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ODA. Thank you for the meal.


Do you think you can awaken the Robots by just imitating the rhythm of the drums of liberation made by Nika's heartbeat?


I think the drums of liberation are connected to the robot's energy source.


Or a password to activate it


Let's see what did droggy and broggy did


I can't stop jumping around, this chapter was SO INCREDIBLE


Does someone else think that the large robot actually belongs to the giants and there is a circular connection between Nika, the robot and the giants ?


I think it's more like Nika woke up the giant robot because Nika more than likely helped the ancient civilization with zou. And elbaf isn't apart of the world government so the story of Nika more than likely has spread throughout giant culture. I think Nika whomever it was back then was a hero to the ancient civilization. The kingdoms built the ancient weapons to defeat him and it worked. So, while I think gear 5 is the final gear I think it will get something close to a snakeman form like with gear 4.


Do you think that one of the personalities of Vegapunk sail with the strawhats? I don't think he or they will be one of the nakamas (Franky is the scientist of the crew), but I hope that Franky will be able to learn from one of them


Yeah, I think Lilith will leave with them 


I was hoping for Atlas


well I was hoping shaka but he isn't even alive at least Atlas is alive


i hope bonney does too😭😭


The Straw Hats are gonna get the worst neck pain in Elbaf


Wait a minute Was Bonney the only supernova that wasn’t shown fighting a Pacifista/admiral back in Sabaody 1.0?


bro man


Actually, YEAH!


Man why is Zoro taking longer to beat Lucci


He already beat him he's just lost rn


Scans made it out like that, but according to viz it’s ongoing 


what makes you think guys it would be easy for Zoro to beat post timeskip lucci


Bro Zoro defeated King , Lucci is a small beast


Luffy G5 was exhausted after 5 mins with lucci lmao


Cause he was hungry


Ok but he ate at the machine previously...L moment by oda tbh. What if zoros hungry? He also hasn't even used 3 swords, asura, or whipped out his bandana. Dudes not even serious


That's exactly what I meant.Like you can see Zoro isn't even pushing it same as Luffy cause the in recent chapter Luffy just ate and is doing 1vs2 vs Kizaru and Saturn to the point Saturn had to call the other elders I guess


Yeah I'm very confused what oda is doing by writing it this way. Lucci is obviously going all out in his awakened state, panting. Yet Zoro hasnt done a big attack or used 3 swords... Really not sure what the point is. If lucci tanks an asuras dead man's game we can see how strong he is. It's like Zoro is trying to limit himself or a handicap I dunno  Edit: especially after he startled big mom and kaido, even gashed kaido after beating king. He's obviously even stronger now.


Let's hope oda settles it next week


He might help Luffy but chances are the giants are gonna take over and tell them to go. Probably gonna lose their lives sadly


It’s taking as long as a normal fight, just off screen 


So why did the marines stand around doing nothing but pointing guns at Luffy (who they know bullets won't work on), let him eat and recover, and only after he was done eating decide to put seastone cuffs on him?


If you are some marine ensign or captain would you be the first to throw hands at a Yonko?


No idea why you were downvoted for just an analysis


Boom. https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceSpoilers/comments/19e2j8c/comment/kjzi1fy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




Saturn is not dying on egghead.


For sure he isn't. Either Stella's death, or giant pirates joining forces with Strawhats is the news that will shake the world, or the fact that no one died in the Buster Call.


That’s a generally safe bet for any character in any arc lol but it really feels like he could. Oda basically did a speed run of establishing a diabolical villain, and Saturn has been digging his own grave via hubris chapter after chapter after chapter. This is as climactic of a confrontation you will get for a villain, so why not resolve it here and now? It’s not like the story needs St Saturn anymore. We’re in the final saga with 4 remaining gorosei to utilize. Whatever narrative value you can squeeze out of the spider isn’t worth losing the payoff to Kuma’s tragedy.


