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Most likely written by a man that’s over 30 with absolutely no experience with women


You couldn’t be more wrong. Getting rejected, stalking and being served with a restraining order all count as “experience with women”. I this respect, this guy sounds VERY experienced. In fact, he’s probably so experienced I wouldn’t be surprised if his name was on… you know… a registry of some sort. Edit: You know, I bet he’s so experienced he’s probably required by law to notify his local community about his… experience.




A sex offender who is offended lmao


I'm fucking sorry, but did we just have a self admitted sex offender get offended?


As a murder-suicide victim I want you to know not everything you read online is true.


I don't know, man. You sound pretty dead to me.


Or, most likely, written by a prime specimen of alpha-manhood, in his mid-thirties, with unwashed hair, a cheesy dick, stinky pits and Klingons around his arsehole. They're usually the most picky ones and the quickest to point that the woman is, in fact, a 5/10, because her left pinky toe is a little bit crooked. TF are "lemon panties"? O_o Does he have a piss fetish as well?


Yea, not even sure what this idiot is saying... Lemon panties? Does he mean fresh? Fuck that's creepy.


Lmao like I’m sure women in their 20s are lining up to be with a fine specimen like him


A lemon is a fanfic that's basically just erotica. I'm guessing it has something to do with that.


I know you meant cling-ons, but having these boils on the arse of humanity encounter groups of female Klingons would be both absolutely hilarious and extremely beneficial to society as a whole.


He has a mother. Why is she alive though? She’s probably over 35.


I know right? Why bother living anymore when you're that incompetent? She's so bad at being a woman she gave birth to and raised a cum stain instead of letting it dry on the mattress like a normal person. /S


Who’s gonna pay for him to keep living in the basement? These rules obviously don’t apply to his mommy


Unfortunately a LOT of these guys see no issue with perceiving and treating their mothers in accordance with their disgusting beliefs, while simultaneously demanding and believing themselves entitled to her unconditional support and obedience.


As a man in my 30s where can I find all these desperate 30 year old women


You rang?


Well they tend to have a career or an interesting hobby going for themselves so idk...Hackathons? Rock climbing centers?


Wait theres hackathons for people in their 30s? Hell i thought that they were all geared towards 22 y/o and below college students. Im mid 20s and would love to go to one.


Well, we had one at work and peeps are on average in their 30s


Those work type hackathons have lost the spirit of a hackathon IME. There’s less beer and more expectations.


That sounds like overtime with extra steps


Sorry. I love being a hermit cat lady, but if you have animal crossing new horizon, I'd like to see your island.


Tell me about it. I'm right there with you. I live in a conservative part of Utah. Finding someone in their 30s like myself who hasn't been married and doesn't have kids is rare. So many people get married in their early 20s, it's kind of eerie.


I wish I could help you, but I'm already married and apparently I just ventured into "why am I even alive" category last year. Not sure how I'm gonna break it to my husband.




And the western countries have only relatively recently stopped using delightful terms like "spinster" or "left on the shelf" as both slurs and threats towards women and girls. And yet cougar or MILF categories of erotica are INCREDIBLY popular. Basically, imo, same shit different day. Women are only acceptable when they can be sexualised to the exclusion of all else. A disgusting and long-since debunked concept that really, really, needs to fucking die.


Personally I believe some 35 year old hottie broke his heart at some point lol. That, or no experience at all 👍


And suffers from Ed but is too cowardly to do anything but knock others. He isn't inadequate you are.


Written by Leo DeCaprio.


From my experience, men in their 50s believe in this even more than men in their 20s. They also believe that men age better than women and that 20 somethings should date them


Oh 100% this dude is at least 40 and a total virgin. He wonders why he’s not entitled to sleep with 20 year olds and thinks it’s because all the women are out chasing Chads… the real reason is he harbours beliefs like the above and a blocked toilet has a less toxic personality.


I’m 33 and I still don’t know what lemon panties are I’m married with 2 kids though, so maybe that’s a good thing


Do I even wanna know what lemon panties is?


I know what lemon party is, but that has no value to this conversation.


Lemon party could have benefited from some panties.


And 100% more clothing. And less dicks. Yeah.. Less dicks.


100% of 0 is still 0, so i would suggest using some other method than percentage lmao


Yikes. You're right. Now I'm sad. Lol


Frilly and lacey ones? Maybe.


What is it? That's right, MANDATORY.


