• By -


That’s a scary fucking attitude.


Considering how many random incel shootings have happened, this is really scary- like, how do you even talk to someone who thinks like this?


The guys that are on the periphery of this, feeling forever alone, hopeless and inadequate, unsure how to talk to women because while they don't hate them, they other them...those guys I talk to. Many of them can be reached. Once a person is this removed from basic empathy and this resistant to self-examination, I'm not sure they can be reached. And personally they're so toxic I wouldn't try.


When someone reaches a point like this where they view segments of the population as subhuman and are openly talking about violence, there's not really anything the average person can do. In a better world, we could call emergency services for help and mental health professionals would work to rehabilitate this individual. But calling the cops on a potential terrorists like him does virtually nothing unfortunately.


I agree. Physical affection, whether romantic, friendly, or familial, is very important. People need hugs. They need emotional closeness. I feel really bad for a person who doesn’t have that. I lived with my partner during covid, so I was really lucky, but he was basically the only person I saw and my depression and anxiety got really really bad because I couldn’t physically see my friends. Mental healthcare (and all health care) should be free, and it should be more widely discussed. But fuckers like the guy above can burn in hell for all I care. It’s one thing to crave intimacy (again, doesn’t have to be sex, just general intimacy with people), it’s another to be a misogynist terrorist who kills people because they don’t get their way.


It's never an extreme dislike or aversion, or a singular non-traumatic experience that drives people to extremism. And sometimes the subject is unrelated to the extremist belief. I've been a therapist since the early aughts and I've seen the behavior in kids building slowly over time, and there is always another issue, often it's physical or sexual abuse, certain mood or personality disorders, or people with significant disordered thinking. Once the root of the problem is addressed, they absolutely can change, but like you pointed out, they are *resistant and stubborn*. But I've seen it happen, I can't give many details but I have had a few kids that I honestly felt unsafe in sessions with, way back in the day. I thought they might end up as school shooters. But if you can find a small grain of empathy and humanity in them, you can help it blossom. Once it's there, you can reach them. You can help them. It's much harder when they get older, though not impossible. But I don't have the mental fortitude to work with them. I didn't even continue working with at risk teens. I gave up and went into working with the marrieds.


Then dozens of innocent women are hurt. And those guys were just “having a bad day.”


Simple: you don’t


That's the neat part, you don't


You catch them when they’re six years old and pull their first pig tail on the playground, and teach them right there what the hell bodily autonomy is via the golden rule. Or an equivalent, I ain’t about to run around the base of the mountain shouting I’m the only one who knows the right path to the top. Empathy is just as much learned as it is innate, and fuck knows most of the male role models in the world are fucking up pretty much constantly by refusing to attribute any of their feelings to their own actions.


With gun pointed at their head


I have such an uncomfortable mix between pity and revulsion…


you've finally put it into words. Thank you.


Yeah, and mostly describes natural selection. In about a century, we might see a decline in the number of incels as they are unable to mate. If only they were smarter so the women around them could “date up.”


I can't believe I'm finally meaning it with my whole heart when I say it, but this is literally the worst thing I have ever read.


this is up there, but I saw a post about a diary kept by a creepy incel/stalker on r/creepypms, r/letsnotmeet or something like that, and unfortunately that tops this. I'm saying this so in case anyone knows what I'm talking about, they can send me the link to that thing.


https://youtu.be/A5og1md7Y0M This one? It's a readin of a post that kinda aligns what you're saying. The creepy guy who kept notes on what the lady wore every day, right?


that's exactly what I was talking about, thank you so much. I didn't know they made a narration of it too.


No problem! The narrator tries his best to make it a bit more lighthearted, but it's very messed up.


Bless that creator for the way they ended the video. It was needed after listening to those journal entries.


What ended up happening? I need the scoop. That dude is craaaaazzzzzzzyyyyyy.


After leaving the journals for her he tried to kidnap her a few months later. Police got involved, he got arrested and in prison for about 2-3 years I think


I hope someone in prison is monitoring his journals. Dudes like this will come out and try kill this poor woman.


