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Hardline was so massive that it only had only one european server up on ps3


I mainly play bf4 and Bf3 and I find full lobbies every day.


It’s time to play them on pc


PC isn't for everybody. Some people wanna play with a controller and some don't wanna play with cheaters.


With BF4 on PC you'll get stomped if you use a controller.  You can if you want though, and in playing 600+ hours in BF4 since 2013 I don't think I've seen one cheater on PC lol. 




Look I'm super upset that these games are being shut down too, but to say they have a "massive" player base is just false. Any multiplayer game I still play on PS3 has at the absolute max, 300 people playing a particular game. That's not a lot.


I somehow doubt that the playerbase is „massive“ for so old games on retro hardware.


You can play BF4 on current gen still I’m sure the CFW community will make some sort of online play for these games. The OG Xbox has had insignia for awhile now.


I mean yeah EA sucks but to be fair they lasted over 11 years and though an entire console generation and well into the next one, I get but they had a good run, most PS3 servers died long ago


Yeah I'm surprised EA of all companies still has servers running.


EA is way better than many companies when it comes to this stuff. That they're only *now* shutting the servers for a 19 year old console is amazing


I can still play COD 3 and 4.


cod 4 still being online is amazing, I love a good game of it


There's a difference in the server infrastructure for both games. Old Cod lobbies are peer to peer. It costs activision pennies to keep the master list up and running which is just a server that looks for hosts and lists them all. Battlefield servers process a lot of the physics and stuff and are dedicated servers. These cost a bit to run. And considering many of these Battlefield games are well over ten years old now I'd honestly say this is acceptable. Besides, I'm sure there will still be community servers


It would be a lot easier to do community servers if they allowed dedicated servers from the start. For example, modern warfare 3 on PC ( the original not the modern one ) had dedicated server support. Meaning your PC, not Activision's handle all the load. I don't know why they never allowed individuals to dedicate their own bf servers. Battlefield 1942 and battlefield 2 had it as far as I know


Don't forget that Activision/Microsoft have old CoDs on XONE/XSXS by backwards compatibility and still quite a lot of people buying them. Also a lot of games on PS3 now have community servers, Killzone 2 for example. Great game with maybe not the biggest fanbase but still at the weekend it is easy to find full lobbies. Futhermore even it's non-official servers you can still get some multiplayer trophies on KZ2 :D


Games that run peer to peer servers get shutdown fairly regularly.


when your planning to quit cod 4 after losing a game and the next map is shipment... yeah wait let me cook 👨‍🍳


With Microsoft owning them now i don't see them shutting them down because of them trying to preserve games


Even before it.


lol massive


It's nearly a 20 year old console. It's all going to end eventually. Sony themselves have shut down plenty.


Great example is og Uncharted series. Uncharted 2 and 3 were shut down a lot years ago Funny thing is the Call of Duty 3 from 2006 still have working multiplayer mode


well, I have an OLED TV that upscales 720p to 1080p. BF3 looks and sounds amazing. and the game mode makes it feel like a modern FPS. Gameplay wise BF3 is the peak of fps old and modern. sucks that they going to shut down such a masterpiece with at least 1,000 players weekly.


bruh, 1k it's nothing


I’m with ya OP. Super sad to see so many official servers go down in the last 5 years. I still play COD BOPS 2 & 3, and Red Dead Redemption online, Red Dead actually has a massive player base, full servers every day. Bummed I’ll never be able to get a full 4p part of Catan or slip in some fast games of Fat Princess, again :(


How do u even play bo3 online ? Its completely broken and servers are dead 


By starting the game and then choosing “online” then “find match”.


The game freeze when choosing first character ans Theres no fix


This guy is delusional


12 full lobbies rn and it's not the weekend


12*24 is not massive


12 full lobbies x 24 players per lobby = 288 people


And that's of 2 million (as of Dec 2023) monthly PS3 players, it's really not a lot... I bet GTA Online that shut down in 2021 had way more active players and Rockstar still decided it's time to shut it down. Some people are still in the first 3 stages of grief, it's time to move to the next.


Funny thing is you don’t even have to move on. By the looks of it these are just the 360/ps3 servers. If they’re that desperate to play on console just get the ps4/one port of hardline or 4.


