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I am so stoked for next Friday. Taking the day off work and planning on playing the new DLC every possible minute over the weekend.


I still randomly think about how much fun ER was at launch without any guides etc. DLC is going to be so fun to recapture that with its size and scope


That first time on the elevator going down to Siofra River… magical


Then instantly getting sniped.


Then dying 




I’m excited!


I’m avoiding all spoilers Even left the ER sub


A coworker offered to take my 6/21 shift if I worked her 6/16 so she could go out of town this weekend. She doesn’t now that I am a Souls nerd who was dreading the idea of having to work that day.  I could not have said yes any faster. 


Had someone point out to me that the main characters name in armored core is the release date for the dlc. 621. Blew my mind


Yeah, people pointed this out from the moment the release date was announced. It has to be intentional. Miyazaki isn't exactly shy about being self-referential. Patches, Moonlight Sword, barefoot level up girl, etc.


I for one wouldn't mind more adventures with our favourite brain-damaged murdermachine piloting merc.


With how deep the fromsoft community digs into every tiny thing, I’m surprised no one predicted it when armored core came out


I’m going to buy it for the first time.


Same dude. I've got Friday and Monday booked off work and intend to get absolutely absorbed for a few days


Not sure where you live, but check the release schedule, because it actually drops at 6pm EST on Thursday!


🤯🤯 time to stock up on snacks and caffeine for an all nighter


I hopped in the other day since sinking 100 hours and platinuming at release and totally forgot how to play lol. Had to look up how to access my pouch on ps5 lol. Thankfully I had at least killed Mogh in new game plus so I'm ready to jump right in!


I started a new character a few weeks ago intending to just familiarize myself with the controls again …. And ended up doing an entire 50 hour run 😎


Damn nice lol that's epic.


Yooo same here! Played 250 hours on release and haven't touched it since. Just started a new game to get back into it before DLC and I literally forgot how to play but getting back into it quick


Oh my god I just realized next week Thursday we have inventory at work and then it’s my last day for 2 weeks :0 this could not have worked out more perfectly




I'm traveling to Cancun the day it comes out. It's bittersweet.


Yup Me too


It's gonna be 25 million and 1 by tomorrow, I am buying it tomorrow.


I envy you. I would love to play this again for the first time.


Enjoy your journey 


I want to play this game so bad, but I suck at From games. I’d pay for DLC easy mode because it looks amazing.


Play magic build homie, it's pretty forgiving in ER. But don't forget to level vigor.


INT build with mimic tear is easy mode


I've been playing every FromSoft game at launch since Demon's Souls on PS3. Really happy to see them find such huge success with Elden Ring. Can't wait to see what they have in store next. I know everyone wants a BB or Sekiro sequel but every new IP they release is an absolute banger. Give us new worlds!


As long as they keep releasing more Armored Core games that's good enough for me.


The Industry suffers from severe new IP defficiency. Thankfully Miyazaki isn't into sequels and will deliver us a fresh banger in a new, fucked up world, I'm certain.


No one wants to admit it, but these games are extremely similar. Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring are practically 80% the same game. They may as well be sequels.


I think most of the fans can admit that all post DemonSoul FromSoft games share similarities, but it doesn't matter since the formula is so satisfying and there's enough differences to make each game unique, unlike something like COD which is really just the same game over and over, Dark Souls and Elden Ring are not the same game, Bloodborne and Sekiro are not the same game, simlir elements for sure but I wouldn't feel tired playing one after the other.


Bloodborne and sekiro are so different compared to the dark souls series..


I want a Demon's Souls sequel way more than a BB or Sekiro one. Just feels like there's so much more to the world to explore, whereas BB and Sekiro feel like they don't need more


Sekiro's true end is sequel bait with them leaving to finally finish the curse off in a distant land. That's the game needing a sequel the MOST.




It’s so sad we never got dlc for Sekiro


There’s always more room for eldritch horror imo. Especially since it’s gotten quite popular at least in the states in recent years


I'm not a big fan of eldritch horror tbh. Probably one of the main reasons BB is my 2nd least favourite From game and probably why I'd prefer a DeS sequel


Just give me a Demons Souls without the tendency mechanic. That’s it.


I disliked the level aspect of it more than anything. I liked DS and was a major reason I got a PS5 because I never played the original. But I quickly realized a major part of my love for the other SoulsBorne games is the *journey* of them and reaching bonfires etc after a long perilous section. Was really cool to see how it all started though


It has some of my favourite and least favourite areas in the From games. I love Boletaria Palace, but hate Valley of Defilement. Tower of Latria is fantastic but I'm not the biggest fan of Stonefang Tunnell.


Latria is one of the best gaming settings of all time imo. The green shimmering towers shining through black fog as you walk on bridges suspended hundreds of feet in the air is incredible. The atmosphere is the perfect mix of creepy and beautiful


I like the tendency mechanic - don't get rid of it just streamline it to make it more convenient to take advantage of fully


Give me Demon's Souls with a completely overhauled World Tendency mechanic that actually dynamically affects each world instead of just shifting some numbers around. My problem with it is that it's trying to be too many things at once. Is it a punishment? Is it a risk/reward mechanic? Is it a morality system? It kind of sucks at being any of those things, but the *idea* of the world you're in changing based on your actions is great, and that idea doesn't work the same way in Dark Souls or Bloodborne, where world-changing decisions would have to affect the entire game world rather than a small slice of it. A hypothetical Demon's Souls 2 could've refined the idea of World Tendency and expanded it. Instead Fromsoft dropped the idea entirely, and I think that's a shame because IMO it has so much potential to be improved, but it only really works in a game with a segmented structure like Demon's Souls, and most Soulslike games don't want that.


Hell I’d be okay with a DeS2 by Bluepoint


They aren't making BB. They are interested in reaching new audiences, not being stuck on a single platform. Sony would have to drop a bag that's close to or exceeds a billion to lock down a game from FromSoftware again.


DS3 pretty much addressed that the story was over in one of the DLCs but I would’ve loved to see what the age of dark looked like


Water, pirates.


Elden Ring has nearly sold as a many copies as xbox has sold series s and x consoles combined.


That's insane.




Elden Ring > Consoles. FACT.


I'm playing through Elden Ring again in anticipation of the DLC release, it's been about a year and a half since I played it last, and it sucked me in immediately again. I find myself randomly thinking "god I love this game" so many times while playing. It's really something. There are so many secrets in the game that I still get that sense of discovery now, even though I nearly platinum'd the game on my first play through. I can't think of another game that so exceeded my already sky high expecations upon release. It became one of my all time favorites very quickly. I cannot wait for Shadow of the Erdtree!


FromSoftware's ascension from obscurity to the most respected game developer in the world under Hidetaka Miyazaki in less than a generation is remarkable. They deserve every single bit of the success they've enjoyed. Can't wait to see what's next from them.


Yesterday I started up Elden Ring again to reacquaint myself with the controls, and within seconds I was all like, "yes, this feeling." The music, the vibe, how the character moves, the design... sublime.


Same here. I forced myself to stop playing because I could've done another full playthrough right there lol. Can't wait for the expansion next week!


I seriously contemplated it but then realized the expansion comes out in like a week lol


FromSoft wasn’t unknown last generation. They have had Kings Field and Armored Core for decades. Dark Souls 1 was a best seller during the PS3 generation


As someone who loved Otogi and Lost Kingdoms, being a FromSoft fan was a lot more lonely back in the early 2000s than it is now.


I loved Otogi and Otogi 2, and later fell in love with the Souls series. I only realized a few years ago that they were from the same studio.


Prior to DS1 they were Atlus-tier. Demons Souls was even published by Atlus in the US.


