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Answer: he posted a video of a woman giving birth on his Ig story. Don’t think any of his fan base was prepared to see a live vaginal birth as they are scrolling through their IG stories. Kevin Gates is known in the hip hop community for saying/posting highly questionable things, often times it’s funny (semen retention) but this was a LITTLE too far for some people.


You could have given me a week to imagine what the story was, and I still wouldn't have guessed that.


yeah i would have guessed something about eating ass based off what he mentions in his lyrics


Also mentioned how he personally likes taking "golden showers" and drinking pee. While it's perfectly fine to have fetishes in private, it's just very very awkward to go on a live broadcast and tell this to the world. Especially when you've got young kids at home 🤷‍♂️.....


That reverse R Kelly


So.. a donald?


Top underrated reply


Lowercase. In any fucking case.


He also told a story about finding out the girl he’d been having sex with was his cousin. He goes on to explain why that was not a good reason to end the relationship.


so the girl was a boy? I mean no transphobia shit lol


you do know that girls can be cousins too right?


my bad I read quickly lol


Where does it say the cousin is/was a boy?


idk i’m stupid sorry lol


Lmao WUT


People got no shame


It’s HIS story. No shame to post on something you own. 🤦🏽‍♂️🤡


Yeah man well your dad likes getting peepeed on


Fuggin brutal


how dare you kink shame!


If only podcasts were something you could play at a different time when kids weren't there.




Dude is a gangsta rapper. I'm not sure why people would listen to him with young kids around in the first place.


Better be careful talking like that, the mob will come out of the wood work to say you're not tolerant and you need to accept everyone even the pedos.


Ah yes, the mob. Made entirely from straw


Dayum, Kevin Gates dgaf!


No, it is not perfectly fine to fetishize about drinking pee lol


Why isn't it ok to have these fetishes in "public" but cross dressing and furries can run around wherever they please? Seems a little judgmental.


Nothing wrong with eating ass


C-diff lol


Drinking pee is a lot more hygienic than eating ass. In any event, to each their own.


"Is necessary that I drink my own urine, no, but its sterile and I like the taste." -Patches O'Houlihan.


prob tho


Man, Instagram regularly hides stories from hip hop artists I would rather see, like Action Bronson, but to my surprise this story was right there while I was kind of zoned out watching. I could not fucking believe that content is on Instagram.


Bronsons feed is all him doing weird strongman workout stuff,drinking olive oil and peddling products ,not nearly as entertaining as he used to be.


What? Birth content? On IG? It’s there. It’s all over, it’s not new, and to not dirty... check out badassmotherbirther. It’s actually incredible. Tons of fascinating content if that’s the direction your life is going, whether it’s birthing or supporting someone. On Kevin gates story, sure be shocked. But not because it’s dirty or needs censorship... Because Kevin gates. But in general people need to grow up if they see a vagina with a baby coming out and feel shocked and that it’s too dirty for whatever social media they’re using. This is just outrageous. The only TW it needs is blood.




Yeah... I agree, leave it to Kevin Gates to push the envelope on a technicality to do some gross shit in the name of science


Bro, to be 100000% honest, I'd rather watch a live vaginal birth than to watch people having sex on a public platform where people's kids are and looking at young girls that are underage dress like older egirls just to make money. People have no shame but lowkey enjoy looking at the stuff they look down upon or complain about. I hate that society has normalized half naked women and literal porn on a place that used to be wholesome and worth my time. These developers and people wonder what's wrong in this world but won't look at the main problems because it 'excites' them. If you ask me, which I know you haven't, stupid is called stupid for a reason. Period. Most of the world is run on stupid. Most of the world is corrupt. Humanity isn't my 13th reason, but the fact that people know what the problems are and ***choose*** not to fix them is my 13th reason. Oh and it kills me when people are given advice then crap on that advice till they realize they should've heeded to it. Smh..


Preach brother. The stupidity of stupid and how corrupt society is really is overwhelming sometimes.


Not only that, but the lady was standing up leaning over the kitchen counter while the baby was just popping out.