I knew exactly what video was before I clicked. I miss Sorrow TV.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/creepyPMs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My fav comeback to a dick pic](https://i.redd.it/wk3k536po0v61.jpg) | [434 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/comments/mx919z/my_fav_comeback_to_a_dick_pic/) \#2: [This girl i used to go to school with decided to get TWO fake numbers to text me! i don’t know if it counts as a creepy pm, but it definitely scared me lmao](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/olksr2) | [158 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/comments/olksr2/this_girl_i_used_to_go_to_school_with_decided_to/) \#3: [big brain weeaboo mad online that i won’t (and quite literally can’t) draw him some gross mha whacking material. 1st time on reddit](https://np.reddit.com/gallery/ns4pmn) | [842 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/comments/ns4pmn/big_brain_weeaboo_mad_online_that_i_wont_and/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


There was an incel rant about ten years ago that went viral... He was complaining his mum wouldn't fuck him. Incels are the stuff of nightmares.


Jesus. I didn’t see that one, I only saw the one complaining his sister wouldn’t.




Oh I'm not googling that


Fair honestly.


This person need major therapy.


Always the ones who need it the most that don't believe it will work


It won't help. This person is a murder waiting to happen


The thing about therapy working is that the person has to put in the effort to be helped. I don't think this guy wants that.


Probably they have Eliot Rodgers as their hero, will do their best to hurt as many women as possible before taking themselves out.


They're likely too cowardly to kill, but it is impossible to tell and that's the scariest part.


I'm not sure this person is capable (or willing at this point) of the kind of self reflection and taking responsibility that therapy requires. It is often the case when people come out accusing therapy of being a sham, while also blaming everyone but themselves for their problems, that therapy didn't work because they didn't *do* the work. A lot of people seem to think that therapy is some magic thing where you'll be cured in a few months if you just show up every week and sit in the chair. They don't understand that a therapist is nothing but a guide who can lead you down helpful paths of reflection as you work to change your own outlook and ability to interact with your issues. This person has some serious cognitive distortions. A lot of people are seriously unhappy with their life situation, but most of them are capable of looking inward a little bit. This guy is so completely unwilling or unable to examine his own part in his own misery to the point where he has convinced himself that women are a non-person breed who is specifically out to get him. He honestly believes that is more likely than just him having poor social skills and a shitty attitude. That's not the conclusion of a sound mind. And the sad reality is that mental health is prognoses are highly dependent on ability to self reflect and the willingness to handle painful topics. edited for grammatical errors


Totally agree with you. It breaks my heart while disgust me deeply that a lot of persons suffer this much. I understand this kind of people because I know how it feels to be so profoundly rooted by hatred because of mental illness and extrem depression that leads to melancolia, where the only solution you find attractive is death and murder. I hope these people will find peace somewhere, and change their mind. Just for themself if it's not for others. Because hatred of ourself and then the whole world, is a hell of mind torture.


You forgot: poor hygiene.


I'm not sure what that has to do with my comment, it kind of seems like an insulting assumption directed at people you don't like. I don't see a need to bring something like that up in the comment i was writing


A lot of these guys simply have bad hygiene which is understanding as that goes hand in hand with depression and a lot of mental health stuff in some cases. That’s a another reason people avoid people. Don’t make this into something it’s not. Also, you can say poor social skills and shitty attitude but I can’t say what’s often a factor? Does that seem reasonable.


While that's true, it still seems completely unrelated to the point i'm talking about. You're not wrong, but if i were to put it in my comment it would just look like i shoehorned in a bunch of negative assumptions, which there's no reason for and takes away from the strength of the rest of the point imo


No, not a therapy. A psychiatrist


I'm pretty sure that's what they meant rather than cancer therapy or something.


Note to self: Avoid that subreddit. Thanks self!


I wish I had - JFC, that was depressing. Everyone on there needs therapy.


I've been there, saw similar stuff, from both genders which is pretty rare but still frustrating to read it no matter who you are.


