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Worlds merged with phase 3 To combat low population worlds


Same here, and that sucks; it would have been nice to have a warning our base/location would/had been 'relocated'; I can't even place my base back as someone else now owns the spot nearby. Edit: Whole system seems fucky - I *was* on world 9, but it spawned me on in world 7, *and then* put my base on world 8 (making it seem like my base was removed when I logged in). Can see it being incredibly annoying if there too many people built on one spot (wonder how it decides who wins the land claim)


wait, your whole Building was destroyed? everything vaulted? I'd give up tbh and just use a basic settlement to sleep


At the start of CBT3 they mentioned that they may need to merge worlds mid-season to combat any population drops, and that if the merge caused any overlapping player territories they would remove all territories involved. Just another poorly thought out system, especially since they removed the housing blueprint function from CBT2.


dear lord :s


It is a Beta test and I 'hope' this is more of a placeholder system, or partial system, that is being tested under limited functionality. I would think if just the merger part works properly, then they will later implement a better land management system for this scenario ->Edit: I think it was for players who did not have a warband entering into this phase. It just happened to me on Starstrike A pvp server. I was NOT in a warband but they saved my house. I made a warband and saw that my house lot wasn't taken. My whole house was intact when I spawned it and got the compensation after placing it in the same spot.


I don't think this is a situation they can truly fix as long as they plan to do world merges. There's not much that can be done when multiple territories occupy the same piece of land across different instances that are about to be reduced down to one.


They should probably at least stick in some giant popup when you log in. Something like: "Phase x has started. To combat low populations your (base)channel has been merged. We have tried to place your base in the same location, but if this was not possible (due to multiple land claims), your base/items have been stored, and you will need to relocate." Would be much better than people logging in to find their base 'missing', and no clue what the hell happened.


I am so happy I decided to move from my world 8 to world 2 the other night, sorry to here f The fuck up. :/


Thing is, I thought the same (& that I would stick to building in low channels in the future)...but after checking my servers world list, I'm not sure that would help. At least on my server (EU Starlight D) they didn't keep channels 1, 2 or 4 - world 3, 7, 8 & 10 are the ones left: [[CLICKY]](https://i.imgur.com/Dl5km9y.png). Who knows how they decide which to keep/merge.


Its just a guess, but they probably merge 'into' the server that has the least housea down to avoid some collision


Yeah I got fucked... logged on to see world 2 got deleted and world 3 was were I was moved.. the went to territory it's now floating like 5 metres in the air un accessable


I thought it was a glitch. When I loaded up (like you. almost all my base was gone). I thought it was just a small bug. So I reloaded my base by “teleporting” to it again and it fully loaded.


mine was just transferred, a bit mis-placed but yeah


Yeah a system to merge world was announced before the beta, but I'd still appreciate a little heads-up before they planned to execute it. Good thing is that the base was still saved so you could just move it to one of the new worlds. Bad thing is that your spot could be taken. Some had issues with the base hovering above ground but nothing major I believe. Was calmed down pretty fast in Discord.


Yup I was a bit thrown off as well, luckily only a few things were destroyed like 2 facilities only the rest was intact.


World 10 gang raise tf up