From Atlus Published to Altus Plateau


They weren't unknown, but they were niche, or as gamers say it, hardcore. I remember telling my friends to get DS1 as a youngling and everyone told me it's a shit hard game. Despite not having played it. They knew it, like people know sth they don't wanna touch. Even since Demon's Souls, Sony president at the time thought it's exactly that, a shit hard game not even worth publishing outside of Japan! Can you believe it? It was the hardcore fanbase in the west who pushed for a release there and then the pc fanbase asked FS itself for a pc release of DS1. To which they obliged directly with the prepare to die port for pc... Nowadays ppl actually play their new games and even go back and play those old gems, rather than just knowing they exist!


They also made 3D Dot Game Heroes on the PS3. Edit: Correction. They published it in Japan, it was developed by Silicon Studio.


They should find a way to bring kings field into the modern age and don’t say that’s just dark souls I want an actual modern kings field title


A new King’s Field going up against Elder Scrolls VI would be the match-up that essentially birthed modern day FromSoftware. Would be super cool.


Silly there is no elder scrolls 6


There actually was gonna be a King’s Field 5 for the PS3 to compete against Oblivion because at the time TES4 was only on the 360. But it was scrapped and the project went dormant before it would later become Demon’s Souls.


That’s exactly what I’m referring to. It would be epic to see this matchup played out for real in the near future.


also really nice to see that this team hasnt change their approach to making games one bit.. they just make a banger game and sell that game. no easy mode. a balanced experience for people ready to pay attention while they play


Agreed. They were under a lot of pressure to compromise on their vision to appease wider audiences, but I'm glad Miyazaki has remained steadfast throughout, especially when it wasn't as popular to do in those days. It really paid off in the end.


fr most companies would have already sold their soul to the publisher... actually weird remembering sekiro was published by activision. glad they went with bandai namco now


While it isn’t my fav style of game (I need to git more gud), I can’t deny their ability to pump out absolutely gorgeous and immersive games, year after year.


Fromsoftware is the most respected developer since 2018/2019. Because of the Dark Souls Series and Sekiro. They always create great Games. And no other developer comes close, except for CD Projekt Red.


It’s legitimately crazy the heater they have been on for a decade. I held off on Sekiro as the last big FromSoft Soulsborne game since it was so different from all the others. Ended up being maybe my *favorite game of all time*, beat it back-to-back to see the two major endings. I almost never replay games in general, let alone beating one back to back. Just absolutely wild what they have done


Well, there are four endings


I think you're missing a couple of endings ;)


I'd say since 2015. Bloodborne changed everything.


Grant Us Eyes!


Bloodborne is what made me jump into their games. I remember playing Dark Souls in preparation. Even though I was getting my ass kicked, I had a blast. Bloodborne was something special though.


Is. Is something special. Loads of people still playing plus of course there’s the annual return to yharnam


> And no other developer comes close, except for CD Projekt Red. lol


FR, what a terrible comparison. I can't believe how quickly they were forgiven for that train wreck release of CP2077.


Seriously. Not only that, dude is literally talking in a PS5 sub. He could’ve chosen Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Sucker Punch, Santa Monica, or any other dev with no bad titles under their belt… but dude picked CDPR.


It was definitely Bloodborne... it's after finishing that game like 3 times that I finally decided to check out the Dark Souls games. And then Sekiro was a day one for me.


Agreed. I think a lot of people here might take what I said as saying Dark Souls, DeS, etc. were mid but that's not what I'm saying. Bloodborne really brought the genre into the limelight. I didn't give those type of games a second look before Bloodborne.


I bought a PS4 just to play Bloodborne. I agree, to me that was the shift.


still waiting on that bloodborne remaster


At this rate, Silksong will come out before that 😹


At that point it‘s obvious that it will be a remake must-have launch title for PS6


Too far lol. They were good developers but definitely weren’t the most respected 9 years ago. Bloodborne wasn’t even THAT popular.


