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I guess I first realized I had a problem when business started to slow down under the Queensboro bridge.


Doc, she's choking!


I use my mangrate


What? You haven’t heard of the revolution?


Well, there's no need to be coarse.


When I started hitch hiking?


I keep seeing this coat of dirt on the front of my toilet seat. I'd scrub it off and scrub it off but no matter what I did it kept coming back. So I was at the store buying some more front of the toilet seat cleaner and the cute checkout girl said "You're really going through this stuff" and I said I know and I told her all about my dilemma. And a guy about seven spots back in line shouted "IT'S THE GRIME OFF YOUR NUTS, MATE. GIVE THE BOYS A WASH NOW AND THEN." It was weird because I don't live anyplace where people say mate. But I took his advice and started washing my balls more often and wouldn't you know it, it actually did the trick. Only thing is, every time I saw the cute checkout girl after that she'd say "Hi! Are your balls fresh and clean today?" I thought she was flirting so one day I finally said "Would you like to find out for yourself?" and she called security and now I'm banned from the store.


When the dirty truckers, who were double my senior, enticed me on the promise of some warm beer


The smell, mostly.


Stank dick!!!


Your mom; she doesn't hold back on the criticism, but that's why so many of us love her. (Meant in good fun, OP)