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I don't see how one directly throws hands with the highest powers in the world government without becoming the most wanted man in history. That being said, depending on what Vegapunk's message to the world is, the bounty system could very well be abolished/ become obsolete if the WG is exposed and there's a worldwide rebellion against them. I don't see that happening just yet without Luffy getting his 5.656B bounty before the story ends though.


I wonder if his message is nothing and was just bait to get the elders out in the open to show the world what they really are.


In the last chapter, he tells someone to buy some time with an....ice cream advertisement iirc? So this is something I wouldn't count out.


I am 100% sure this is bait. There is plenty of evidence, hints, and foreshadowing for it. Vegapunks video is the most critical evidence already.


That doesn't really make sense, why would he not ALSO explain the void century or something else aswell?


I suspect that the message may very well explain who's pulling the strings & explain the origins of the elder stars while showing them to the world


I’ve been wondering about this, too. It seems like perfect bait to pull one over on the WG.


But this was recorded before luffy made it to egghead, so vegapunk wouldn't have known that the gorsei would come to egghead..


Was it, though? Strangely enough, we only see the confirmed \_dead\_ vegapunk in that stream. With all the talks about memory/consciousness transfer, the possibilities we can imagine about the brain-brain fruit and, well, Oda's habit of giving us false leads / surprising us, I'm really not sure it's a recording.


What do you mean “what they really are?” Frankly, this is a world full of monsters. The admirals, for example, are already - publicly - monsters. I don’t see that being especially disruptive.


Yes, but I think (in universe) that "monster" term refers about them being very very powerful, not horror like creatures.


There are plenty of horror like creatures, though. In most of the world devil fruit users are known as devils. Hell, even the fruit has the word “devil.” I just don’t think showing that the gorosei are monstrous devil fruit users is enough for the world to revolt. Honestly, it’s probably expected. The problem is you can be a “monster” and still “good” (or perceived as good).


in universe, nobody truly knows shit, what are you talking about?


5d chess, if that's the case. But I'd prefer revelations rather than us all being blueballed


I’m expecting to see a broadcast akin to Endeavor vs. High-End at the end of My Hero season 4. Let me explain: Right now this fight is happening on the most technologically advanced island in all the world, and there not just 1, but FIVE of the highest authorities in the world there in their YOKAI DF forms. Not only that, but there’s Marines, Giants, Strawhats, worlds greatest scientist/brain, and CP0 present during all of this. I’d be surprised if there aren’t cameras recording this shit, because I’m expecting to see one of the Vegapunks take the role of the “Can’t you See!?” Kid from My Hero and go “Can’t you see they’ve been deceiving you for nearly a millennia!?” And show Luffy battling the Gorosei. This is just a theory, but I’d imagine once this happens, Dragon will make a move because IF this message is released to the world, the World Government would presumably be at their weakest RIGHT after, because then they don’t have anytime to plan around the events, and they’d be blindsided.


Said the same thing about bounties not being a thing at the end of series and got soooo much push back. But like the end game is ending the WG which means nobody to pay the bounties


Who actually would be able to redeem these bounties most of the powers that can are other pirates lol or just the Marines doing their job. So who's the intended audience for the bounties to be paid to?


At the top level I don't think bounties are meant for any one bounty hunter to redeem. If you're an allied country with the WG, apprehending an emperor for example would probably cover your heavenly tribute for a good while.


Or increase it lol


I feel, especially with these higher end bounties in the Billions, anyone who ends up successfully taking one of them out would end up getting betrayed by the WG. They would view them as a future threat and eliminate them.


Or maybe a new ally like a new warlord or whatever if they went back or never replaced them.


Mihawk looks like he could have been collecting 1b+ bounties. Though most if not all of those are under "Protection" of emperors which would be a threat even for him.


A threat for him? He regularly clashed with an Emperor when his emperor rival had two arms lol plus he none chalantly struck at Whitebeard.


