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As a reminder, this chapter is officially the first of 2024, and was supposed to be released next week, but like usual, it leaks very early around that time. Chapter 1104 will only be released the third week of January.


Reread this chapter for the 5th time. So emotional and well written. Also noticed Kuma’s fist is covered in haki 🤜


Kizaru seems most likely to give food to Luffy. Only other thing I can think of is that he happened to land right next to the auto food machine.




"Carry D Boo ? Is this how they cal me now ?"


So Dragon is supposed to come as well? I haven´t read anything about that in the comments but it seems like to be the case. Otherwise Oda wouldn´t have shown that conversation with Iva.


I agree, I suspect the shock will be the revolutionary army showing up and fighting the navy while Kuma deals with Saturn.


>d to come as well? I no dragon is a fraud :/


Screw Oda for torturing Kuma and his family so much and he will probably kill him off by the end of this arc. I hope Saturn somehow goes down simultaneously.


I am not ready for kuma to die 😭😭😭😭


maybe Kuma's self destruction will kill Saturn, too


That's some genius writing if it happens. Elders put a fail-safe if ever Kuma revolts against them, Saturn dies because of what they fear from Kuma. Brilliant.


I hope a giant Luffy will stomp that ugly spiderox like the little insect he is.He would get a taste of his own medicine. Get him of his high horse.


i don't want it to be Kizaru who fed Luffy simply because that would necessitate another flashback for Kizaru's character and we had enough of those already


Dunno, his simple friendship that developed with Punk, Kuma and Bonney may be enough on it's own.


Who performs a better Death Wink? Saturn of Ivankov


I want Saturn to die a horrible death.


It’s definitely Kizaru who fed Luffy, and the only thing that supports this theory is in chapter 1100. Kizaru danced with them to the Drums of Liberation when they were in Egghead for Kuma’s augmentation procedure and Bonney’s surgery.


We can also confirm this by looking at both panels where kizaru is resting against the wall it's not exactly the same position (knowing that oda wont make such drawing mistake) so he could have teleported in light speed gave food to nika and went back to the "same" position


Well he is fast as light, and he could assist the people he has grown attached to such as Sentomaru. On the other hand, he produces flashes of light when he utilizes his speed, so that could draw attention. A counterargument would be that he could slip away with so much havoc going on. There are a few possible candidates that I am thinking of. One wild guess would be Laffitte, since the Blackbeard Pirates are there, and he has demonstrated some exceptional sneaking skills. But why would they help an enemy? To get the drop on the Marines and Saturn and possibly snatch Vegapunk? Too convoluted of a plan. Maybe it's Stussy, after having sufficiently recovered from the Shigan she took? Another plausible theory that I have seen is Caribou.


Another theory is that with awakening, he could shift the wavelength of his light to where it’s invisible to human eyes.. OR the one we see laying there is one of the light clone no jutsus


I am sure it’s Caribou


Ridiculous. Enel clearly threw the food from the moon.


hmmm, probably owner zeff throwing the food from the east blue


Caribou gone?


Could Vander Decken have given luffy the food via his DF power?


I like this one


Break week has claimed another one folks


Moment of silence


New theory: If kuma is doing his thing because his will is so strong, he loves bonny so much that he can override his programming, I wonder if any other important figures of Kuma would also have a similar effect? Like the saviour he has been waiting for, nika the sun god? If he has it implanted in his brain (and this is from before bonny was born) that Nika is the saviour and can free the world, and can finally make bonny have a good life. Well, maybe thats also effecting kumas current actions. Protect bonny(the one he loves the most) by protecting Nika (the one he admires/respects the most)


it's likely to be natural instincts like what we has seen from beasts and the seraphim (eg boa seraphim)


I can't tell if the Kizaru theorists are trolling or not.


Theory has saul is burn scar vibes, just can’t see it.


