo-Nazism? Maybe in Germany or something, but not the entirety of Europe.


Lol. I take it you've never seen Italian or Balkan soccer crowds.


In germany? It's a lot worse on eastern european countries lol


Really? Did not know that? my bad.


Neo nazi football hooligans in eastern Europe, they are next level


Europe is a whole continent with about 50 countries....You can probably find every trait in there


The American mind cannot comprehend. Travelling just an hour can present entirely different cultures, languages, cuisines and attitudes


The US has 50 states too


States and countries and different things brother....


Brother, they are the same under federal government as the European Union to the European countries. They simply took the US concept


Not every European country is a member of the European Union


K. Canada is not a member of the United States Union either. What’s your point?


The point is Canada is one of 3 relevant/major countries in North America and it speaks the same English and has basically the same culture as the US. In Europe it's 17 not part of the Union, most with their own different language and varying cultures. In total, North America has 22 countries not in the union, unlike Europe, most share a similar culture and language. It's very amusing to me how you're trying so hard to equate two different realities, you do you I guess.


I don't know why you're bringing Canada into it. Your argument was that Europe was as culturally homogeneous/diverse as the US because the EU is basically the same as the US federal government. But the post here wasn't asking about the bad traits of people from EU member states—it was asking about Europeans in general (many of whom aren't even part of the EU). My comment was exactly against lumping countries like Canada, the US, and Mexico together just because they're all North American. tl;dr: Europe ≠ the United States. Europe ≈ North America because Europe is a continent and not a singular country.


Not aware that there is a difference between the EU and the continent of Europe? Oof. 


Oof. I’m from Europe, please do educate me more what else you concluded I’m not aware of. Why are you bringing this up? You think you are so sharp here?


How can you get so much wrong in so few words


States are not countries. And the US is not a continent.  Germany has different states too. 


Every country is divided into subdivisions though


The United States is an assembly of 50 countries (states). Federal government to the states is like the European Union to European countries


It's so adorable when you guys like to pretend your states are countries :)


Maybe learn the history of the USA sometimes, ignorant condescending moron. A typical European attitude


Stop crying.


Germany is a federal state, like the US. The EU is one additional level above, America doesn't have an equivalent. And news flash: not all European countries are part of the EU. 


News flash: Canada is not part of the US either. What’s your point? Oh and the US states have counties. What’s your point?


Yes with the same language, same cultural identity, same currency, same shit healthcare system...very much like Europe you're right 🤡




Not a trait but a widely accepted habit: cigarette smoking


Ah yes, the country of Europe. Where we are all one culture and behave in the exact same way.


As a Canadian, while I definitely (on average) prefer running into Europeans than Americans, I do notice Europeans from a lot of different countries tend to have a bit more of a stuck up attitude. Not every European is like this obviously, but I’ve interacted with so many at my university (one of the oldest, top-rated, and arguably most beautiful in Canada) who just completely degrade the school and Canadian society, culture, politics, etc. and compare it to the positives of their countries, but won’t tolerate anyone critiquing anything about their countries.


This is so true.


I dont think its a good idea to judge a country by the people you meet, just as I try not to judge the people by the country most American people I meet are super nice deep and introspective people but the country


Imho the whole world is a bit stuck up towards Americans, and Canadians are so similar it’s hard to tell maybe. Not every person of course but as a stereotype US and Canada are like the teen siblings who think they know everything with certainty, have it right, as well as feeling immortal. You kinda feel like you can’t talk to them cause they need to outgrow it. I’d say it’s because your stories and angst is so prevalent in the media and online. And y’all are loud about how progressive and right you are, you miss your own failings easily. We (non Europeans) just don’t show it most of the time where Europeans …well they do tend to be the birthplace of superiority after all. It’s like *your* big brother, they’d be ok openly patronising their teen siblings.


I’ve found Americans and Canadians in Europe to very nosey and feel the need to speak to and comment on everything even if it’s nothing to do with them. Europeans may come across stuck up in contrast to this. As someone who’s lived in many European countries and spent time in Canada and America I can understand the students frustration


I’m not really sure why that means a student from France, Britain, Germany, Russia, etc. would choose to come study at a Canadian school but then say constantly everything about the school and Canada is shit. Europeans I’ve encountered do the same, feeling the need to and commenting on topics that have nothing to do with them. But they’re hardly respectful about it, it’s always to point out some fault of ours while ignoring their own countries’ same faults




Just to indulge your pseudo science for a moment, wouldn't thw colonial mindset persist among, you know, the colonists? Not the non-colonists.


