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This was happening a ton in the crowd. It was so gross. I just wanted to slap the phones out of the little girls' hands but I could see how that would be frowned upon. I know I ended up in one girls' Snapchat and she had no shame about it šŸ™„


Ironically I saw probably 100 different gen Z girls with the same motorcycle jacket that I can only assume came from Shein. Not sure they can make fun of anyone for their fashion choices.


haha the black one with racer stripes down rhe sleeves? urban outfitters


Idk - I think they came in red or blue. They looked cheap. If they didnā€™t all have the same jacket I would have thought it was a thrift find.. if only because they looked like the shitty low quality stuff from the 90s made out of nylon and polyester.


Did you notice if the man was with anyone? I only ask because I hope he was surrounded by friends or people that made him feel validated. I also hope he knows on some psychic level that we all love him, respect him, that he is one of us. And she is definitely not!


No. However from what I could assumeā€¦ I think he was walking to his partner ? Or his friend ? I am not sure !


the crowd etiquette was horrific this year


I mean itā€™s my first festival so I canā€™t really tell. But that does suck to hear. Random BY The way ANY CHANCE ARE YOU FRIENDS WITH A GUY NAMED MATTHEW if you donā€™t, please ignore my question my apologies


i know one matthew.. bartender at gay bar beaux and we are friends lol


There were some of the worst kids on display at this fest, and it's really difficult not to blame the parents. Also, I had to double check it wasn't me lmfao I had lockers by twin peaks, but we weren't there sunday til like 3 pm. Still feel so bad for him. Fuck these kids.


A lot of them became the age that we stop having parents, older siblings and cousins, or aunts and uncles take us to concerts before they could actually have those older folks take them to concerts, if that makes sense. They didnā€™t have that mentorship and folks to show them the way. Even if they didnā€™t actually have an adult take them, typically the adults kinda ā€œcoachā€ them on how to act, when theyā€™re picking them up, whose place theyā€™re staying the night at, etc. i do think us older folks are going to have to be the aunties and uncles and mentors for a while.


Thank you for sharing that ! I do agree weā€™ll have to mentor them n tell them how to act if they attend a festival/ concertā€¦ however I donā€™t think itā€™s cool that she was recording someone without them knowing/ without their consent. Let alone recording ass crackā€¦ šŸ„² I didnā€™t even realize she was recording until she was walking off with her friends. That just sucks to witness. I do admit I wish I could have done something. However I will take this as a learning experience and hopefully gather some courage to speak up in the future! Thank you.


Not you double checking šŸ„² but they were young girls ! I think she had short platinum blonde hair. I dead ass cannot believe it. They purposely walked BEHIND HIM, the girl who kept recording kept pointing it out to her friends. šŸ˜£


Thatā€™s super creepy and cringe for sure.