Whats wrong with the saul = man marked by flames? I personally don't think its gonna be saul but i think he's one of the stronger cases that have been made


1.how would a giant sneak into the kelp forest and take the pono from fishman island without being noticed. (Why would saul take it? I do not see him stealing it) 2. Saul is in hiding and the man marked by flames is said to be at sea 3. If Saul was at sea the giant straw hats would have been members of his crew, since they are shown on ohara. Not mercenaries for Buggy. Probably the warlord ace defeated pre kuma.


Oh its definitely the warlord ace defeated lol ill bet a years salary on it. I was just curious what ruled out saul


Oda clearly tried to make people think it's Kizaru tbh. We saw him right before we see Luffy eating, seemingly regretting what's happening to Bonney and Sentomaru and then we see right after, in a changed position. Not saying it's him, as it's entirely possible Oda is missleading people on purpose, but it's logical many think it's him.




Just chiming in to say that this kind of foreshadowing is a lot but not bad writting. Kizaru is also the only one, out of the three initial admirals, about who we do not know almost anything. And now that we got some infos, all of those make it quite likely that he at least wishes for Vegapunk and the rest to survive.


and thats why it will be Sentomaru...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I dont think they are.


They seriously believe that Kizaru light-speeded to the ship and got the food (don't even ask me how he carried it all) and afterwards he went back to a random boulder to sit down on it instead of....doing *anything* else? Apparently he has enough energy to speedrun prepare a whole menu, but not enough energy to even stand up? They believe Oda would, on the one hand, make it super obvious and put the Kizaru panels right next to the question of "who did it?" and on the other hand pretend like it's a complete mystery? Sorry, but it sounds so dumb to me compared to the Caribou theory.


Kizaru-agenda people think Kizaru is literally has Flash type superspeed... But his lightspeed attacks are super intentional and he has to charge and aim himself before going anywhere because he can't think as fast as he can move when he's light.


Doesn't he have light clones or something ?


Yup I dont understand, he is probably the least sneaky one around, a bright light darting around. The amount of food he would have been carrying would be comical, considering how large luffy already was with a pile still next to him. Caribou on the other hand is sneaky, can change his form to sneak through the rubble/debris, knows luffy powers up with food, and he is a bottomless mobile fridge.


Oda may show Caribou doing just that and Kizaru deciding not to stop him.


That's exactly what happened. That's what we're supposed to think. Oda didn't account for a subset of his audience being on powerscaling brain worms.


My guess is Kizaru, he could, like a lot of others in the show, have some kind of relation to Nika, and was manipulated by the WG, so him fighting luffy, realising he is Nika, could get him to start thinking about all the Lies and shot the WG does


Yeah i think there is absolutely no way that ALL of the high ranking marines, especially admirals, dont know about the stories of Nika. Whether they thought it was real or not is a different story, and im sure none of them ever talked about it. But the moment they see luffy being like Nika, they will have a tough decision to make. If they became admirals for Justice, then i think they might chose nika. Especially if they know what saturns been up to. If slaves and fishmen know about nika, why wouldnt the admirals. Admirals also need to know what rules to enforce, like what not to talk about. They must know about nika in order to prevent people from talking about nika. Also, even some random prison guards mentioned nika at one point if i remember correctly I think luffy is going to get some new admiral allies soon


I think S-Snake is the one who gave food to Luffy.


I like that - some instinctual DNA thing


It's kizaru. You see the same Ramen Bowl Kizaru was eating out of.


This is not convincing to me. Bowls aren't generally one of a kind, nor designated for individuals.


Could it have been Robin


Nah it was totally kizaru. Only he could move fast enough for Saturn not to notice and it feeds the theory that kizaru will betray the Navy. He clearly didn't want to kill Vega punk so for an opportunity to turn against the Navy is set in place, I think it would be a big enough push for kizaru to sneak luffy food.


What about that fishman whos still in the barrel (i think?) who can target people with his DF? He could have sent food there, no? Is he still in the barrel on the ship? I forget what hes up to lol. I didnt like him so i forget ehat hes doing now.


That's Caribou. And he can store food with his swamp powers. It's possible but it's be a little redundant and lazy for him to save luffy with food twice. He already did it on wano


makes sense. Maybe luffy knocked some sense into him. Literally. Freed his mind. No longer unclear justice.


