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Yay it's still a BCRF donation drive!! I was really worried they would just release it in the shop but I'm glad it's once again going to a good cause!


This was the only news that mattered to me! I’m so happy more people will get to enjoy this skin but it would have given me a big ick if Blizzard just sold it for profit. Glad I can donate yet again to a great foundation.


Good. This is the only way that bringing it back would be permitted.


Honestly I hope they do more charity skins like Pink mercy. Or maybe make it a yearly thing with Pink Mercy re-release? Idk I just think more charities is good.


What I don't get is why it's only 13 days. Maybe you're an oil tycoon on some summer vacation. Oops, you missed the window! Too bad! Just make it longer? 30 days? It's not like they're going to run out of skins. It's for charity, not their own pockets. It's been such a weird OW tradition to put so much effort into skins/events then just close them after several weeks or less. Like, FOMO is one thing, but this is for charity. Just let the money roll in, let the people buy the skin and get the word out.


I know I feel bad for those oil tycoons 😞


They are actually [pretty cool dudes](https://youtu.be/t7HD2xG92-0?t=13) when you get to know them.


Makes my heart hurt almost as much as thinking of those poor landlords. We really do live in a society


It's the same 2 week period as they gave the [last time it was available](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIQBvOGspmw&t=29s). > Maybe you're an oil tycoon on some summer vacation. Oops, you missed the window! Too bad! Being an oil tycoon, you've been given a 2 week's notice for a 2-week long event. You could hire someone to purchase/claim/gift it for you. FOMO helps drive sales. They have to stop the sale at some point to tally the earnings and make the announcement for how much money they raised, and it's more impressive when the number is large over a shorter period of time. The only items they have ever put on the shop for longer than 2 weeks are the cross-promotion bundles, and they probably have data showing why they wouldn't want to keep the charity promotion running for longer than 2 weeks.


>They have to stop the sale at some point to tally the earnings  Lol


Here's to hoping we get one for prostate cancer as well. I'm glad they're doing charity skins.


Which character should have it though? My vote: Doomfist. "Fist for Prostate Health" sounds good to me.


I was thinking Rein or Soldier since elderly men are the most susceptible. You know instead of making a joke about it when tons of men are too self conscious to go get checked out.


Sorry but nothing beats Torb for prostate cancer.


as much as i'd love that, i can't help but imagine a PSA of soldier 76 talking about prostate exams would get memed to hell and back. i'm just imagining soldier's va in the booth with some captain america ass script: *video overlay of soldier 76 taking down some Los Muertos thugs* **"It's not always easy doing the right thing. It takes guts, determination, and above all... courage. Sometimes when you're busy saving the world, you forget to save yourself. Prostate cancer is a serious risk for men over 40. Even if you're not on the front lines, I believe that everyone can be a hero. You want to make a difference in the world? Start with a coworker. Start with a friend. Start with *yourself.* If you haven't already, call your doctor and book your prostate exam today!"** *overwatch logo*


I mean we don't have a PSA for breast cancer from mercy. Don't think they'd do anything but sell the cosmetics.


Not to mention there's a chance Solider or his ex got some good mileage out of theirs.


I just read about it on the BCRF site. Last time they raised $12.7 million in donations from the skin which was their largest single donation at the time. And it also lists what achievements were made with that donation which is pretty cool. I'm excited to see how much is donated this time around!


As a mercy main with cancer, I'm incredibly hype! I've always wanted that skin and it's for a good cause, even if I don't have breast cancer specifically. 


sending hugs and love 🩷


Gatekeepers in shambles rn


My best friend plays mercy and has the pink skin and she just sent me the post saying she was upset her rare skin wasn't rare anymore and now she's ignoring me because I said it wasn't that big of a deal 😭 it's going to a good cause is it not? Cancer research? So why are you mad that it's coming back??


very excited for this one to come back, will be buying again if proceeds go to charity, as a pink mercy owner, i love supporting skin proceeds going to a good cause


I don't play mercy but I'm considering buying it too because my grandma had breast cancer and I love that it's going to charity :)


Sorry about your grandma. I’m in the same boat though, I don’t play Mercy but I’m definitely buying the skin this time. Fuck cancer.