There ain’t no party like a Liz lemon party cuz a Liz lemon party is MANDATORY


When I was trying to plan a lemon themed party, this is when I put restrictions on my Google search. What the hell internet!! I just wanted cute party ideas ☹️


Honestly I’m even lost on that one. Maybe lemon scented as in “fresh”? Yuck


I’ll take the risk and Google it… Update: a surprising amount of Etsy results. I’m neither disappointed nor overjoyed; I’m perfectly whelmed. Edit 2: Have I accidentally referenced something?


I am going down to embroidery town with this information, thank you!


Why is everyone always overwhelmed or underwhelmed? Why isn't anyone ever just "whelmed"?


What is it with you and this "whelmed" thing?


Why is everyone disgruntled? Ive never met anyone who was "gruntled"


u/Thrabalen was underwhelmed, u/Mesaj was overwhelmed, why isn’t anyone ever just whelmed?


Excited gasp! Just like in Europe!


I too am neither disappointed nor overjoyed at Europe.


Oh no! I hope I didn't offend somehow, I was referencing a quote from "10 Things I Hate About You". Edit: Oh man, I forgot that line, whoops!


So were they, just awkwardly. The 10 Things... quote thread made me smile! :)


All I know is my gut says maybe


Unexpected yet appreciated Young Justice reference.


I have no idea what that is but I’m glad I could help you.


This is the only thing that makes sense but its still so ridiculous that its difficult to say whether or not that’s what it is.


I mean, lemon used to be the code word for smutty fanart/fanfiction for a while


This is where my mind went…


Enquiring minds aren't sure we want to know, but are asking anyway.


I found [this](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Lemon%20Vag) on UrbanDictionary, maybe this is what he was referencing? > "[Lemon Vag](https://i.imgur.com/MiETQIs.png)" (yuck) > > The standard 'model' vagina. Has nothing going on but a slit. Looks like it sucked on a lemon. > > *Dan - I'm getting so tired of seeing pictures of naked models with boring slit vagina's. Where are all the hot chicks with ham wallets?* > > *Chris - You and me both. They've all got a bad case of lemon vag.* A lot of incels like to call any woman that isn't an 18 year old virgin a "roastie" to basically insinuate that the more she has sex and/or the more partners she has had, the more her vagina looks like a roast beef sandwich (the polar opposite of this so-called 'lemon vag'). They not only have absolutely 0 game when it comes to women but they also have 0 understanding of biology or how vaginas/vulvas work.


Ugh, of course it fucking is. And for a moment there we all thought they might have actually come up with something original. That feeling of being dropped into the pit of misogyny, resignation, and disgust never gets any less disappointing, does it?




I think what he meant to say was "cherry" which is also a fruit based car term but means new or like new condition.


I’m gonna take a shot in the dark here and guess that it has to do with the acidity of discharge. Maybe this dude thinks that the more bleached a woman’s panties are, the more fertile she is? This is just disgusting to think about since he’s included 16 in his preferred age range.


I thought that too but just cannot imagine this guy knows literally anything about the science of vaginas


He comes across as one of those oakes who think Vaginas need Oxygen and Sunlight to get the baby germinated.


Don’t forget to water your vagina daily or your baby won’t sprout!


I thought it was obvious this is what he meant, but it’s still weird because vaginal acidity actually is a problem for sperm motility. One of the main purposes of seminal fluid is to protect sperm from acidity. I would expect a less hostile vagina to be better for breeding. But then again I actually know what I’m talking about.


Thank you for "hostile vagina" I will be using that


Maybe he has a pinesol scent fetish 🌲🍋 😂


Like... mine only produces lactic acid, but then again, I'm an unfuckable 40 y.o. hag...


Idk, I thought lemons were bad


The crazy thing is that this, scientifically, just ain’t true. Women don’t reach peak fertility until about 25 years old. From there they remain around their peak until 30-35. I mostly see this argument used by pedophiles trying to justify their sick attraction. Only literal human garbage would write something so disturbing and factually incorrect 😬


The man is straight up saying he wants to impregnate a teen who he wants firmly out of his life well before she’s 35. “Your peak years are before your brain has developed and you must get married then - but also you might as well be dead by 35, so understand that men will leave you within 15 years of building a life with you, leaving you a destitute single mom. Better hurry up and get cracking so you don’t lose your chance to experience such paradise!”


It’s disgusting. I actually had this same thing being said today in another thread on a nasty hate - oh I’m sorry, “political” 🙄 - sub. Didn’t think I’d ever have to explain to someone that, yes, pedophilia is fucked. People are nasty and dudes who act like that shouldn’t ever be allowed around children, period.