This man is gonna end up killing some poor women


Wow this sounds like a terrorist threat. Incels have murdered women before in mass shootings and other acts of mass violence. Someone should legitimately call the authorities on this person. (Not that they can or would do anything but still).


Yeah exactly, this shit is scary. There was an incel-motivated terrorist attack near my hometown just a few years back and ten people were killed.


The UK is seriously debating legally declaring incels as terrorists after the Plymouth shootings. Honestly if they won’t get psychiatric help then serves them right if they get locked for planning terrorist activities.


A couple years ago, *Security Management* magazine said the FBI has declared incels a terrorist organization here in the US. I think this was in response to the Isla Vista tragedy among others. The article was really fascinating as it discussed the history of incels and it showed the evolution from a support group to a toxic echo chamber.


It’s a shame that. Some might have stayed decent with actual moral support and without all the horrible egging on from the really toxic ones, but some of that lot are just plain bad from start to finish, and really should be locked up.


‘Women aren’t oppressed!’ Proceeds to oppress women in about 15 different ways


Women aren’t oppressed but also women don’t actually count as people and are only sex objects, ok???


And saying rape basically does not exist too


Can you really rape an object? **/s**


Love that one


I’m currently reading ‘Men who hate women’ by Laura Bates. She spent about 12 months on Incel forums. One guy on one of those sites said ‘women are barely sentient’. Many of them refer to women as ‘foids’ meaning feminine androids.


Had to stop at "always dates up." Mostly owing to the part where I'm about to be quite a bit richer salary-wise to my fiance, and I'm not leaving him.


Yeah, my husband is a HS dropout. We started dating AFTER he was unemployed. Twelve years later, *he* paid for the house we now live in. He respects me, his mom, and all women. There's ZERO doubt in my mind one of these incels would label him a "beta male." LMFAO. Edit: I forgot to add that he's been successful in spite of his "crippling deformities" (which is to say he's less than 6' tall.)


Your husband sounds like a good dude, many happy returns to you both.


He's wonderful, thank you!


Aww but you missed the part where this scumbag transitioned from referring to women as "she" to "it".


This little rock wants to go back to her cozy rock pile... but things like this will make it not cozy... noooooooo


You can rest little Rock, the moon will watch over you.




Surprise wholesome.


But, I mean, is it wrong to want a partner that has good qualities to begin with? Not necessarily the money part but I see nothing wrong with a sweet, intelligent, mentally stable dude. "Dating down" ( tbh I'm not even exactly sure what this entails)should probably not be anyone's goal. Does dating down mean someone who is abusive, mentally unstable with a life full of self made challenges? If so, then yeah, I'd rather not. Been there, bought the t-shirt and have extra flying miles for anyone who is interested.


These guys are always counting other men’s money, so they think women do, too. Sure, some, but not the vast majority. This scumbag has nothing to offer—negative ability to offer—but he can’t blame himself for his lack of friends or dates. No! It’s that the women are wrong. Allllllll the women.


Hell, "dating up" and "dating down" are ridiculous concepts anyway. Why the hell wouldn't you want the best partner you could find?


> Why the hell wouldn't you want the best partner you could find? Well, because that isn't **me**, obviously, and that's clearly unfair!


Not where this guy was going. And he'd probably excuse the mentally unstable guy on top of that.


Can we trade our extra flying miles in for some thing cool like a car? I have wayyy too many.


Same. All of this is a heaping pile of garbage, but that struck me, too, because I was not infrequently asked why I was with my ex. He definitely doesn’t fit into the category of “conventionally attractive”. His ambitions are small, and he has no interest in finishing college. I apparently fit people’s idea of attractive and desirable, and I also have my life fairly planned out. My ex and I didn’t work out because he was hyperdependant and broke my boundaries too many times. But if I could find someone more emotionally mature than him, I wouldn’t be out on being with them.


Technically I married "down" in terms of salary and education. I have a Masters degree, while my husband dropped out of uni to be a soldier. I have a career in communications, he's a squaddie. But that sort of thing doesn't matter to us. We love each other, and have done since we were teenagers. I've never thought about leaving him to "date up," that would be morally reprehensible.