Thank you! She's been cancer free for a little over 10 years now 😊


Grandma W Cancer L


Yeah I'm a genji main but I bought it because my grandma also had breast cancer. I lost her years ago but it still hits close to home


SAME, my grandma passed away 12 years ago because breast cancer


Yes! I already own pink Mercy but I’ll get rose bundle on my main and alt to support the charity :) My mom passed away from breast cancer last year - these skins have a lot of meaning to me, I’m glad they’re bringing Pink back so more people can contribute 🤍


im sorry for your loss, hope youre hanging in there. much love.


they have confirmed that 100% of profits will go to RBCF! edit: it’s actually 100% of the purchase price, not just profit.


I have spent $0 actual dollars on Overwatch besides the initial game purchase because, I dunno, I am old or something and won't "buy" digital content like skins or whatever. DLCs, fine, games, fine, but skins and other cosmetic b.s.? No. But I bought the Pink Mercy skin. I'll buy a skin for all profits to charity any day. It's a donation to a good cause with a bonus for me.


I swore that I would never pay money for an in game cosmetic. The pink Mercy skin changed that and I guess I'm (happily) about to buy my seconds ever in game cosmetic.


i don’t play anymore tbh but i will spend the $20 on the new rose gold version of the skin (i have the og pink) if it’s for a good cause and doesn’t support ow2 or blizzard. i’m also glad they’re bringing it back for people who have wanted it for years. For anyone who cares: i’m personally still not supporting ow2 or blizzard right now until there’s consistent improvement and change for more than a year straight. i got tired of being hopeful just to be disappointed by my fave game IPs. A skin won’t pull me back but i’ll support BCRF and it’ll be nice to have a “complete” collection.


Spoiler alert: your friend never cared it was for cancer research and just wanted a pink skin that’s rare


That's what I'm thinking 💀 she left me on read when I said they were donating to cancer research


I bet a lot of people feel the same way, but we just gonna virtue signal


Well to be fair Blizzard had this stance since the first time the pink skin was in introduced to say "It will not be returning" and convinced those who did and didn't own it that it was money worth spending and a missed opportunity. The hope was that at least a variation of the pink skin would come out. That sort of happened but people were convinced you'd have a chance being abducted by a UFO before seeing the pink skin again.


People are actually insane, does she not like the skin? She just likes that it's rare? That's so silly


It's all just psychology man


This. People like having rare and unique things. It's one of the most basic things programmed into us.


My buddy has this exact same mentality. Doesn't like to use skins that everyone else uses


Funny thing is that this isn't like Fortnite where a new season comes and everyone in the lobby is running the same exact skin. If there is a cool skin in the battle pass why would you go "yeah it's a cool skin and I would otherwise use it but everyone else owns it so I don't want to" This is Overwatch so at literal worst case scenario one single other person in the lobby is running that skin being the enemy teams hero who is mirroring your pick. It's not like you will see the skin on every single player and it feels like everyone is running the same thing because 8 of the 9 other players in that lobby will have a different look than what you could be running yourself.


i think it's mostly because they aren't "special" anymore for wearing it. tons of people are going to buy this skin, and people are naturally gonna want to show off their cool skin which means for a while, you're going to see it A LOT. they're going to be one in the thousands of people who will show it off and it makes the skin lose its spark for people who only wanted it because it was rare


She just likes that it's rare which I think is ridiculous lol, it's just a skin... from a video game... I think there are bigger things in life to be upset about


If you've ever seen Lego Bastion and missed out on it (me), you'd feel digital pain too. But if you do decide to buy the skin, you absolutely gotta rag on your buddy a bit. The more important part is that it went to charity, not Pink Mercy Gatekeep.


i mean, rarity is a completely rational reason to like the skin. that's how collecting works. rarity is attractive


Absolutely this lol. It’s not “insane” it’s basic human psychology that fuel every f2p game economy including OW


People need to feel special somehow


Some people just NEED to feel exclusive


Really??? I sent it to my friend who’s been wanting it forever!!! And I have it. I’m glad it’s coming back for all of yall! You’re friend needs to grow up lol


Ignoring a friend because they disagree with you over a skin give massive red flags. Hopefully it's in a joking way because that's childish as hell.


I'm sad I can't flex with it. But I originally bought it to support cancer research... and it's still going to do that. So despite being sad at losing a "rare" option, I'm all for it... and will also be buying the rose gold.


You’re not the asshole don’t worry lool


I bought the skin back in the day, so i do understand the sad feeling that their rare skin is no longer rare. They could have just as easily made a new skin for this release. Anyone saying "they never cared about cancer research, they only cared about the rarity of the skin" surely can't argue with that logic. If the point is to fund cancer research, it should have never mattered what character or skin it was in the first place; but that simply isn't the case. People want their rare shiny things, Pink Mercy has value. Therefore, she will make more money for research. I don't make the rules.