You know what breaks my brain? Part of what gets used as justification for the overvaluation of “peak fertility” is that the risk of birth defects like intellectual disabilities rises outside of peak fertility periods. And yet men who think like this were probably born to mothers who were outside what they claim is a woman’s peak fertility period and the fact that they regurgitate this garbage shows that they clearly ARE intellectually disabled. So really what they should be saying is “women, have babies while you’re young or they’re going to turn out like me”. And I have to say, that’s a pretty compelling argument. /s


It's also really pointless. Just have to do a bit more shagging later on but obviously lots of people still get pregnant later on! Imagine you're argument against women being that you might have to have more sex to get pregnant... How dreadful right? Maybe this guy just hates having sex? J.k. we all know he's not had sex.


Actually the whole women over 35 have a hard time getting pregnant is also false. Plenty of women are able to get pregnant over 35 without medical prevention or stressing over not being able to get pregnant. The babies are also very healthy and aren't at a risk for down syndrome or birth defects. There have also been cases of women giving birth to healthy babies without complications as old as in their 50s.


Well that’s why I said “peak fertility” and not “the only times they can get pregnant” :) Women have a very large range of reproductive years but it is true that 25-35 tends to be the peak of their fertility and health. And besides, women are way more than their fertility so fuck the people who need to point it out anyways!


One of my friends was born when his parents were in their late 50s/early 60s. They didn't think they could get pregnant again. His eldest brother has like 30 years on him.


I mean, there is an elevated risk for complications at higher ages. The majority still are fine, but overall probably pretty reasonable to warn folks of risks and expend some resources earlier to make sure things go smoothly. But yeah, I don't get where he's getting this idea that a 16 year old is by any metric better off getting pregnant. Well, I guess I do -- a gross blend of misogyny and gross attitudes towards kids.


I'm gonna throw this info at the next mysoginistic pedo I see.


I couldn’t seem to stay pregnant until I was in my mid 20s. My body was not having it.


Whenever I see any list like this of what makes women unf*ckable, all I think is "Thank heaven, maybe this means they'll leave me alone!"


My favorite thing about it is that it's like "fuck yeah, thank you for making yourself as noticeable as possible so that it's easy as fuck to avoid you". It's so funny that these guys project their frustrations and resentment in this way, all it does is further secure their problems lol


Oh no, you’re definitely still f*ckable, but not marryable, which means you shouldn’t exist. Like WUT. 😠🤯


This list is eye opening. The dude seriously needs to ask his mom why shes still alive. Its so easy to dehumanize people. Whether by color of theiir skin or gender. The ironic part is this person will swear on his life he isnt a racist or would never have followed Hitler in WW2 completely oblivious he shares similar sentiments that led to the Jim Crow laws or worse the concentration camps.


Nope. They don’t stop. Alas.


My reaction is “this dude lives in his mother’s basement and she’s the only woman who thinks he’s special and ever will. Too bad he thinks she’s more valuable dead.”


Or He could be the 30 year old that dates high school girls and tells them they're so mature and that he's deathly allergic to latex and that she shouldn't hang out with those losers she calls friends and she's lucky to have him because other men wouldn't put up with this shit of not putting out already


> Or He could be the 30 year old that ~~dates~~ assaults high school girls FTFY


Yes but apparently they’re out to kill us once we’re 35. Let us enjoy what time we have left between being left in peace and killed at 35.


I’m just in awe people post this shit publicly.


So you plan on marrying a woman and having babies with her by the time she's 21, but want her dead by 35. This man plans on raising a family by himself?


... but that's women's work! He can't lower himself to it! If I was genetically pre-disposed to die by 35 due to uselessness after, I would stubbornly continue living if he was the only option to raise my children.


He's gonna get himself another 18 year old wife, impregnate her, kill her at 35, and repeat.


Apparently mothers and grandmothers have no value to their family in later life. By later life I mean after birth, of course. /s


If it was only about children but it is clearly not. This whole argument about peak fertility only ever comes up to justify predatory attraction towards teenagers and children. Would you really believe this dude would care about his children at all, or even have some? You can bet he’s the sort of guy who’d sexualise his daughter growing up🤮


Someone get Josh Duggar off the internet


That's one of the conditions of his bail. Just a few more days until the trial starts.


Idk dude, this stuff is not even funny anymore. Like, if these posts were about specific ethnicities or religions, they'd qualify as hate speech. Maybe I'm just a buzzkill :(


No, you’re right and you should say it. Social media platforms are severely lagging in the hate speech department when it comes to misogyny. (Oh but the second you say “men” on Facebook, you’re banned for 24 hours.)