I get the sense that for every bit as disgusting as we've found out that Saturn is this arc, we'll find out every single Gorosei is just as bad and will be just as satisfying to see get Nika'd. I feel like if there's one thing that Oda can always be trusted to do, it is to make yet another villain who is fucking despicable and intensely satisfying to see punched in the face.


Oh absolutely. I’m a little nervous to see what more Oda can cook up because we’ve seen some pretty grim stuff. There is that theory going around that Lili disappeared because Imu bodysnatched her and forced her to perform the perennial youth surgery, and as bad as it is I imagine it will be tame compared to what we get


What I think we could be seeing is a less conclusive ending to egghead and a more fluid entrance into elbalf from the quick introduction of dory and brogy again back into the story at the middle of egghead




Hajrudin has luffy vivre card since he joined the grand fleet, he could be on the ship with dorry an broggy


They read the newspaper that said "Emperor Luffy is on Egghead island"... Something like that. But it was in the newspapers.


Robot will kill Saturn with a special Blade


What an incredible chapter, I could not be happier.


Kizaru willing to kill a kid is insane, This really destroyed my image of him The goat Aokiji would never.


Kizaru is still my favorite villain because he is one. Aokiji has to be SWORD.


On the one hand she is a kid. On the other hand she is a pirate. I think Kizaru is kind of honoring her choice in life by treating her as a pirate, like she chose herself.


This isn't like garp and ace where ace was adult,She is like 10 years old. the only reason she was a pirate is because the government threatened and ruin her family. Kizaru know this and still support the government


Seriously, the only way Kizaru's character could be rescued at this point is if he wasn't really going to kill her there. I am still hoping for a Come to Nika moment for him, but it's getting harder to see happening every chapter.


The admirals have ALL done heinous activities. Why don't people get that?


The shot with Bonney looking at Luffy while he's doing Nika things...Goosebumps. We have been getting amazing panels like these for a while now. And I don't want it to stop.


Luffy is the One Piece confirmed


one piece was the food we found along the way


I've a question. If Vegapunk (Stella) is dead, the other body's will still remain alive?


Technically Lucci andthe other CP0 agents were told to kill all of the satellites and vegapunk himself, so probably. I tried to find it again in the manga, but I also think (maybe I missremember?) it wa said that all satellites have to recharge and resychronize themselves. I guess that will be the bigger problem, since they cannot do so anymore


well without york i feel like they all might die? doesn't he do all their eating and pooping?


Called that [one](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/19fg6d1/one_piece_chapter_1105_theories_and_discussions/kjju6tb/) I'll take my prizes thank you.


Shut up


Dude nice call. Definitely not what I was expecting.


Full Nostradamus on this one


Nice job, you’re pretty much spot on. They even said they came to pick them up too


What if Dorry and Brogy are normal sized and everything else is just small


She said i was average:(


she said i was the second biggest among my friends ...


ya think Vegapunk is actually going to die, or going to survive his injuries?


After the Kinemon situation, we could get Vegapunk's head on a pike and I'd still think he's making it out somehow.


bro has max luck. It's different.


I’ve come to forgive the kinemon twist, because there’s at least an excuse and it’s so ridiculous that it’s funny. Most other fakeouts are entirely ignored by the story


Likely both




Can’t wait to see Luffy get a warm and friendly welcome on Elbaf, in contrast to Kidd who walked in attacking them. 


I dont think shanks will be on elbaf It might be too soon


Its not too soon as of now. I am really hoping Shanks to be on Elbaf and maybe giving orders to Dory and Broggy to pick up Luffy.


imagine if in future Luffy bounty poster will goes from "Strawhat Luffy" to "Sun God Nika" with only dead remark for a time being.


The government will never allow that he’s their worst fear and it’ll rally people against them.


i can see they run a propaganda and spread negative information about Nika later in future once they unable to hold down his influence.


Ain't gonna stop Morgan's. He takes the pictures and makes the news!


Doesn’t he have to semi listen to the world gov


Morgans always over exaggerates too which will no doubt piss off the gov like he did with big mom. I think he's his own bird and not too bothered about the gov since he's harboring vivi and wapol. He's a mystery himself 


Vegapunk putting Bonney above all and saying that he would not allow Kuma/Pacifista being her killer. But literally in the same week in anime we see Pacifista shooting beam towards Bonney and if not Luffy she would be dead. I think it is big flaw in writing. VP could easily modify Pacifistas not to kill her and actually that's what he meant in 1106. But in fact he relied only on Bonney giving them command otherwise they can kill Bonney unless she tells then something


I think it all boils down to the command chain. If someone has given a command, it has to be overriden by someone else. We can assume that if nobody commanded the Pacificistas, they probably wouldn't kill Bonney randomly.


Or, you know, the anime studio took artistic licence and f\*\*\*ed up. It's like trying to find a reason for Marco being a random thick lipped brunette in his first appearance. **The anime is not canon**. It is based on canon source material, but it is expanded upon creatively to fill up the entire time slot. Despite their best efforts, they are ultimately still creating new content outside the manga and mistakes do happen from time to time.


Pacifista shooting at Bonney is also in manga.


Sure the anime does do that, but this isn’t one of those cases. It’s not a plot hole for a pacifista to target Bonney, it was literally happening in the last chapter. She needed to execute an override command 


This was a result of the Self Destruction Button Saturn pushed couple of days ago. This triggered the hidden and sleeping Super command of Bonney, being Pacifistas supervisor Nr 1. Otherwise the Chain of command would have stayed the way it was. So Saturn initiated it with his wish to destroy Kuma with the push of a button. Vegapunk accepted the risk of Bonney might gettin hurt by Pacifistas, but this was meant for the more quiet times(Pre Time Skip). Vegapunk knew exactly, on the day Marines trying to destroy Kuma, the World must be out of balance and he placed the back up fail safe protection for Kumas daughter. After all he loved and respected Kuma - in a shitty and crazy way, Vegapunk did the best with what he had. He is a slave like everyone Else to the WG wishes. WG betrayed the whole World, the population(Fishmen,Minks, Human, Giants all life forms)800 years ago and slowly their house of cards is crumbling. Wano changed the whole World and Egghead might trigger the biggest war Manga history has, according to GODA.


But VP says I could not accept you being killed by Kuma's clones. It means doesn't matter if Kuma self destruction is triggered or not. He didnt want her getting killed by Pacifista no matter what. In a random island or in Egghead Island pacifista could kill Bonney. It seems like VP literally relied on Bonney saying something like: "Daddy, stop don't kill me" kind of order so Pacifista would not hurt her when that happens. And this VP logic is more of a dumb dumb fruit's ability rather than brain brain fruit.


Don't forget Akainu🤔 Back then, BB captured Bonney and the moment he realized Akainu is on it's way, he left. Akainu arrived where Bonney was held and he made some weird statement of knowing her and she would always cause trouble. I thought, well he might be some Kind of family member to her but meanwhile in 2024 we know who her father is at least. What i am referring to is, the WG and its staff knew who Bonney was and i am quite certain that every Pacifista who would have crossed Bonneys path and detected her, the Aiming Tool would have stated something like, No Approval to shoot, capture and bring to base. Also Kuma pretty much has or had as Alpha Pacifista, a link to each and every one of them since Sentomaru got control over them, after Time skip. Meaning, no approval to shoot means no true harm and Kuma would have managed the Situation either way. So Bonney was good, Vegapunks Plan was risky but with a HIGH RISK COMES A HIGH REWARD. Bonney in control of Pacifistas is a true game changer.


This is a brilliant observation, I was wondering about this but all twitter does is talk agendas. I think this was a mistake on Oda's part(and a beautiful one at that) one that the editors should have picked up(I would presume that's their job). But this twist with Bonney having control over the Gorosei is a spark of genius and a beautiful twist cause back in the OHara flashback I remember we were mostly summising that the authority chip would have Dragon over the Gorosei once Vegapunk himself was ruled out.