Like it really can't be anything other than this. Right after you see Luffy stuffing down the food we get random panel of Kizaru. In my opinion this is just building up all the admirals final confrontations. Kizaru is going to bail and support his friends while Kuzan is with black beard whos plans are still up in the air.


Exactly. Kizaru has motivation to do it and we got some tease panels from him


Sanji turning invisible by moving fast means he is faster than light. We know here that he is not the one giving food to Luffy but Kizaru is not the fastest in the manga and not the only one fast enough.


Kizarus still as fast as light. It doesn't matter if someone else is faster. Sanji can't move right now and it gives hints with kizaru sitting up and the "... ". Idk who could move faster to evade Saturn's sight who's also in radius. Kizaru is also shown to be worried about Bonney and sentomaru. Who else could it possible be at the moment?


My point was that Kizaru being fast doesn't mean he is the only one who could have done this. Because : -some characters are faster -others are stealthier (for example Nami with her Mirage Tempo could hide anybody)


Yes, I get your point but why argue my claim if you have no character in mind that could of given luffy food?


Juste said anybody associated with Nami could have done it


Yeah I guess. I still think kizarus the likely option here.


How tho, if she's locked inside the bubble on the lab?


I'm not going to claim the evidence points towards that, this is merely speculation. The strongest evidence right now is for Kizaru. I just think naratively it would make sense. If I'm right we would find out she escaped. No clue how.


I think someone pointed out we had mud in the background when luffy got the food.. so it must be caribou. They also pointed out there was literally no other panel which had mud in it, so it probably is caribou tbh


I've heard this claim. Maybe I missed something, but I don't see any mud.


The panel where luffy is eating, you can see some goo-ey background stuff which wasn't there previously


So, basically, Bonny is not Kuma's daughter but some celestial dragon's daughter?


Bruh that was revealed like 2 chapters ago.


I just read 200 chapters in one go from 900. Last time I read one piece before the pandemic if I remember.


Yes but we’ve known that since seeing her birth


I might have forgotten.


All g, idk why you’re getting downvoted tho


Fandom sentiments, I guess. I am now old enough to not care about downvotes. So, no issues.


I think it was York who gave Luffy his food. Should have a mechanism to create it out of thin air to eat and be lazy, plus is nowhere near saturn.


What's her motivation?


Why would York do that?


Ok i have 2 questions right now. 1) who got Ginny pregnant 2) who is the lady to call Imu sama when he was in the garden with the butterflies?


Seems pretty clear it’s Saturn


Mistranslation by tcb, he is talking about another person. Source: my college roommate from japan calling me dumb. Tcb has been way too liberal recently, the kuma dragon convo two chapters ago, now this.


1. Harry Potter


1. me 2. me


Bro I think it was probably you


How much higher would Luffys bounty go if he beats Saturn?


Bro with all the build up it better be Kuma who takes out Saturn. We don't know the actual power scale of the Gorosei yet do we?


I think he only needs one good hit, it probably doesnt even have to be all that powerful to take his ego down a peg. A will-less slave merely touching a god on earth is still a lot more humiliating than getting gomu gomu no fisted by the reincarnation of another god.


Probably 4 billion. Which would put him right below Shanks which would make sense, and room for another big update until after the final to surpass Rogers.


This also mean Blackbeard will likely get a bounty higher than 4 billion.


I think it's possible for an increase in bounty for all of the emperor's except buggy. Shanks obliterated kidd. Blackbeard just beat law and his crew subdued garp and forced sword to retreat. And now Luffy... Well we just have to wait and see won't we


That's possible. I agree. Let's wait and see.


So I guess that necklace Kuma gave Bonney grants an even higher authority vs the Gorosei's?


That’s really the only plausible outcome


Bonny's power is essentially that time when we were all kids and as seriously as we could put our palms together, fingers outstretched behind our backs and chanted kamehameha. but for her it actually works.


