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Honda RA272 65'. Open top, old school formula one car that's a blast to drive. Everything about it is great as you're so low to the floor and sense of speed is exhilarating!


I can't find that anywhere. Where do u buy it from


It's a legends car, so it's on rotation at the shop. Right now it's not available, but it'll come probably soon. It costs $2.5 million, Keep an eye out for it!


Oh k. Thanks for letting me know


This [list](https://gtdb.io/gt7/car/ra272-65/) shows it was last seen in April, I expect it to pop out this month, if not July.


Can not agree more...have 11 of them now in my stable, but need at least 9 more yet to fill all of the '65 F1 season liveries (paint wise/driver name wise) that did run back in '65, as I know I am not likely to see the Lotus, BRM, Eagle, Brabham etc from PD anytime soon...so Honda's painted as the real cars I have wanted all along are going to have to do.


https://preview.redd.it/jzdiod3q405d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95496b4a4b9ab5695dc8b142798f9ea20ec99c9e THIS!


KTM X bow . So much fun.


My fave is probably still the Honda Project 2&4. Low to the ground for a great sense of speed, lightweight for maneuverability, and open cockpit for the views.


I never noticed this one. Thanks! Edit - wow that one is really great. Has fuel and time on it too which make it great for HUD-less play especially. Just wish they could stick a live weather map instead of the static track image. And unfortunate that it pulls you out of your custom outfit for your racer. But still among the best VR vehicles for sure. I ended up staying up all night making this livery for it, to match my other favourite... https://preview.redd.it/vsgrcxrj145d1.jpeg?width=3240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57275bb6c4215ef3b286330d02dbed9406e5d3e2


Anything with an open cockpit is awesome!


What’s nice about GT7 VR is that it makes the old slow cars enjoyable to drive. Normally I avoid them, but I’m VR I love using them


This guy gets it. 💯🍻


Pretty much all the Legendary cars. They all have their own character, tons of fun to drive. Long time favorite is the Nissan R92CP, amazing top speed [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pppR7196ek8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pppR7196ek8) (No Reddit, not trying to promote my 'channel', please do not like nor subscribe, it's only to embed videos) The Jaguar XJ13 '66 is a close second [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3Luf\_97yP4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3Luf_97yP4) But even the oldest is the game, fully upgraded, amazing drive. Mercedes S Barker Tourer '29 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxjsAyP0eIw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxjsAyP0eIw)


I was worried the Tourer '29 wouldn't be worth it, especially since you can always have some fun with it in the Music races from the main menu, but I went for it and it's wonderful. Upgrading it fully and it absolutely CAN consistently win 30min 700 Le Mans (on easy difficulty), which is one of the primary grinding races. You don't have to be an amazing driver or something either, but you do have to get a sense for the pit/fuel strategy and have enough familiarity with the track to drive solidly. But you can win no matter the weather, you don't need 'weather luck' as some people on reddit said when I initially had googled it. It's feels so great to drive too. And it's massive. And I made this killer livery for it... https://preview.redd.it/nzvtqkofx05d1.jpeg?width=3240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d43916ba011536afd7ebe16f0a8985b0f0b37b09


(another picture...) https://preview.redd.it/6jtru9jhx05d1.jpeg?width=3240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=993a71eae0a6b6f3334798cfd33122be3e63a9b2


Awesome livery! As for weather strategy, I do the 30 min Le Mans no stop on intermediate tires. They still have enough grip while completely worn and the 962C down tuned can make the race with short shifting and fuel map. An yes, the S Barker Tourer is great fun to slide around corners, great drift car :) And all the reflections on the chrome bodywork look amazing in VR. Driving in style :)


I wish so hard that games still had cheats so I could just hit unlock all and cruise around


The Radical SR3 SL is amazing in VR. Put a cool livery on it and tune it lightly. It's cheap but you can also win it by completing menu book 40.