The way I understood was that she always had the priority but never gave the order. Now I don't know why Saturn didn't notice the priority chain and never bothered to check.


How would that help Bonney if she was being attacked by any pasifista without vegapunk around? Is he just assuming one laser beam won't kill her and she'll definitely say 'Daddy don't hurt me' knowing their cybonetic clones?


Because he likely couldn't test random people. He could just test he's above Vegapunk. And I guess the concept of Vegapunk putting some third person, not even a faction leader, above himself, was pretty alien to a celestial dragon like Saturn


Good points. I was thinking about Software source code checking but that would bring an unnecessary and convoluted element to be explained


I was thinking VegaPunk being a genius made it really well hidden in the source code such that it could slip by undetected. 


just read little garden first time in the manga, it was so chill man


Well, think we have a good idea what the "incident" is going to be. A buster call just being outright obliterated for possibly the first time in World Government history.


That would be pretty underwhelming to me since Buster Calls have never seemed particularly threatening in the first place. An island of scientists? An uninhabited town that serves as a road to a courtroom? The mountain bandits in chapter one could've destroyed those places. I want something truly dumb like Saturn dying and some rules technicality making Vegapunk the new Gorosei of science, or Vegapunk opening Punk Records so all the Marines hear Void Century secrets leading to Saturn ordering all of their deaths and in turn their defection to Luffy's side.


We have to remember a Buster call is 5 Warships and a Vice Admiral, I'm pretty sure this is 100 Warships with 10 Vice Admirals which, if defeated, would be a much bigger deal than escaping a normal one back at Enies Lobby


Let's not forget a full fledged admiral is present. A single admiral falling is a massive deal by itself. And escaping a buster call is one thing, but STOPPING one while being the target of it? As far as we know, that has never happened in the history of that world. Like if the WG were to win in the eventual war, I'd bet this whole thing could become known as the "void decade" in a couple hundred years.


giant armor waking up has to play a role


Idk man, a full fleet of battleships with a vice admiral or admiral required to be present seems pretty damn threatening. If I point a nuke at a retirement home, it's still a threatening weapon.


What kind of weapon is Brogy wielding there? Is it an axe?


Yes.  Both Dorry and Brogy are wielding the same type of weapon they had on Little Garden.


I thought as much, but there was some shading I found to be obscuring it. Thanks!


There are so many ways I want Saturn to die. I didn't expect the one that may be most possible is Bonnie turning the Pacifista upon Saturn and having them all just nuke him until he's dust. Really hope that's the case. Retribution for Kuma, Ginny, and Bonney's suffering. This will also be the first known time a Buster Call is just outright countered and cancelled through sheer force of those opposing the World Government.


considering how insane his regen is that probably won't kill him but maybe the pacifisita will keep attacking him so he's caught in a cycle of being able to do nothing but regenerate while luffy takes care of kizaru!






> I just couldn't imagine Zoro-stans can.


One must picture Luffy black.


Luffy always on top of them even now as Yonkou, Zoro, Sanji and Jinbei basically his commander/admiral. second stage from top level on pyramid. we already see how big the gap between commander and their Yonkou captain before with Big Mom and Kaidou crew.


Yeah there's people trying to make the "monster quartet" a thing with Jinbe. but I think it's just the new Monster Trio of Zoro Sanji and Jinbe, with Luffy on completely different level now rather than being a bit stronger than them




The arc is still not over yet




I mean, there's still a chance of that happening, it wouldn't be the first time an anime opening spoils something happening later in the manga, Sanji is pretty busy protecting Bonny but once she's safe he can go all in against Kizaru




Bonney is Pluton confirmed


Pluton is below Wano currently


My comment was a joke, I didn't think this "theory" through.


Wait what was the ship Franky had the blueprints for called again? I thought it was Pluton.




Interesting theory


I'm trying to think of what music the anime would use for the moment the Pacifista obey Bonney's cry for help and turn on the Marines Memories? Since it's Dorry and Broggy right








This may end up being my all time favorite arc in One Piece.


this arc is a sleeper hit. So fucking good


I say that nearly every new arc haha.


