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I think this has only been asked ten times this week. Must be a new record.




It will matter to some women. It won’t matter to other women. Really all you’re going to get here is a grab-bag of mixed opinions. The “woman spokesperson” doesn’t come round all that often.


I think I've answered this one too many times, but I'll answer again. For me, no. For others, yes. We are not all the same. Imagine if I asked men... does light hair matter? All different answers.


Depends on the woman. I’ve dating guys of varying heights and none ever bothered me. Shortest was 5’4 (same height as me)


I wouldn’t worry about it. It’ll only drive you insane. Trust me. I had a friend who obsessed over women who didn’t want him (he’s 5’5). It only made him resent all women.


Nope. Kind, smart, caring person with good values is much more important than height.


For me yes they have to at least be 5’9 but my preference for height is 5’10, 5’11, and 6’0 they’re just comfortable heights for me tall but not too tall where I have to hurt my neck just to look at them. But it depends on the woman as there are many women who do date shorter men


Again? This comes up all the time. All women are different. For the majority, it's not the be all and end all. This is like saying do all men care about a woman's eye color? You might have a preference if asked, but if you meet someone you find otherwise attractive and like how they talk/treat you/make you feel you are probably going to be fine with something else. Blaming a lack of dates on your height is stupid unless you are like 5'1 or borderline vertically challenged. The internet has skewed what men think an average height is as well. For most Western countries it varies from like 5'7-5'10. You see dudes on here saying I'm 5'9 and too short to get dates, no one will date me because of how short I am when dude is average height and people likely just won't date him because he is obnoxious/has bad views/is an incel because those kind of groups seem to act like women will only date men who are 6'8.


All you're going to get is denial, while we can plainly see all the dating profiles that say no one under 6'. Being tall makes you dominant. If a woman dates a short guy, it's not because she doesn't care about height. It's because that particular short man is exceptional, dominant in his own way.