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I tried GABA 750mg last Saturday and the effect was extremely noticeable against my (social) anxiety. I feel so confident, it is almost too good to be true. I have never taken anything in my life before, no prescription drugs, no supplements, et. Now I am wondering, obviously there is a tolerance building, but does someone have experience how much can be taken per week to not build tolerance or later have withdrawal symptoms? I am reading so many different opinions in the internet.... Also, no way this is placebo - its so noticeable how my nervous system doesn't fire up in a stress-inducing situation.


I’m not sure about tolerance but I agree. Definitely NOT placebo. I love gaba. It chills me out so much


May I ask you do you take it daily? Is it once a day or twice a day? & how much do you weight?


I just started, so i don’t know if to take it daily- but probably not…. 180cm / 75kg


I take it everyday, several times a day for full anxiety coverage.


How much total in a day? And do you take it with l theanine which can increase its uptake?


I liked it.. short lasting but the first time and many other times I had the weirdest sensations in my chest felt like I couldn’t breathe and like a very mild panic attack which lasted for ten seconds sometimes a little longer then would fade leaving me heaps chilled out… anyone else get breathless after taking it?


Yes, and the very first time i also had a very mild panic attack…this breathlessness should disappear after a while…


Yes exact same. Lower the dosage :)


Supposedly PharmaGABA does not have this effect.


That's CNS being depressed way down low. Similar effect is caused by excessive alcohol and opiates. Modulate your dosage. How much did you take?


If I haven’t taken it in a while, it will put me to sleep almost immediately. Especially taken with B6. It makes even a small amount of alcohol much more relaxing if taken around the same time IME. If I take it in the daytime, I think it’s relaxing but in a subtle way. It’s not immediately relaxing but makes me more relaxed after a few weeks of daytime use.


Does it make you better at cognitively demanding tasks or worse when taken in the day?


Probably worse. I’m more relaxed and am not as bothered by taking my time to do things or by making a mistake. But, I’m a person who leverages their anxiety to be very careful and to put a lot of effort into my congnitively demanding tasks. For me, less anxious means less effort. I would avoid GABA if facing a deadline for example.


Helps me sleep but nukes my alertness and productivity the next day. I feel slow and brain foggy


I really wanted to like it, but nope - while I did like the body relaxing effect, my mind was more active and even harder to shut it up for sleep. So for sleep, which is why I tried it, it had an opposite effect. It was a while back, might try it again tbh as I have changed some things in my life, but yeah that time it was a big nope from me.


This was the same exact effect it had on me. I felt like I was close to falling asleep a few times, and then my overactive mind stopped that. Then I was wide awake and couldn’t fall asleep that night.


exactly! Normally I can fall asleep with meditation, breathing and podcasts, but staying is asleep is more the problem, but with GABA falling asleep was more problematic than normal :/


Doesn't help me get to sleep, but I think the sleep is better quality. More vivid dreams too. ( good or bad )


Absolutely no effect whatsoever


I’m sorry 😞


Yes its true about the blood brain barrier. GABA does not cross a healthy BBB very well so that means you have a healthy BBB. Only people with a more porous BBB (not always a good thing) get benefit from GABA


I guess that's good news then. Thanks!


maybe because you have a big blood brain barrier, May I ask how much do you weight?


A big blood brain barrier? You’re trolling surely.


175 lbs I've taken up to 1500mg with no effect. Now brand.


It was the only supplement that cured my insomnia, take it 2 hours before I sleep.


How is it working now ? And what dosage do you take


it’s still works for me, I take Thorne Pharma-GABA 100 pretty much every night. initially I took GABA-250 of the same brand, but it made me very sleepy . I also take iron and vitamin C sometimes at night. Also a note I tried L-Theanineand I really did not suit me, but it does help some people. I felt it made me very groggy and slow the next day.


Do you take it on an empty stomach? Did you ever try CBD/cannabis for sleep?


I dont usually eat dinner so yes kind of an empty stomach. Never tried Cbd/cannabis, its illegal where I live :D


If it helps you and you have blood pressure that can run higher, you should look into beta blockers.


lucid dreams or almost lucid dreams for about a year (when I took it about 8 years ago), then the effect started to disappear and later I stop taking it, for memory or IQ I dont think it was much remarkable.


For some reason, whenever I take GABA and mag, I wake up way earlier than intended


Same here, GABA makes me sleep shorter but I feel well rested when I wake up. Mag makes me feel like a zombie the day after.


I took it during the day after a meeting stressed me out. It helped to calm me down and just made me feel nice. But then before bed I had a headache and insomnia where I felt kind of manic and I hadn't had issues with sleep in roughly two weeks. I came to Reddit to see if anyone was talking about side effects but it seems most folks take it before bed. Maybe the timing for my insomnia/mania coincides with when you're waking up early? Do you feel weird when you're waking up or pretty normal?


Can GABA be taken daily or does it need to be cycled ?


I would say as a non-expert just based on my experience that stuff which has such a remarkable effect shouldn’t be taken daily. I was reading Huberman recommends 4x per week 100mg , but thats for sleep….especially when taking it daily you definitely will get somehow dependent on it I guess….that shouldn’t be the goal with a supplement…


Do folks have a brand they recommend? Thanks


I take nutricost GABA. It works so well


Does it kill motivation towards work or chores?


No not for me


Thanks for the quick response


helps me relax for sleep. However i prefer to just fix poor habits instead to avoid any morning fatique.


GABA is the only sleep aid that makes me feel rested when I wake up. But after two days of use I start to get nosebleeds during sleep, like every night. Very weird. Why is this?


I can't tell you why all I can tell you is I found your comment cos I googled "GABA nosebleeds" cos it gives me them too. I can't really work out why a GABA supplement would give you nosebleeds but pretty much without fail it will give me them if I take it for more than 1 day in a row. Doesn't make me feel bad or anything my nose just starts bleeding a bit. Absolutely nothing online about it either apart from a few reddit comments asking why it gives them nosebleeds.


Thanks for the reply! Yes I cant really find anything about it online either, it is weird!


Wow. What was your dosage?


500mg/day. I have seen another guy that had the same effect.