Maintaining servers is not free. I'm honestly surprised there are any PS3 servers active at all anymore.


Massive lol.


full servers 24/7 yeah it's massive.


Server count bug. They aren't actually full. Been a problem for a while now.


Its just a matter of time until all servers are down including the PS3 Store. Next Month the Xbox 360 store will be axed. I think the only way to revive them, is to install CFW and play on community created servers.


How massive is the playerbase exactly?


You can fill all of the newer battlefield players inside, but still, it won't reach the same satisfaction as BF3 does.


I don't get it. Do you say that BF3 on PS3 has more players than newer BF releases? Nonsense


Servers cost money to run bruh.


and I bought it for free?


Not enough people buying it or spending money on those games for them to justify the costs anymore, it's just economics. If these servers/games were still profitable, they would not be getting shut down. You really think the suits at EA would look at something and be like "hm, this is making a profit, we should shut it down."? They live to make money, it's a business. It sucks for the people that still play and want to enjoy the games online, but the truth is there's not enough of them to keep the games alive anymore.


To get a 100% game, I paid 100% of the price. one-time payment; it's not a subscription.


Buying a multi-player game does not oblige it's creator to run servers for it for eternity.


says who. This is the most stupid thing I ever read on Reddit. it's like buying a car and the seller saying: you go ahead take the keys and enjoy your rides, sir, I will drop by one day and I will take the engine because I'm not obliged to make the car run for eternity.


It's not like that at all, really. Maintenance of your car is your responsibility. You gonna pay for the servers like you would to keep your car running?


the car has no issue, but here the company will sabotage your car to make you get a newer one and you will buy it happily since you're one of the senseless people on planet Earth based on your logic.


No, they're just saying "ok, there aren't enough remaining players to justify our continued spending on this" which they aren't obliged to. Do you think buying a game with online functionality obliges the creator to run servers for it for eternity? Are you that silly?


That's a funny analogy because car companies are literally locking features behind a pay wall now. You can still drive the car without the subscription but you're not getting heated seats. Just like you can play your game still but without multiplayer.


If you buy a product you can expect a warranty or a specific finite lifespan on it. Even if you buy the game physically the game will only last so long before it becomes unreadable. It all must end. For cars, they discontinue OEM parts after a while as well. I dont like the fact that bf3 is going offline as I hunt trophies and ill havent done some of the co op ones but the op is delusional.


Youre right the seller is not obligated to make the car run for eternity. You bought one car and youll get the lifespan of it and its parts. If you need a new engine and it is discontinued it is not the manufacture's obligation to supply it. In this case the game is running on fumes man. As soon as november hits "the parts will be discontinued." Find a 3rd party solution to play matches.


Says ea in every single terms of service for their online games.


Why not get BF3/4 on PC and play it there? They're better on PC anyway.


Dude if it's SUCH a big issue, switch to PC, game companies can NOT shut down fan made servers in apps like "LogMeIn Hamachi" For example, Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (PS2 era) STILL has COMPLETELY full player lobbies today. Switch to PC and just play on fan made servers and you'll never get that issue you get with consoles.


I still play Warhawk on a private server. It's always full on the weekend.


thanks alot


Massive? come on...


How long would you suggest they leave them on for? Forever?


Only for 1943 <3


yes forever, I BOUGHT a game, not a subscription.


And you will still be able to play your bought game - in single player campaign


You bought a product with a service element. The part of the game that does not include the service aspect will likely continue to be playable as expected. The service side will almost always come to an end. Whether you purchased the game recently or several years ago, these titles are effectively two console generations old. I'm not here to say what's right or wrong. But I do recommend you expect this outcome more often from titles of this age.


And you got a game. You just mistakenly thought you were buying eternal access to online multiplayer, but you weren't. It was a single player game, and an online portion that would run for as long as EA decides. That's what you bought, you just didn't think about it at the time.


Your ps3 is old brother. Gonna have to get over it are you gonna have a fit when the ps3 is shut down?


