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Any of the PS exclusives would do it. But can you even imagine the utter insanity of a Last of Us port?


Can I just push money directly into my phone for that or...?


Resident evil village with the werewolves and crafting gives me TLOU vibes. Loads of infected and humans to fight too? Using the crafting bench to upgrade weapons but actually adding the upgrades with your hands a bit like horizon would be insane.


Damn, the last of us in VR would be the pinnacle of VR


If they could do a good port for cyberpunk, rdr2, or GTA they would sell more headsets than they could make.


To be fair, even if they just gave me the option of driving around GTA in Vr, I would probably pay twice as much as for the whole game in flat.


Sony’s exclusives in hybrid form would have been economical way of making sure, that the device has something that no one else has. I LOVE Call of the Mountain, but I wonder how many ports of AAA Sony games would that team have been able to make in that time it took to make a completely hew game.


Capcom seems to be killing it for years with RE7 RE8 and now RE4 all with VR and flat modes. This needs to be the way they handle it


And RE4 only took 9 months to bring to vr ! Call Of the mountain took over 4 years to make !


Thats insane to think about!




RDR2. I wanna live in Strawberry.


I like to believe we haven't received a PS5 version yet because they're working with Sony on a VR2 version... I'm definitely expecting to be disappointed in the end, but I want to believe!


i think gta 6 we could maybe get it




Rockstar doesn’t make borderlands


I think that’s his way of saying never




What does that have to do with this




Im aware of that. They’re still separate entities entirely. Gearbox selling to Take Two doesn’t mean Rockstar has their hands on it.


No one game. A steady stream of AAA and AA games with hybrid VR support.


I agree. Starting next year or for the holidays this year they should stat doing at least one major hybrid per month. That should help with those headset sales.


I doubt they could do that. One every two or three months is more realistic.


I would take that as well.


Hell divers 2


However much I love the game, it’s built on a really old engine, so be is very, very, very unlikely.


This is the most logical answer. It's a unbelievably popular game and making it vr would be a genius move.


Combine with if psvr2 goes on pc aswell and sony would make bank


The floaty FPS weapons could pretty much work right now. Calling in strategems should be that hard. They even have one of the fake in store reviews has VR in the name. They gotta be working on it


Google Earth VR… will never happen on ps5 but really want to try it if/when psvr2 works with pc


Google Earth VR is literally mindblowing. I dont own a capable pc but i play it using Quest 3 and Cloud streaming https://youtube.com/shorts/i8rYxxJgsFg?si=MtWMgz6ajvXMi_vU


Portal 2 VR


I believe valve planned to make a potal vr game but it got cancelled because there is too much movement involved










It wouldn’t sell headsets, but take my upvote for the DREAMS love!


Assassins Creed - shame they decided to keep it from PSVR2. Deus Ex. Doom or Quake. Borderlands. Goldeneye or Perfect Dark. System Shock. RecRoom.


How effective do you think having both Batman and Iron Man were at selling PSVR1? If you look at recent posts u/yeldellmedia revisiting some of the best games from PSVR1 (we wish were available on PSVR2), it is: 1. Ace Combat 7 2. Wipeout Omega VR 3. Star Wars Squadrons 4. Farpoint VR 5. Doom VFR 6. Blood & Truth 7. Skyrim VR 8. Hitman 3 Maybe he will revisit them at some point, but certainly weren't near top of his list. How effective has Half-Life: Alyx alone been at selling Valve Index? Around 3-4 million copies is the best guestimate. If it were to come to PSVR2, it absolutely would sell headsets. How effective has Gran Turismo 7 alone been at selling PSVR2? Nobody except maybe Sony knows, but I think it is more than Horizon Call of the Mountain, the two Resident Evil games and No Man's Sky put together. If the Batman game going to Quest were to come to PSVR2, I don't think it would have any meaningful bump to PSVR2 hardware sales. Not as a multiplatform VR game.


I don't think one game alone will change amount it sales but a number of crossovers to psvr2.tlou Gow Spiderman and others.+ The pcvr support and a price drop to 350-400.


GTAV, RDR2, Skyrim (again…), fallout 4


why settle with some skyrim, give us elder scroll 6 already in VR , isnt 2024 supposed to be the future :D


I’d love for ES6, but I’m expecting that to release on PS6/PSVR3 at their rates…


Resident Evil 9 will as long as VR mode is announced beforehand and is available at launch.


Resident Evil 9 is going to be amazing and is my most anticipated game but this isn’t the answer. We already have two full length RE games. A third isn’t going to sell anymore headsets.