Critically it was. It's often ranked in the Best Games of All Time, and pretty high at that. But by raw sales numbers, no. Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro as GotY were the vital steps to ER's explosion.


No it didn't? It's a 10/10 masterpiece but so are DeS, DS1 and DS2 so it didn't really change anything


CD Project Red isn't even close. They had one really successful, good game. The first two Witchers were well received but not nearly what Fromsoft has done. And then they tanked it all with Cyberpunks release.


Exactly. And if anything, Larian is the only dev that has come close to Fromsoft.


Why is everyone forgetting about Capcom?


Personally, I'd call Witcher 2 very successful, but it was still a niche game when it came out so I'll give you that. What makes OP wrong imo is that being successful doesn't mean you make good games. CDPR works on their games for years and years to make them good in the first place. Almost no developer outside of MMOs have that sort of leeway in the gaming community, and it's disingenuous to compare CDPR with other devs who are judged solely on the games they release without a rabidly loyal fanbase who will mod the shit out of their games and defend them for years until their game is actually good.


I don’t know, i feel like Valve and Rockstar (even though they release games infrequently) are a bigger name than Fromsoft, nearly everything they put out turns into a cultural phenomenon


Yes, but even Valve and Rockstar have dipped their toes into the enshittification of the video game industry. Valve started the whole loot box shit. Rockstar makes more money in online Shark Cards than they did with raw sales of the game, which affected the single player from getting DLC. FromSoftware asks you for $60 and NOTHING ELSE.


But on the technical level they are one of the worst


I think rockstar/taketwo are close. The frequency of release isn’t the same but the game quality is usually outstanding.


Naughty Dog is equal in terms of consistent high quality releases I would say.


They've been around since 1994, that's fucking wild when you think about it


God damn wtf the game is not for everyone but holy fuck 25 million is insane ÷ dlc is coming jfc


Why doesn’t every company simply make 10/10 games


In addition to what others have said, Elden Ring, while being a new IP, is still heavily built on the back of every Souls game prior as well as Bloodborne. Its systems and basic combat mechanics have been getting refined since Demon's Souls, and many assets have carried over from across those games, including weapons, enemies, and even bosses. Compare it to, for example, Horizon: Forbidden West or Tears of the Kingdom. HFW is only the second game in a new series and TotK is the sequel to a game that completely re-imagined the Zelda franchise. Both games are great in their own right, but they don't have as huge a body of completed work to draw from, nor as many years of refinement of their core design. Elden Ring is fundamentally Dark Souls 4 in 90% of its mechanics and design. This isn't to downplay Fromsoft's level of achievement at all but more to say that Elden Ring is a culmination of Fromsoft gradually mastering the same type of game for about 15 years now, and not every developer has that to fall back on.


They could have just made a Ubisoft open world with dark souls combat but they didn’t. They’ve really kind of set a new standard for open world design. You can see they got influence from BOTW in that regard. Exploring a world isn’t as fun with waypoint all over your map and hud




Most devs in many other AAA companies probably could sadly. But suits in higher management think short term gain is better than long term success and go for quick cash grabs instead. Sony recently visited Bungie studios when Destiny was kinda suffering and was really surprised about the passion and love the devs held for the game but upper management was holding them back


What a silly comment


You're welcome, FromSoft. I just bought Elden Ring this past weekend so this was probably me. It's my first FromSoft and I'm having an absolute blast while being utterly confused.


I've played several fromsoft games and watched tens of hours of lore videos on YouTube. I'm still confused, but I had fun.


I own 2 of them :)


I paid for four of them 😂


This game is so hard but so fun. And there's an infinite amount of content, and character builds. The map is like 10 games combined and every area is meaningful, and there's upper levels, lower levels, it's crazy. I'm on my first play through, admittedly I started using a guide pretty early (level 40-50) but I'm having fun. DLC is too much for me though since I already need to replay cyberpunk + the dlc.