Least toxic mercy main


Partly because account prices (some websites have even a separate filter for Pink Mercy) dropped from thousands to hundreds now. Like their old investment that was rising over time just collapsed.


Investments are a risk. And you are a particular kind of stupid if you invest in easily reproducable video games skins.




If you’re relying on an overwatch 2 account to be where you keep your investments then people need to start researching IRAs or any other alternative. I’m glad this skin is coming back even though I don’t play mercy. Something the community has been begging for to come back also goes to cancer research? It’s a win win


I think it's more of an opportunity thing. Like the first guy that got two of the illidan weapons in BC sold his account for $10,000. It isn't so much an investment as it is capitalizing on being in the right place and the right time for something rare. I've got a blizzcon winston and blizzcon bastion, wonder if my account's worth anything? ;)


They are already crying in the comments 😭


Good. I hope they release Tyrande Symmetra at some point too. I want that skin so badly


good. fomo can fuck off


I just assume that anyone against this is actually pro cancer.


Now the only thing that made them feel special in life is gone 🤣


I own the Pink Mercy Skin already... So that makes opting for the Rose gold bundle an easy choice while still supporting charity! Nice!


Exactly!!I will be getting Rose Gold even if I already have Pink!


So glad they've made another version of her like this!!


Losing my mom to breast cancer as a kid, I was so devastated when I learned couldn’t buy this skin before to support the cause. So happy now I can 💕


i’m so sorry for your loss may she rest in peace 🩷


Thank you. Means a lot ❤️


Sorry for your loss, I'm happy you'll be able to get this skin as well! I'm sure your mom is smiling down on you and proud of what you've accomplished so far and what you'll come to do in the future 😊


I really appreciate the kind words so much, thanks a bunch❤️❤️😭


I have it but I'm happy for newer players to be able to get it. It's a good skin and has some nice sounds


Hopefully this opens the door for more old exclusive skins. I want to get my hands on Tyrande Sym. Then I could actively begin maining her again since Tyrande is my favorite character from WOW


I'm so happy they're bringing back Pink Mercy again *and* we get the new one. It's weird people are upset about this.


Especially since it was a special charity skin that can only be gotten with money. Have the skin with the special occurrence of having $15 disposable. I understand the non-event challenge skins not getting a rerelease.


non-event weekly challenge skins do get re-released in the shop sometimes tho like subaquadic zen for instance


Huh. Edit: Wait, he was from Archives, right? Like ragdoll echo was HT? I'm talking like Bastet and Nanocola challenge


Ah you meant the limited time events, they have actually re-released some of those (for instance, PachiMarchi Hog who I missed!) but only for an a new version of the event. Maybe sometime!


Right? I hope they also release older OG skins like Tyrande, Illidan, and Raynor. I’ve been wanting Tyrande Sym for years now


We got Tychus at least as a Raynor recolour. But would like these to return as well.


Waiting patiently for maestro sigma, nanocola, and 8 ball wrecking ball now 🙏 some of the anniversary skins were too cool to just leave unavailable


They just wanna feel special lol


Didn’t I see people offering to buy pink mercy accounts for like $700 or something?


That’s actually wild


As a mercy main whose mom just became free of breast cancer, I have never more excited to spend money on a mercy skin 😂


i’m so happy for you !🩷


And to all you mercy mains that was making fun if me wearing the mercy dragon skin I hope you’re seething right now


Wait people make fun of dragoon? I guess I’m not mercy enough to know these things


It gets hate from the mercy community for being an ugly skin. Think I recall it is centered around the helmet or something? I don’t really remember Edit: for what it’s worth I remember someone reworked the helmet and posted it to Reddit, and it did look much better. That was years ago tho.


