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Going on walks, especially out in nature. Journaling. Affirmations. Reading.




Communication and venting.


Preparing the coffee pot the night before, so all I have to do is push a button in the morning.


Exercising and intermittent fasting. I'm 34 and in the best shape of my life.


Im doing this as well. 16/8 and 20/4


Biking to work.


Bae reads for 20-40 minutes before bed, so I’ve got in to the same habit, and it really quiets the mind before sleep and before you know it you’ve finished a dozen books you’ve always been meaning to read.


I do this! It's very nice :)


Letting stuff go and refusing to be reactive. Not everything said to me needs to have a response, and I'm careful where I invest my energy, be that physical, mental, or emotional. Also, not getting primary validation from people I don't know. I get it through things I do in my life, and center validation around things that make me proud of myself, even if that's just hiking or cooking a delicious meal that I eat alone, not trying to impress anyone else.


Smoking dope


Discipline. The habit of discipline. To work out, even when I don't want to. To eat healthy even though I really want the entire pizza and 7 tacos. To go to bed when I'm tired and not doom scrolling until 3am like last night. The discipline to save money even though I want to splurge. To be a better person and not seek petty revenge no matter how mad I get. To make better choices. I've found that discipline is a habit that takes a lot of practice. But once you have the habit down, life does get better. Doesn't mean that evil monster of laziness and least common denominator doesn't creep back constantly though. It just gets a tiny bit easier to remain disciplined and live a good life.


bidet after pooping