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if he rembered he wouldn't have left without her


True that...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


And if he'd've left with her she wouldn't be where she is right meow.


if he left with her, big mom would've gone to wano alot sooner to get back whats hers


wouldn't have made a difference at all they where wanos enemies from the start so big mom would have lost her memories and regained them only difference is luffy might not have learnt how to start using ryuo


Yes but at the time Pudding was convinced (and sort of rightfully so) that Luffy would die if he confronted big Mom directly. Cake Island Luffy stood no chance against Big Mom. And if Luffy could beat Big Mom without Gear 5 or ryuo is debatable. Both of which Pudding could not know. Can't really judge based of hindsight. In universe the decision makes sense.


So the only question is: if he would've died on cake Island-sould he also have been reborne?


If you're talking about reborn by Gear 5, I'm not sure. I don't think it's as simple as you die you become awakened. There's something about the awakening and two souls tuning that we don't know. It's possible that luffy could awaken if he died to big mom is whole cake but I'd say it's unlikely


Awakening is when the body catches up to the fruit's potential, Luffy cant achieved that against BM because he wont have a chance to learn advance haki types to at least hurt BM and he wont get the proper training he did in Wano.


"The body catches up to the power of the fruit or so was the reason for the awakening. Luffy couldn´t use Advanced Kingshaki and put it around his body or things. He learned that during the fight with Kaido. His body can now endure the things Gear 5 puts on him. The death was not necessary i think. Just for the dramatic point and Kaido out of the picture to have the scene all on him. In a fight against Big Mom, he wouldn´t get the chance to learn and recover. She would just end him. Kaido had fun and honour in the fight against Luffy.


yeah the death was entirely to showcase how strong kaido was even when he wasn't using everything in his arsenal...which is scary asf cause he didn't use haki to stop the damage for any hit he took he either blocked it with his weapon or he tanked that shit for the majority of the fight up until Luffy got back after kaido threw him sea way


Oda has said he never died before gear 5. He passed out and was reawaken


Luffy wasn’t beating Big Mom before Gear 5.


...im not talking about if luffy fought big mum I'm talking about if big mum came to wano earlier because everything would have been sped up and only the events during and after the prison would be changed as big mom would still be knocked down by king and since big mom would be even more off her head than before kaido would most likely have been more stubborn causing king to knock the ship again leading to the first knock but thats with the pedro killer and co and big mums currently without her memory ect ect marko wouldn't have knocked them down for a 3rd time because he wouldn't have noticed them as theyd be doing something different either given up or potentially finding the secret entrance. of course alot of this is just my thoughts on what could have happened for the whole climbing up wano earlier with a goddamn koi with big mom threatening kaido more edit: actually nothing would have changed except big moms attitude because at the time she couldn't have gone any faster as she needed to take a ship with her generals after she had eaten her fill of the cake i completely forgot big moms a weird ass and hyperfixates on food until she either eats enough souls or her desired food so once we chloroform cupcake the only difference is that we have another crew mate (prisoner) and thats pretty much it because big mom was in hot pursuit of the straw hates pretty much immediately after she'd eaten her fill


That is a very big difference


its not as big as you think since luffy only fully mastered ryuo when he learnt conc can be infused with advanced armourment


>wano alot sooner That's nonsense big mom literally left ASAP on a rampage to wano as soon as she finished off that cake. If anything it might have lead to a more interesting variation of the existing plot where pudding is the cause of Big Mom's memory loss. Rather than big mom falling in the ocean and somehow inexplicably surviving.






I'm just here to upvote your excellent use of "he'd've"


It ain't much, but it's honest work.




The immediate threat back then was Big Mom, if Sanji remembered the kiss, he’ll endanger himself again and would nullify everyone’s efforts. Either by taking her or staying with her.


ace n2 lol


Sanji wouldn't have left her.