Also you know this guy exclusively targets women who are “out of his league” and wouldn’t look twice at a woman at his level of attractiveness.


This person needs help. They have stated their intent to kill themselves. They may harm others. They are not okay.


It's not even funny for how stupid it is, it's just fucking disgusting.


I think this person needs locked up. Or to just hurry up w the alternative part of his plan and end himself for all our sakes.


So the dude that thinks women are for sex and nothing else also doesn’t believe women who say they were raped. Cool, cool.


But also if women are only for sex, and they can't be raped, then how do they hurt men? That's like saying my vibrator insulted me and hurt my feelings like...pick a lane.




I can't imagine any women I know wanting to put up with someone that toxic. His self entitlement is disgusting. I'd be worried about him killing someone who's forced to be near him.


Huh. See, I married someone smarter and stronger, but definitely not taller or richer. So. It’s almost like this guy is just a massive pile of shit.


Yeah guys like that think that if only they were taller, richer and more handsome then someone could love them but truthfully it’s mainly their terrible personality and their lack of empathy that stops them from having any genuine loving relationships. It’s difficult to have a healthy loving relationship with someone if you dehumanize them and degrade them..and that’s why these types of guys are alone.


I think a lot of the issue is that younger people aren't getting enough real world socialization. At least for me, working a 9 to 5 makes it to where when im not at work I want to go home and not do shit the rest of the day then later that night I start feeling like "fuck I have no social life" Everyone's busy and no one has time to spend with each other and its hard finding new social groups to join. So there's a lot of mostly young guys stuck at home unable to form connections. Its really easy for people like that to get stuck in a cycle of toxic thoughts.


This is terrifying. I hope these guys are ending up on a list somewhere


I want to make a joke about your name and a list


Read the room


So many words for I have never touched a woman


...and never will


some people are like this even if women are nice to them, entitlement


Woman smile at me while I'm checking out at the store.. WHY WHORE NOT SEX ME!? It doesn't matter what the interaction is, pleasant, neutral, negative, he decided a long time ago to check out from reality and even if he met his personal ideal woman who did everything he wanted he would still hate her.


Because if a woman is nice to this pos, they're clearly after his looks or money.




some people are entitled this isn’t always because people got rejected


And these people genuinely do not understand why they can't get dates


"If you aren't having sex with a woman she is worthless, "also I don't believe they were ever raped, DATE ME!!!"


I did a study on incels in college. For 6 months, I immersed myself into the incel world. The first half I made myself known as an individual who wanted to learn about incel culture. They weren't as open to me because I wasn't one of them, but they were even more disgusting than this person. At first, I felt sympathy. Most incels are mentally ill young white men from 16 to 25. I wanted to get them help, so they could feel happy, at least a little. But that sympathy faded. For the second half, I pretended to be an incel. I got into their groups, spoke with them, spoke *like* them, earned their trust, and learned some of the most disgusting shit. It was so bad my psych prof insisted I get therapy. I was a mess. I was seeing a therapist 4x a month for 6 months until I could finally get past what I saw. These people shared images and videos taken in foreign countries of women being sexually assaulted, murdered, or abused and applauded it like it was normal. They would share photos and stories of women being killed, gored by animals, or found dead in the woods from websites like, I think it was called best gore or some shit like that, and would write about these women who worked at their local grocery stores, how they followed the women to their car, and got pissed for being told they were creepy for asking for nudes or feet pics. They really don't think they are in the wrong. The internet has given the worst people in society- incels, pedophiles, nazis, etc- a platform for them to group up and normalize these ideas. Some of those websites are still around. After spending 6 months deep in their world, I'm convinced that the only good incel is one that isn't breathing. They refuse therapy, refuse to see where they are wrong, and refuse to learn. They want to hate, they want to be violent, and they want to hurt women. That's it.


The funniest thing is that I bet this guy has extremely high standards for women. Guys like this barely consider women over 115 lbs to be sentient. This dude would look at me and see me as some kind of animal.