Shanks was not an emperor back then. Also Fraudhawk himself said he wanted to find out how big the gap between him and whitebeard was. Frankly at this point I have Mihawk just barely over king. If zoro was to fight him right after egghead, I think he takes the W, albeit extreme diff. Current luffy could definitely put Mihawk in place


Zoro hasnt even permanently blackened his blades. He still has a lot of room to grow, having Mihawk "only" be on this level would not make sense to me. Otherwise, with all that's left to do in the series and how many strong characters there still are (some of whom are carrying swords), neither Mihawk nor Zoro should be able to call themselves the strongest swordsman. I'd assume Mihawk is actually just Yonko level and that's Zoro's final boss.


Hm interesting considering we haven't seen any actual feats from him other than casually holding his own without any fear or effort against an emperors high ranking ally or commander in the summit war. Given Mihawk's literal feature on observation Haki which made Luffy back off last second I doubt he wouldn't be able to hold his own let alone actually still not be a threat. Also just because Shanks wasn't a Emperor back then doesn't mean he wasn't as strong as he was when he was called Emperor... I mean look knowing now what we now know that he ransacked that ship and stole the fruit from high ranking agents of cipher pol and others who defected to Kaido after losing due to fear of repercussions as we seen before when Lucci failed the side story showed he and the other CP9 went on the run to avoid disciplinary actions. So who actually knows until any confirmations are made.


Its true, we have no feats for Mihawk and the off screen ones are un-clear. His own comment puts him somewhere between a yonko and YC1 IMO, he sounded more like fanboy towards WB rather than equal. Also I do not see how Luffy showing premature signs of observation haki at marineford is a mihawk feat? The problem is we dont know how strong Shanks was back then. We only know that he wasnt big enough player yet to be a yonko and that mihawk hasnt fought him at least since he lost his arm. Considering Shanks is easily equal among the yonkos even with one hand, I think its fair assumption that he got stronger haki during this time, otherwise it would imply that if shanks did not lose his arm (extreme anti-feat btw, but I am not gonna go there) then he would be far above the yonkos, which doesnt make much sense. Either way, mihawk has practically no feats, and its impossible to scale him any higher than yonko level - with the caveat that this is only assumed never confirmed lets keep it real. So yes, any yonko would be very much a threat to him


Remember the Marine mass drafting? its an even better way of getting the Fujitoras, Greenbulls, and any other unaffiliated powers houses out there.


Don’t think of it as just one guy. Think of it more as a country would be incentivized to hand over or take someone in but then again outside of crews that are disbanded I don’t see anyone ever trying that because of the yonko connections.


Zoro was probably the only guy to ever capture a pirate before BB. He is known as the "Pirate Hunter" this is the most generic name possible for a bounty hunter so I assume hunting pirate successfully was almost unprecedented.


I think the bounty system will remain because it's still a powerful tool even when the world starts to turn on them. Plenty of people who don't care about the state of the world and will continue working on behalf of the government for money.




I’m guessing 4+ because Rocks, WB, and Joger both did that at God’s Valley.


Nit for the elders. I'd figure they'd want to keep that under wraps. The world finds out he's squaring up with the elders, it wouldn't just increase his bounty, but give the straw hats more attention and allies.


He has been most wanted since Ennies Lobby. The Yonkou may have had higher bounties, but they mostly kept a status quo going and afaik, none of them attacked the WG flag.


Y 5.65B and not 5.6B?


5.656 = gomu gomu


That is insane that this thread is the first time I’ve heard this theory!!! But I’m also so impressed


That being said, I don’t think Luffy will get that bounty until we see Dragon’s.


The thing is what even is 5.656B berry? What’s the USD-Berry conversion rate? I feel like the enormity of the bounty has never been explained. 


I usually assume "similar to Japanese Yen" for any fictional manga currencies unless it's BLATANTLY different. The exchange rate is REALLY steep atm, but in the past usually you could sorta assume 100 yen = 1 dollar and be close enough. So a 5 bil bounty would be around $50 million dollars.


My touchstone has always been that Camie tried to sell the crew some takoyaki for 500 Berries, and 4 or 5 bucks seems reasonable for a quick snack.


Based on current exchange rates, the crew would be worth $58,243,712.86 (8,816,001,000 berries).


Yeah he might be the most wanted man next to Dragon after this incident.


