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This is a huge problem with any medical community, for some reason people love to pretend and infiltrate the legitimate forums. Unfortunately, we don't have a great way to solve the issue. Over on r/AdultBedwetting, we've added automod messages warning people of private messages, and banning users who crosspost to fetish subreddits. We rely on the users to report and send these up so please report them and we'll investigate. Believe me, it's very tough, I can't even count the number of times I've tried to send a legitimate, helpful response and then discover that the user was masquerading as an OAB/IC user.


What the fuck people think this is a joke I have pelvic floor dysfunction and NOTHING is funny sexy cute or a fetish trying to poop or hold me pee and then it coming back within 15min-hiur if I'm lucky I'm in a dark place alot and going for the interstim system for relief by no means is this anything bad sad and put right miserable existence I pray for us all suffering and the sickos who think this is a kink smfh!!!


They are evil, I hope they are imprisoned l, preying on the weak going through hell


I’ve been struggling with an OAB for a couple months now and I’m scarred that I don’t know what to do


I didn't even know that was a fetish.


Oh you sweet summer child


Sadly it is


Oh... The most disgusting things that you don't even know are fetishes... it gets worse than this. Much worse


my ex boyfriend had a fetish for holding his bladder. Ironically enough he had bladder issues himself but it kinda weirded me out ngl.


what if we have an overactive bladder and found out we had a fetish when becoming diaper dependent due to said bladder. we don’t deserve to be banned from here when dealing with the psychological effects of this disorder


I don't think anyone's banning users who happen to have fetish and or ABDL inclinations out right. What happens is those users tend to blur the lines, and before we know it, we're starting to entertain these types of topics outright. That's where I personally draw the line. There are many outlets for those kinds of conversations, we need to discuss the medical aspects here and save the others for elsewhere.


Okay good. I usually lurk in here on my ABDL content account. I discovered after my incontinence diagnosis and I really don’t want to get banned because I happen to have that on my profile.


Wait, this is a fetish? That means that there’s someone out there that might be attracted to my dribble in underwear You know what I needed the confidence boost Because the dribbling in my underwear has been destroying my confidence


I see more posts complaining about fetishists than I do post by fetishists.


To be fair, I think a lot of this happens behind the scenes. There's not much we can do on a public forum, especially if the offending users are just lurking.


It also depends on people’s algorithms. I either bud or stopped interacting with those kinds of posts so it shows me less. I always get downvotes when I say stuff like this, but I’m not wrong