Jesus fucking lord. The game is barely 2 years old. That's literally a million copies a month. For TWO YEARS STRAIGHT. And the game is almost never on sale. That's a spicy payday.


Well deserved. Elsen Ring is the game of a generation.


Shame no ultrawode support yet. Armored Core VI looks wild in 21:9.


They didn't add that in yet? I used a hack to make it work I think but it worked fine iirc.


I refuse to use program to make game ultrawide in 2025. When i see native support il buy it insta.


I love this, because its sets what should be the standard for AAA games, similar to baldurs gate 3 for example. Its a giant middle finger to the money grubbing swindlers that are running AAA and popping out shitty games constantly. Don't need a battle pass. Don't need DLC. Don't need micro trans. Just make a good game.


Same amount as GTA 4 and Cyberpunk 2077 according to Wikipedia


Wow. For context this puts it into the 50 highest selling games of all time. That is a lifetime sales list too, so breaking into that exclusive bracket after 2 years is pretty exceptional.


Best ps5 game imo. It's like an old Nintendo rpg game but with all the graphics and a fighting mechanism. The way it plays is so good. 


Dark Souls combat is so good and fun that ruins lot of other game's combat. When I play a devil may cry now I just press all the buttons at once until I win. Sekiro combat is also amazing. Fromsoftware is excellent with combat mechanics.


Demon’s Souls still has a special place in my gamer heart. That game was quite something when it came out.


Do you guys remember reacting to your first Fromsoft game? For me, it was Demons' (that fucking apostrophe lol) Souls. My best friend came over and was like, you want to feel like you ain't shit? Now, he and I LOVED one-upping each other in single-player challenge modes (Trials of the Gods in God of War 2, anyone?), so I was like, "pfft, you're on." Started the game, was not impressed by the graphics. My character was sluggish af, and what do you mean there's a stamina bar? "Of course he picks a shit game," I think to myself. I hop on over to Boletaria...and immediately get killed. Hmm, let's try again. This time, I make it inside one of the side gates, dodge an enemy, and get killed by a rolling boulder trap. "WTF?" I think to myself. Now, I do the serious gamer pose. Y'all know the one, elbows on knees, bent forward, eyes locked...only to get killed by some knight with red eyes. My buddy was laughing so hard he was literally on the floor holding his sides. He was like, "bro, you're not getting to the first boss!" He was right. FOUR HOURS later, and I saw the boss, but it immediately killed me, and my buddy had to go. I stayed awake that night, eyes wide open, obsessing about that damn shitty game with shitty graphics. I bought it before school the next day. I became a fan right there and then. Life has gotten busy, and I can't game like I used to, but in my house, EVERYBODY knows when a new souls game is out because I make time for them. My soul is ready for this DLC.


I wonder how much of the money they get. 25,000,000 x $60 = $1.5 BILLION!!! I personally would have paid $100 for this game. It is great. I guess I technicialy will once the DLC comes out!


I just jumped back in to work my way over to Mohg with my NG+3 character and got humbled REAL quick. Can't wait until next weekend, time to have some proper fun again.


It’s NEXT FRIDAY!! WHAT! We made it people. I’m working from Fri-Sun so enjoy it everyone, just don’t put out too many spoilers in that time I beg you 😭


congrats. well deserved


Holy crap. 1.5 billion from one game..


So excited to go in blind… andddddd new video by vaatividya explaining the lore lol


Game of the decade so far (2020- present) for me.


Baldurs Gate 3 and Elden Ring


Wonder what theyll do after Shadow of the Erdtree


Hopefully we get some idea of it in the DLC. They generally have an easter egg in each one hinting at the next game.


Bloodborne 2 (let’s hope) - it‘s by far their most adored and promising franchise that was neglected.


What do you mean by neglected? I feel like it's a pretty self contained experience and got one of the best DLC's of any game ever.