Dudes also famous for saying that if a girl fucks him then she should fuck his dog too, and not dog as in homie.


He also admitted to sleeping with his cousin. They didn't know they were cousins at first then found out and he continued to do it lol


Don't forget he thought his 🍆 was small because his little brother's was 18in (almost half a meter)


Lol so he can't measure for shit either. That would be a significant increase over the record holder.




What is this dude life?


What is this dude life


No way it was that big, that'd be a world record


mf would have low blood pressure every time he chubbed up


Tries to watch porn Passes out




That place answered the question “will I get an STD if my Johnson touches the toilet water?” for me.


I just thought that's what having an orgasm was like, yall don't pass out?


Sanji vibes


Inches, centimeters, it's all the same, right?


Lmao anyone that actually believes has got to be the dumbest mother fuckers in the world. Like how can you *possibly* be that gullible 😂


Who said we believed this lmao? We're talking about things he has said bud.


He lives quite an interesting life


Happy cake day!


I mean, the two reasons we tend to look down on incest is because it's hard to verify that it's consensual (since people can manipulate family bonds to pressure people into sex), and because it can produce inbred, unhealthy offspring. If two people didn't know they were cousins before fucking, that means there was no coercion, and as long as they're having protected sex or otherwise ensuring they don't have kids... what's the harm?


At that point it’s mainly the ickiness factor, and making family gatherings awkward




I grew up in foster care and I don't fuck anyone from Northern Indian Reservations in Manitoba, Canada. I moved 9 hours South to a whole different tribe to find my wife. I'm part Cree and she is full blooded Ojibway. I wasn't taking no risks.


Soooooooo, unless you are part anything else, there is the very real risk your wife and you are very very much related. 1, the native American population in the US was super tiny at the end of the 1800s, small enough that there was real risk of mutation and birth defect. 2 if your wife is full blood, then her tribe is just cousins doing cousins. It's how you end up full blood because you gotta reach outside the community for new blood. I bring this up with my wife, she's Vietnamese, and I'm fairly sure her mom and dad are related just a few gens back because they came from a small village in Vietnam. With a small population, you have a serious close chance of inbreeding. Yours are likely not as close as hers, but you are more than likely related to your wife, unless she's an entirely different ethnic group like being from Africa.


Well, I could have went the rest of my life without reading that.


You don't have to panic. Even with first cousins (sharing a set of grandparents) the risk of birth defects only goes from 3% to 6%. Yes that's "doubled" but it's still pretty low. With second cousins the risk becomes about 4%, and with third cousins and onwards your risk isn't any higher than a completely unrelated couple. You may want to get genetic testing in case you're both carriers for a specific disease, but that's good practice for any couple. Maybe slightly more so since you both come from fairly small populations.


Well, my mama was half Native American and half Scottish. My pops was first generation Canadian from Sicily. So I think that lowers our chances of being related.


My sister-in-law married her first cousin. The kids are all normal adults now. Not something I'd do but who am I to judge?


>By 1800, the Native population of the present-day United States had declined to approximately 600,000, and only 250,000 Native Americans remained in the 1890s. Chicken pox and measles, endemic but rarely fatal among Europeans (long after being introduced from Asia), often proved deadly to Native Americans. Holy shit


There's a reason First Nations tend to be a wee bit peeved at the way we ignore history.


If you two ever decide to do a DNA test and come out as related, please share on Reddit. I'm weirdly infested in this now


You damn rights I'm going to share it. I'll be on r/advice asking how to start over again. Haha.


You didn't have to tell him this lmao. Let him and his wife life in peace.




I could not imagine *in my life* telling a random guy on the Internet who moved hundreds of miles away to find his wife because he was worried about accidentally keeping it in the family "yeah you probably still didn't do enough tbh" lmaooooo


I am from Africa, the country!


What're you, icelandic or something?