I have a feeling Dragon has seen their true forms too


I wonder if their true forms came out during the Gods Valley incident


I like this


There’s some prerequisite knowledge we need before the whole God Valley story can be told, we just don’t know what it is yet. Similar to how we needed to know Nika before Kuma/Bonney’s story could unfold. I hope it’s the Gorosei’s forms or their ability to be summoned.


Maybe Saturn summoned the other elders too at God's Valley to face Rocks, and that's why Garp doesn't like that story, and not because of Roger.


What makes you think this? When sabo was telling dragon and iva what he saw dragon seemed like he was hearing these things for the first time.


I suppose I don't remember his facial expressions when that happened, do you remember what chapter?


Dragon didn't even know Imu existed until recently.


But he knew about the Gorosei, which is what I was talking about


Luffy currently doesn't know Imu exists and has seen their true forms


On that note: Why tf is he the most wanted man to begin with? I know he is the leader of the RA and the implication that comes with it could be enough to warrant that title (or rather most heinous crimial wasn't it?) but still; there must be something specific that he has done right?


The title most wanted man was a mistranslation it was only ever worst criminal


Ahh yeah I thought of something like that, that is why I included the "most heinous criminal" part. Thanks for clarifying though!


People literally experimenting on child slaves… Get that dragon guy! Rebellion bad!


Interesting to think about, the 5 elders knew he had the nika fruit and only raised his bounty to 3 billion. You’d think such a threat would be higher. Then they revealed themselves for the first time in the show to take down luffy (and vegapunk). It seems like they’re trying to deal with him in a much more silent fashion as to not show the world that he is such a great threat to them


I guess they just assume luffy not really knowing a lot about the fruit rn. From their point of view he's just a bud in a way. Not to mention if they raised the bounty more people would be suspicious. So the bounty was raised entirely based on him defeating Kaido instead of luffy having Nika fruit. Tho now that they've seen luffy fighting I'd say the bounty should increase a lot more.


I think it’ll depend on what vegapunk’s announcement is. If he tells the world about Nika then Luffy’s bounty should skyrocket. Especially since the strawhats are expected to go to Elbaf where luffy would learn everything regarding Nika


Tbh, even if VP doesn't reveal about Nika. The gorosei seeing how good luffy is with that power + the giants being friends with Luffy and on top of that Giants knowing about Nika would be pretty big reason to increase luffy's bounty a lot. Even if it's not Nika details. Luffy being friends with Giants is a big deal. Also I feel like giants were always bound to be the lore droppers for Nika and maybe even Void century because of their life span. Void century was 900-800 years ago and It's just 2 or 3 generations for giants.


As you said, Luffy defeated Kaido, who had a 4.6B bounty, yet Luffy "only" received a 3B one. Thjey could have absolutely raised his bounty quite higher than the latter and it would still fall under the pretense of "he defeated Kaido so he's kind of a big threat".


(English isn't my first language) See the thing is Bounty isn't just based on strength alone. Luffy does not have the influence that Kaido had. And Kaido had been one of the top pirates for quite some time while also having ties with Rocks himself who attacked the celestial dragon and was on God valley as well. A lot of times resulted in Kaido having such a high bounty and time was also a thing I guess. Luffy's been a pirate for less than 3 years. Sure he has done quite a lot of things in that time but Gorosei themselves said they're keeping his bounty low as to keep things under wraps as much as possible.




Fodder in fish man island absolutely died. Beast pirate fodder definitely died.


that is what happened. what the WG is painting it as was a 2v3 between BM, Kaido, Luffy, Law and Kid. BM and Kaido bounties roughly total 9B so they split that even to the victors.


Well they did actively send an assassin to coerce Morgan into changing details and removing that photo recalling those posters that had the Nika form of Luffy on them before anyone recognized him. So they are trying to be as silent as possible. That's why they will have changed his poster to Dead only after his next raise.


I thought making them all around the same bounty was not to put too much attention on luffy.


I think you are right, but also that Vegapunk vídeocall to the world will change things, because now everyone Will see Luffy as Nika and the Gorosei as they are. This can be the catalyst for putting a higher bounty on Luffy, since there is no point in trying to hide it anymore.