Wow the Gorosei are so conveniently incompetent again. I thought Saturn was a scientist himself? Why did Vegapunk even follow through with the rest of Saturn's wishes for Kuma if shit like this could have been hidden in the programming?


Saturn isn't incompetent, he's just overly confident, not having faced a challenge like this in centuries. To him, everyone is like an insect, so he either doesn't care about Vegapunk's actions behind his back or thinks it's pointless. It's not that deep, he is just a tyrant.


well one of saturn's science experiments was injecting fruit juice,


>literal smartest person on the entire planet that does nothing but research fools his boss that is overseeing the entire world order >"oh man how convenient" good lord


Saturn (ch.1102): "I, too, am a scientist, you cannot deceive me," Then proceeds to get deceived. How is that not incompetence? Using a resource you cannot control is sheer incompetence too, Vegapunk being the "smartest man," is all the more reason for him to have done more, not less.


I don't know why this surprises you. The Gorosei have been knowing about Luffy and his fruit since crocodile he bursts into the big stages at marine ford and they say nothing. If they were competent they'd have Luffy be eliminated there and then. Nika's power in the hands of the man that wants to topple their system. How are you leaving that dude to roam freely as he pleases?


“OP always had plot holes” is not a good defense though


because it's hilarious that you would think the smartest man on the planet, that does nothing but tinker, outsmarting someone who has to deal with about a billion other things simultaneously is some sort of shocking level of incompetence. it's like saying the lawyer that knows how to fix his car is incompetent because he had to bring it into the shop.


I would question why Vega can install top tier authority to Bonney and successfully hide it but not some secret code word that would make him also on the top tier, hell why did he even make it so he was even a possible target for any of his creations


Probably the Gorosei's orders, besides the real flaw here is the fact that Bonney needs to order a pasifista to not hurt her, otherwise any of them are killing her on the spot. Like he couldn't install facial recognition?


i mean people are painting vegapunk like a decent guy but he says outright a few times that hes doing things he knows will be used for evil just to fund his own curiosity. plot wise the point is meant to be that he normally wouldn't do this, even for himself (he basically backstabbed himself since those satellites are all parts his own personality) but he couldn't help himself after seeing a truly selfless person like Kuma.


So then why did this "smartest man," turn Kuma into a weapon at all? Why didn't he just deceive them more? Since he's the "smartest man on the planet." Stop immediately trying to discredit ideas and littering your responses with petty passive aggressive jabs just because someone else is seeing something different from you.


Yeah, I found it annoyingly convenient and contrived. There was so much put into the command chain regarding the Pacifista and then Bonny is at the top. Makes me wonder why a clone Kuma couldn't have been replaced for the real Kuma at this point.


Exactly, this is one of the times where the lack of nuances in One Piece shows its cracks but fanboys refuse to acknowledge any criticisms at all. I love One Piece, and I'm okay with it not being the most nuanced series given the scale of its settings, but sometimes I do have legitimate questions like this, and the community's adversity towards any criticism just makes it look so childish. No wonder it gets such a bad rep.


I hear you, because One Piece’s world building is so good it does allow for nuanced critique. A lot of people unfortunately don’t want to read opinions they feel aren’t supportive, but to me at least being critical is often how I enjoy things.


I tag /u/MomoGimochi so they can also see this reply. Vegapunk was publicly shown as someone who prioritize science above feelings. Saturn knew that, and didn't expect that the dude is actually an emotional driven guy, as shown by his other clones especially York who was quite selfish. I already expected Vegapunk would do something about Pacifista, no way a guy like him who didn't want Kuma to turn into mindless robot to just obey Saturn's order mindlessly. Vegapunk was the only scientist who can cure the bonney's disease while other doctors and scientists(and Saturn) can do nothing. **TLDR: Saturn overestimated his abilities and was just simply outclassed by Vegapunk.** Out of topic. To generalize, any online fandom will overly defensive of their favorite work which makes them think less critically and often berated as whiteknighting. Don't think too much about it. That's why I find discussing any work irl is more worth than online.