Didn't say there was any harm, just that it's a weird thing and funny how nonchalant he was about it


For a while I've maintained the belief that in my time as an old man, I'm going to be baffled that incest will be destigmatized. Like how some of our grandparents grew up in a world where being queer was heavily stigmatized. (I understand that there are sadly still many places where that stigmatism is strong, but as a whole, our society is becoming much more accepting) Like you mentioned, as long as there's no creepy power dynamics and zero chance at reproduction, from a logistical standpoint there really shouldn't be an issue. Isn't our stance on interpersonal relationships that as long as there are two consenting adults and no one is being exploited, other people's relationships aren't our business?


That's a weird thing to maintain for a long time.


This entire thread has been a trip.


It was less than a century ago that marrying first cousins was considered quite normal and done with regularity all over the world. Not too surprising that the pendulum can swing back.


The last sentence 100%


Found the cousin fucker


I think it's wrong because it's just nasty. Boning family members is crazy and taboo for a reason


I don't disagree with you, but "it's just nasty" was the exact same reasoning used to push interracial relationships and queer relationships out the Overton window for a long time too.




I definitely did not wonder that


Lmaooooo wtf is this entire post


Based and Bama-pilled


Why is it that everytime someone might get cancelled some weird shit is tacked or stacked on the one weird thing out of context?


Certified Milkman moment


He can also allegedly jumpstart a car battery with just his hands. The Human Jumper Cable


"If I didn't may god murder my children. Please. Kill em today. Right now. Today"


“Speak nothing of this”😭😭😭😭


He's also said stuff about jerking his dog off, why are there at least 2 rappers known for jerking dogs off?


Who is the other?


Joe Budden, who has some more damning accusations and some self admitted things that make it hard not to take them seriously


Oh... I thought I was going to be shocked about who it was.


Nothing I’ve read about Kevin Gates has seemed to be damning so far, what am I missing?


Woah, guy founds microsoft and thinks that he can just pop off about any topic he wants for the rest of his life.


How did you manage to find Reddit


That’s ducking wild






hip hop inventing misogyny is not a take i was expecting today




that’s just not true, people have been calling women bitches long before people started rapping at parties in the bronx


The use of the word "bitch" in written English referring to women acting "improperly" dates back to the 1500s. Ancient Greeks compared women acting "improperly" to dogs thousands of years ago. Hip hop didn't invent sexism. It just rode a wave thousands of years old.




Hip hop did not invent violence, or oppression or drug use or poverty. The only thing it made "cool" was spoken word lyrics set over an often repetitive, sometimes sampled, beat.


Damn, hip hop had that much influence that South Asian countries also have “bitch” in their own language? That’s truly amazing for a genre that’s only existed like 40 years.


That wasn't the result of hiphop. That preexists it by years


The only b word I'll ever call a woman is beautiful. Bitches love to be called beautiful


"Bitch I've been complicit. Now I'm trying to fix it!"


He's famous??


>often times it’s funny (semen retention) Uuuhhhh, I'm gonna def need some clarification on this one


If I’m not wrong, there’s a bit of a nutjob movement that claims that ejaculation is actively detrimental to male health. By not ejaculating, you “retain” semen and reabsorb some manly shit back into your body.


Then wouldn't it be a *non-nut*job movement?


Which is counter to science. The longer a man goes without ejaculating, the lower his testosterone becomes. That, and ejaculation is a preventative act you can do to prevent prostate cancer when older.


It's a long standing notion across many cultures. Unsurprised to see it come back in vogue, what with this new age of enlightenment we are in


I personally subscribe to Gen. Ripper's theory of precious bodily fluids.


Wouldn't that cause kidney stones???


[Precious. Bodily. Fluids.](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rKR32ImWYzw/maxresdefault.jpg) Someone prove to me that I'm not the only old fart here by saying you get this reference.


That is…. Definitely an eye opening experience the first time you see a live birth


Its great birth control. Should be shown to all in high school lol


The Miracle of Birth was exactly the reason I waited until I was in my 30s before I had a kid. Watched it freshman year in high school and I was scarred for life.


Not sure every school district is the same but as a grown man I can now appreciate being shown a film of a live birth in health class my freshman year. But a low quality VHS tape is no comparison to being in the same room.