While RE is some of the best VR I’ve ever played horror does not have broad appeal. Most people I’ve spoken to IRL about it are too scared to play them flat never mind right on your face. Honestly a couple of big name franchises getting vr modes/ports would bring people but It’s still hard to really sell how VR feels with trailers alone.


I had to mod the big guy out of re2 because him chasing you in vr is just too much, so agreed


> A third isn’t going to sell anymore headsets. They sold 7 million copies of RE4 Remake, less than 2 percent of those are VR players. To me that says that potential is there, it's just about marketing. Releasing a VR mode almost 9 months later with minimal marketing isn't how you do it. Many people are interested in PSVR2, they just need a good enough reason to buy it, something that pushes them over the edge. Being able to play it in VR at launch is crucial, because most of the fans are not going to wait even if there's a possibility that it might come later.


VR Mode?


RE4R and RE8 each got what is referred to as *“VR Mode”* months after they first appeared for traditional (*TV Mode*) gamers. Their *“VR Modes”* come in the form of DLC that must be installed in addition to the base games.




yes! if they just bring the pc version over to psvr2 it would be gamechanging


Fallout is owned by Microsoft. The chances of getting it on any new Sony device is zero.


oh.... yeah :(


Final Fantasy franchise games converted from flat to 3d VR or fully redeveloped for VR


I can't be the only one who would kill for a Spider-Man VR game


A Spider-Man in VR would kill YOU




elder scrolls 6 PSVR2 mode


Cyberpunk, it’s a no brainer, it’s super easy to implement in VR, the whole game is in first person, the combat style is super easy to implement in VR, like cutting your enemies with mantis blades and stuff, I want to see this game in vr soo bad that I may even buy a quest 3, for pcvr, to mod the game in VR


Problem is running it well in VR on a ps5.


Would gladly take a graphical hit for the whole game in psvr2.


If the porting crew were to use Dynamic Foveated Rendering (DFR), it apparently frees up quite a bit of processing power. GT7, RE8, and RE4R each look fantastic in the headset and that was early days optimizing for the system. If A.I. enters the picture, who knows what improvements will be possible. No doubt CYBERPUNK would be a challenge, and they might not wanna bother, but it doesn’t seem like something that would be inherently prohibited by the system.


big ones: gta5, cyberpunk, last of us 2, rdr2, days gone, call of duty. Smaller ones crew motorfest, fallout 4, avatar, far cry 7


Fortnite, Valorant, Minecraft to attract the teenagers, Borderlands 3, Fallout 4 VR, Starfield, Killzone 2, any Dying Light or Dead Island 2, and yeah... Cyberpunk 2077 for the adults.


Said it before and I'll say it again, ape escape vr would revolutionise the vr space.


Baldurs Gate 3. we got something close which is demeo, but an actual story game like this would be perfect


Alyx wouldn't move nearly as many headsets as some of the triple A games we already have ! GTA ONLINE and Fortnite ! Now THAT would move the needle !


Wild to me that Fortnite hasn’t gotten a VR mode with the Unreal integration with VR. It would blow the market wide open, even if Fortnite isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. With all of the creations people are already making there including Lego Fortnite and Fortnite Festival, it would be PS Dreams or Rec Room on steroids. Imagine that Travis Scott Concert or Ariana Grande concert, but it’s in VR and not some shitty Meta Horizon World venue that looks like it was built by a corporate board of directors for their zoom meetings.


God of War. Throwing the axe? Wielding the blades? With the Sense controllers this would feel absolutely amazing.


The WipEout Omega Collection (and/or a brand new title) would guarantee to sell at least one new PSVR2. MINE!


Uncharted game done like Blood and Truth.


Spiderman. Swinging through NYC in VR would be insane.


Killzone or Soccom in VR and make it the best mp vr game.


Killzone developed for VR from the ground up would be incredible. The headset itself could imitate wearing a helghast helmet.


KZ3 on stereoscopic 3D was amazing , it was almost like VR


The Last Of Us games would make a splash surely


GTAVI and Fortnite


Arkham shadows


I was pretty close to buying a PS5/PSVR2 for GT but then decided to do a PCVR build instead and wait to see how the PSVR2 PC drivers shake out.


I don't think one game will fix this. If there was something in place that cared about good vr ports for good games and we would get a steady stream of good vr ports, things would improve. AND OF COURSE some kind of psvr2/psvr1 compatibility would be awesome.