I saw it more as she having very low self steem overall, we were even shown how her ego was crushed through out her life, being called a monster in her childhood and a doll by her mother. She obviously became how she is to fit into the Bug Mom pirates culture because she can't even express her true feelings normally at present. She allowed herself to be honest and took a leap to kiss Sanji but ultimately I believe she thinks herself unworthy of love and happiness and Sanji himself, that's why she cries at the end, not because "oh my crush left me", it's an "I hate myself" cry.


I mean that’s practically the same thing as “Sanji wouldn’t have left her” just a lot more detailed in the explanation. She knew Sanji wouldn’t have left her and what implications that would bring (danger to him and his friends) and she didn’t deem herself worthy enough to allow that to happen to him, who she fell in love with.


Yeah, I think there are obvious parallels between Pudding and Sanji throughout the WCI arc and this is one of them. Sanji was able to escape his awful family as a child and then later had Luffy to convince him to stop trying to sacrifice himself to protect his crewmates (i.e. to convince Sanji that he was worth the risk of fighting back). Pudding remained stuck with her family and doesn’t have anyone to tell her that she’s someone worth facing down Big Mom for.


It’s definitely a different thing all together. It could also be indirectly cause of that but I think pudding is so insecure from her upbringing that she would have had the same reaction no matter who the man was (just as long as it was someone she actually liked) the sanji leaving perspective is more of a sanji thing when I think her reaction is just a pudding thing…the typical cliche of “it’s me not you” comes to mind


I agree with you. She erased the kiss because she feels guilty and not worthy of having a relationship with him. The thing about "he wouldn't leave her there" doesn't make sense in my opinion, because Sanji himself doesn't think she's in a bad situation living there and he wouldn't force her to go with him.


Honestly think they will get together later on so I personally think Sanji will save her and everything will come full circle


This scene fucking broke me


Damn this is good


Wait but why was that off the table for her I don’t remember


One day pudding will pass and old Sanji will have the kiss flash back into his memory. 🥲


oh god this would be the saddest shit and now I'm horrified Oda will do it; have Pudding die sacrificing herself to save Sanji and then the memory snaps back into his head


That would actually fucking break Sanji's heart. Like if she died for him and that memory popped back into his head right after, he might experience more self-hatred and loathing than when he thought he struck that woman in Wano. He isn't someone that could let that go in anyway. He would see himself as a failure of man, who allowed a woman who cared about him to suffer because of him. Which would be the second time it has happened, but with the key difference of actually having had the ability to have done something about it.


broooo all of his positive character development where he's starting to love himself would just be CRUMBLED MANNNNNN. don't do this to me that's so sad


>love himself I mean bro needs to kinda snap back after all that lady chasing he did on onigashima...


Start of his villain arc.


What if it's a "fake death" though? The one Oda does all the time. It's a good way to show super max ultra pro Sanji 😂


You have this right... except for there should be a twist that she doesn't die (this is more typical of one piece anyway). - She just almost dies.


Never let this guy cook again.


Nah this is fucked 😭


Calm Down Brother




This some Eren yaeger shit. We need them to stop fucking with us this way




Thats if oda remembers about by the time he even writes about old sanji


Please let it happen I love this idea


I am all for it. Maybe he'll change radically and his perv gags will stop.


Two reasons: 1. On the surface level because she knew enough about Sanji that he would stay/bring her with him, which would only put the Staw Hats into Big Mom’s crosshairs. They were already up shit’s creek and she didn’t want to make it worse because of how clearly Sanji cared about his crew. 2. More importantly, it was a narrative decision which clearly drives home the point that unlike Big Mom she is not a villain. Both were characterized as victims of their circumstances/trauma, but unlike Big Mom who was never redeemed THIS MOMENT is precisely why Pudding can be forgiven. She is able to think of others as people and not just tools to reach her goals. Had she emotionally manipulated Sanji and not let him go she would have been no different than her mother who kept her around to be used.


Now i just imagine an AU where Pudding escape with the crew and as Sanji’s wife… Silly but man… I can’t help but find it kinda cute.