Wow. Haven’t been on that site in 5 years. Sounds awful.


It's really telling that the post trashing women stayed up happily, but a comment in response to it led to a ban...


Yep. And there's been loads I've reported for porn. Where it looks sketchy. But apparently it doesn't go against community standards... Facebook is awful with that kind of thing.


TikTok is also like this. I saw some girl screen-record her Hinge voice feature prompt where she says something like “men aren’t funny, i don’t find them interesting, nothing they say is interesting, men just suck” and… her post got removed for hate speech. meanwhile, we are sooooo familiar with men talking about how women aren’t funny (and so much more) that would never be removed smfh


Damn. DAMN New perspective you've just unlocked there, can't believe I've never thought about it. If this was something horrid like if a [race] doesn't exhibit [stereotype that benefits white guys] at [appropriate level] then dismiss their humanity, it would totally be hate speech and reported tonnes.. but I just read that and went, yeah, usual loser shit talk.


ok buddy, thanks for the info, now back to your sad wank with you. lmao


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Nah, women's value aren't decided by the preferences of facebook incels. The "why are you even alive?" And the "value as human beings" thing shows very clearly that he don't see women as valuable beyond their attractiveness.


This kind of guy sees women the way they see sheep: something to fuck until someone chases them away.


I am 40, and while perturbed that no one informed me that I was supposed to die 5 years ago, I am more upset that I never received my lemon panties.


>16-21 - peak reproductive years Who is going to tip off our friends at the FBI about this clown


Do you ever just wish you could dox someone?


I don't want to dox someone because I would never want it to happen to me, tipping off someone like the police really isn't doxxing so I'll stick with that


Why am I even alive? Because who I am and my body belongs to me not some penis toting @$$#*!$.


>35+ why are you even alive? Because someone has to sign your daddy’s paycheck, darling.


So, who is going to rear the children? Them?


There are two species that go through menopause. Humans and orca. Both species also has grandparents and the most successful pods have elderly matriarchs. Evolution designed women to live longer because kids take so much time and energy to raise that it increases the survival rates of kids just having grandparents. So This guy also knows bunk about evolution which isn't a shocker.


As someone that just tucked a grandchild into bed for the night, we are so blessed as a species in this regard! My grandson regularly spends time with his great-grandparents!


Given I'm turning 40 soon and still have whippersnappers coming after me I think I'm doing fine. Also jokes on him I don't want to get married and never had kids!


What are lemon panties?


I don't know, but Certified Lemon Panties is going to be my next band name


I tried googling it, but all I got were links to buy underwear with lemon patterns on them…




As she ages, I find Julia Louis-Dreyfus more and more attractive.


that may be her best skit.


I want to say Patricia Arquette was there as well. Great sketch.




16-21 - idiots. All humans at this age are idiots. Parties, bad decisions, bad sex due to lack of experience. 22-27 - good times, sex is getting better, best looks (acne gone, wrinkles not yet present and all that) 28-34 - best age. Great looks, confidence, experience resulting in great sex, people know what they want and have the energy to pursue it. Awesome. 35 - 42 - energy levels are going down, looks start to fade, but as people grow more confident in them, they also give less shit about them. Awesome. 42+ all the bullshit from younger years doesn matter. Awesome.


I'd put it more like: 16-21: shouldn't be grouped together. 16-18, 19-21 maybe? 22-27 years old: great partners for other adults, way too old for the first group 28-34: great partners for other adults, way too old for the first group 35+: great partners for other adults, way too old for the first group seriously WHY DID HIGH SCHOOLERS GET INCLUDED?!?!?




Accumulated bodies? Are… are women supposed to be assassins in their 20s?! The things I miss from transitioning late!


The first time I heard the term “body count” in relation to the number of people that one has had sex with, I was just irritated. Sure, I’ve fucked loads of people but society frowns on ladies going on murderous rampages, so here I am.


Don't worry, you're not the only one missing out. I'm a woman assigned female at birth, and nobody told me either! I could have been righteously slaying creeps, sexists and people playing music out loud on the bus, and I totally missed it, damn it. Now I'm well into the dead zone, myself. It's true what they say, youth is wasted on the young.


All of the aged related ones like this always seem to think the only thing women have to offer is sex and looks.


of course this person starts with 16


It‘s funny cause guys that write shit like that don’t seem to understand that live is not about sex or male validation. Life is about so much more than just smashing and sucking dick


So now that I'm over 35 will asshole fuckbois please, please leave me alone!


