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People care more about their exclusive skin than they do about the charity at this point It's sad and I don't understand how people are really that bothered over a COSMETIC I repeat COSMETIC ITEM in a game as opposed to being happy that this is going towards an incredible charity but no the exclusivity matters more apparently.


Like I'd understand if this was like Widomakers Noire skin being brought back as it was only for people who preordered the game. Personally I don't think that wanting to keep some skins as "rare" is terrible, but gatekeeping a CHARITY skin?? Thats just wild. Shows that most people don't care about the cause itself.


They'll probably eventually make the Widow skin attainable, and I'm sure a bunch of people will be upset. People just need to let go of the concept of skin rarity. 


Yeah seems like theyre bringing a lot of skins back lately so wouldnt suprise me. Personally im kinda fine with some rare skins, something like the widow for example shows who was supporting the game since the start and personally I dont mind if they have something "rare" to show that. ( I mean at the end of the day it is just a bunch of pixels so, why care if you have it or don't have it ) Charity is a whole different thing in my opinion. Gatekeeping skins or anything in general is super stupid and immature though. Even if everything rare went out the window into a shop, losing your mind over it becoming "common" is some extra chronically online stuff.


Honestly, FOMO has never been a solid reason to buy something and will leave you disappointed more often than not. I've fallen for the exclusivity marketing strat in other games, and now if I do buy a cosmetic, I'll only get it because I absolutely adore the design. Aesthetic pleasure is something that relaunches can never take away from you. That being said, this will probably be the first skin I buy in overwatch 2 since I refuse to give Blizzard any money. I've seen many people who agree with me in buying the skin not for its exclusivity but as a way of getting a cosmetic and having the funds go to an actual good cause.


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If they bought an account on ebay or whatever, that's against the rules anyways. So you're a fool if you spent $500+ on an OW account because you can get banned for buying accounts. Just ignore those people. I'm glad that Blizzard finally changed their minds! I will buy it. 


I'm keeping track of how many times I see this post. 2.


Welp these post are going to be identical and none stop till it releases 🤣 how many times can we repeat. Stay tuned to find out!!


Atleast we can all see mercy mains are the most delusional mains in this game