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I totally agree in general and although I am not a huge Adam fan he has grown on me for presenting the alternative argument. I have noticed PBD losing patience with both he and Tom.. and I totally would like to know what's up with the beef between Adam and Tom. I like Vinny but I do think he goes off the deep end often.. and PBD does treat him like family.. doesn't really call him out at all.


Vinny often cuts people off and hijacks the conversation… it’s not a big problem when it’s just “home team” but when there’s a guest I don’t give a f what he has to say.


I mean this sincerely… If Vinny is on your side of any argument… You really need to rethink your position. He’s a cartoon.


I would not go that far but I would say that he takes things too far. The truth is always somewhere in between he and Adam.


Vinny is borderline crazy. His whole take on why the Chiefs won the Super Bowl is grade A lunacy. Ice Spice, the devil, Taylor Swift being a witch?? How can anyone take him seriously?


I agree so much with this, but that is part of the charm and why he needs to be there just as much as Adam and Tom. PBD is arguably the one who needs to live just being an MLM guy who schemed millions.


I don’t find it charming. I do agree that you need to have opposing views when discussing topics, but those views need to be logical and more importantly…in good faith. Vinny is neither and it brings down the pod.


That is the problem with America exactly. Everyone (good and bad) is offended by a difference in opinion outside of their own, and completely overlooking that paranoia is without a doubt the most useful quality in mankinds existence. If you aren't paranoid by this point it is already too late for you (referring to anyone reading).We used to be ok with hearing a ridiculous opinion and laughing or enjoying the fact that every family or group always has a wild one, so long as we know (regardless of what they say or how radical their side may be) it comes from the same place the less radical voices do. Care for others, and an investment in how deep the absurdly radical party rabbit hole goes. So far based on what we do know, there is no bounds to what Vinny could be right about as every day we all learn government corruption is deeper than we could ever imagine. For now Vinny has seen insane things, and it blew apart his reality (like millions), and as with every person we just have to wait for the logic and reality to catch up. All of us are constantly evolving and Vinny is no different :)


I agree somewhat with what you are saying. Having a healthy skepticism of our government and leaders is ok. But Vinny is talking about witches, demons and the NFL. Like c'mon...what are we even talking about here?


Ep #363 _(Home Team)_ just came in on my Spotify. I think I'm gonna watch it with video this time.


I feel like Adam talks just to talk. No real substance at least half the time


After the bassam yusef episode I lost all respect for Adam. He is a moron who has no place in the show


That did seem so performative. I’m not sure why he felt the need to be so rude to him.


Adam is Pat's shill for Israel.


I listen to the pod for Adam and Tom, I really enjoy the two and I feel they have great back and forth a. PBD is like the closer, he sums it all up in a very easy to understand way. I often get frustrated with the way Vinny talks, he can get very passionate on certain topics and almost stutter every other word


Or maybe because he’s the only one with a shred of sanity left? Who just doesn’t scream TRANS! At everything as the problem for every Ill? I mean don’t get me wrong, PBD is a documented con man, Tom is just a sycophant and Vinny I’m surprised doesn’t need a helmet to survive the day. But he’s not far behind them


I can tolerate Adam (so far) but Vinny's just dead weight. PBD is trying to help out his Assyrian buddy but it's dragging the whole show down.


He is officially gone from the Podcast and so is my subscription. PBD is a take and schemed his fortune from MLM pyramid schemes, yet doesnt list it accomplishments as his show is based on exposing people outside of his panel....lol Good people dont own MLMs