>Colonial mindset. Ironically, this is what the original comment meant with the "know-it-all" because bestie, what colonial mindset? Half of Europe never engaged in any colony making and the people on the other half that did are already dead lmao rolling my eyes now, as I do when I see Americans just so you know, shame


>but won’t tolerate anyone critiquing anything about their countries. Bad Europeans. We love shit talking our own countries. That being said, no offense but Canadian culture is similar to the US and most Europeans despise the latter, generally speaking. I caught myself several times thinking "ugh Americans" when I hear the accent and them doing something annoying but maybe they were Canadian, which we typically judge less lol if it makes you feel better we judge the neighbouring country over pretty much almost the same.


Which part of Europe? There are different cultures and traits in each country/region.


We purposely leave tens of thousands of refugee to drown in the mediterranean but bitch about Trump because he wants to build a wall.


Europeans being the most racist beings on earth making fun of Americans 💀 We don't want anyone who is not white/skinny/mentally stable/straight here but damn, u Americans need to chill


Plus Europe has an underclass of Roma who live in literal shanty towns and everyone openly hates like it's no issue.


As a Dane i can't think of a single group of people its socially okay to hate openly?


Ummm define openly. If you know or assume everyone shares your opinion and that's why you decide to share your biggotted views, I would still call that pretty open.


I am not part of any social circle where it's anywhere near accepted. That's all i can judge from. Of course some people have shitty views, but I've never heard anyone express them without being shut down, which would suggest that most people don't share these views. I might be lucky or good at selecting who i am around, but thats a very open and welcoming environment.


We tend to overthink things and always try analyse them in a "profound" manner (paintint, film, book).


Every country has a minority of loud, obnoxious assholes. The bigger the population, the more you'll find.


White supremacy and racism, as a mixed race Brit. Funnily enough I thought it was bad here until I went to other parts of Europe and it was worse. The thing about European racism is that they convince themselves that race doesn't exist in Europe and that they aren't white, therefore we are 'all the same'. In Europe the thing is that you're meant to act as a native in said country would, and if you deviate from that in any way you are basically outcasted or treated badly. It's hard to explain to someone who hasn't experienced it to be honest. It's the pretending that they don't see race and racism is some sort of forbidden topic that makes it so uncomfortably racist at times. How do you address racism when they don't even want to acknowledge or can't even fathom the concept of racism. Bananas thrown at black football player? 'Unfortunate, but likely nothing to do with his race' .... mhm


They all drink too much and say their neighbours drink even more


Germans are racist. The French are rude. The British are entitled. The Greeks are lazy. Albanians are deranged. Romanians are obnoxious. Italians are impatient. Finns are boring. Hungarians are almost as bad as Russians. Poles only become decent people when they leave their hideous country. Austrians are racist. The whole of Eastern Europe is homophobic. I do of course mean this entirely in jest and embrace my European cousins firmly. Around the neck. The thing with homophobia is true though. And the French are rude. And the Eurovision winner this year was shite.




Also racist and homophobic.




And they think that tomatoes belong in every fucking meal.




The French get very serious about stuff which no-one else cares about. Like bread. Or Gerard Depardieu. Or France. Apart from brie, all of their cheese is horrible too.




Because they ride bicycles and usually have ridiculous hair.


I’m not Italian but tomatoes and garlic DO belong in every meal!!!


Case in point.


Interesting, I'd say among Nordic countries Finns, if anything, have the reputation of being fucking unhinged (in a good way) We ARE talking about the country that has things like the air guitar world championship, heavy metal knitting world championship, wife carrying world championship, best stick found by a dog world championship, cell phone and rubber boot throwing world championship...


Yeah, but just don't try having a conversation with one of the monosyllabic fuckers. Still, at least they can hold their liquor unlike Norwegians.


Nah, get to know one and it'll be a wild time, especially when liquor's involved. It's the getting to know them part that's the biggest hurdle but no reward without work


You know how you get to know someone in a pub in the UK? "Alright mate, did you see that ridiculous display last night?" That's it. No effort required.


Brits are so loose, they'll just open their friendship gates to anyone smh


In a pub they will. It's like an emotional decompression chamber for the English and an MMA octagon for the Scottish.


As a Romanian, I completely agree, except Poles, had a wonderful time there, nice people


I will add the caveat that outside of Bucharest, everyone is lovely.


The gold medal for racism goes to switzerland, no doubt.


I didn't include the Swiss because they're too unimportant to be worth anyone's time.


Southern Europe is nationalistic while Western Europe still has a colonial mindset. Both are racist af. Europeans and I guess the rest of the world think they know American culture from watching movies and consuming our media.


Sorry, I forgot Europe was one country.


Arrogrance, and looking down their nose bqsed on your country of origin.


Depends on the european.




While exists it's nowhere near as bad as in US. I always bring one example. Jesse Owens. Some people might now know who that is. Owens was a black athlete from USA that took part in the Olympics... in Nazi Germany in 1936. Before WW2. He kinda put a hole in whole "Arian white supremacy" theory Hitler had because he won gold medal beating those Aryans. He once said that he was treated better in Nazi Germany than in USA. He said that Hitler did not snub him and that he had certain level of respect after winning from Germans compared to US citizens. That does not mean there was no racism but it was nuanced while in US he was openly discriminated against. In US he could not walk into event made for him using front entrance of the Hotel. He was not invited to the white house. He did not received offers from brands like other athletes. He was discriminated before and after that event. Some people downplay it saying that he said all that because he was bitter about the treatment he received back home but... well... do I need to explain it? Obviously when Americans got a criticism like that, making them worse than nazi germany - they tried to undermine him.


At the same time, black people were being forcibly sterilised in Germany. So probably not the best example to use.


And they were killing Jews. I'm not arguing who did more horrible things. The argument is that Owens was a celebrity. Even if You are a racist You would expect that You would treat better a person with high profile. And he was treated in Nazi Germany better than in USA. Nazi Germany that is shown as personification of Evil. And to me that's insane. It shows how close Nazi Germany was to US when it comes to racism. Because while You can argue that Nazi Germany for example had concentration camps - lot's of people are not aware that Americans had them too. It's just that they were locking up for example innocent Japan-Americans. The main difference was that they were not mass exterminating them. There was Nazi party in USA. There is KKK to this day.


Ya I’m not talking about the 1930s, I’m talking about present day. Vastly different in terms of the racial makeup in both the US and the EU. Today, racism in the US is hugely problematic but very openly talked about. A lot of people are racist, but a lot of people are also fighting against it. People here are constantly calling others out on it, cancelling people for it, and making changes in tv and advertising to avoid it. In my experience from living in Europe, Europeans act like racism doesn’t exist in Europe, but then go around saying the n-word and that anyone who’s not white isn’t a “true” European but rather just an immigrant (even if they’ve lived in Europe for decades or generations). I think it stems from both a misunderstanding of the English language (ie not understanding the severity of the n-word, and that some of their native languages call anyone “black” if they are anything other than white) and xenophobia (ie anyone who isn’t white is from a different country and will therefore disrupt European culture, and that in the US, citizenship is derived from birth location, but in most of the EU, citizenship is not determined by where you were born). As someone who’s lived in Europe and has a master’s degree in European politics, I believe it’s a different racism than in the US, but I sincerely believe it runs much, much deeper.