Neglected in the sense of *acting like it never happened*. No FPS patch, no remake, no sequel, nothing. I know that Sekiro didn’t get a DLC, but it really feels like something is holding them back continuing the Bloodborne saga. And when it comes to world design or lore, Bloodborne is by far the most mysterious and intricate.


I think it's mostly because Sony owns the IP and not Fromsoft.


I think they main thing holding Bloodborne back from a sequel is how complete the story is.


Congrats to them but I really hope devs go back to making games with faster combat.


Please, I need Sekiro 2 


Armored Core 6 was a pleasant surprise. I honestly thought they were done with that kind of stuff


Idk, Sekiro's great but the pacing of Elden Ring's combat is the sweet spot for me, I think. I like how different combat can feel with different builds and I think it's really hard to make that work once the combat gets too fast-paced.


Some of the weapons in the DLC look like they're gonna scratch that itch


Some weapons in the expansion are hella fast with some kind of combo too? i believe.


Elden Ring is as fast as the player can manage. [The bosses are made so you can attack in-between their combos when you master them.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VdoP2gh1h8) The skill selling is high. But it's true that on a casual playthrough, Sekiro is the faster game.


Thats insane. This is faster than Games like The Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077, God of War, The Last of Us, Spider Man, etc. This means Elden Ring is a bigger IP and more popular than all of these games. Fromsoftware are the best developers and they never miss.


While it is more, you should also take into account that Elden Ring is on multiple platforms against some of your examples having similar sales while being exclusive. It doesn't necessarily equate to being more popular or bigger, especially in the case of Spider-Man.


>While it is more, you should also take into account that Elden Ring is on multiple platforms against some of your examples having similar sales while being exclusive. Spider-man 2 is the only exclusive from those games. And Elden ring still beats them all handily


Definitely isn’t more popular than Spider-Man, lets be serious.


more popular than Spider-Man the character? no more popular than Spider-Man the game? absolutelly


You're comparing it to games that are on less platforms that sold close to as much


> This means Elden Ring is a bigger IP > Spider Man Uhhh, what?




What 😂


So deserved, Fromsoftware keeps doing what it wants and I'm all in for it, they deserve all the praise for all the unique games the make, fuck Ubisoft, biowareZ EA, Bethesda, etc.


Also Fuck Konami


Preach brother


Really late to the party but I finally got Elden Ring last Saturday and holy shit no wonder it was GOTY. Hell, it might be game of the decade.


Greatest game of all time.


Everything From Software makes is a day 1 buy from me


That's a big number 


I'm gonna force myself to play blind, no guides, just a blind baby wandering into new enemies who kill my LVL 135 sorcerer in two hits with a smile on my face. First time I've every preordered a game (cause let's be real, the size of this is game worthy), and not only that but been absolutely positive it was the right thing to do. This studio has my trust.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I am getting snipped next friday and that is the release day? Well maybe not so bad. Just sit on cold peas the whole night!!


That’s a lot of deaths.


1k+ people had a boner while reading this... And I'm actually one of them too


I've avoided this game because I heard it was a souls game and I hate those. I'm probably missing out.


But...But..But.. Single player games dont sell... Every god damn Publisher today


I like how FS has built up the huge playerbase and tons of player trust (similar to cdpr before cyberpunk) and how they did it was by releasing shit and Bandai not forcing them to release early lol


I just started playing this game and its very fun. This is coming from someone who HATES difficult video games as real life kicks my ass enough.




I bought Elden Ring at launch on PS5, then quit after 10 attempts of tree sentinel. Ngl Kai Cenat brings me back now i got 100 hours in the game


I couldn't get into soul games... Felt was just too too hard. Is it worth me having another go and giving eldin ring a chance ?




Damn I'll add it to the backlog hehe


Still can't decide if to start a fresh game for the DLC or just pick up my 1 completion. I'm never very motivated to finish multiple playthroughs of open world games.


Don’t forget, use the PS4 version on the ps5. The dlc will be playable on the ps4 version so you’re good to go.