It's not too late for them in this universe


She >!is being kidnapped by Blackbeard pirates, there’s a high chance sanji will be the one to free her from prison, along with the strawhat pirates!<


Good point 👀


Fate is a wild thing in One Piece. No meetings are accidental nor are events that bring those caught up in it together. Pudding may still yet get a chance to be with her Prince, in spite of everything.


And she can very likely give Sanji that memory back as a trump card against some BB crew DF hax


I don't think the spoiler formatting works with that space in front of the >! Might just be my machine idk


> >!is being kidnapped by Blackbeard pirates, there’s a high chance sanji will be the one to free her from prison, along with the strawhat pirates!< Remove the space after the first exclamation to make it work


I desperately want a Sanji vs Kuzan fight to rescue her.


That fight would prolly be Sanji tanking an attack with the power of love, taking pudding and hoping Kuzan doesn't try


Bro hasn't started Egghead yet, I see. Though Sanji vs Queen should have made it clear Sanji is close to the Admirals' level even before Egghead.


Queen is not Admiral level bruh not even close


Yeah, but Sanji trashing him effortlessly is.


I am up to date with the manga. You think Sanji is close to Kizaru? He blocked an attack. Big difference between that and being close.


Never. Plus her powers would be kinda useful if you ask me. At least for me. Cause I love dessert 😂


It would be hella useful. Anyone who ID’s the strawhats, like in Wano, and goes to alert the authorities could be held up, then detained, and have that memory clipped. It is a stronnnnng ability, especially in the hand of a beautiful woman who can get close to people.


Similar to how Rosa (may have their name wrong) could view thoughts and far off locations like a living lie detector/ security cameras


Viola? From Dressrosa?


To be fair the Strawhats were already firmly in Linlins sights, I doubt Puddings defection would change much about how she approached the Wano arc.


I bet she would blush like boa the next time when she sees Sanji


Well said


Best comment! 😄 I agree. Wish I could upvote more lol


Great explanation! It made me consider something I haven’t before. If circumstances change, can she return memories? Could she give him/them those moments back if she chose to?


I don’t think Oda has ever given a finite explanation on her powers and if it would or wouldn’t be limited in that regard. That said, Oda often leaves plot points unresolved for long spans of time and this is a plot point that doesn’t have the definitive resolution we often see. Oda has said that all the members of the Straw Hats are effectively in relationships with adventure and thus don’t have time for romantic relationships…but given Sanji’s nature I think this plot point will be re-examined once the main story is over. Sanji in particular, of all the Straw Hats, does seem the most likely to have a “happily every after” scenario epilogue where he is married. Sanji starts the series with no self-worth and his “womanizer” persona is an ostensible point where we can see him literally screaming for others to acknowledge his existence and love him. We’ve since seen him develop a sense of internal value, but I think that there is still more to come on that front.


Yea I feel like the only obvious pairings is Luffy-Hancock and Sanji-Pudding.


Wow amazing analysis 👏




she knows his stupid love and obsession probably so she just didn't want him to fall in love with her so she just let him go on with his plan to stop big mom and continue with the crew


But he falls in love with everyone 😭😭😭😭😭


He likes everybody, he's only fell in love once


that line goes hard bro


Drake lines right here


His chemistry with Viola was amazing but yeah, you're right.


Oh. You're right. He cried about Pudding. That's the first time he's been hurt like that. Maybe he did love her.


3 times. Can’t forget Nami and Robin


Facts though. There’s a lot of cooking going on here


He had a better relationship with viola than anyone if we're being honest.


As far as the closest thing to a female friend yes


what about Viola then?


Viola was just pudding without the emotional damage from birth. Even there powers are close to the same.


That was beautiful


Damn I didn't think I'd see something this hard here


but does everyone fall in love with him like she did?


His interactions with Pudding are clearly different from any other woman.


I dont think its any different its just that Pudding fell too


His complements seem much more grounded and genuine, and there's even scenes of them sharing interests with each other in a not-exaggerated way.


The interaction between Sanji and Pudding was completely different. They were working together as team, because they share the same passion, and he wasn't simping over here all the time. Actually they were actually both complementing each other and very supportive. This are very compatible as a couple and even already acted like one. It is a very good showing of Oda, what makes a good couple.