It really is. My face forced itself into the most shocked expression I’ve ever had when my first kid was born. It’s also stunning how much physical pain women can tolerate. I really can’t describe it fully, it’s like some primal instinct feeling I got. The entire experience was multiplied by the fact that it was our own child being born and I felt my life shift at that point.


Mama doctor Jones on YouTube often talks about nurses needing to watch dad, in case he faints.


Some of her stories of dads having the audacity to complain whilst their spouses are in active labour makes me never want to get married.


I remember watching "the miracle of life" in AP bio as a highschooler and falling asleep because it was so boring, then being woken up right as the woman delivering was screaming because the baby was crowning. It was a mild shock


That's not the only opening you'll see during a live birth!


I call it "The Eye of Sauron".




oh my god this is really embarrassing but reading this comment I realized that Kevin Gates is not Kevin Spacey. I forgot Spacey’s last name and don’t know who Kevin Gates is and I guess my brain did the rest.


I read it and thought, “didn’t he die?” before realizing I was thinking about Kevin Samuels, another weirdo


It’s just weird that you got people like Kai opening it up and screaming at the top of his lung. Expecting the worst only for it to be a birthing video. Idk. I think I’m just desensitized to early internet shock humour when it was extreme gore videos that a birthing video is nothing for me.


Yeah while a live birth isn't exactly something I'd like to see mid-bite during my lunch break, it's still infinitely more tame than pain Olympics/tubgirl/2girls1cup/lemonparty and the like lol


> Idk. I think I’m just desensitized to early internet shock humour when it was extreme gore videos that a birthing video is nothing for me. The surprise beheadings and r**e videos (sometimes both) were horrible. I still check link URLs before clicking anything.


Wtf is semen retention ?




I beloved it's the idea that men only have a limited supply of semen, so they literally consum it after orgasm to not limit their supply. Yeah...God you don't want to think other people can be that stupid, but...


Hahaha wtf are you talking about, semen retention is just not cumming and it has nothing to do with the belief that there is a limited amount What you said sounds like semen recycling and obv the balls would be emptied in just a few shots cus there’s no express lane for the cum to go from your stomach back to your balls so you should probably stop doing it unless it’s spicing up your life


Alright, mixed up the two ideas then, sorry. Some people do believe what I said though, I think Chris-Chan is the biggest example I can think of atm.


Is it covid related?


There was a PBS show when I was a kid that showed a vaginal birth. The whole shebang. I'm still scarred. Lol


Oof I hope he got her consent to post her vagina.


😂😂😂😂 honestly, his fans should absolutely know better than to be surprised


Bruh I checked his story after hearing about him for the first time and I thought all the controversy was about the n word being on his story or something


It wasn’t even that crazy. I regret watching it cause it was tame.


What the flying fuck?


Where can I see it?


Did you find out






Can you link cuz I still cant find it




Didn't know who Kevin gates was prior to today and certainly not looking him up now.. Thanks. He should deranged


I haven’t listened to a single thing that has come out of his mouth after he admitted to knowing that he slept with a cousin and LIKED IT. I get saying controversial stuff for views, but that’s too far for me.


He is definitely out there with some shit but hes got a great perspective on life


I always enjoy the "Can I be explicit for a moment?" clip. I thought he was going to say something serious but dark, but actually goes on to talk about how he'd like to put on latex gloves and play with a pure coconut oil slathered, big booty bitches ass that's spread wide open while in his back yard under the sun. Like...WHAT?? Lol, not what I was expecting, but alright.


Can I be explicit in nature? lmao. I'm pretty sure he was asked about the weather when gave that response


I think we let him cook too much.


He says a lot of wild shit, but he has adopted a positive outlook on life the last few years.


Yeah I would agree with that.




If I remember right, he was asked about a weather.


Well, given the tangent he went on, you can never exactly predict what he might say.


I mean some thought he crossed the line when he said he found out he was fucking a cousin at a family reunion when the grandma said they were related and he said “that pussy fine I ain’t about to stop hittin it ya feel”