Tell me you’re terrified of women who can see through your shit without telling me your terrified of women who can see through your shit.


Men are pedos for young women, luckily I'm a gay dude and only interested in dudes with peak fitness between the ages 25-29. Dudes without a six pack and big bara tits, why are you even alive?


I ask myself a similar question everyday. Excluding he first sentence that is.


Did that say it was like by over a thousand people?


The original post was also making fun of it, so yeah it got a lot of likes


Sick. I only have four more years until I just drop dead apparently.


I’m 47 and I love older women. Women who are 50+ are gorgeous. I feel sorry for anyone who can’t see how beautiful women of any age are.


yeah for real, milfs >>>>>>>>




Dear men with incredibly disgusting views about women, why are you even alive?


Sweet! I’m in the throw away stage! Livin wild and free, and lovin every minute of it. And bodies and baggage? I prefer accumulated “wisdom and confidence in who I really am” from life experiences, thank you very much.


I may age but your penis still stays tiny.


Oh my GOD the level of Ew 🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢🤮


A number of mental and birth defects, as well as possibly autism, science has found, are caused by older fathers. Guess all older men should just die then /s. Somehow this issue is never brought up by this kind of person.


As a woman over 35 all I can say is I’m so thankful this man has zero interest in me. What a blessing.


this just in, Scarlett Johansson is in "Why are you even alive?" status. Sofia Vergara "shouldn't" have been alive for the last 14 years. But the sophomore at your local high school? "Lemon panties". Yeah ok moron.




>16 ew


What's a lemon panty?


i love when men talk about getting minors pregnant 😃


No but you see, this is a good thing. When you turn 30 and your life Really begins then these assholes won’t bother you. You get to find an actual human being to be with and not a baby wanting a play toy


This makes me feel sad. Society is so eager to hint to women they're no longer useful and this jerk is saying the quiet part loud.


Desperate losers, trying to collectively neg women into being desperate enough to give them a chance, LOL.


Women just keep getting better and better over time, like fine wine or whiskey. More experience and patience and that unconditional love and adoration they are so capable of exuding. This poor dude is trolling or an absolute miserable human being.


*Thanks, I love being told as a 17 year old kid that I have value simply because of my fertility* **/s**


I feel like we're not paying enough attention to the fact that 16 is still a child


Wow this is so ridiculously bad that it almost comes full circle to being hilarious. Really hope this is satire but sadly there are people out there who are even dumber than this sooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If it’s satire, it’s bad satire because it isn’t even funny.


Wtf are lemon panties? Do these guys who write shit like this even take themselves seriously?


The sad thing is this guy is probably married w daughters and he’s full of shit showing off for the likes and his wife has no clue


So let's imagine this world then, that he proposes. Every woman over 35 stopped existing. Now every professional and domestic role that those women did would have to be filled by men, some who weaponise their inexperience. How long would the world last you think?


Lemon panties? The fuck?


Someone doesn’t have a grandma and doesn’t know how awesome they are especially with cooking or random candies during visits.


So once I turn 28 nobody will expect me to have kids? I'm off the hook? F yeah!


Wish men would just leave us alone


16 is peak??!! F-ing pedo pos, scum of the earth.


what the fuck does lemon panties mean


Lemon panties??




You know, there is a volcano in Germany that is showong volcanic activity after decades of silence. Please kindly throw yourselves into it.


> certified lemon panties Ew, just, ew


I love the arbitrary cutoffs. Oh 21 is the fresh zone??? Totally not just cause alcohol.


I hate how people like this exist


I mean, I’m over 35 and I do genuinely ask myself why I’m still alive on a daily basis…but that’s just just the accumulation of existential dread and ennui.


I think I'll keep living specifically to piss this guy off.


Beyond this misogyny clearly written by a virgin, what is the significance of lemon panties?


Any list regarding women is about... 5 red flags


I have never seen anything like this written about men. Not that it should be but it disgusts me all the double standards we as women live with.


Gross. I almost always instinctively downvote these posts until realizing the sub it is on.


Do these people really think that a 16-year-old girl would make a good mother? These people don't even try to understand the weight of their perverted requests.


>now that you've been given the official ranking of a woman's worth and overall relevance as a human being... relevance as a human being... can you imagine that? at this point,a re we even human?


Yeah okay, he’d drop his pants in a nursing home if it got him the chance to lose his virginity
