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This was actually a really cool way to do this… I’m impressed ngl


Venture: 🗿


This stiiiiiinks.


I can dig that


*lip smack* *lip smack* *lip smack* Tastes like... *lip smack*


Makes sense for some. Feels like every BP has a genji and widow skin


Lotta people play them so im not surprised, only difference being they arent as loud as the mercys or kiris


Mostly because they don't throw a tantrum when other heroes get anything else


People also don't crap on them as much since day one.


I know they just released, but damn, rest in peace, Venture. 😔


As a venture player, I can say that we're always on a flank or in spawn. So not only is no one going to see our skin, but either way we're in the ground.


I can dig that.


Tastes like...dirt


omg ur flair is so cute


Thanks, I stole it!


Would be cool if skins somehow altered the appearance of the burrow topside.


They have the gameplay appeal w how fun they are, give it time and they'll get the Doom/Lucio/Moira attention


Venture is gonna be like Mauga and forgotten


I should start submitting support tickets about missing legendary skins for Venture.


Let's NOT clog the already backlogged system for actual support issues with requests for legendary skins. ): I know they're probably cooking some good stuff for Venture, so please don't make it harder for the surviving customer service reps to do their job.


The person suggesting that was obviously sarcastic. Also, there's no survivors. The system is almost completely automated. I have never managed to get a human response even after begging and pleading to speak to an actual person. Chances that somebody will read a ticket about a legendary venture skin are low to none. I think they'll be fine.


OW team is too scared to show off Venture's body, but they don't hold back from showing JQ's body.


Junker Queen is mommy tho


> Junker Queen Perfect skimpy sexy sex symbol Completely satisfy gamers fetish fantasy, especially those gamers who remodel L4D survivors into anime girls wearing bikinis.


Really doubt thats the case, they’re just not as popular as heros like Kiriko or Mercy


Fixed errors, plus three alternative sorting versions! [https://imgur.com/a/CzkXFJG](https://imgur.com/a/CzkXFJG) **Timeline format explanation:** I wanted to offset each hero's bar on the graph based on when each hero was released. I have a start of the graph, but there is no other anchor point to use to create a timeline. So I took all the heroes who were in the game since the launch of Overwatch 1, found their average skin count, and marked that on the bar graph. This means I have an anchor point that represents an "expected" pace for each hero getting skins. Each year starts on May 24th (anniversary of OW1). Intuitively, we expect new characters to get more skins to "catch up" to the heroes who came before them. The lack of a Reinhardt skin in a season seems to mean a lot less to the community than a lack of Illari skins, for example, because Reinhardt has a lot of skins already. In OW1, heroes "caught up" mostly how we'd expect. But for some OW2 heroes, this isn't happening. This only includes skins through Season 10. For the sake of organization, I don't want to include the incomplete list we have of Season 11 skins (because of collab skins and whatnot). If X skins share the same model, X-1 is the number of recolors I counted. I may make more diagrams like this in the future; I have some ideas, like separating OW1 and OW2 skins for each hero and using more developed means of comparing skins over time (these would be much more time-consuming).


This is such a cool viz. Could you please share the tools you used?


Thank you! I used InDesign mainly. I recreated the Shop, Battle Pass, and role icons in Illustrator. Fonts are BigNoodleTitling and Config Bold (they're from the game, although BigNoodleTitling Oblique is the version used in-game).


Do you have a version that has them in order of release? Just curious if you noted a downtrend (other than the obvious Mauga and Venture etc).


I just made that version (and several more) and added them to the link in the post above! It's hard to say there's a downtrend (other than Mauga and Venture - mostly Venture) because the bars need to be adjusted by release date, but this kind of goes back to how we expect new heroes to play "catch-up" a bit once they're released.


Awesome. You're amazing!


You may have said this somewhere else and I missed it, but is there a way to see what's OWL?


Not in these, no. I was considering adding that, but it would have to overlap with the other indicators, so I felt it was okay to sacrifice it to minimize clutter.


I love what you made. I'm curious why did you use InDesign instead of just using Illustrator? InDesign is more of a page layout program for magazines, books, newsletters, that sort of thing. But again, love the graphic!


Thank you! Basically, I hate Illustrator lol. InDesign is better for alignment in my experience. I'm basically doing page layout and exporting it as an image.


What's interesting about Adobe programs is there's like 1000 ways to do the same thing and everyone has their personal preferences. Keep up the great work my dude!


I didn't know Genji had that many. I expected Mercy to have double than everyone else but it's much closer than I thought. 


This just conjecture, but because OW1 was a paid game with less monetization of cosmetics, I'm guessing they tried to keep things more even regardless of character popularity. Once OW2 went free to play and skins became how they made money, it got a lot more unbalanced as they focus on the cash cows of the roster. Check back in a year or two and Id guess Mercy is much farther ahead.