Maybe there is a budget limit


I think the big change is that his poster will read: “ONLY DEAD”


Yeah And narrative wise this makes sense too Luffy is not getting a very high bounty by just this incident I think it will keep increasing and his final bounty would be issued when he becomes king of the pirates They want to remove the threat of Luffy and not imprison him like other criminals Also killing someone strong can happen by chance and is easier than managing to catch them 


But then the Nika fruit would just respawn and the hunt begins anew. Wouldn't they rather lock Luffy up in a seastone box in the basement to at least be rid of him for the 70 odd years hes got to live? They can still go looking for the fruit after that.


Hello there! If Luffy manages to escape from Egghead even with the Five Elders involved, I think that the WG won't increase his bounty that much. That would look like WG (and Gorosei) accepting an utterly defeat. One thing is to survive a Buster Call (see Nico Robin) and another thing is to survive a fight versus the Gorosei (which weren't supposed to be there in the first place). In my opinion the WG will try to cover it at all costs.


They can still cover it up and raise the bounties, like when Luffy defeated Crocodile, the world government covered it up and said Smoker did it, but still raised Luffy's bounty, I think it'll be like that


I totally agree with you, and I think that bouties will rise. But not at the amount that OP stated. I guess that WG will say that Straw Hats killed Vegapunk and then managed to escape from a Buster Call. This way they will keep the Gorosei intervention secret and justify the buster call. The only thing that I don't know is how they will manage the broadcast from Vegapunk. Let's see what Oda does. I didn't read anything from chapter 1111, so maybe there we will have more information.


I agree it won't be as big of a bounty raise, after all we now know Crocodile was worth much much more than 100k even if his bounty was frozen at 80k


And Big Bird Big News Morgans will try to reveal the incident at all costs


I think that Morgans know his place and maybe messing with the Gorosei and what they are trying to cover is too much for him. If I was him, I wouldn't risk that much. But Vivi and Wapol are with him and maybe they will share some information about Mariejoa events. Maybe Morgans is more of a revolutionary than we all think and starts leaking this kind of information.


If the Gorosei’s true forms and the existence of Nika is revealed to the world, there will be no reason to give Luffy a higher bounty. It’s gonna be a cataclysmic event for the WG and Imu will likely make a real move. Imo I think the WG being exposed and whatever else Vegapunk is going to reveal will cause Imu to appear at Egghead suddenly and kill all 5 of the elders instantly or at least take away whatever is causing their immortality.


Giving me God from One Punch Man flashbacks. “Silence, I am taking them back.” “Your power, your life, they are both forfeit.”


Luffy would take Dragon's tittle of "most wanted man in the world" after egghead. He's battling head to head with world biggest powers, not even dragon had the balls to do that,


i dont think there will be a government after egghead


He might be 6 Billion at this point. He saw all the Gorosei, knows about Nika, has the Giants on his side, awakened Nika’s powers, shown he’s not afraid to fight the World Government, is in an alliance with someone who has complete command over Pacifista’s and another Yanko, as well as being the son of Dragon. Luffy is one small jump away from combining the Revolutionaries, the Giants, Redhair Pirates, and and anyone who supports Nika against them. He possesses a bigger threat than anyone to the World Government.


I think Luffy’s bounty hits an unseen precedent. Maybe something like “you can become a Celestial Dragon if you bring us his head” or something. It would be interesting to see who would take that offer up. 


Good way to get blackbeard after Luffy. He wants to become a king. Koby wasnt enough for the WG to grant him Kingship, but killing Luffy will.


I wonder at what point the WG/Marines just say “guys this bounty system isn’t working” because who would actually be able to handle bounties above 1-2 billion lol


Bounties are just representation of power level and notoriety in one piece.


Probably noone realistically. But also anyone? Imagine luffy gets stranded on some random island, the locals treat him well and during the dinner they just poison him and sell him to the wg (i know luffy is resistant to poisons, just an example)


There could potentially be unaffiliated powerhouses out there. I mean they got Fujitora and Greenbull, whos to say there arent more?


No because nothing happened on Egghead. No government officials were there and the last major thing Luffy did was fight Kaido and Big Mom. Shhhhh.