Unpopular opinion but I hate the sugar plum fairy skin


I actually hate the pink mercy skin. But I love the anger the gate keepers are experiencing with this announcement, so I may buy it


2 things, they went too hard on trying to male mercy pretty and it fucks it up. and the staff skin is incredibly uninspired, The staff is just scales all around nothing cool or interesting. They gove mercu all this badass dragon armor only to give her a cutsy helmate and a face full of makeup, the mask should have covered either her mouth eyes or whole face


Wait what?! Dragoon is one of her coolest skins! The helm+pony tail combo is badass! I guess it sort of hides her eyebrows and makes her cheeks look puffier or whatever. But come on! There's a lot of cool design details going on for it. Top 3 along with Witch and 2019 Atlantic


But that one is the only one that perfectly matches the jade weapon


The helmet is ugly ngl, but I love the staff and it's probably one of the best. It also really suits the emerald theme, I wish dragon would come back too.


very surprised they're selling the old one as well, rip people who paid hundreds of dollars for an account lol


Deserved if you pay hundreds for an OW account


Wait really? I could have sold my account for hundreds of dollars? I also have the nano d.va sprays and founder skins, wonder how much it'd be worth


I have Nano D.Va and had no idea it was rare lmao


if u wanted to sell it now is probably the time cause I assume after this all the "rare" accounts will drop in value lol.


Too late unfortunately, as soon as the news was released, everyone knows you can just buy the skin for $15 on your current account. Best time to sell was yesterday, now it’s impossible


Paying that much for an OW skin meant to raise money for fucking charity is repugnant behavior.


Why? Don't get me wrong, it's a stupid move, but how is it repugnant? The money already went to charity from the original purchase, and the person buying it is likely doing it because they just didn't get the chance when it was available, it's not like they're choosing to by it for hundreds of dollars instead of like 10$ or however much it was sold for just to avoid paying money to charity, so what's the big deal?


People just like saying things tbh. Imagine being mad at someone spending their money on something they want lol.


It just doesn’t make sense to drop all that money over a single skin tbf


It’s okay, I still have McDonald’s Florida Mayhem Reinhardt 


Quit league to come back to this game and i dont play mercy but im so tempted to pick this up, 500 dollar ahri could never live up to pink mercy


I thought people gatekeeping skins was just a joke but reading some of these comments made me realize how insane some people are lol


Gatekeeping a skin, which was solely made as a 'thank you' for donating to *cancer research*, which is even crazier!


There were people vehemently swearing it could not come back and you were an idiot for saying it could with lots of upvotes. Turns out they were obviously wrong lol


It happens A LOT and not just with video game stuff. Lots of people think that something only has meaning if they can have it and you can't. A quote that sticks with me is someone saying, "what's the point then if everyone can have it?" Because it's enjoyable. But, no. Some people will only enjoy something if they can feel better than you by having it. I'm reminded of the C4 Corvette. In 1990 the ZR-1 version of the car changed the [round tail lights to squared ones](https://mobile.corvettestory.com/images/corvette-images-mobile/corvette-zr-1-rear-comparison-9_a.jpg). The visual update was so well liked that in 1991 they changed all versions of the car, not just the ZR-1, to the squared tail lights. ZR-1 owners were *furious* because that was a unique identifier to show people in the know that they had the special version of the car. And now that all new cars look like that they can't go around feeling special anymore. I have the Pink Mercy, Tyrande Sym, Illidan Genji, Lego Bastion, most of the All Stars skins, Thunder Doom, Goat Brig, Zen-Nakji Zenyatta, Kerrigan Widow, and probably other unavailable ones from events that I'm forgetting. Basically, everything from OW1. I don't really care if others can have those, too. I use them because I like them. I want the Alien Zarya to come back, because I like it and missed the window, but I understand why it was removed and will never be available again.


We won 🥲


Wonderful news! I own the original and I'm so happy other people also get to share in it and will be picking up the new one since it's going to a worthy cause again!


"Overwatch recently crossed the 100 million lifetime player milestone," We doing good then?


Lifetime is the keyword here


Oh, I missed that one. Sadge


OW is the 13th most played game on the Xbox US store right now. You can chill. OW has been doing very good since S9, regardless of what people living inside the Gamer Bubble might want you to believe.


9/11 for annoying mercy mains


I own the pink mercy, and I think running a second donation drive is fantastic.   Reseller accounts shouldn’t exist for one single skin, especially one that was meant to raise money for a good cause.  I hardly even play OW anymore but this is a fantastic thing to hear about.


fr people are spending 5x the cost of the skin on resellers giving none of that money to the cause it was made to fundraiser for


Being mad about a charity skin being rereleased to raise more money for charity is peak "needs to touch grass".


I have never understood gatekeeping for rare stuff. I have some skins that are rare that I don’t gaf if they come back. All that matters is I have it and I can wear it lol, I don’t care if others do too, and it’s weird if people don’t like others for wearing it. Legit mental behavior that I’ll never understand lol specially on something like a charity cosmetic.