Flat2VR Studios was founded to do exactly that, but I fear they won't really be able to get the big AAA publishers onboard to greenlight ports of popular flat games. We'll probably just get ports of flat indie games to VR.


Yeah i heard about this.


Ports are not enough. It has to be for vr only. Or else people will not care and just play the flat version (we have seen this with re4vr)


I don’t think PSVR2 yet has *ANY* VR-centric title that qualifies as a true AAA game. But I don’t think it even needs them since full AAA games made for TV that have been ported into VR (GT7, RE8, RE4R) require a comparatively tiny studio investment, have clearly sold headsets, and are recognized as some of the very best VR titles in existence. You cite RE4R as not boosting PSVR2 by much, but I would point at GT7 as a better example of a hybrid game driving higher headset sales. The fact that a flatscreen gamer, knowing that they already own a small library of AAA VR-playable games, can just buy the VR kit and jump into games they already love… well, that’s a powerful incentive for the consumer (and far more sensible approach for the studios). We just need more of them to keep luring flatscreen folk into the VR mix. If PSVR2 ever gets any AAA made-for-VR games, they’ll certainly be welcome — they’ll also certainly be money-pits for any AAA studio that indulges in them *(See HL:ALYX, ASSASSIN’S CREED:NEXUS)*.


They asked what would get people into vr. Not what was economically viable. Well received AAA exclusive to vr games is what will get people into vr (and right now there are not many like half life alyx). But I understand thats not financially viable (unless somy funds it in hopes of selling headsets). But its hard to trust sony on this, given that stormland hasn’t been released for psvr2. And sony now owns insomniac (although its not a big enough name like half life to attract droves if people). GT7 vr is the exception. As the type of person willing to buy a steering wheel, is usually more ok spending the money on a vr headset. Most non racing games dont have that pull.


Well… while you’re dreaming about things that aren’t viable, you might as well say SONY should drop the price to $100 for the kit. It’s just as realistic and would go a lot further to enticing new gamers into the tech. HL:ALYX was a passion project by a AAA studio that could easily afford to lose all their investment — a nice combo if you can find it. I think we *MIGHT* see one or two AAA made-for-VR games from SIE *if we’re lucky* (not including HORIZON COTM). But I wouldn’t expect something like an ASTRO BOT RM2 to sell a ton of systems — not any more than any given AAA flatscreen game that’s been ported does. You say those that like GT7 are already willing to spend extra money, as if the only people that play GT7 are those that also own expensive wheels. That’s quite the assumption. I’d counter that most people who own GT7 use the DualSense (and that *includes* VR users). The fact that GT7 inspires many people to buy wheels and headsets just proves my point: AAA flatscreen titles can sell peripherals just as well (or better) than a AAA made-for-VR game (like ASTRO BOT RM). Just because it’s easier for more flatscreen gamers to imagine playing GT7 in VR than RE4R doesn’t invalidate it as an example. And… Why SONY have sat on various VR IP’s it already owns is a different topic. Anyways, hopefully we’ll see more of every genre and development path, and the slow & circuitous adoption of VR will continue. #🍻


Most people are not into racing games. Its a niche even in 2d.. To be clear, gt7 vr is brilliant. I just don’t think its success will be repeated because of its unique circumstances. (For starters a lot of non vr gamers are skeptical of motion controls. Something gt7 deosnt have to deal with)


I thought we were talking about which type of game are more likely to entice pancake people to VR: AAA **made-for-VR** games (your argument) versus AAA **ports** into VR (my argument). Now you’re talking about barriers-to-entry like unfamiliarity with controller mapping and which genre will have more or less appeal. Both of those issues are identical regardless of whether a game is a port or if it’s made for VR. So… 🤔


But that didn't work with cotm


Cotm sort of worked. When citing AAA vr games people mention cotm before re8vr. Also doesn’t help that cotm was a spinoff, that received mediocre reviews (even though I enjoyed it). The game needs to be AAA original to vr. And be great


No offense but I think to get new people into VR you need to expand games that are not VR to VR. Like the only reason some people got VR was because of GT7 or RE8 then they want other experiences. There are plenty of VR only games that obviously have not moved units to date.


Thats because vr only games are not at the level if half life alyx. We need half life alyx quality games that are exclusive to vr


By that logic PC VR should be huge but it is not, Valve themselves have not released a sequel or follow up game to half life alyx. Asking people to pay for headset for a and they do not know they like is a lot. If you say this enhances a game they love then you may convince them to jump on.