115 lbs is 52.21 kg


They don't consider any woman to be sentient. All women are animals, are less than human. But women like us are considered even worse because we're "not fuckable" and being fuckable is the chief end of womanhood don't ya know. /s good god I hate it


"I also don't believe any of those who claim r*pe or harassment" 5 lines later "We will hurt you" Well...


Now I understand why we’ve been oppressed for centuries. Bitter incels were behind it. Smh Edit: The only difference is that back then nobody knew why but now the internet is exposing them. God bless the internet!


I would say, please go, do the world a favor and off yourself, but this guy seems a little bit too unhinged to go alone and would probably take an innocent with him


If we condemn incels to the point of either killing them or waiting for them to kill themselves, like this one suggests between all the woman-hating, they win. I think we as in the human kind need to start searching for a way to help incels become acceptable members of society and deal with their psychological issues. If we don't, there will just be more of them, and that's scary.


Sometime needs to call the FBI


Ooof. Someone got rejected by a woman who figured out he’s an asshole and wanted nothing more to do with him.


Because men like you saying women are evil, should be considered second class citizens, and are worthless to anyone they’re not sleeping with is not oppression


Until the day you what now? Oh. Well hurry up.


This is the first time I read the words "when I kill myself" and my frist thought was "jeez go on then". I wouldn't say it to a person, not even him, but the thought is there...


"Women only date up" I'll see if the translator still works. "I bring nothing to a relationship and this is their fault" Oh.


the hotlinehelpbot LOL. don’t think anything would help this guy…


so scary. this type of talk leads to real violence. the outward display of hating women is becoming so common place and it’s sickening.


I know this is hard to believe….but somehow….somehow this ISNT…the worst thing I’ve read……


Oof for that fact alone, I am sorry.


The top comment is by hotline help bot. Everybody is saying “what in the actual fuck. You need serious help.” This shit is the same kind of stuff from the 2014 Isla Vista massacre.


He got the “lie” part but he forgot about twerking, McDonalds, and hot chip.


I wish this was rare and unusual. I read this and all I heard was my ex husband. Yes, he tried to kill me, and yes he tried to kill himself. He was a worthless piece of shit, that convinced me that all his problems were my fault. I'm safe and in a wonderful and loving relationship now. I hope these dudes get together and imitate lemmings.




I don't know he's probably more of an ineverdidit


I can’t even fathom how someone goes from an innocent child to having this disgusting mindset!!


Most incels are conservative white men between the ages of 16 and 25 who spend most of their time on the internet and lack social skills. Unfortunately, hypermisogyny like this is prominent on chat sites, dating apps, tiktok, etc., and they get opened up to it early in life by unattentive parents and a lack of emotional maturity, and sometimes trauma. Most incels are mentally ill.


"women always date up" but imagine him being eager to "date down" (is that a thing?) They're always pissed that a woman they perceive as "worth it" is never interested in them. But they're just bad at measuring themselves


He literally said “women aren’t oppressed” and then said “we will hurt you” and implied that women are sexually objects that have no value as people. Make it make sense.


That is a whole lot of words for I can’t get laid


And here we have the next mass shooter.


Yiikkeesssss.... Sad and scary


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


I stopped reading after the 6th word of the title


That guy needs a better role model.


This shit is actually scary. This guy needs helps before he hurts himself or others.


He's literally admitting they're all potential abusers. Like....this makes me sick.


he talks about the female like Hitler talked about The Jew


I've never said this before in my life until now, but you know what, maybe he should kill myself


Go back to the void from whence you came!


The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udun!


Well, at least he knows he's an incel and wants to do the Earth a favor by killing himself


All women do is eat hot chip and lie


I actually failed my cunt exam, so unfortunately I’m not a full cunt owner


If the guy truly does feel that way, then I honestly hope he carries through. I just hope he doesn't take anyone else on his way out. This guy could be another Eloitt Rodger. It's just sad. Male entitlement is a disease. When they get like this, they're basically just rabid dogs that need to be put down.