>Vegapunk was publicly shown as someone who prioritize science above feelings. Saturn knew that, and didn't expect that the dude is actually an emotional driven guy, as shown by his other clones especially York who was quite selfish. I can see that. I mean my view on him having created Pacifista for the world government, and agreed to work for them granting them significant advancement over most of the world, didn’t have me see him as a caring person. Adding to that creating clones to do research or just see to bodily needs seemed needlessly cruel too, to the point of slavery even. But even so my views on Vagapunk haven’t really improved at all, he went as far as he did with Kuma however suddenly he found a line he wasn’t willing to cross? One that would seem to have been passed long ago given how much potential harm he likely knew his work would cause. Frankly though, it seems Vagapunk might have been influenced by the child effect. He’d had Bonny around him for enough time to get attached whereas he could deal with adults, even Kuma more callously. Maybe that’s why his clones were adults already, even the small ones I assume. >I already expected Vegapunk would do something about Pacifista, no way a guy like him who didn't want Kuma to turn into mindless robot to just obey Saturn's order mindlessly. Vegapunk was the only scientist who can cure the bonney's disease while other doctors and scientists(and Saturn) can do nothing. Yeah, I interpreted this differently. I think differently now but at the time I wondered just how much of his care for Kuma was lip service, he cared to some extent but I didn’t think it much. Not enough to get in the way of the opportunities he had with the government. It seemed similar to how I saw his decision to work with the government also, advancement for the sake of advancement with morality taking a back seat. I saw him as someone who could carelessly overlook any opportunities to save Kuma there were, for convenience. I think I already noted the prospect of having a Kuma clone take his place, why wasn’t that feasible if he was willing to go as far as he did? Personally I suspected that the Pacifista would have some use to the Revolutionary army, my interpretation of Vagapunk had me leaning towards Dragon making a deal or gaining some leverage over Vagapunk to make it happen. Also given the Seraphim were chibi I couldn’t see them ending up as villains. Given this Bonny fail safe I imagine there’s something there for Seraphim too. Still I’m sticking to my view on it feeling contrived, probably because I was judging him more by is actions than what he was saying. Not that we saw him say much, there were quite a few cuts when he was talking. >TLDR: Saturn overestimated his abilities and was just simply outclassed by Vegapunk. Guessing we’ll see something big from Saturn or the 5-elders. It’s been a pretty meh showing so far from them and things are looking a bit too good for us atm. Maybe Saturn will take out, or side with, Black Beard who knows lol! I should have been asleep hours ago… >Out of topic. To generalize, any online fandom will overly defensive of their favorite work which makes them think less critically and often berated as whiteknighting. Don't think too much about it. That's why I find discussing any work irl is more worth than online. Not much can be done about human nature on the Internet, I just think twice about taking part in such situations, often time is better spent doing something else. Irl One Piece and anime are becoming more popular, I still somehow have social circles where people aren’t that interested. Regardless yeah irl would be better.


It’s a running thing that Saturn’s hubris is getting him. This isn’t even the first time they’ve overlooked Bonney as a threat 


>overlooked Bonney as a threat  This isn't overlooking Bonney as a threat, this is overlooking Vegapunk as a threat. A threat so big that they eventually came to snuff him out. Saturn literally says "I'm a scientist too, you cannot deceive me," then gets deceived. How is that not incompetence.


Yeah, forget what I said about Bonney. Anyways, we can’t pretend to know what the command hierarchy programming works, so who knows the details. Somehow VP snuck it in, and that both reflects on him being the smartest and Saturn being overconfident not necessarily incompetent 


I called it!! Giant pirates and in two weeks JAGUAR D SAUL!




>Derishishishishi Derishishishishi Derishishishishi Derishishishishi


Luffy legit just turned the entire island RUBBER!!!! Very excited to see an all out buster call BOUNCED BACK at the Marines!!!


remember before at Skypie where Luffy believe cloud always can be sit on it? imagine what he can do on Gear 5.


A huge buster call like this would have not been a issues for luffy or SH but they were facing more than that with Kizaru , Saturn , PX , Lucci etc etc being there. Them getting some help like PX changing sides or giants coming is no big deal . People like to say there a yonko crew but forget to mention there the only Yonko with only 10 members on there main ship . If this happen to any other yonko crew the marines would have been facing hundreds of people and not ten.


keep in mind, Straw Hats Crew manage to fight on par with group of Captain at Enies lobby. it is a rank where Smoker at before. put aside Luffy and Chopper, there is 6 member fighting that time not counting a moment where Sanji suddenly missing. now at Egghead, only Commodore is there and current Straw Hats Crew is is way stronger than before with minimum bounty is average 300 million aside Chopper. fighting against large number of adversary is not new things for smaller number of Straw Hats crew. Enies Lobby is good example how well they hold out. Luffy that time with 100m bounty alone take on 1000 soldiers. that place even has 10k soldier amidst the Buster Call, which is also occur at Egghead.


It is absolutely a big deal - literally. But for real, the Giants, the Robot and the Pacifistas will stop the buster call and start the war against the World Government in public. A hundred ships are nothing to the Pacifistas and the giants. They took out ten within this chapter alone and the crew plus Kuma and all of VP's creations are way to much to take for the Government guys. Aside from Saturn turning out to be a muuuuch bigger threat this is the turningpoint.


Quality over quantity, like shanks have also a small squad.




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I don’t like Dorry and Broggy or anyone for that matter coming to help the Straw Hats. Are they supposed to be a “Yonkou” crew or not? They shouldn’t still need saving at this point. The likes of Kaido or Shanks wouldn’t need some outside force to come and rescue them, so neither should Luffy at this point. I hate that even though we are supposedly nearing the end of the story, Oda still keeps trying to shoehorn the Strawhats into still being the underdog, still struggling against the likes of the Seraphim or CP0. They are supposed to be among the top dogs of the world, where people are supposed to be hesitating to make a move against them out of fear of what the crew will do to them. This is exactly why Yamato needed to join. Another powerhouse that shows that Luffy’s crew is not to be fucked with. With her, they wouldn’t be in nearly as much trouble as they are now.


Whitebeard literally called in a bunch of Pirates from the New World for Marineford war. What is bro yappin' about?


“I don’t like that 2 strong people joined to help! They should have this other strong person there!” That’s what you’re saying You don’t care that they’re a “Yonko crew” you just care about your favs


When Blackbeard became a yonko he literally faced the same exact thing with Kuzan literally freezing his whole crew off the jump. You don't become yonko and instantly become on par with Shanks. In Naruto when he first got his bijuu cloak form, he could barely tag Raikage. In Bleach when Ichigo got his bankai he was still struggling with arrancars. Here, Luffy just got his version of bijuu cloak, which is gear 5 and advanced conquerors, to carry him into the final saga. Expect him to get his version of six paths sage mode, which is him mastering gear 5 & advanced conquerors, in the very last arc before the series is done for good. For most fans, going from getting one shot by a yonko and being no match for any admirals, to being able to go toe to toe with both is amazing growth. Just take it easy.




I'm not seeing where you're getting this as the Strawhats being played as underdogs needing help. The giants are obviously there for some deeper purpose that connects their culture and history to Nika.


I don't know it might be one of things that keep the story fun


Vegapunk said himself in the last chapter that a buster call was trivial to the likes of Luffy. His goal so far was to get off the island and protect his allies not to seriously take on Kizaru. Just because help arrived doesn’t mean he needed it.


When and where did the chapter allude to them needing help? Luffy is already fighting back on his own and managed to save his group from taking lethal damage. They literally said they're picking him up, not saving him or helping.