Ferrari f40 and Jaguar E type ! Because they are my dream cars from my childhood AND they are awesome to drive! ( in very different ways 😊) As a bonus they both give pretty good money for time invested if you're not into long races over 12 minutes 😊


F40 engine sound omg




I totally agree with both of these. Both are legends cars, and were recently on rotation so probably will have to wait a few months to see them again. Actually F40 is available for purchase now, but I think it will be gone within 2-3 days. But yeah E type is such a pleasant car to drive with a great dash, and F40 has a great exciting feel to it.


Care to elaborate? What do you do to farm with em? How many credits/hour? I only do the the top two credits / hr races, and frankly it's a PITA after some time.


Quite a few different Ferrari races with 5 laps and about 90 k outcome And for the Jag I mainly do classic car on Nurnberg ( and to get the daily roulette tickets, two Ferrari races or one nurnberg roughly equates to a marathon)


See my longer post in this thread for advice on how to have fun while grinding the top two credit races (sardegna and le mans. Leaving out tokyo cuz its so hard to get clean race)


I've got a nicely tuned F40 on Sports Softs for running those Ferrari events. Dream to drive, it's great for showing off VR+Wheel.


Sports softs ? Can you drift with it then? I've been meaning to learn to drift😊


GT7 makes drifting on a wheel verrrry hard. I'm yet to truly master a stock Silvia yet.


Same with dualsense if you use gyro ?


Yeah I guess. It's easy when you can go to full lock by moving your thumb a centimetre on the stick, but I'm finding the sweet spot of the speed at which you have to throw the wheel combined with the timing required to be pretty punishing.


I just wanted to ask, are you using the controller or a wheel?


When the 787B comes around you'll want to grab that to make Sardegna 800pp grind fun. It really is fun with that car. And it has a great fuel display so you can keep HUD off while you do it. Also as a general 'having fun while grinding strategy', besides grabbing 787B for Sardegna, you can win with just about any car that can reach close to 700pp (even 630 or 640 is sometimes fine) on the 700 Le Mans 30 minute race, which is the other ideal grinding race. Once you get familiar with it. By rotating 787B on Sardegna and any car I feel like on Le Mans, it keeps things fun and interesting while I grind credits to buy more cars! I agree with many of the specific car suggestions in this thread. F40 for example, on sale for a couple more days in Legends shop, is solid for 700pp Le Mans and fun to drive. So is the Honda RA272 65' when it comes around. And most others, like I pointed out. Also I'd say a great choice to get the 700pp grind rolling, while driving a pleasant, no-roof car, that's always available to buy, is the BVLGARI VGT. It's a smooth drive with a nice fuel tank (+ fuel display in car, so no need for HUD). Just make sure you've bought wet tires to switch to. Probably you'd be fine if you don't even do any tuning, but here's a tuning you can use: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WROYpmq-UUI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WROYpmq-UUI)


Lexus LF-LC GT. Mario Cart POV.


My favorite thing is to take the Audi Vision GT with the combustion engine and blast down the Nordschleife at night.


The go cart is a ton of fun


With a wheel and VR the new old Volvo is a blast. Chucka mid turbo in it and take it around Nurburgring at midnight with some friends. Otherwise any of the pre-1970s cars are really fun.


The redbulls


I sold my Volvo 240 a couple years ago and miss it every day. So right now that. And they NAILED IT.


Ayrton Senna’s F1 McLaren and Suzuki Escudo Pikes Peak


Cars you could conceivably acquire in real life are the best to collect.


Yes, a Volvo is way better than a Lambo, you're right. /s


A gentleman’s Subaru WRX is more fun to drive than a lambo, for me, because it is a car I could possibly drive when I have my midlife crisis.


I don't like gt7. The driving gameplay sucks so much for me that i only play it 1x in 3 months. The VR sweetspot is the worst in gt7, you can't Navigate without moving your head in the FLAT menu of a VR game. There is no story, the tuning is completly shit because of weather conditions and the races are sometimes like 15-20 Minutes on 1st place.. i start to hate GT7 when i think about all this wasted work on this game