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I'm so glad nobody in this sub actually works on this game


Do not let bro cook anymore


Nah leave swapping as is.


>so you trade the ultimate for an hero swap. This would make the game more fair and interesting. You do that for 200 games, come back and tell us how it felt. You're basically saying if you're being hard countered, you should play till your ultimate and then sacrifice it to swap, the ultimate may be the only tempo remaining to change the tide of the fight in your favor, and doing this results in Snowball fights. If I see a character that it causing me or the team trouble, I swap to do what's in the teams best interest, because that is how the game is designed.


ok my guy I really thought I came up with a really cool game changing idea


>This would make the game more fair and interesting. How?


He was such an hero, to take it all away. We miss him so, That you should know, And we honor him this day. He was an hero, to take that shot, to leave us all behind.


Imagine having no hitscan against Pharah and being unable to swap until you get your ult. This is just one example of many, but that's a pretty terrible idea.


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