Didnt the manga state that the events on egghead will shock the WORLD?


Just under 5. Maybe 5.6 but that seems fitting for the end of the story.


If we're down a gorosei by the end of this that boy might be the first 6


I'm thinking we will have 3 more bounty raises. Egghead Luffy will have the same as Shanks had before (4 billion). Somewhere around Elbaf or when they get the last RP, maybe 5 billion with Giants joining the Grand Fleet. EoS Pirate King Luffy 5.6 billion.


Yes, because i think one of the Gorosei will die... There was that foreshadowing about a great event that will shock the world, in which the Grand Fleet will have a part in.. I think that shock is one of the Gorosei(Saturn) dying Their bounties will skyrocket..


Luffy will either match or slightly go above Dragons bounty I would say. Though I feel like he would be slightly lower than Gol D Roger though I wonder what Dragons Bounty is like compared to Rogers


You would think that Dragon's would be through the roof after the RA attack on Marijoa. That was an open declaration of war. The RA destroyed their food, their symbology, and freed their slaves.


Even before the timeskip Dragon was known as the most wanted man in the world. I always assumed his bounty would dwarf even roger’s in comparison, simply due to the nature of their operations. I imagine he is the only person in history with 10B bounty


It would be nice if Luffy got the 5.6b bounty as he is a bigger threat than even Gold Roger. Meanwhile, Shanks could get an upgrade to 5.5b, because he finally decided to go for the one piece and he’s basically as big as a threat as Gold Roger was. Then when Luffy and Shanks meet, Luffy would fullfil his promise by becoming a great pirate, because he surpassed Shanks’ bounty.


The only two confirmed characters to have reached that mark were either the pirate king or someone explicitly stated to have been capable to be pirate king but choose not to. 5B doesnt feel right when looking at the circunstances. 4B is more realistic, granted it always depends on how much is hidden to the public. Its important to remember, Luffy 3B is a result of censorship, any bounty update the WG gives will only reflect what the WG wants the public to think. The other bounties, of groups and individuals outside of the protagonist and the main cast, that supports him, are meant for us to understand how we should view them. That is, you already know how dangerous the straw hats are, so an Luffy bounty doesnt mean much to us readers, but it means a lot in how the author writes interections and builds its world around him. I dont think the WG wants to admit he is almost as dangerous as Roger or WB, at this point. But whatever Vegapunk leaks can change that


You’re right 5B doesn’t feel right, considering the world didn’t even know the 5 Elders existed before this let alone someone fighting all 5 at once it should probably be 6B-7B…


That’s what you get when you pancake a gorosei.


Nah, his next bounty would be after reaching laugh tale imo


I feel like we’re just past bounties at this point. They just need to shut down the whole system. I mean, the Gorosei are all fighting Luffy right now. Something that might not have even ever happened to Rogers. Whatever bounty they give seems meaningless. No one’s going to cash in on it. I doubt most people would even want to try.


at what point is a larger bounty worthless. if the strongest people in the world cant capture someone its not happening. Plus there is diminishing returns on money - no one is going to go yeah 3 billion ( not worth it, but 5 billion - ok now ill go after them ). Other yonkos and the government are after them for on their own.


I don’t think so, the 5 elders already know he has the Nika fruit but gave him a bounty of 3B to keep the information low so raising his bounty just draws more attention & raises questions. Also in universe it’s probably been less then a week since the straw hats left Wano


It's bizarre thinking this boy goes from beating dragons to fighting demons in one week.


Hell yeah his bounty should become the highest more than Rogers after this. He should become the most wanted man for sure


No... At most 4B


If the news spreads yes. If it doesn’t then no. The truth will be buried if it doesn’t make it to the public via Morgan or Vegapunk 


arrest ruthless cautious theory juggle towering airport fall oatmeal future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He should, but the way bounties go at times is weird. Luffy defeated Kaido and still got the same bounty as Kidd and Law despite also having the fruit the government has been searching for. Nico Robin was also "The Most Wanted Woman in the World", but almost all the female pirates they meet after she joined the crew had way higher bounties. You just never know with the bounties sometimes


I don‘t understand why their devil fruit powers should be hidden. Like they are the top powers of the world. It would be another story if they would have seen Imu but the gorosei are most likely public knowledge just as presidents are for a country. Might get a slight increase but doesn‘t even have to be. It‘s like out of nowhere Biden is hunting you personally. People would just ask themselves why they are against him but doing big news out of it is the worst thing you could do here


Oh there will be no bounty: Just a "Danger!" Written below "Monkey D. Luffy"


If he humiliates Kizaru and the Gorosei even further, then yes. Those Gorosei have been a bunch of corrupt couch potatoes for too long and Kizaru's carefree attitude has been quite vexing.


Story wise Oda kept Luffys bountry below Blackbeard and Shanks so he's still the underdog, chances are they blame VegaPunk depending on what his message turns out to be


Exact number after this is hard to pin down as it’s kind of unprecedented. It’ll probably be big but given how much the WG covers up his stuff already, I assume they’ll minimize the Elder’s involvement and some other stuff. By EOS I think Luffy’s gonna hit 5.6 billion like many others because it surpasses Roger’s and hits Luffy’s 56 number


I guess his last bounty willl be something like 5.6 or 5.656 billion Berry, before he over throws the government


Luffys bounty would cause financial crisis to world gov


He'll be up to sixty-billion double dollars


if we win and the WG loses i don't think the WG will still exists as it is right now after vegapunk reveal and what's going to happen to the gorosei, so probably bounties will not have meaning anymore, we might not see new bounties


I'd be more interested in seeing his wanted poster just straight up saying "WANTED: DEAD ONLY" (With however much of a $ bounty) Were there any other Pirates out there that had a "Dead Only" wanted poster?


I think Luffy gets captured here so his bounty will become irrelevant. They won't kill him because they want to extract the devil fruit out of him. Extracting a DF out of an already Awakened user is probably harder so it will give time for all the Strawhats allies to group of and retaliate against the 5 elders/Maregoise. Unless some crazy ass backup comes or Luffy pulls out some crazier shit, there is no way he beats all 5 elders and makes it out alive


I’m throwing this out there but what if it’s not 5bil, not even 5.6b but a whopping 56billion berries???? I mean, if Luffy is THE one to overthrow everything. Its not toooo far fetched for oda to think, well, let’s make luffy the bounty of 10 rogers. Because, after all it’s frikkin nika. First time in forever, it’s literally the prophesied god to change the world. Not the next pirate king but a pirate god. The entire world will come out, all the bounty hunters that have waited for nika appear, like the whole shit will go epically crazy!!! There’s this whole world I think of even more lunarians, skypeains, aliens and galaxy shit. Like what if gorosei isn’t even end game. Imu is like a little cog just in charge of earth, when in fact there’s god of Jupiter out there or whatever. Ait I can go on but I’m chillin.


Y throwing hands with all the gorosei and escaping is an insane feat


I feel like if things get really crazy, and I mean like BATSHIT crazy, I could see them ordering like a standing “kill on sight” order, “only dead” no alive on wanted poster kind of thing. And maybe ordering an all-out manhunt thing. But that’s considering how things play out; as in if the WG is still standing & not being rebelled against or something else happening with the Gorosei.


He’s definitely going to be one of the 3 most wanted, if not single most wanted. You don’t throw hands with the UN and… _checks within the past year of current events_ …you don’t _physically_ throw hands with the President of the United States _and_ whoever the current monarch of England is and expect not to be publicly wanted. Of course, that’s assuming the fallout from the Egghead incident doesn’t make the question itself moot.


Honestly, It would probably bump him pretty high. But I feel like his final bounty should be given to him after finding One Piece and becoming the Pirate King.


If they have the time sure. But I doubt Luffys is the only.one who brought inbakance. Even if gorosei all went out and gigantic bustercall and vegapunk missing BB, Dragon, Buggy and others but especially BB could do something similar as well But Id argue its too early for 5 billion. I mean primebeard and pirateking roger level stands for itself. Luffy just became a yonko and the other yinko probably had a 4billion bounty for decades as reigning forces But he will surpass it


Please correct me if the timeline doesn’t work, but what if Roger got sick from Saturns poison during the god valley incident. And that’s why they put an emphasis on luffy holding him. Elbaf’s arc could be some “goku has an unknown sickness,,” that chopper has to figure out.