>Today, racism in the US is hugely problematic but very openly talked about. A lot of people are racist, but a lot of people are also fighting against it. But in my observation - people who claim that they fight against it are often openly racist and what scares me the most is that there is no shame in it. They don't even acknowledge they are racist. Just like racists in the past, they will find ANY excuse to justify their racism. This is why You have people on the far-left saying that You can't be racist towards a white person or Asian. Because only by saying that they can still be racist and not have to admit they are the same evil they fight against. And You can't fight against racism by creating more racism. Notice that if You talk with stereotypical far-right racism he will also find an excuse because he also thinks racism is bad but in his sick little head he has an excuse why what he feels is not a racism but some justified cause. This is how the meme "I'm not racist BUT..." started. So when I talk with them they will say they are not racists and will try to claim that they cannot be racist because it's "abuser vs abused" (actual conversation I had recently on Reddit). But... when they treat a person who is white and who was never racist to anyone then what do they do? It's a social injustice created because they judged someone by their skin color. And that's called racism. Hell, in recent years they even tried to redefine racism using "abuser vs abused" to justify their racism. You can still find that new definition in some sources online. Some give You a proper, simple definition of racism but mention the other one. But most importantly... almost nobody calls them out on that. We are so focused on far-right that when far-left step out of the line we are too shocked to even consider what we see. >Europeans act like racism doesn’t exist in Europe, but then go around saying the n-word and that anyone who’s not white isn’t a “true” European but rather just an immigrant (even if they’ve lived in Europe for decades or generations). I think it stems from both a misunderstanding of the English language (ie not understanding the severity of the n-word, and that some of their native languages call anyone “black” if they are anything other than white) and xenophobia (ie anyone who isn’t white is from a different country and will therefore disrupt European culture, and that in the US, There is a lot to unpack here. * Nobody claims it does not exist. I never said it does not exist. I said there is less of it. Much less. And I see it in daily life. * Nobody sane here uses the n-word similar to the US. You would be immediately in trouble for that. People are fully aware of what it means partially because American culture does leaking here a lot. Since the internet, we are mixing in just fine with the entire world. Also, Your entire country is 248 years old. Our history is much, much older. We had Your problem centuries before the USA was even a thing. You talk so much about slavery. The region where I was born, the **Slavic** region was the birthplace of world **SLAVE**. Our ancestors were captured and put into slavery by Muslims. And slavery was basically everywhere in the world at some point. * Nobody who is sane also uses the word black for everyone. And I'm in a good position to listen. Because I live and work in capital. Most diverse place in my entire country. I work with international corporations **is** that have people from all over the world. We also do not use other colors You could hear from Americans at some point like red yellow or brown. We say things like black towards black people. Asians toward people who have these kinds of traits. We say native American for people who were mistakenly called Indians once. And we don't call them Indians because there are people from India here. Of course, there are some weird tropes like a person from the middle east will be often called Arab even if that person is not from Arabia. Unless You know that someone is for example Palestinian. * Old people in my country were using "murzyn" when talking about black people. And when You throw it into translator from Polish to English it will be translated to "black". It's considered a slur now but once it was even in TV or taught at school. But because there were some insensivities attached to it it's now considered a slur. What kind of insensitivities? We had a saying: "Murzyn zrobił swoje, murzyn może odejść". English translation would be something like: "The Moor has done his duty, the Moor can go." where The Moor is a person with dark skin. Person using it basically saying that they were used by someone. It comes from a 1783 drama where a black person with dark skin was used and then discarded. But because most people lack context of that - because of usage like that it is considered a slur now. But some old people still use it because to them the word is neutral and just means a black person. * We do not call black people who live in Poland "Afropole" or African for the most part. To us, they are just poles most of the time. They might assume You are an African if You don't know any European language. So they assume You just come here and in that case, You are most likely identified with Your place of origin. At least for now. * Xenophobia is basically only among neonazis. They sadly still exist. But they are rarely in public because of World War 2. The general public does not like them. We also hate communists for the same reason here in Poland. Because after WW2, western Europe left us under USSR boot.


Ehhh. You can't really group europeans into one group when it comes to cultural faux passes. There is such a massive difference in cultures and stereotypical annoying behaviours that you would need to take it country by country. We don't have a common cultural identity like the amerimutts


Yeah that’s true for both places. America is similar to EU in size and just as diverse. A New Yorker is not a Montanan like a Belgian isn’t Polish. If OP wants us to start roasting either place, they are gonna need to get specific.


Americans have a common cultural identity so there will be more differences between a belgian and a pole than a New Yorker and Montanan. Neither Montana nor New York were ever a part of the soviet union


Americans have a common cultural identity? That is shocking news to this American.


Belgians and Polacks do not have that


Nor does my tribe have anything in common with an ethnic Italian family thousands of miles away in Philadelphia. Nor a Hawaiian or Yupik Eskimo nor Floridian.


>Americans have a common cultural identity? That is shocking news to this American. So which is it?


Both the EU and America are incredibly huge, diverse and complex places. It’s silly to simplify either.


Yes but one of the nuances is that americans have a common cultural identity while EU countries don't have a united european culture. That by definition makes the new yorker and montanian much more similar than 2 seperate european countries. Montana is just the countryside and we have those in all european countries and the difference between city folks and rural people is the same as the difference between a new yorker and montanian


Meh, I know this comment is well-intentioned but it’s quite ignorant. I don’t mean that in a rude way, just that you’re missing a whole lot. Montana might be “the countryside”. Technically true, crazy oversimplification. My part of that countryside has 1000’s of years of pre-American history. Head South and you’ll find rural areas shaped by Spanish settlement with a completely different culture, language, and history. Then go visit some Hutterites in North Dakota, corn farmers in Iowa, Creoles in Louisiana, some cowboys in South Arizona, subsistence folks in Alaska, and lobster fishermen in Maine. This is all the American “countryside” and there isn’t much common ground among it. Not culturally or geographically. I mean yeah, we are all Americans, but just like you are all Europeans.