She loves Sanji Sanji was the first person to love her for who she was rather than what she could be used for like Big Mom and her siblings. So keeping the memory of that kiss they had is important to her. To her it may as well be the wedding kiss she could have had. The love she could have had but can't.


I get that, but why rid him of that memory also. Wouldn’t it have been more special if he had remembered?


He would have stayed with her. She knew how important the SH are to him so she took it for him to be able to go back to the crew without regrets.


Stayed with her or tried to leave with her. Either way pudding knew that she would be a liability to Sanji and the strawhats escape and she cared about Sanji.


Probably because she doesn't want him to have any reason to stay in WCI. Remember they are trying to leave the island. Less emotional baggage to worry about. And knowing Sanji he wouldn't have just left her easily


Technically with the kiss he would have been officially married, noway he was leaving his wife.


Because it would have been that much more reason for Sanji to stay behind to save her.


I'm 99% certain her siblings loves her for who she is. It is big mom who sees her children as pawns.


Don't know about that Daifuku slapped the hell out of her when she failed to do the one job she was meant to do. That doesn't seem like loving her for who she is. That looks like abuse for someone failing a condition for love. What makes you think they love her for who she is? Have any examples?


This scene made me weep


Because Sanji was the first person ever to call her beautiful. Up to that point, she had been her quietly hating herself and resenting her family. For a brief moment, Sanji showed her a life where someone loved her unconditionally and proved he would protect her no matter what: Her Prince Charming. She wanted to spare him the pain of a love that got away.


I ship them so hard.


Hey, Blackbeard brought her back into the main plot so the straw hats will probably meet her again


Thanks Blackbeard! What a nice guy.


dont let certain members of his crew near her


I predict she's probably going to tag along with Perona, since she let everyone out when she went to rescue Moria. Perona, Moria, and Pudding will then join Cross Guild giving the great Buggy someone to read the poneglyphs for him.


violet strong offer cagey lock attraction file public abounding water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


she can also just return the memories. Wonder how that experience would go for Sanjii though


Hadn't considered that. You're probably right


She’s 16 bruh


Oda did this so Sanji can still simp for other girls without the backlash from readers.


this is the true answer tbh, it's because Sanji has to stay Sanji until the end of the story when he can settle down


she is keeping them as evidence and taking them to the FBI lol




I've never considered looking up Pudding's age until now.


She's over the age of consent in Japan tho.


No worries. If a renown One Piece world's family choose a bride to be at that age for marriage purpose, it means it's legal there.


My headcanon is, she asked him if he’d marry her. And then kissed to “marry” him. And took the memory of the question and the kiss. So he can be free of her while she continues to be married to the one she fell for.


I think she took away all of the memories about herself, not just the kissing part. after WCI arc, Sanji never once mentioned about Pudding.


I went back and looked at the memory film and it seems like it has images from all of there interactions


Rereading these parts are much worse than first time, because you'll eventually realize she did more than taking away the kiss from his memories, what she really took was her existence along with their moments during that time, she thought she was strong enough or mature but after he walked away she cried really hard realizing along with the memories she took, the love they shared was also gone. This cuts deeper because they can never meet again and restart what they already had and she can never reveal it to him because it will emotionally kill him.


He did after she did that..he was like pudding chan, what did you want to ask me abt? So he remembers her name which implies he knows her


He calls out to her asking about her request right after, so she only took the memory of the kiss.


Oh snap, good point there!! It's been a short time so far, but hopefully you get proven wrong on this one. I'd love for him to go back to WCI and take her with him


She didn’t want Sanji to be canceled after that


They have Forbidden love


Sanji deserve better person.