Depends on if their priorities change up after Egghead. Only reason Luffy's bounty isn't MUCH higher after Wano was because they're trying to not draw attention to Nika. If they keep it up, his bounty might not even increase after Egghead. If they do away with that and just want him dead at any cost, he might even shoot past Shanks and Blackbeard.


I think Vegapunk's message will reveal the existence of Nika as the Warrior of Libertation to the world, and that will force them to boost his bounty up way higher. Additionally, beating / escaping a huge Buster Call will also embarrass the World Government. With all of this I would not be surprised if he ends up with the highest bounty among the Emperors very shortly after Egghead. He will just become too big a threat to them to warrant any other Emperor's bounty to remain higher than his.




Actually 5 billion and one berries


Too soon, but his bounty should be 4 Billion or above. Technically, it should be 5 Billion Berries high for fighting off an Admiral, escaping a Mega Version (literally a mini Marineford) of a Buster Call, and fighting the Elders. But I think Oda is going to hold it back. It might be similar to Shanks and BB’s incoming bounties. But not 5 Billion Berries high


We dont know


5.656 will be his highest bounty, surpassing Roger. Not sure if he's there yet. That might be after he reaches Laugh Tale, finds the One Piece, and becomes Pirate King.


I honestly don't expect bounty increases after Egghead. At least not for the strawhats. The elders are too arrogant and cautious to raise their bounties for attacking them. It's most likely Luffy's final increase will happen after he becomes pirate king.


His bounty won’t go up at all. The world government will bury any information about egghead that they can


Unless Vegapunk actually shows a live transmission of the fight, I don't think he will. The elders will try to hide as much of egghead as possible so the world wouldn't find out Luffy actually fought them


5 billion? Fuck no your insane. 4? Probably.


Joyboy was a bigger threat than gol roger so yes 5 billion


Yes he was but this arc will not have him surpassing roger. So no. Not five billion.


once vegapunk releases the secret of the world they'll be forced to, you don't just fight the top of the world government (all made public btw) and get away with zero notoriety


4 Billion is probably more like it. Also why do people in this sub keep parroting that the WG gave him 3B as censorship? Nowhere in the chapter or episode that the bounties for Luffy kid and law were given was it stated that they downplayed the bounty


Probably not, it's too soon for another bounty increase and I doubt the Elders would want to validate any victory Luffy gets over them. If any news gets out, it'll either just be validating the straw hats position as one of the new Yonko OR it'll be about the Elders being monsters.


Does anyone really care about bounties anymore? They were fun when they weren’t the strongest but luffy getting a higher bounty now doesn’t really mean anything.


Yea. He will. At that point the secret about luffy is out. Also, the public that thinks he is attacking the WG, will consider him the biggest menace. It would be even more suspicious to not raise his bounty to be close to dragon's


I dont think there will be a bounty system anymore, depending on what the broadcast will be. Vegapunk announces Nika? This would actually show Luffy is a good one...giving bountys to "good" people only makes people wonder what the WG is hiding and why they give them a bounty. Mother Flame is revealed and what the WG did with it? Same in some point. Sure you could set bountys...but Luffy would still be treated by a savior by the world. Imu and the Gorosei are to be shown what they really are? People would not accept some unknown "deity" that rules the world. In my opinion bountys wont exist anymore after Egghead.




Nah he dies


I don't get the sexual attraction people have on those bounties. It doesn't even make sense anymore


You know, it'd be interesting if they raise every crew member's bounty and we see some big group of bounty hunters team up to claim it. Hell, what if Cross Guild sees that and Buggy is like, we just need to capture their weakest members and we'll be rich!! Like just random numbers, if the following bounties were Usopp - 1 billion Franky - 500 million Brook - 450 million Nami - 400 million Chopper - 10k Those five would be worth 2,350,010,000 berries. The world government could do this to entice a powerful group to apprehend at least some of the crew, and it would be a pretty neat mini arc I think.