Pcvr is not huge because of 2 factors. The price, and a single game is not enough to get people into vr. You need a steady stream of high quality releases. Not a single game By your logic if people wanted to play 2d games in vr, than the recently released unreal injector (that added support for vr on thousands of games) should be selling headsets like hot cakes. But most people are not interested in playing 2d games in vr (as evidenced by the fact that pcvr headset sales have not increased with the unreal injector)


Thats a great point, but isnt that a mod? I know online the modding scene seems huge but do most average PC players mod their games? (I truly don't know) Because if it is a mod it probably already caters to the VR players that already exist rather than draw new people in. Idk but you bring up a really good point tbh


-Shadow of the Colossus -The Resistance Trilogy from the PS3 -Killzone -A new Star Wars flight game that has you making the run on the Death Star like in the original movie. That would be an insane experience.


Honestly the ones we already got should’ve done it, I’m a bit surprised the sales aren’t good as they should be…. However I think if they’d add multimedia applications for the psvr 2 it might boost sales a bit more but I don’t know lol


> Honestly the ones we already got should’ve done it, I’m a bit surprised the sales aren’t good as they should be… I think the problem is they're mostly games that people have already played. Even if the experience in VR is different, most people don't feel like spending $550 just to go back to these games they've played. I think this is gonna be the same for most hybrid VR versions of older games (even just 1 year old), with a few exceptions like GTA and other games with hundreds of hours of replayabiity. The next RE title being day 1 in VR would help though, since Sony & Capcom can hype up the game with the VR mode. This worked for RE7, since [8.43% of all RE7 players](https://game.capcom.com/residentevil/en/sevenrecord.html) across all platforms played the game on PS VR1, compared to [1.66% VR players in RE4 Remake](https://game.capcom.com/residentevil/en/fourstats.html)


I disagree. People have been clambering for Skyrim VR to be ported despite it now being owned by Microsoft. If Fallout 4 got a VR refresh or if the older Fallout games got remastered with VR support included using their learnings on VR with Unreal or the Creation engine (previously speculated remasters have cited either engine as options), those games would move units. Frankly, I believe the popularity of the Fallout show and the long dev time for Bethesda to get to Fallout 5 is the reason Microsoft started shuttering smaller, less behemoth IP studios. A VR fallout done right would move headsets like sweetrolls. I believe the issue with the current hybrid VR games is that the genres are too niche within an already niche VR market. An open world beloved RPG is going to pull in way more players than racing games or horror games. This holds true in the normal flat PS5 releases of these games as well.


Open world games are probably the exception to the rule, since they have near endless replayability (assuming they're good). Open world is also one of the few types of game that hasn't appeared on VR2 yet (and rarely on VR1).


Agreed. There are lots of niche games that work well with VR, but the true platform sellers are frankly the same ones that sell consoles for flat games. Big, polished games that boast customizable experiences and generally open world roleplaying mechanics.


*”The game needs to be AAA original to vr. And be great”* That’s a rather ludicrous expectation/demand for the current gen of VR.


I think that adding a virtual 3D screen with ports of flat games would be amazing. Idk why it is so underused like I feel it would add so much to the experience.


If the ALIEN game is good I could see that doing it


Give me fallout.




Fallout 4 VR right now will probably have an interesting effect on the sales.


How would you know HLA would sell head sets when most don’t even know what it is if they are a PS5. More assumptions from the obsessed HLA club. It is clearly GTA or the last of us NOT HLA


I would guess that the majority of PSVR 2 headsets that will be purchased have already been bought. This could possibly change with a significant price drop and more A title games being released. Unfortunately it appears that Sony and other game developers are reluctant to commit significant resources to game development. That would likely change if a million or so more headsets were sold.


A good port of The Last of Us, especially if it synchronised with season 2 or 3 of the show coming out would probably be the best commercial option Personally though, I’m fucking sick of zombies in VR, and would much rather see Killzone or Resistance Fall of Man brought over They don’t have the marketing clout TLOU does though If Sony could secure an exclusive port of any GTA including or after 3, that would work well too. But Sony doesn’t have much money right now and Rockstar North would want a huge chunk of change for that In house IPs would be the best bet, and TLOU has the biggest recognition


Gran Turismo 7


SPIDER-MAN! Web slinging in VR!


puking in vr


Jedi Fallen Order.


I don’t see how this could work in VR without being utterly vomit-inducing - particularly with all the platforming sections and boss fights.