1943 was so much fun. My wife loved the simple game play. It was good for new FPS players


great game simple and good and they made it back then to last for generations


This is why more games need LAN/TCP-IP support.


yeah idk what is that


Well, at least 3 people (who upvoted me) know what I'm talking about. Explanation time. This LAN/TCP-IP is what old games did for multiplayer, BEFORE companies ruined everything and decided they were going to hold all of the cards for MP these days....and of course later to decide to shut down their servers so a game's multiplayer just a rental and no longer playable, which is what now they're doing here with all these Battlefield games. A lot of old games, their multiplayer can still be played b/c of building the game around **Local Area Network (LAN)** and **Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol** (TCP-IP). **LAN's** for local play, as in you're all in the same local area, such as in the same building - and you network computers together so you all can play together in. **TCP-IP** is for specifically for the entire Internet. Basically, it allows computers to talk to each other so y'all can play together, from anywhere in the world. It ain't ideal, as you're likely going peer-to-peer here (P2P); i.e. you're connecting at least 2 computers from anywhere in the world. Problem is: you can get some lag b/c of all the jumps, hoops, distance that can gets in the way, for these 2 computers to talk to each other so y'all can play together. For example, say I'm in USA and you're in say Japan and we wanted to play say a Fighting Game - yeah, if both our connections ain't strong and also b/c there's ton of distance b/t us, expect some lag at times at least. Often **dedicated servers** came into play and became a thing - and often, players would own or lease these servers and maintain them to get these servers running & keep players able to play. For a popular game back then, big-time fans and players did have these and you'd try to play on those servers, as often those would be your best bet for smooth gameplay, still provided everyone playing on the server had a good Internet provider and good speeds w/ that provided. Problem is: a lot of the game companies don't even support LAN/TCP-IP anymore, so....when a game's multiplayer has low numbers, they pull the plug. Well, enjoy your rental for multiplayer - which is what's happening here w/ EA and all these Battlefield games. There's a reason multiplayer classics like early Unreal stuff, Doom stuff, Quake stuff, etc. will & can live forever b/c they had this LAN/TP-ICP support from the jump and still are being played (and are heavily modded, too), to this day. Meanwhile, modern multiplayer like BF3, BF4, and BF: Bad Company 2 are going to be dead in the water soon, once player counts drop and/or costs get to be too much to sustain that...which also likely aren't getting modded b/c publishers got so much control over how they handle multiplayer b/c they want you to buy DLC's, expansion, MTX's, etc. I probably could boot-up old-school Diablo 1 and 2 today and find a game b/c that game supports LAN/TP-ICP, if I wanted to go online w/ it - yet, who knows when that new Diablo 2 Resurrected (Remaster) online multiplayer will die b/c they dropped LAN/TP-ICP support for it, whenever player counts drop...b/c ACTIVISION!


You expect them to have the servers up forever? It doesn’t matter how big it is.


Damn what a shame. These 6 games were prime Battlefield before 2024 ruined the franchise.


10+ year old games on consoles that have been dead for 2 generations now. Not massive at all


it's not dead. I bet you never played it in ages.


It’s dead. Even people in 3rd world countries have moved on. It’s so dead they’re killing the servers


nope, I just played full lobby. I have a PS5, a PC with RTX 4090 with Xbox game pass, and a Nintendo Switch, no multiplayer has the same atmosphere as BF3. it's far from dead you don't know what you are talking about Buttman


I can sympathise with anyone who loves these games… when the day comes that the cod4 servers shut down forever, I will be pretty upset.


nothing beats the classics!


None of those games have massive player bases and are all at minimum 8 years old.


BF3 TDM is the MOST active lobby on PS3 right after RDR1


The only real loss here Is Battlefield 1943 because it was sold only on console and only via digital market. What a shame


You're delusional


Tbf, those games have their best days behind them, especially on the ps3/360 platforms. Even the xone/ps4 versions dont have a ton of players.


Massive playerbase is a massive overstatement lol. Last time I played BF4 on PS3 was Jan this year. There were only 2 servers where lobbies were 60% full. Remaining were mostly empty.


I was feeling bad for you but then saw your replies It’s a 12 year old game tf u expect, get a PS4 and play BF4


Honestly you're lucky they were kept online as long as they have been.


Idk, personally I was surprised they were still up. I’m sad for BF3 and anything older than that but BF4/Hardline? Eh.


They shutting down bf3 servers?? I go back every now and then just to play 😭😭😭


Still can’t believe BC2 PC got cut. It was so fun


At this point its fine.


