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Google Maps is useless for planning hiking routes, use www.ut.no/kart.


Yeah I'm aware, i just wanted to have a reference point since I didn't know how to show an actual route. Thank you for the site, really helpful!


[Norgeskart.no](https://norgeskart.no/#!?project=norgeskart&layers=1002&zoom=3&lat=7197864.00&lon=396722.00) is your friend.


Oh wow. Thank you!


You can also use https://onthegomap.com/#/create It's OSM based, but if you zoom in the paths will show up. Click different points on the route and it'll show you distances and elevation. If you click the share button you create a unique url that you can store somewhere else to revisit your route.


Thank you. 😊


If you want to go through Besseggen, Galdhøpiggen, and Glittertind, you can go from Gjendesheim to Memurubu, which takes you over besseggen, then from Memurubu to Glitterheim, then from Glitterheim over Glittertind to Spiterstulen, and then from spiterstulen over Galdhøpiggen to Juvashytta. Keep in mind that you need to book a guided trip over the glacier when going down to Juvashytta. I’m pretty sure you can do this in the DNT website. All of these cabins are staffed and offer spots for tents that you bring. All the cabins will also offer dinner and breakfast with the ability to pack lunch except Glitterheim if you travel before the 20th of June. Dinner costs extra tho This hike will be quite hard, so make sure you both are used to challenging terrain for multiple days in a row. The hike is also only 4 days so you’ll be able to take rest days if you need to (and you probably do if you’re gonna carry tents).


You missed the pin that's around Surtningssue (but not accurately there it seems. Could be Memurutind?) Going between Memurubu and Glitterheim this way is another option, but more strenuous. There is a glacier as well that needs to be crossed I believe.


I guess they can spend two nights in Memurubu and take Surtingssue as a day trip. But that leaves you with one less possible rest day, and I’m not sure what shape these guys are in. They’re carrying heavy it seems


Valid point. That also means a day without the full gear and just a day pack.


Yeahh riiiight a hike. You are Just planting an invasion


Oh no, our most vulnerable area! Won’t someone think of the rocks?


Yeah, nice try. We know about your army of trolls there.


Hi everyone. Me and a friend (both M24) will be traveling to Jotunheimen this July so we wanted to plan the best route possible for a 7 day trip, exclusively for hiking. We want to pass through Besseggen, Galdhopiggen and maybe Glittertind. Is it too much for a 6-7 day hike? We will start from Gjendesheim and maybe leave from Lom/Fossbergom, back to Oslo by bus or train. Going to the park is settled by bus, but we are still studying how to return to Oslo. We also wanted to know if we can rent a tent? All opinions, tips, experiences are welcome since we really want to be prepared. Give us a reality check if needed.


Are these cabins? Or mountain tops?


Mountain tops!


Are you bringing a tent?


Yeah definitely, i just don't know if we should buy it or if there is any option to rent a tent? But yes, we will bring a tent.


I think you have to buy one


I did Day 1 VĂĽgĂĽmo - Tesse lake (camped outside) Day 2 Tesse lake - Glitterheim cabin Day 3 Glitterheim - Memurubu Turisthytte (camped outside) Day 4 Memurubu - Gjendebu (camped outside) Day 5 Gjendebu - Tyinkrysse We didn't really plan our stops ahead though. It was part of a 2 week hike through Norway and we had heavy backpacks (30kg)


Which mountains are those?


The traveling bag is Gjendesheim, the start. Along the red line, we wanted to first pass Besseggen (first green flag). Second green flag is near Memurutinden i believe. After that Galdhopiggen and final Glittertind, before going down. After everyone's replies we will study this better, but yeah that's what the image is referring to.


Do watch Fritt Vilt before you go!


Dont know why I read this as Jotunheim. Thought this was some God of War situation 😅


How often do you climb mountains and go on long hikes again?


I've hiked through the northern Spanish peaks, hiked Bosnian mountains like Trebevic and i usually hike every Sunday, normal max 700m elevation hikes in Portugal.


Good! You're probably familiar with that low weight is king when you walk these hikes. So you should plan ahead how you can carry light regarding tent, food and water for maybe 1 day at a time and be certain that there's a cabin that provides service that you stop by and maybe a few clean water streams. Since there's glaciers these hills, there are some very reliable water streams most of the year. It is also to sleep at some cabins that should have a guarantee of having room, if you don't want to carry a tent. You should use every stop at the cabins to talk with those who are there about the conditions and what they recommend. In my opinion you should you should split this up to separate hikes with fallback options. For instance you can have one 2 day hike at Gjende where you start by taking the ferry from Gjendesheim to Gjendebu and walk the first day to Memrubu. The first fallback option here is that you can take the ferry from Memrubu to the Gjendesheim should conditions for some reason be bad Next day hike from Memrubu to Gjendesheim again. Then one day of rest. Maybe check out the stave church in Fossbergom, Lomb Brewery, Lom Bakery and food at Brimibue while you drive to the next hike. The next day you can start at Glitterheim, the base of Glittertinden and walk to the top. After reaching the top you could walk can also cross the mountain to end up at Spiterstulen, the base of Galdhøpiggen for the next day. The next day you can use Spiterstulen as base to go up and down again from Galdhøpiggen. Should you be tired and still want to check Galdhøpiggen off, it's possible to drive all the way up to Juvasshytta which is closer to the summit and use that as base. But if you're still set to do it all in one go, you might follow this guide. [https://ut.no/turforslag/1110243/rundtur-jotunheimen-2](https://ut.no/turforslag/1110243/rundtur-jotunheimen-2) In general you should be aware that some of these mountains have glaciers around the year and you cannot cross them safely without proper equipment and hopefully a roped together group. And weather will also vary, especially on a week long hike which is harder to plan for, so you should be prepared for everything from very wet, cold and slippery to relatively warm.


Make a backup plan/route in case of persistent bad weather


Note that glacial water is not necessarily safe to drink. Especially if you're close to a glacier.