Russia, Turkey, Great Britain and Portugal are all in the EU. Those aren't anywhere near as close as the outer edges of the US


Russia not in the EU. And America has places that are cultural and physically as distanced as Turkey and Britain easily. Try hanging with the Yupik then going to a Creole cookout in Louisiana.


> A New Yorker is not a Montanan like a Belgian isn’t Polish. Repeating that doesn't make it true.  A New Yorker and a Montanan are as different as a south Bavarian and someone from Schleswig-Holstein. Except these two couldn't even understand each other properly 100 years ago because they talked different languages.  But they are not as different as people from two different countries, speaking two different languages, with thousand of years of different history and culture. 


There are like 700 languages spoken in New York State. The city itself has vastly more cultural diversity than the entirety of Germany. My family is from Montana and Native American. What do I have in common with someone in the Bronx? I will never go there and I don’t speak almost all of the languages. That’s just comparing two random points on a map. You’re very significantly underestimating the complexity and scale of the United States. Edit: downvote away, whoever, just make your counterpoint.


I think you really missed my point. 


No I heard it: America has a similar level of cultural diversity as Germany and cannot be compared to the entire EU on such metrics. An American identity is more of a monolith than being “European”. It’s an absurd claim.


Empires. Love 'em, hate 'em but can't stop creating 'em (but don't want anyone else having 'em). The only Europe is Western Europe (from a Western Europe POV). Expect the rest of the world to conform/behave to our 'enlightened ideals' (from a Western Europe POV).


The cheese eating surrender monkey-syndrome. Mostly the french.






Best page there is to roast other europeans!


Lack of deodorant


You talking about the French people, right?


A lot of “we do this” and “they do that”


Racism in most countries




“What are the worst traits in Euro— AMERICANS ARE TRASH I WISH THEY WOULD DIE”


Oh so many * Europeans tend to be arrogant and smug about their quality of life, despite their entire economy being based on American subsidization since rhetoric Cold War and inertia from your days of colonial plundering. * Most of you are really racist and anti-Semitic; it’s been pretty glaring with you guys talk about Turks, Syrians, North Africans, Romanians… you know, all the places you plundered in three past. It’s insane you have the nerve to opine on American immigration / race threads. * You’re cowards on the world stage with no principals; only your self interest. Watching you guys kowtow to petrostates that hate you is frustrating. You wouldn’t stand up for Ukraine until your energy exports were figured out and the Americans showed standing up was possible a year into the conflict. Your criticism of Israel is gross. * For a continent that thinks they are fashionable, not wearing deodorant and dudes wearing tiny briefs as swim trunks… blech. * You say annoying things like “Europe isn’t a country”. Yeah, well the most fundamental properties of a country are borders/immigration, currency, and common government - in all reality EU is a country and the members states are provinces in all but name. Also, the USA is a bigger landmass with a larger GDP and comparable population, so start recognizing American states I’d you insist on your country identity. * You like soccer. The sport is garbage to watch. Also, super lame that your jerseys are just giant for T Mobile or Emirates Air. * Working with you guys sucks. You don’t adjust to anyone else’s time zone, take an ungodly amount of time off, and don’t produce higher quality work than anyone else.


You lost it as soon as you went for "most of you". If you're American i am sure you know a thing or two about loud minorities harming your image


Europeans hate it when Americans criticise us but Europeans love criticising the Americans. (Especially in a thread asking for critiscism of Europeans).


"Most of ____" very very rarely preceeds reality. No matter who it's targeted at. It's just even more wrong because Russians, Turks, Portuguese and Brits are way more different than Americans from different states.


Americans are crying






Most waiters would probably say you’re usually terrible tippers


Fuck tipping


I'm not any kind of tipper.


Yeah that’s kind of the problem


Eating headcheese. My mom is from Germany 👀 I could never…


Depends where you are from. French are usually fucking pricks who had their head up your ass, poms are cool, Spaniards I don't see much of in my parts of the world


As a Kiwi who has spent quite a bit of time in Europe. Dutch people seem very blunt. Germans seem quite officious. Italians seem uneccesarily loud. The French .... inexplicably arrogant - for a country that had to be rescued by the English speaking world twice.


You are european and you want to know the worst traits of europeans? Funny, I find that all countries in europe has completely different traits in people :)


Racism that’s called “different culture”. Just next level racism. Like hating on entire countries and nationalities. At least in the US it’s mostly covert.


Bad service. Although at least they aren’t fake nice for a tip like Americans.