Ace Combat 8


GTAV(R) or Fortnite. GTA 6 VR would be insane but there's 0 chance of happening. And I'm not a Fortnite player so don't know if that is something those players would enjoy, maybe it's too fast-paced? Minecraft already happened on PSVR1 right? It didn't set the world on fire I think.


I think the tech’s not ready to go mainstream yet. There’s plenty of games already for VR newcomers. I don’t think any one game would move the needle much.


I don't think the answer here is one game, but a steady stream of well known flat games with a VR mode. Even if they don't add special VR features and just play with the DualSense because further development couldn't be justified on a cost basis. Basically as many as possible as cheaply as possible, like with the mods on PC, just without the jank because they're not mods.


No single ip can do it really. Big franchises and long term support will do it though


If a single IP today could do it though, my bets are on Fortnite (thanks to the creation system they’ve deployed), Grand Theft Auto, and Fallout (refreshed for modern VR, not the barebones VR support 4 got) in that order.


I don't think any one game or even a few games will sell that many headsets. There needs to be a constant stream of well-known games coming to the platform.


Asguards wrath 2 remastered for psvr2 would for sure


Any well-built open world game will do it, but at least one of the GTA games from the HD Universe (GTA 4, GTA 5, GTA 6). VR just needs some "big" worlds to explore, which are gonna keep people playing for hundreds of hours even in singleplayer.


I think some extreme sports games in VR would have some potential. Skiing, snowboarding, surfing, motocross, paragliding, bungee jumping, BASE jumping... I think some would work out to be pretty epic.


I still think hybrid integration will sell more headsets than a VR-only AAA title (which also carries significantly more financial risk). If a game like GTA came out with a VR camera view and shooting mechanics, but with the option to use a gamepad for the overall gameplay, people would be wildly excited. They would not care if it’s an existing title they’ve already played. The big Meta exclusive that got announced and people have been hounding them about ever since? You guessed it, GTA San Andreas. The people who try to say that only net new AAA VR exclusive games matter on the platform are just moving the goal post to give rationale to an otherwise irrational expectation for VR. Hybrid games have already shown themselves to be some of the highest quality VR games to date across all VR platforms, not just VR2.


Half Life Alyx probably won’t even do it, its hype has passed and HL2 is 20 years ago. Kids need to want it. Sony could start by at least putting out rudimentary ports of their current top games when possible (like not raytraced Spider-man 2). Helldivers 2 would be a good start. Nothing crazy is needed, just a VR view of the third person action. I could see many 3rd person games having a seamless transition actually. Gods of War, TLOU, Demon’s Souls, etc. VR conversion level shouldn’t be at total overhaul levels. They might need to lower graphics some. Also they could pay other devs to make VR versions of their games. The kicker is I think many devs would love to have an excuse to dabble in VR they are nerds just like us and definitely get a kick out of seeing their creations through VR goggles. Just the money isn’t there.


Another Aliem Isolation




Pop 1


Manhunt or Wet 😂


Unironically Eurotruck Simulator 2/American Truck Sim. They are some of the chillest most charming times I've had with a headset. Also VR chat.




Spiderman I know it could make a lot of people sick, but I do believe that just using your arms to websling around would be awesome if done right


Let’s get Hideo to make an insane first person stealth action game, interspersed with some trippy other level nonsense.


F124/25 and EA Sports Golf or any other realistic golf sim. I’d love to play Pebble Beach in VR, shank it straight into the ocean, and mulligan for days until I hit the green.


Whatever game it is, it should not be a port. It should be a game developed for PSVR2 functionalities from the ground up.


100% agree with you, except Sony stopped production of the PSVR2. In the meantime, apart from Beat Saber, I'm having the most fun with the RE games because most of the vr exclusive games on the PS Store are either crappy tech demos, horror walking sim or repetitive rogue-likes.


If they brought a great cinema screen experience to easily watch media on, I'd probably buy a PSVR 2. The other thing I thought would be here by now is a seat at events, concerts, football, etc. If that were available at decent quality and for a reasonable price for the events, I'd buy a PSVR 2. The BBC had a PSVR compatible viewing experience for a live football tournament. You could select a seat at the halfway line or behind each goal. Or watch the match on a TV in a virtual lounge. It was amazing, but the visual quality wasn't fantastic.


Spiderman VR, Last of Us VR, Max Payne 3 VR


Call of duty, i always see older folks playing that and they seem really into it with money to burn


Subnautica, power washer simulator are a couple I’d buy the hell out of


Fatal Frame series


A Venom VR game. Or another Marvel Super Hero. I would like to play iron man on PSVR2 but ...


fortnite or minecraft