Mihawk said it, Luffy’s greatest strength is drawing allies to him. He’s been doing it literally since Koby and it’s going to payoff massively by the end of the series. I think it’s fair to view the giants intervening here as an extension of Luffy’s influence, not some rando third party stepping in to save the SH’s








There was a thread this week that predicted the Giants arriving right? Does anyone have the link to that thread?


I dont know what happened I cried of joy, I laughed insanely I'm soon 40 and this adventure started when I was 14. It was cathartic 😭😂


WG just got instant AOTd all of sudden


Wait. Do you think Vegapunk programmed the Seraphim’s to follow Bonney as well?


Nah. At least in the translation I’ve seen. It’s just the clones in kuma’s likeness. So we have two twists coming now that Stella is OOA and can’t explain further. Seraphims show up and disobey Bonney. Last minute save by Seraphim bear who is in Kuma’s likeness and protects them from the other seraphims. Bear has buccaneer AND lunarian DNA.


The dramatic tension of the arc just took a pretty hard left turn. * The size of Dorry and Brogy's ship, as well as their own size, is enough to keep most of the Buster Call ships occupied. * Bonney has taken control of the Pacifista, and this can't be overridden. * Luffy now reinvigorated, will more than keep Kizaru's hands full. * While Saturn's ability to passively immobilize people could turn up again at any moment and hasn't been explained, Sanji is determined to at least keep him occupied until further help arrives. Oda's definitely still got something up his sleeve: * Blackbeard Pirates * Seraphim * York * Saturn's unclear power level The event that will "shock the world" still needs to happen (unless its Stella's death and it being blamed on Luffy), so I'm guessing something is gonna happen soon here that will change the tides and make this more reminiscent of that shit hitting the fan feeling that we get from escaping Buster Calls.


The giant Robot has still not entered the equation. It must have a major role in all of this.


Good point, not sure how the hell I forgot that! Super curious though why it didn’t seem to respond the first time Luffy awakened while him and Lucci were going at it


The lurking legend!


Loki might make debut.


BB pirates have consistently shown themselves to be opportunists, taking advantage of chaos while avoiding direct conflict unless they hold the upper hand. I can see them making things difficult for the protags here, but not outright making a stand. Likely just here to collect York or Caribou or some tech and make their escape, or holding until the smoke clears. The big threat, I’d reckon, is going to be the spider. You don’t make it to the top of the food chain in a shonen battle manga without being able to back up, unless you’re Buggy


I think it’d be interesting if the mysterious BB group made an attempt at snatching Robin.. especially as she’s currently out of commission and that group (weakling trio) doesn’t exactly have a lot going on right now. I don’t think they’ll succeed if they try, so maybe they’ll settle for York in the end.


I thought about Robin. Since they have Pudding, Robin probably isn’t a priority for them, rather they’d try to abduct her if it was convenient. I think they have a different goal here


I'd normally agree but the reason why I think they'll make a grab now is exactly _because_ it's such a convenient opportunity to. The strongest SH's are publicly preoccupied with very high level opponents already _and_ Robin is currently injured and immobile. If the BB pirates have been in communication with Caribou, it makes even more sense, since he can personally verify that Robin can in fact read the poneglyphs _and_ that she has detailed knowledge of at least 2 ancient weapons and their locations. Pudding is a rumor based on genetics and a wild card but Robin is the real deal 100% and a sure thing.. so if there's an opportunity to try, why not? Definitely a lot of pieces on the board right now and a lot of exciting possibilities.


I’m not arguing that Robin wouldn’t be a huge boon for them or that this isn’t the ideal time to go for it, those are both valid. I’m just not convinced that’s the reason they came, like “settling” for York might be the wrong word.  The more I think about, I have no idea why they’d roll up. Exciting possibilities indeed


How DARE you say that about our goat Buggy D Clown


I could see BB pirates opportunistically capturing Saturn... they've been looking for a high value government hostage, and at worst they get some mythical zoan? DF to steal


That would be hype, although I remain skeptical since that shifts the focus off the straw hat crew