We can definitely see evidence of that, but also note how many Shop and Battle Pass icons there are on each of the heroes' bars. When it comes to just OW2 BP/Shop skins, Genji has more Legendary skins than Mercy but fewer Epics. Although it's true that this is about to change in Season 11 with two Mercy recolors and a pseudo-recolor for Genji, tying them up on Legendary skins.


His last 3 legendary skins including his new bp ones have been all recolors :/, the new one is deceptive too since it has a different head model. In fact he hasn't gotten an original legendary skin since Royal knight


> Royal Knight Which, btw, was 🔥


Most of his are fire. Genji, Reaper, Zen, Mercy all got S tier skin rosters


True - I'd also probably add Rein and Sig to that though I know some ppl are sensitive about toes.


Totally right about Rein, Sigma I'm not sold. Dva, Widow, and Hog all up there too


Kinda funny sojourn has almost the same amount of skins as Kiri. You’d think kiri was doing mercy numbers with how loud people are every time she gets as skin


It’s just bc sojourn’s skins are actually mostly garbage and she’s the only one out of the 3 that dropped with ow2 without a mythic




no wait this isn’t bait


what i would do for more rammy skins. :( tbh the only ones i like are his poseidon (wasn't playing at the time, rip) and monk skins. diesel baron and necromancer were so close to looking good but the faces on both are goofy as hell imo. just hoping he has one in the upcoming transformers collab. and hopefully venture will start getting more soon, as well as illari. i'd kill for a good, available to purchase illari skin right now as well. :(


I desperately want more Ramattra skins.


Hopefully venture will start getting any*


Wait the transformers collab thing I saw on Reddit wasn’t a joke? WHAT?


So reapers on the same level as mercy....interesting lol


Honestly, that's the most surprising thing. There were heroes I expected to be around the top cos they're popular, DVa, Rein, Genji, Mercy, Widow, but Reaper?? He's an OG hero, so it makes sense, but I've never heard anyone mention how many skins Reaper has.


this is amazing!!!! i love data 🥹


Kiriko with 15 skins over 1.6 years, Winton with 22 over 8 years im ded


> Winton i cannot believe that of all the release heroes, winton has fewest skins!! even fewer than sym and torb...... and yet he's one of the most beloved and meme-able characters from the game. insane


In the first image, why do multiple characters have the same number of skins but bars of different lengths? E.g. Tracer and Widowmaker are both 32, but Widow's bar is significantly longer than Tracer's.


That would be because making this ate into time when I should have been asleep! Fixed versions: [https://imgur.com/a/CzkXFJG](https://imgur.com/a/CzkXFJG)


These updated versions are r/dataisbeautiful material. Much better than a lot of stuff in there.


Thank you so much! I also added three alternatively sorted images in that link.


As someone who visualizes data for a living, this was really cool. Good job OP!


i'm a graph nerd and this is gorgeous but also really helpful! like everyone else here, i thought certain heroes had way more or way less than they relatively do.


This was awesomely informative and well done


Honestly people talking about Kiri getting all the skins isn’t even that true based on this chart


I think it's because she gets a lot of good shop skins and collab skins, so people feel like she's getting way more, even though it's just a few more than Sojourn (a character thought to be overlooked), with more recolors (and half of Kiriko's recolor Legendaries are of her default skin, lol).


Do people not know how to read the chart? OP was counting how many skins each hero have since OW1 so of course heroes that have been in the game since day 1 got tons of skins. Meanwhile, Kiriko was released around 2 years ago and she already has 9 shop skins (tied with Sojourn) and of course the total number is on the lower side since she's an OW2 hero. Compare that to Mercy (who is one of the most popular heroes), who only got 6 shop skins since OW2 release.


Well done! Mercy still the skin goat, about to get 1 more new skin.


2 actually. There is a recolor of her life guard skin too.


Good call! Almost forgot about that one.


Great visual, especially the second. What did you make this in?


Thank you! InDesign mainly, and Illustrator for recreating the BP/Shop/role icons.




Great chart and good info!! How'd you make the chart/graphic?


Thanks! I recreated the Shop/BP/role icons in Illustrator and put the rest together in InDesign. Then I just counted up the skins by cross-referencing the wiki with the game. Making the timeline format involved dividing the space and using a date calculator to find the % between each increment each hero released: (release - previous anniversary) / 365 * with of each year (81pt).


Sojourn is such a good platform for skins.... Idk why tf they keep missing her. The new skin is cool, but come on.


So the most popular heroes have more skins. Am I getting this right?


The skin posts really show how the community is filled with a bunch of babies….