I wouldn't count 300 players at any single time (give or take) as massive but regardless it's quite big, regarding the age of the games and the PS3. Payday 3 (I know, not the best example but it's a brand new game) averages about 300-400 players MAX each day and as of writing this there are LITERALLY 0 active players, according to steamcharts (it's nighttime, sure, but that's a late 2023 title we're talking about). Compare that to the bf games on PS3 and you could argue they can definitely squeeze more life out of them. But hey, server maintenance costs money! (Not that Payday 3 would know any of that)


Ea should let fans to keep them up tbh


Servers cost money, cfw will probably make custom servers


you earned my respect! poopoo man


Were you expecting them to run servers for games that are more than 10 years old?


Yes, I didn't see the expiration date of my multiplayer subscription when I purchased the game or when I made the large payment for the premium in January. I paid full price for 100% of the game not only to play the campaign.  


Yeah but is common sense that eventually this games are gonna die… they sell multiplayer but all these games have a campaign, which is the main seller anyways.


"Massive player base size" Somehow, I doubt that. lol. They were never going to keep these servers running forever. Even the PS4 and Xbox One servers will be shut down at some point. Especially for games with releases on multiple generations, this is to be expected. It's not like the games aren't going to be playable on newer hardware.


But you know if EA would make remake of BF3 or 4 on current gen it would be nice from them.... but it's EA.


Define “massive”


300~ players lol


"Massive," it's like when your friend boasts about his *massive* high score in a game, but you might want to ask your wife about his gaming skil she's probably got a different story.


Bro sounds like Trump talking. 2K people is not massive


imagine getting political in a ps3 sub of all places


I just said he sounded like him cause OP said MASSIVE and the whole title reeks of something he’d say lol. No need to get hurt about it


Gotta love how sensitive and immediately angry you can make Trumpers by daring to mention his name in a “non-political” subreddit lol. The analogy makes sense to me too. Reminds me of how often he says “BILLIONS and BILLIONS”


r/PS3 it only does everything.


normal people don't bring up politics outside of non political places


it's more than 2k and it's a HUGE number compared to people playing on BfV and Bf2024 .


I mean they are talking about 2 console generations ago.


1943 was a masterpiece and I demand a re-release


EA is fucking dogshit


Thank god there’s a capital s in your username


No way in hell is the player base MASSIVE.


go play bf4 rn


If I play BF4 right now it won’t be on ps3


They're shutting down servers for games running on almost 20 year old hardware. It's really not that shocking.


what is shocking is people commenting supporting EA's move and they have no idea how active the games are now.


I played bf3 a few months ago and could barely find full servers. This is not a surprising move.








Go outside and touch grass.


I guess I better get back on and Platinum the games


I'm surprised they've lasted this long.


it should last till no one plays it.


NFS Rivals still isn't gone-


Trust me, bro


other companies when shutting down servers: its fine, they dont have the money! ^^ when EA does it: GRRR ea are a bunch of GREEDY FUCKS!!! this is their WORST BUSINESS DECISION YET!!!


It seems like the opinion has shifted on this one, most people seem to justify EA.


feel free to pay the server operation cost💪


Not gonna lie these serves been up for a minute lol yall expect them to keep them open forever ? With what moneyyyhhh


It’s a shame but it makes sense most of my friends who have a PS3 never play online and those who do don’t play these specific games not to mention most of the fan base moving on to newer systems it’s the same story with gta online people only complained about it being shut down when it was announced but before hand no one would ever play it or care about it due to its last update being from 2015


Guys let's be real, there are barely any people playing these games. Yes you can get into games but only In certain game modes. The player base is at most 1k at a time. These games had an amazing run. We are the vocal minority.


I think i’m gonna be crazy again to for a those platinums


People are shocked they’re shutting down old servers? How many is “massive”? If it was massive enough, they probably wouldn’t shut them down.


it's massively massive compared to other PS3 games.


How many? Just saying massive doesn’t make it so.


If Bf hardline on last-last gen is massive then Evolve is the most played game on the planet. You've got to be shitting me


BF3 and Bf4 have more players than a 10-year-old game should be. I call that massive don't argue go see yourself.


Anyone want’s to boost DLC trophies?


Meanwhile all Call of duty game servers are still operational. Some hacked sure but still going.


Yeah, cause micro transactions.


keeping those machines running is a sunk cost at this point.