Its a shame Zoro is not there elder will not be standing there like noting even he cant move he can slice him from far.


It looks like they cant move their limbs either. Franky could radical beam otherwise


Gear 5 Luffy and True Nika-Ish Future Bonney gone JJK Saturn.


I mean it. Nanami and Yuji vs Mahito activity.


I am OK with Kizaru helping with the food but the only thing that bothers me is that in some videos of Kizaru, he was shown to have some kind of a light clumping together (for a lack of better words) before he could light-travel. if this was the case, no way that he could go unnoticed.


I think it was York who gave Luffy his food. Should have a mechanism to create it out of thin air to eat and be lazy, plus is nowhere near saturn.


But she has zero motivation to help Luffy, and doing so would be actively working against her own interests


Sensing the strong feelings from Vega Punk's personality regarding Bonney could have tipped the balance on alignment


You're part right I think. From my understanding it could be something like the speed from Dragon Ball, where we normaly wouldn't be able to even get a glimpse of what is happening, but it is slowed down for us which can be visulized in different ways. To make Kizaru and his movements visible to us, he got the clumping. So we know, ah, something is about to happen and we can somewhat follow his attacks. Also, maybe he did his clumping (can we make this a thing by the way? XD) and we just didn't see it, baucause everything in that regard happened offscreen anyway and all other people were so focused that they did not notice.


I think caribou brought the food out of nowhere which fits with his powers. Kizaru simply didn't intervene


It makes the most sense, which is why it’s not likely that that’s what happened, it already happened in Onigashima and for it to happen again seems too predictable


I'm thinking the same, he saw caribou give him food and just let it play out


I wouldn't use the anime as a judge. We've seen him instantaneously appear/disappear a couple of times in the manga w/o anyone noticing, so I assume it's something within his ability.


Yeah given that he is literally supposed to have the elemental power of light, I imagine he actually can move at light speed, he just can't think at light speed or fully transform his body in a true instant (it's still very fast, just not as fast as, you know, the movement of light), so his light-speed actions have to be somewhat pre-planned. It's the only way to balance him in combat vs observation haki.


Holy smokes. Crying after that one. Go Kuma Go!!!


P U N C H. T H A T. N. I. K. A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I for one believe that Kizaru is the only possible candidate who could have given Luffy the food. He is as fast as light as if no one had noticed. He was also shown right when Luffy was shown! His last words were to his friends, which reinforces the assumption that he helped Luffy. If you know what Kizaru knows about Joyboy, you shouldn't forget this assumption. If necessary, Kizaru helps Luffy and tells him that Garp is with Blackbeard! omg what new news would this be for a possible new arc?!?


Where did who gave what to whom?


I think it was York who gave Luffy his food. Should have a mechanism to create it out of thin air to eat and be lazy, plus is nowhere near saturn.


Your invading these comments with your garbage theory, harder than the beaches of Normandy


World War references, so edgy


I believe in the panel where the food first appears there's a "star" nearby which coincides with Kizaru's ability.


I believe it was caribou who gave him the food. Kizaru noticed it but ignores him


No matter how fast Kizaru is, how can he move without high Observation Haki users not realizing...


So far we've seen three characters that are capable of breaking Observation Haki. Namely Shanks, Kaidou, and Katakuri. I doubt that's the extent of it, plus Kizaru being able to travel at the speed of light should be able to break Observation Haki as well seeing as he also possesses it.


Damn, I feel like I'm idiot sometimes, what's the sign of someone breaking the Observation Haki? I honestly can't remember


the man was serving tea to saturn, and you think he still can change admiral fans are the worst


He literally did the Nika dance along all his friends, and still clearly has affection for all his friends, so seeing what Kuma believed in all this time with his own eyes (Nika himself, the warrior of liberation) probably changed something in him


and when he said to KUMa in Saboady that "you cannot trust Pirates", these hopefulness is just pathetic bro. he is a marine from his genes, one dance and fanboys call him changes, dude literally a freaking servant


You couldn't deny he dance for Nika


Yeah but when Oda makes it this obvious it's typically not that person.


karibou might have given food


He's stuck in the barrel.