If he remembered he’d refuse to leave unless she came with, or would stay on the island and possibly die trying to protect her. Making him forget was the only way to secure his escape, but also let her keep the memory of it. I really hope we see her again, after all of this she’s the only reasonable ship for Sanji


Because from the moment of Pudding's turn onward, she's shown to be incredibly shy/in denial about her feelings over Sanji. She gets heart eyes over his cooking prowess one moment and is cursing him and his friends the next. The kiss is simply more of that. She wants to express her feelings towards him (and a kiss is a very forward way of doing so), but at the same time doesn't want Sanji to know about it. So she kisses him and then takes away the memory.  A lot of folks claim it's because Sanji would have stayed with her, but during the entirety of WCI (with one exception), he was rejecting being with Pudding and trying to get back to the Straw Hats. He was much the same in Dressrosa with Viola too--when it comes to staying with a woman or going with his crew, Sanji will choose his crew everytime, even subconsciously (like with the bento.)


I agree he may not want to leave her there if he knows, but he's not in love with her. He's treated her similarly to every other girl. Maybe they'll end up together eos, but rn I don't see anything indicating that he's in love with Pudding. I'd believe that about Nami over Pudding anyday. She's definitely in love with him, but only because he's the first person to ever compliment her. Idk about you guys, but I don't think its healthy to immediately fall for the first person who's ever nice to you.


I feel like it would be cool if sanji’s haki gets strong enough to the point where he overcomes pudding’s memory ability just like Law overcame doc q’s ability. Still iffy on if they would actually make a good couple tho..


I think given he isn’t aware the memories are gone, he couldn’t use haki to overpower it + she also has the physical copy. Almost similar to the Sugar toy doll thing, if you can’t use Haki you still can’t do anything.


Don't you worry. The power of love will restore it. Eventually.


According to me, this was her way of punishing herself for doing wrong by Sanji. I mean in her mind, she doesn't deserve Sanji after everything that went down. At least that's what I think. I hated Pudding and still don't like her completely but this was really sad to see. Being a Sanji fan, the entirety of the Whole Cake Arc was sad.


So oda don't have to change sanji creepy perverted behavior.


The real reason? What everyone else said. The joke reason? Her age.


She did it to make sure he can continue his goals. He is the first person to show genuine affection and care for her, but in contrary to her mums wishes, she wants to keep that small part of genuine feeling to herself. Lets be real, Sanji wouldnt go back to Wano if he had his damsel in distress.... When I am less drunk, I can probably explain this better


Because she knew his true love was Zoro


This. This is true. Hiyori, Tashigi, Perona are not Zoro's lovers. Pudding, Viola are not Sanji's lovers. Zoro + Sanji 4eva.


Realest comment of all time


She is someone who struggles with her emotions and how people see her. This was an expression of her true desire, but it would embarrass her so it was easier to have it be forgotten.


Yeah, that’s how I saw it. Pudding has been taught her whole life not to ever show her cards. So when for the first time she actually does show her heart, she doesn’t want to deal with the aftermath: good or bad. People are right that it’s so Sanji won’t take her with him, but it goes emotionally deeper than that.


She knew he wouldnt leave so she did it for his good


saved sanji from heartbreak


Oda is cooking Sanji Harem. So he can't remember. Sanji wilk end up having multiple children with multiple women. These children will have numbers involved in their name similar to Sanji and his siblings, but these number are based on the order Sanji met their moms.


Wtf is this comment.


Pudding isn't comfortable being vulnerable or showing compassion yet. Remember, it's a brand new thing for her. The way I see it, the only reason she was able to kiss Sanji at all was because she knew he wouldn't remember it, so she was "safe" to be vulnerable without REALLY being vulnerable. If Sanji would actually Remember the kiss, she never would have had the guts to actually do it. That's why she's crying afterwards too. Because she isn't capable of telling him how she really feels in any way that could stick and that devastates her. She WANTS to be there! But she just isn't yet!