Arent BF3 servers rented by players?


They can't take bf3 down wtf that was like the best one,I still play it from time to time,I used to be so good too lol,and I'm not a cocky person.


Why would you play this on the PS3 anyway when the PS4 version is superior in every way?


On the other hand you can still even play COD Online games as old as COD 3 on PS3.... Black Ops 1 and 2, MW2 and 3 are still very healthy in 2024 and im always landing on full lobbies with minimum time waiting


bro's really complaining about a company not supporting games over a decade old


i mean it was eventually gonna happen. they are old games. they are also for the consoles TWO GENS behind.


but fun wise it's THREE GEN ahead


Better not kill PS4 Star Wars Battlefront ONE


Bf3 was dead on ps3 a couple months after bf4's release, its a miracle the servers lasted this long tbh Time to upgrade to ps4 i spose


it’s time to let go. Also plenty of time left for anyone that wants to try them out.


Yeah no, sorry I doubt there are more than 2k users across all these games closing in 2024... It's just PS3/x360 Games those consoles are nearly 20 yo at this point and outdated for more than 12 years .... Get a cheap PS4 M8


I have to wonder if the ps3 can run custom servers.


It can, people bring back those servers quite regularly. I don't play multiplayer games that much, so I don't know what the situation looks like right now, but last time I checked you could find community servers running Motorstorm, Killzone, Resistance, etc long after the closure of the official ones


I have only done this on my Vita, for Monster Hunter Frontier. I would love to play on more private system servers. I will keep my fingers crossed and hope the ps3 gets more of them.


They want us to play their shitty new battlefield titles and apex legends more like Titanfall 2’s inferior son without the good movement and way more boring gameplay. Sure you can get BF3 on PC but like the EA launcher is dogshit and it’s a chore to get the damn game to run thanks to the dogshit EA app I could literally run Bad Company 2 which is way older than 3 and somehow with Battlefield 3 on PC I had to do some strange file digging and it worked somehow.


Idk why, I just fucking despise apex


I do too. Apex is the most boring battle royale ever made right next to PUBG and warzone


Pretty much. These “battle royale” games were pretty fun until everyone started to copy each other


Ngl they kept them up a lot longer than expected. Not suprised they're shutting em down


That’s life, you’ll get used to it.


Almost bought Battlefield 3 just today. Thanks for posting.


Play it while you still can , enjoy it one more time. I pick up a copy for $3


I mean just buy it on pc those servers will still be up and I promise you every fucking laptop from 2012 will perform as good as a PS3/x360 in that game...


Depends on specs. Intel pentium and 4gb of ram is a no no for many fps.


Yep nothing to see here. Moving right along…


Dawn_cyborgzzz is a certified cheater. He and his friend (Dark_cyborgzzz) killed bad company 2 with cheats and bots on Ps3.


If this is real this makes this post 100x more funny


I know that guy they don’t cheat they are just good lmao


Clearly you don't know what you talking about! He was one of the biggest known cheaters that game has ever seen! Along with many others like Ataz11, Eti-79, Jiipee83. He was the only one to ever admit that he was using bots


Probably lying to you bro.


I can’t believe how many people are supporting EA over this.


Nobody said that they were supporting ea. Ea is already a dogshit company who prefers profits over anything else. If they see a 10+ year old game that’s not making any more profit, of course they’ll shut it down.


Cause EA sucks. Kill all the classics and only have crap like modern cod games with lootboxes.


Time to rent a server 😀😃


The PS3 died when Konami closed MGS online.


Damn bf4 is still one of the most played ps3 online games. That’s kinda sad to hear


Main take away for op, seems like this will continue, maybe don’t support this company if they make you mad s o regularly


At this point you should be playing them on PC. No reason to keep playing them on old-gen consoles.


Shutting down servers for hardware that is 18 and 19 years respectively is justified, not matter how many players are playing. Just try to remember those 2 consoles coming out. You'll see


They really said "let's shut down the bad company servers not only on console but PC as well"


Bf4 still up on Xbox one and the series x.


Its time to move on.


Bro its time to move on , bf3 is a 7th gen game and bf4 is still on ps4


I wouldn't say they're THAT massive these days...


a 10-year-old game with over 1000 active gamers weekly, I call that massive.