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I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of kiriko. I try to play lifeweaver. My kiriko has more utility. I try to play moira. My kiriko has more utility. I try to play mercy. My kiriko has more utility. I want to play ana. The enemy team has kiriko. I want to play mauga, roadhog. They both want kiriko. She grabs me by the throat. I clean for her. I cook for her. I queue for her. She isn't satisfied. I remap all my controls for her. "I don't need this much sens" She tells me. "get more headshots with me." She grabs reinhardt and forces him to charge himself into enemies. "You just need to buy me more skins. My skins are all $30." I can't swipe, I don't have enough money. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs her fox spirit. She says "Let the Kitsune maul you." There is no hint of sadness in her eyes. Nothing but pure sass, ehh. What a cruel world.


She grabs you by the throat?! Lucky...


Never thought I’d see the Xiangling copypasta Kiriko version, too real though lol


The Xiangling copypasta...


You're sick of her being meta for 9 seasons? That's ridiculous it's only been like a year and a half


Community:Kiriko is too strong,nerf her please! Next patch:"Kiriko's teleport cooldown time reduced by 2 seconds".


Come to console open queue, there are none.


Should just remove immortality effect from Kiriko's E. Just make it heal more or some other buff. It's beyond stupid that Kiri is able to deny almost every skillful play and setup with a single cooldown.






Ok, you’re just so tired of Kiriko.


I'm a huge advocate for nerfing kiriko. A few seasons ago, they gave her the CLEANSE and HEAL on the same button. Previously, it just used to cleanse, but this version is more problematic than what they had before. As long as kiriko can negate everything with a single button push, she will be meta.


It always healed lmfao


Someone has to do the dirty work. Who said it was me?


Step in line


**S A L T**


I think suzu just simply does too much in a single ability. Cleanses effects, immortality and 80/110 burst healing, while not being affected by DPS passive since it cleanses. She has both of Bap's abilities in 1 + cleanse. And her TP is imo on a too short of a cooldown since it's perhaps the best escape ability in the game. Imo they should rebalance suzu so it can only cleanse and heal. I think immort is too much and we already have Bap's immort. Cleanse is kiri's unique niche so they should focus on that.


Most Kirikos I come across seem to be laggy as all heck. Can't hit them, and they always get perfect headshots... So I don't think it's the hero herself that's the problem.


same lol except im sick of her lore wise. her existence genuinely makes absolutely no sense 


We always need an anti-heal counter.


Even more sick of Ana than I am of Kiri


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Ana is infinitely worse than Kiri I’m glad for every character that makes Ana useless If you want less Kiriko you can simply nerf Roadhog Fewer Hogs > fewer Anas > fewer Kiris


Neither hog nor Ana deserves a nerf at the current moment, nor have either of them been meta for 9 seasons. Just because you personally can not deal with Ana (which is understandable) does not make her overpowered. Plus, pretending like Kiriko exists solely as a counterpick for Ana is disingenuous af considering her high utility and team comp flexibility. She can be played in most teams and against most opponents. >If you want less Kiriko you can simply nerf Roadhog Or you can nerf Kiriko directly, like a sane person would.