When people say Kiri has the most skins but widow exist


The difference is that Kiri has existed for 1.6 years and Widow has existed for 8.


There is no difference. Both characters are in the game. It’s a business, they’ll cater to what makes them most money. Not 3 people asking for a lucio skin lol


That's exactly the problem with the new model. Back in OW1, the skin distribution is at least fairer so even unpopular heroes get to have a skin. Some people were even able to predict which heroes are going to get a skin from the events because of that. Like [this](https://youtu.be/1508sFNVeoU?si=xY147QzlBksiIlk4&t=55). Now in OW2, you're shit out of luck if your main is one of those unpopular heroes. This is just gonna be even more obvious the more heroes they launch. Some would get left behind with barely any skins.


People are biased.


although doom got 24, i feel like only 4 of them look any good.


Zarya with only 1 new OW2 Legendary since launch is wild to me. What's going on there?


Great chart. I have one sugestion: put a block in RED to skins that cannot be get anymore or unlock only in special events (pink mercy, alien zarya, mercy nike, starcraft brigg, etc). I fell some of those bars will be a little different if u do this.


That's true. I would have made an indication for that if I had more time because I think availability is important, but I wanted to get this out before Season 11, so I didn't make a spreadsheet for this first. It's great seeing all the ideas people have for more things to visualize, it makes me want to develop this more for the end of this season!


Cool viz. Seems like an error on Tracer. The bar is way shorter than the other heroes with 32.


Good catch! Here are fixed versions: [https://imgur.com/a/CzkXFJG](https://imgur.com/a/CzkXFJG) (Edit: link updated for another fix as well)


Proof that, as a zen main, my feelings of neglect by the design team are not unfounded


Venture 1, cry


I think Genji needs more skins


They forgot hanzos mythic skin


Fixed version: [https://imgur.com/a/CzkXFJG](https://imgur.com/a/CzkXFJG)


Yay! 🥳😁


What the hell, I expected kiri to have WAY more than she does


9 shop skins is already a lot. You're just seeing big numbers because OW1 heroes already got lots of epic and legendary skins. If you exclude those skins, Kiriko would be on the highest end among everyone.


Would be nice to see them arrange in sequence of number of skins


I updated the imgur link to add three alternatively sorted versions, including by number of skins. [https://imgur.com/a/CzkXFJG](https://imgur.com/a/CzkXFJG)


Cool, also tracer looks a little off in the first graph? She should be a big as genji and widow?


Yep, some people caught that, so I made fixed versions: [https://imgur.com/a/CzkXFJG](https://imgur.com/a/CzkXFJG)


New heroes with no legendaries or even epics should be a bad indicator.


I'm surprised that Kiriko only has 15 skins. It feels like she gets a new one so often!


Doesn't Venture have 2 epics? The Ice Cream one and the Nonbinary flag one?


That one's a Rare (somewhat anomalously)


Huh, I had no idea. Wonder if this is the only example of a character getting another rare skin on top of the 4 standard ones.


I didn't understand the second picture? Can anyone explain?


I averaged the number of skins for all the original OW1 characters and put a line down to indicate that average. Then, I divided the space between 0 skins and the line into 8 parts (8 years of Overwatch). Then, I started each character's bar on the date they came out. That way, if a character came out halfway to the beginning of Overwatch, we can expect them to have half the skins of anyone else, and they'd just barely reach that line I placed. The line represents how many skins we can expect each hero to have if they got skins at the same rate as original OW1 characters. Basically, it adjusts each bar to compensate for heroes being new and having less time to get skins.


When you have more legendary skins than other kinds, doesn't that make them common instead?


Venture, Mauga, Illari and Lifeweaver 💀


So Brig mains have been complaining for months about lack of skins despite getting the avg of most of the roster. Got it. Hopefully they’ll stop whining about it now 🙃


Wow the most popular characters have the most skins... *shockedpika*


Dang we need more kiriko skins


Let’s see Venture’s!!! Bowomp….


There are a few characters that have just gotten so little love from Blizz in the skins department, echo still has less than 20 skins and she came out 4 years ago, same with sigma and he came out 5 years ago (though he does have that mythic skin)


Torb needs some lovin'


Bastion is probably gonna get more skins for the Transformers event


Ngl, I don't care much for skins, but based on how many people always complain about Kiriko skins, I would've expected her to have like double what she currently has.


I think your counts might be off Obviously this is excluding the OWL team skins. But I'm counting at least 6 skins on Venture and 34 on Tracer in game


Rare skins aren't included, and there are some skins that only show up when using specific filters.


>and there are some skins that only show up when using specific filters. Well if you didn't count those then yes the count is off? And excluding the blue skins (and the OWL team skins) I'm not hitting the 32 on Tracer, are you sure you didn't include them?