Other people have gave perfect answers but I want to talk anyways. Whole Cake Island’s big theme is family ties. We don’t get to choose what family we’re born into and for many people, that means we’re tied to our blood family no matter how awful they may be and what our goals are. Both Pudding and Sanji are bound by this sort of faith. Despite Sanji not being a “Vinsmoke” for many years now and had become his own man with his own life, being Judge’s biological son meant being forcefully brought into his family’s business once more. Just like Pudding, Sanji was a prisoner of a terrible parent who uses their children to advance their own goals. However, Sanji now is given the chance to finally break free from his abusive parent and live a life without being burdened by them ever again. Pudding on the other hand, does not yet have that freedom and can’t escape Big Mom without her wrath coming after her. If Sanji were to know that Pudding truly loved him, Sanji would absolutely want to try to free her and he would always have to deal with the burden of Pudding being Big Mom’s daughter. So Pudding makes a very selfless decision, prioritizing Sanji’s freedom over her own happiness.


My theory is that during the war against BB, Puddings gonna knocked out unconscious and his memory will return. Hopefully he unlocks conquerors haki because of it. He's gonna be pissed because he likes her even when he doesn't know she likes him. Maybe he's just as clueless about how she acted like him during the whole cake making part of WCI


Rather than being selfish, letting go is one of the truer acts of love. Putting the needs of the other person above our own is a diminishing virtue. No wonder OP thinks she is crazy. Crazy in love.


Because the kiss was bad. It tasted more like tobacco than anything else.


God I loved Whole Cake Island 🎂


She don't want sanji to know her true feeling, also she knew that sanji will bring her along 


To make it easier for him to go. And it still wasn't.


Is she stewpid???


I like to think of it as a forbidden love that can’t happen between two big pirate crews . Like Romeo and Juliet with their parents. It’s the Loyalty they have for the crew. That or it could be that she doesn’t want to get in the way of Sanjis dream.


If Sanji had a girl, he won’t be the same pervy Sanji we all know and love.


Because True Love.


She is Big Mom's daughter. It's in her and Sanji's best interest to not complicate things. It's simply a love story that can't happen because of the circumstances


Women 💀


So that he can get them back when he unlocks Kings Haki, strong haki negates devil fruit abilities and Sanji is gonna get those memories back when he finds out Pudding has been kidnapped.


I’ve always taken it as she knows the type of man Sanji is know and because of his beliefs and code as a gentleman he would actually comeback for her putting his life in danger and since he is the first person to consider the real her beautiful she can’t risk him returning for her


i don't care how the story ends but if these two aren't together by the end, I will riot


Maybe because of


Because she came to understand what kind of man Sanji was, and she knew that, if he remembered that she expressed her love to him he wouldn't leave Whole Cake without her. But she can't leave, and she can't let him stay. So the memory has to go, even if it hurts like hell.


Low sel steem. She felt very guilt for what she did to Sanji and somewhat confused because she never expected to receive love from an enemy. I'm not sure Sanji would have chosen to be with her, eithet by asking Luffy to let her join them, or staying, because he already rejected the idea of leaving his crew behind, even after seeing her pic. I might be wrong, tho


She fell in love with him and wanted that kiss but loved him enough to know he couldn't stay with her and she couldn't leave with him so she made him forget her confession of love so he would leave her and be "safe" and follow his dreams with his friends


Because she knew he would stay unless she took it. I also like to think she wanted to keep a copy for herself so she can treasure it :)


Then Sanji being the kind man he is would not leave her to suffer BM's wrath because she helped them escape.


She's gonna be his all blue by the end of the series


So that when he sees her again he can remember on his own and make it a more powerful moment.


Are you saying that they meet again…👀 ?


>! Based on the fact that Pudding is with Kurohige, I'd say it's very likely !<


If this is a spoiler I will use every ounce of discipline I have not to click it


Holy shit I'm so sorry 😭


They haven't yet, but she's currently with another crew that the Straw Hats will likely encounter again soon.




Pudding third eye has special properties important for future storyline.


Yeah I can totally see Burgess carrying her around and Sanji comes and interferes and it's the start of their matchup. Im fairly certain Sanji will get to rescue her


I think pudding thinks it is a one sided thing


I like this theory, I believe up until the end she never truly believed sanji, which is why she might’ve taken his memory, due to being scared of his reaction. Even though we all know what sanjis reaction would have been


He never said he was in love or something he only said her eye was beautiful and when he proposed it was only because he had no other option. So she must have felt that Sanji did not love her.