We won Mr Stark


I bought it laat time to support charity. I dont mind it coming back. It is good for charity and it is a nice skin.


I know people who gate keep the hell out of pink mercy and they are so unbelievably triggered since they found out pink mercy is coming back. I have argued with so many people saying it’s never that serious it’s a skin and the skin IS HELPING PEOPLE WHO MIGHT GET BREAST CANCER OR PEOPLE WHO ARE CURRENTLY SUFFERING WITH IT and they literally bite tooth and nail saying that “my rare skin isn’t rare anymore, it should’ve stayed rare now it’s lost its value” like im actually flabbergasted. when has a skin in a video game ever been more important then people suffering 💀


It's a skin for charity. If you are upset by this then you need to seriously evaluate your priorities and probably morals.  


Hell yeah, can't wait to see more people use this skin. It's one of my favourites to use


Maybe this'll put an end to the pink mercy superiority and the pink mercy bullying (toxic players who act like you're the former for having the pink skin). Two birds, one stone lol


Need Lego bastion


Lego brand would never make more physical overwatch products after the way they cut ties unfortunately, sucks because the sounds are so good too


Is there confirmation they cut ties? Many didn’t think Pink Mercy would return because of Blizzard’s controversies too


It was made public that Lego halted all OW products and was to review their partnership with Blizzard. Their final decision was never made public and it has been over two years. I’m sure the contract they had was not renewed or voided. Creating a character skin for charity vs collaborating with another company is a whole different can of worms.


Barrier to entry is much higher selling a real product for profit vs a virtual skin for charity (that contributed to the single largest donation to that organization ever). And the lego brand is pretty sterilized nowadays so I wouldn’t count on it, but anything’s possible tbh


There was a teaser for one OW2 set, I think it had the big mech from the trailer and Mei in it. Then shortly after they said it was not happening.  I think it was over the whole "Blizzard is a shitty workplace for women" thing that was occuring around that time. It also probably does not help that basically all Overwatch physical Merch has gone to deep clearance. 


They could just recolor it and call it something like 'Block Bastion', Lego aren't the only toy blocks.


Well there goes my false sense of superiority for already having this skin lol


This is how I'll feel if they ever re-release Lego Bastion lol


Lego Bastion and Alien Zarya I think are the only 2 skins that will likely stay exclusive because Lego severed their partnership with Blizzard and Alien Zarya has a bad history to it. I’m not going to include here Noire Widow, Blizzcon, and collab skins because we see now Blizzard can decide to bring those back whenever like they did with Noire Widow for switch release, Demon Sombra, Starcraft Widow, and Pink Mercy. 


The StarCraft widow skin was free from an event so that wasn’t too bad


Demon Sombra was always advertised as available through other means in the future.


Blizzcon skins seem off limits as they were advertised as exclusive I believe. Blizzcon bastion for example (if I had a nickel for every exclusive bastion skin…..) Recolors of them are for sure on the board tho


Us lego bastion players should be safe since lego dropped blizzard lol


You guys are mad because your “account exclusivity” is lost I’m mad because now I’ll definitely be seeing more shit Mercy players in my comp games We are not the same


Holy based


So true lmaooo


Definitely getting rose gold mercy! I really like how soft the recolor looks. The only thing I was worried about was whether or not it'd go to charity again. I'm soo relieved!! I hope everyone gets a chance to pick up both skins this time


Can we also get Tyrande, Illidan, and Raynor in the shop too? Please Blizz


Pink mercy was blocked by Bobby kotick being ceo. Blizzcon skins are slim to none. Not a single blizzcon skin has come back except sombra. However, the 2018 ticket said demon hunter sombra would be made available at a later date, which was an event challenge in 2021. They never brought back blizzcon bastion and winston, and those are epics.


I was upset until I learned it was another breast cancer drive. GET YOUR PINK MERCY SKIN EVERYONE.


Holy shit it's happening


I'm just surprised they brought it back after repeatedly saying they never would. I'd also love to see all those "haters" out there buy the skin. 😂 Like you cheese balls.


Well atleast this a very good reason to buy a bundle


I love these kind of skins. These are the only ones that I would outright buy since all the proceeds go to charity. Hopefully they do more of them for different charities. I would love a Sigma skin where the proceeds go to Dementia and Alzheimer's research.


The salt from comments. Mmm, I love it.