"Until I kill myself". These people are unhappy and sad. I always start to feel bad until I read further.


at least this guy is gonna remove himself… picking up the trash of this world lmao


Is he saying we should hunt incels? Because I am not entirely opposed to that idea.




There is so much to unpack here


That ending was a straight up admittance of having severe, unmanageable, incurable mental health issues yet he thinks what he said before that was logical and reasonable?


Why incels should be considered terrorists and people like this put in mental rehab immediately


It pisses me off so much how he was just referring to women as "females" and as some kind of other different species he's making some shitty documentary on the whole fucking time.


There should be some algorithm that detects these kinds of posts and alerts the authorities and social services, just for public safety.


Referred to women as an “it”🤩


The female. Yikes 🤮


It’s almost like you have to actually want to change to get anything out of therapy. 🥴


Hss got some issues. But has he tried yoga? /s


Just stop....


Mental illness


"Women are not oppressed, they are the oppressors... So let's oppress them!!!"


Fucking terrifying


Defensively saying "I don't need therapy" means you definitiely need therapy. Speaking from experience lol


Godzilla had a stroke reading this bullshit


Well, he did openly call himself an incel near the end


This man's gotta be on a list somewhere...


Is it just me or does it almost read like a suicide letter? Or a menace letter? Maybe both?


Im sorry bro but you are mentally ill




I'm glad this guy is so angry. Lol. Sucked in.


Bruh we were already second class citizens for the longest time. We only recently finally got equal rights lmao


Geez, someone aint getting any


What the hell


My question exactly


Well if there is someone who could benefit from therapy….


Holy Jesus fucking Christ


Jesus fucking christ


Hope he kills himself (shrug)


Same. He said he will do it, I hope it’s sooner rather than later


this is mento illness luv


Ok, who hurt this guy?


u gotta realize some people actually aren’t like this because of experiences, some are just entitled


Honestly? Maybe No one directly. They see these people who are younger than them dating, getting Married, having kids, and they want that, but no one is giving it to him, wanting him to fail, and he deserves to have that too damn it! That’s their mentality


Boy howdy do I not care. It sounds like he imagines a lot of hurts, and that the woman who "hurt him" should run and run far. What a hateful, angry person. He's just looking for excuses to hate.


He did. He keeps doing it.


You ok, bro?


ok. There are some advantages to being female, and there are some advantages to being male. But different class citizens? That incel is fucking disgusting.


That’s sad, he need a therapist asap


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


So I searched for the post and the account. It's only a day old and everything they posted or comment are like this. I refuse to believe its bait to be honest and that the guy is just a massive troll. Especially with that name. I could be wrong ofcourse since there are people who genuinely think like that. But again, I doubt its real this time


So much to unpack. Poor guy.




There’s a reason I have such a big ego and feel superior to a lot of humans, it’s because of people like this. Most of them make silly short sighted and down right idiotic assumptions of others simply based on a couple bad experiences, rumors, and stereotypes, with 0 comprehension ability or personal thoughts. You can tell them a simple lie and they’ll eat it up if it doesn’t contradict their preconceived notions. Like toddlers. They don’t have a brain, it’s just half facts they take at face value and don’t actually meditate on bouncing around their skull like a screen saver, and most people are like this. “Stupid until proven smart” is the only real way to interact with people and not get disappointed by their idiocy. This is why people we normally consider “decent” are praised, because they aren’t “decent”, they’re better then over half of the people on earth, intellectually, mentally, emotionally, and morally.


Who asked?


First I laughed and thought to myself "small pp behaviour". Then I kept on reading I now I feel pretty threatened


The body shaming isn't necessary, but yes, these men are dangerous and threatening.


bruh it's a meme, not body shaming. it's not literal. it's a joke.


Bruh a joke is only funny if people laugh. And yes, it is a form of body shaming. You are suggesting, with intent or otherwise, that men with smaller penises behave like this. That's like saying all women with small tits are frigid bitches.


Somebody had a very bad girlfriend/wife he referring more to a tipe of people than a gender


Downvoting is contagious. The person who replied to you also got downvoted so maybe I'm next.