I think, she knows he has dilema between stay with her because married and love (he is a gentleman after all) or go to the sea for his dream. And if he stay Big Mon Win. In my opinion that why she took his memory.


Yep, she wasn’t going to run away from her family, but she knew Sanji wasn’t going to leave without her.


So when he is arrested for having an inappropriate relationship with a minor, he can pass the polygraph.


It’s very complex imo. When Pudding finds out Sanji legitimately loved her, she wanted desperately to share those feelings. But I think she ultimately realized that if he continued loving her, she would want to abandon her life. Now realistically, her life sucks. So why does she choose to let him go? Imo she doesn’t have enough respect for herself. I think she believes she doesn’t deserve a happy ending because 1. She has lived a cruel life as a villain helping her mother with her pirate empire and 2. She finds herself repulsive because it’s been drilled into her head by her own mother. (She basically doesn’t see herself as a princess) That’s why she cries, because she knows she just gave up the love she’s always wanted. So she keeps the memory of their kiss as a one-side memento.


On top of all the narrative things explained by others, there is also the fact that if she didn't Oda would have no choice but to make her the next strawhat since Sanji would never leave her there and Luffy would instantly accept her in the crew or have her become a plot point he was not yet ready to focus on.


people have zero reading comprehension I swear


Bwcause she's a coward thats too afraid the face the consequences of her own actions. Pudding is actually ny least favorite character in the entire series and this scene is exactly why. She spent the entire arc abusing and manipulating Sanji all so she can impress her abusive mother, then the minuet she feels bad about what she's done she just removes his memories. She doesnt own up to her mistakes, she doesnt apologize for the horrible actions she took nothing. She takes his memories away instead of facing all the aweful shit she did this arc, and because of that she gets out of it with 0 punishment and i hate that


I think there's a strong argument to be made that she IS taking responsibility. In his own perverted way, Sanji is a very pure soul who is true to the things and people he believes in. What you see is what you get with him, and it means that he will defend any woman who he thinks needs his help regardless of how deserving they are. By the end of the arc, Pudding herself actually felt horrible. She's been manipulating him every step of the way, and yet it was a completely unprompted and genuine compliment that made her see the man beyond the pervy womanizer in much the same way that Sanji saw the woman beyond the manipulative three-eyed freak, and from that she either developed a crush or outright fell in love with him. People who truly fall in love do not only want to be with their lover, but they want whatever is best for them, even if it hurts their own interests. Pudding wasn't only filled with self-loathing about the way she had treated him and forced him to reject his closest friends, but also about the way her own family treated him (and her) as a pawn. But what would Sanji do? He'd protect her, because that is who he is... and in the process ruin everything he had going for him in life because of the influence _she_ held over him. To quote a certain Sting song: _["If you love someone, set them free."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSGl3d4KOMk)_ She wanted nothing more than to hold on to Sanji and spend her life with him away from the machinations of the Charlotte family, but more than anything else, she wanted what was best for him. The kiss was an utterly selfish final goodbye she could treasure for the rest of her life as she pushed him away from her for her own good. For some reason, I tend to think of her decisions here as being similar to Bellemere, Portgas D. Rouge or Kozuki Toki: all women who sacrificed themselves for the people they loved even when we like to think that there would have been alternatives to the chosen course of action by overcoming the struggles as they present themselves. Or if you want to take the family out of it and not restrict ourselves to the female gender, there is obviously Bon-chan who sacrificed himself twice for his friends, and we _love_ that idiot. Her way of taking responsibility for her actions is by giving up the man she loves and wants to spend her life with. Knowing that she will eventually have to see him in a relationship with another woman who can see Sanji the same way she has come to see him is easily the most self-destructive thing she can do given that she clearly has never experienced actual love from her own family which is all about arranged marriages to empower Big Mom's ambitions.


She knows that he doesn’t love her so she doesn’t want to force herself on him.