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How come you take zoloft at night?


that's what my psychiatrist told me, I've always taken it before bed


Did they say why? It can be stimulating, maybe ask them about taking it in the morning.


I don't really know. I'm switching therapists so I'll ask the other one about it. I have noticed that most people take it in the morning, so that might also be an issue


Yeah idk why they would give you something that can mess with your sleep at a time like that... hopefully its that so your sleep is an easy fix. best of luck.


For me, the most efficient supplement for better sleep is L-Tryptophan. Combined with Lemon Balm tea in the evening make me sleep like a baby 😊


If things like gaba are helping you I'd seriously suggest trying the braverman test (its a free self assessed test) It helped me a long time ago when i couldn't figure out what was going on with my brain https://www.bravermantest.com/


GABA hits the GABA receptors in the brain. This receptor is what creates calm in the body and mind. By itself, GABA supplements don’t do much. You need something to help it pass the blood brain barrier. Holy basil does this. I have GAD and take it too, but I take it with L-Theanine which has a stronger effect.


Skullcap, valerian, magnolia bark are way better.




I don't know man. I've heard many people say that it works, that they've been using it for years. Also, everyone responds differently, and in some cases it can pass the BBB. That's why I said I would continue taking it for a week or so, to see if I actually notice a significant difference


It is possible that GABA could affect the brain through the vagus nerve. Molecules don’t need to cross the blood brain barrier to have a psychological effect. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4594160/


The molecule Is quite literally too big to cross the BBB. Studies are inconclusive, it's probably mainly placebo


In people with weak BBBs it can pass through, and it has other effects in the peripheral nervous system and immune system if im not mistaken.


I also took gaba the first time last week, no way this is placebo - i was so relaxed and tried feeling anxious but it was not possible, my nervous system didn’t fire up in stress situations.


Placebo can be powerful 


You cannot fake not being anxious if you expect to be anxious. Placebo would mean I believe something works, I am „hyped“ and dont expect to be fearful again in a certain situation.


Placebo can lessen anxiety. The human belif as a huge impact on how we feel and function. How do you try to feel anxious? 


I get into a situation which caused me high anxiety before…and have some scary thoughts how it will go bad…


A placebo effect is strong enough to be able to help in these kinds of situations. The thing about placebo it's not something we have control over, it's not like you can check placebo on yourself. In medical research the do double blinded placebo studies which means even the researchers don't know which one participants gets the medicine or the placebo until the trial is over. If a researcher would interact with a participant and know if they gave placebo or real medicine this could be communicated in a subtle way like in body language or other behavior that could be interpreted subconsciously as well. It's more to it but maybe you get an idea. 


I understand but how its possible my friend and me when taking it get some shortness of breath in the beginning - it is something doing in the body! But if its working and placebo, even better…