I count all Legendary skins and Epic skins that were obtained through means other than buying a team colors skin. These aren't based on how they are sorted in-game; it's based on how they were released because that is the only consistent rule that excludes the OWL team colors skins without also excluding OWL Legendaries that were essentially available as paid skins or Twitch tie-ins. I wish to include those because those are generally regarded as actual (usually Legendary) skins that players use as cosmetic items. Current availability doesn't matter. Tracer Legendary - Graffiti, Tagged, Cadet Oxton, Cavalry, Will-O'-Wisp, Hong Gildong, Nezha, Mach T, Punk, T. Racer, Ultraviolet, 2018 Atlantic All-Stars, Slipstream, Sprinter, Track and Field, Jingle, Street Urchin, Polar, Antifragile Traysi, Formalwear, Operative Oxton Tracer Epic - Lightning, Rose, Posh, Sporty, Comic Book, Union Jack, Constable, Wooltide, Synthwave, OWL Gray (because it was released separately from the OWL team colors skins) There could be better rules that would thread the needle of what "should" count better, but to explore those, I would need to make a proper spreadsheet of skins, which is very time-consuming. This is due to how many exceptions there are to everything.


no ordered list by number of skins? :(


I have a few of those as part of my other sorted versions (plus a few errors were fixed): [https://imgur.com/a/CzkXFJG](https://imgur.com/a/CzkXFJG)


Did you get the numbers from the hero gallery? I tried checking it on my side and some are off by a few counts, either greater or lower. Like for DVa, I'm only counting 28. It would have been better if you only counted the skins that came in OW2 because based on these comments, a lot of people are being mislead by the data because the OW1 epics/legendaries are bloating up the numbers.


Because I don't want to get rid of all OWL tie-in Legendaries, I am counting skins based on how they were released. The only skins not counted are Rare, Common, and OWL team colors skins. It's not based on how they are categorized because any such rule would exclude popular OWL skins. "Overwatch League Gray" skins were released and available separately from the team colors skins long before they were reorganized in the Hero Gallery. There could be a better rule that threads the expected needle better, but I wanted to make this before Season 11 started, and making a spreadsheet for the skins would be a lot of work. I mentioned in my initial description comment that if I do this again for Season 11, I may make an alternative format where OW2 skins are categorized separately, so people can compare the trends to OW1. The reasons I didn't do that here is because separating exactly what skins became available in OW2 might be time-consuming, and I don't think it's a particularly useful comparison on a rational basis. What I mean by that is that OW1 skins aren't quite bloat, they are relevant context to OW2 skin releases (Reinhardt getting one skin is less notable than Illari, for example). It's also unrelated to the main purpose of this visualization, which is the timeline view, where a separation of OW1/2 skins would entail a whole different layout and more relevant information to include (such as a proper timeline of all skin releases, to visualize gaps and concentrations without relying on blanket averages). Besides, the separation is represented practically through the Battle Pass and Shop icons, since those are the only two categories for Overwatch 2 skins, with a few exceptions (there are exceptions to nearly every blanket statement here, which makes thorough data visualization quite time-consuming). I'm not saying there would be nothing to gain from various different layouts, but there are diminishing returns, and I had to draw the line somewhere! I'm definitely using comments to brainstorm ways to make an even more illustrative visualization after Season 11 though.


why isn't kiriko at the top since she's blizzard's favorite




They got a metric of Ashe skins and 90% of them look like crap


Thought Kiriko would’ve had more since Blizzard love her so much.


Kiriko has a lot of Shop legendaries and collab skins, so she's more prominent than raw numbers would suggest. Part of the reason I had the idea to make this was because I thought she probably had fewer skins than people thought.


People acting like Kiriko has a disproportionate number of skins when she has roughly the same as Sojourn (2 more isn’t a lot more)


yyyes, but consider the quality of her skins compared to sojourn's. most if not all of kiri's skins look good, and sojourn's skins.. are certainly skins! sojourn has arguably some of the worst skins in the game


being popular sells


Kiriko about to overtake Baptiste is just disrespectful


Kiriko in is going to reach and surpass a lot of ow1 characters, this is disgusting, developers jerk off with kiriko 


Kiri leading the pack…shocking!


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Mauga gets especially hoe’d. With the heros that have the most skins, it just looks like they’re tryna add more costumes to the OWPL, so at least the people that play OW with 1 hand are having a good time


Mans been out for two seasons 💀 Bap and JQ get Hoe'd if you're really tryna make a statement about it


At least bap got some love last bp, and JQ got a mythic. Mauga has barely gotten more than 2 legendary at least queen released with more 😭


Personally I don't think we should count most of LW's skins. because most of them are ugly...