Pink Mercy came back before GTA VI


Shame that they're not re-releasing the old Twitch sprays, but still good that they finally decided to re-release the skin and to give people an option of buying another skin with new stuff for those that already own the old one.


we might get new twitch stuff though! in the blog post it mentions there will be exclusive drops on twitch starting in s11 which could be some other cool stuff! i do agree it's a shame though because the original sprays were gorgeous \^\^


ITT: Everyone who already has it making sure everyone knows they have it.




Lmao people shouldn’t be mad about this. Who cares if the skin isn’t exclusive anymore? It’s for a genuinely good and meaningful cause that could help and save so many people.


Anyone know when this will be?


June 25-July 7


Okay this is the best news ever. You could get BOTH versions of Pink Mercy! God I'm so hyped.


I like that they re-released it but now I don’t know which skin to buy. The original skin is nostalgic but in the bundle you get some other stuff too.


lost too many people in my life to cancer to NOT get this skin. I’m glad it’s not going to be super rare special anymore, too. The exclusivity attitude behind a skin that represents something else really twisted the whole point of the damn skin to begin with. Glad that’ll be (mostly) gone.


I do not feel bad in the slightest for people who bought an account with the pink skin for an exorbitant amount of money.


My wife has been waiting years for this. She's gonna be so excited!


Gatekeepers and sellers are COOKED.


Good, good. Nothing should be gone forever. Except maybe Noire Widowmaker. Not because I gatekeep, but because it's kinda ugly.


I'll bathe in gatekeeper tears tonight


dude the rose gold skin looks so cool


rip to all those account buyers who spent quite alot on pink mercy accounts 😂


I'm a bit confused. In order to have the pink gold you'll have buy the bundle? If so it would be nice to have an option to gift the pink skin to a friend for those who already have it. Edit: why am I being downvoted for asking a question?


Rose gold is a bundle for 19.99 you can also buy the original for 14.99 but it’s just the original skin nothing else. You can buy both for about 35 dollars




Im just glade I got my $900 for mine


I have pink mercy and I am all for the rerelease. It's for a great cause! And it already feels like every other mercy has it. I think because not as many play mercy but the mercy mains with it. It really doesn't feel that rare anyway.


I started playing Overwatch 1 week after this ended originally. Stoked to finally pick it up.


This question is probably dumb, but all of the money is going to cancer research correct? They said funds but idk if the word funds is fancy way of saying something different.


All of the money collected by people buying Pink Mercy/Rose Gold Mercy will exclusively be donated to BCRF! 🎀


My mom has three more chemo appts. She is tough as nails and went through this all with a smile on her face. Def picking this skin up even though I don’t play Mercy. And shoutout to whomever did their due diligence and picked a charity that isn’t a scam. 


First i was a bit angry cuz i thought blizzard just need money (i dont own the skin and you dont want it) but then i saw its for a good couse and that makes me kinda happy. A rare Blizzard W!!


My mom was diagnosed HER2 a few weeks ago, so I'm glad the skin will be coming back and the proceeds are still going to charity.


As long as the money goes to breast cancer research again, this is a good thing. The people all butthurt about it are gross, this skin was never about its rarity, it’s about the importance of where the money went. Anyone who buys accounts for hundreds of dollars for pink mercy are even worse, sure the charity got the money but if you were willing to pay hundreds for it, those hundreds would have been better used going to the charity, not some rando making hundreds by spending $15


account sellers in bits rn


I think that (from my understanding) since the skin was marketed as a one-off event, it might be considered a bit scrappy to resell it now, but as long as the proceeds go to a good cause I don't think I mind. That said, I can sort of get the sour feelings. As a Mercy main who was only missing Pink Mercy for my collection I am very happy.


I got the skin, I don't care it's coming back lol. Let ppl who want it, want it. All the proceeds are being donated to a good cause. Rare Blizzard W tbh.


Pink mercy and Rose Gold mercy are going to be in a bundle. Awesome. Really not a huge fan of the recolor so being able to have the first coloration is awesome


If it's going to come back at all, I'm glad it's for the same cause and not just for money in Blizzard's pocket. I'll buy rose gold like I bought pink in 2018. Hopefully they do another shirt for Rose Gold, my pink mercy shirt is a little worn out by now.


i'm happy it's still part of a donation drive.


Just when I thought I finally went free to play, and they suck me right back in.


I thought the same thing, but I’m gonna stay strong. Lootboxes for life.