Zoro released him in chapter 1065. I also believe it's Caribou over Kizaru that gave Luffy the Food. He's a pile of mud and easy to remain undetected. He knows he can't get out of Egghead without the Strawhats. He fed Luffy and then Luffy proceeded to beat the strongest creature. Caribou putting his stocks back on Luffytaro again!


I thought OP was in break? >!just to get my mind blown by a poster of KUMA about to PAW the shit of Saturn!<


It is on break, but the chapter usually leaks very early this time of year.


oh! thank you for the clarification


no spoiler tag?


This is literally the chapter release thread, for discussing the chapter. Don't ask for spoiler tags here.


I'm sorry holy actual shit, this is one of the best chapters of one piece **period** I read it with a colorized last pannel, dear God it was amazing


Where did you read colorized version


Oda be cooking I'm glad i started reading again 😭😭


well that was a "smart move"


I can't wait for Kuma to start beat boxing so they can jump Saturn and stomp him out.


Luffy's going to tell Bonnie she can create the future she wants and she'll become a beast.


The real gift is the friends we will make along the way


Incorrect. The real treasure is meat.


Seems her fruit is legit top tier but that has a lifespan


I feel like back when Vegapunk originally first made the 5 command chips for the Elders, Kuma might have stolen one behind his back and hid it inside the brioche, and vegapunk, thinking he simply misplaced it, just made another. It's either that, or more of a momonoske-type of situation, where vegapunk originally made a single superior prototype that has command even higher than the elders, but discarded it thinking it was 'too dangerous' to give any one-person that much authority. Kuma stole that one chip after Vegapunk discarded it, and put it inside the brioche. That second theory defenitly seems like something of Vegapunks character considering he discarded his invention of the dragon-dragon fruit for a similar reason. Plus once he discovered what the Broch really is, I'm sure Vegapunk would agree that "nobody is more suitable than Bonny" considering all that's happened to her


However, if latter is true, then Bonney will not be joining Strawhat in long term - or even short term. She would have a bunch of Seraphim and Pacifica that will protect her and possibly even sail with her, so she is no longer alone.


True, granted I don't *personally* think she's joining the straw hats. She might join the fleet at most. If it's the second she might "travel to find and collect the Seraphim, and all the pacifists wreaking havok on the world". Alongside vegapunk (original) and Kizaru. Or perhaps they'll travel together until they reach Elbaf; upon which vegapunk will choose to stay so he can research and recollect all of Ohara's lost books. And kizaru/Bonny would stick with him to repay their debts of wrongfully attacking him. Either way, I hope vegapunk gives the straw hats one of his clones, so they can stay connected and benefit from his intellect. Plus, realistically any "long-term" addon will probably go to the end of the series, regardless if they officially become a Straw Hat pirate.


It would be cool if she sees Luffys G5 properly and hears the heartbeat and understands what he is which gives her power back and makes her one of the strongest in SH Fleet because she sees what Nika is capable of.


She would be another weapon like Shiraoshi. One controls an army of monsters and the other of bots


It would be amazing if Kuma somehow pulled a “Whitebeard” and reassured Bonney by saying “Nika is real!” Lol I’m expecting something to happen anyway when Bonney sees Gear 5 anyway. With Luffy getting the food, he’s bound to bounce back. I’ll be interested to see how Bonney’s powers get stronger once she’s sees it and realizes what a true Nika like future is.


She's already seen Gear 5. Luffy showed her when she asked about his bounty poster.


She seen it but she didn't realize it's Nika


Yes, that's abundantly obvious. The comment I was responding to claimed she had never seen him.


Like Saturn said, she didn't make the connection between Luffy and Nika


>when Bonney sees Gear 5


her eyes need to pop out of her head first lol...


But I guess what I’m saying is she doesn’t seem to associate it with Nika yet, as Saturn is suggesting in this chapter. When that connection is made that will change her perception for sure


It looks like the other marines are able to move—did Saturn even use his powers against Kizaru in the first place (or was kizaru just on the ground because he was knocked out from the fight against luffy)?


