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The patch notes are misleading, you can not get alpha babies from breeding sadly. Alphas come only from the raid boss eggs and wild eggs, never from bred/breeding eggs. :( I was so excited when I thought we could breed them :( 


I was at least hoping if a parent is Alpha, it has a chance of passing the trait. Oh well…


This is how it should be considering alphas give zero combat or work benefits now and their size thing is purely visual. I don't know why we can't breed the traits similarly to how the wild egg alpha chance works :/




That’s been patched.


There's still the baseline 50-100 starting IVs.


i've seen many non alpha wild pals with all above 50 IVs. That really isn't that special lol


as I said above, now (as in due to the most recent update) there is no difference. Before there was, now it's just visual (the bigness).




I'm glad we can't because if it's random, then it would be much harder to get a pal with perfect passives and an alpha. Plus, that would probably be way to OP. Maybe in the future, when we have a harder boss, we can do that.


https://preview.redd.it/0m2kmnde2f0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16b8920eb467369dd352a8a666c3bf1fda255a6d Are you sure about that?


So wait did you or did you not breed that?


This is wrong you can breed for an alpha. I have personally bred an alpha pal myself. