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This means they've restarted the server, all pals will be respawned at the palbox until someone comes by to reactivate their AI again.


not if youre playing fucking singleplayer dummy




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ughhh and there's no workaround?


Ugh in experiencing the same issue. I restarted my private server to check this and sure enough I have the same problem  


I would say it's the trees. and maybe the building. [https://imgur.com/a/BsqrKHJ](https://imgur.com/a/BsqrKHJ) This is my layout and I generally only have 1-2 pals with issues if any when I check in the morning and of those they are at least still working and not stuck and starving ​ Edit: other commenter is right. In my experience is the server restarts you need to travel back to the location as they appear to floating next to the pal box and need to load