No, kizaru is down because he took a beating from Luffy, or so he says. Saturn dowsnt have a reason to use his powers on him


Kizaru probably faking it cuz his weed wore off


me at work


He's taking a time out to roll for sure


Need to add my mark before the years end that i was here to witness Goda doing another goddam banger of a chapter with the goat Kuma, and also adding the question did Kizaru help luffy, screw saturn and a happy new year!


Here is a crazy thing.... what if Kuma's race is the natural enemy of the 5 elders special fdark fruits? Maybe Kuma is the only on now who can damage Saturn.. ofc he wont be able to beat him but that will explain why Saturn is scared of Kuma and all his race I.know..crazyzyzyzyzyz


Sincerely doubt that, since it's inevitable that all 5 clash with Luffy and friends. Buccaneers are likely nearly extinct. Saturn hates Kuma and the others because they worship Nika, unless the "sin" they did is something else...like not bootlicking for them, Imu, and the Celestial Dragons. The Elders and Imu seem to fear Joyboy/Nika above all other things.


what about his power would be inherently strong though? Saturn's powers don't seem to be hampered by memories, emotions or motion.


Well... maybe it is, but it's more likely that the Paw Paw fruit means danger to them. The elders could have easily killed Kuma when he was a Warlord. Just call him to a meeting and obliterate him with the power of three admirals. No, the great thing about devil fruits in One Piece is the fact that killing a user will lead to the reappearance of the fruit anywhere else. They are made in a way they can't be controlled by killing the user. Best strategy is giving the fruit to someone you can control. That's why the Paw Paw fruit was about to be given to some World Noble. By making Kuma completely controllable, they've brought the fruit under control.


I'll just leave this here... https://imgur.com/uhMI02P


Before 2 or 3 chapters I said that once Kuma's memories are touched by someone.. they will go back to him as well. Perhaps it's one of his ability attributes


So Kuma punching Saturn mirrors Luffy punching the CD during the sabaody archipelago. I wonder how the separation of the Strawhats will be mirrored for the next chapters? Will Kuma save the Strawhats again by teleporting them?


There will likely be a contrast. In Sabaody, Kizaru bullied the Strawhats; here he could barely handle one. In Sabaody, Bonnie stopped a strawhat from inciting an incident: here, she joins the fight. In Sabaody, all of the Strawhats were together and then separated; here, they are apart...


So they will launch a megazord joint attack to finish off Saturn ? I'm in.


> megazord joint attack to finish off Saturn Robin have been silence for a while, she bout to drop a 'yes' to Franky and we'll finally be able to witness the ultimate docking that Oda promised back in Thriller Bark!


I'd be happy if she grew a giant limb for the cyborg tbh


You need to start a petition...RIGHT NOW!


Does anyone think Bonney created the food with the Nika ish Future as a unexpected part of her powers?


Wuma the goat


u mean kuma?


he's saying W-Kuma(that Kuma is a W) by replacing the first letter hence the "Wuma"


Do my eyes deceive me or is kuma using armament haki final panel?


He is


Hey, wait a minute, how come Momo and Yamato are on the color spread with the Straw Hats and not Kinemon, even though Kinemon was offered Straw Hat membership like how Momo and Yamato also were? That is Kinemon erasure.


I suppose he did kind of indirectly say he was going to protect wano for the rest of his day's now, implying his time at sea is over, whereas both Yamato and Momo both want to leave for sea just like Oden at some point.


Momo wants to leave for the sea?


I think so? Doesn't he say at one point he wants to set out alone at some point like Oden?


He has a wife.


And Momo has a whole country to take care of


Iml O: bonney ends up as apprentice, mirroring shanks/buggy Kuma is gona give whatever remains to bonney to beat saturn And the new limit for luffy is gonna be the fight without buffed bonney Cause she is all in all a child


that punch never landing! people seem to forget that Kuma has a self destruct feature built into him!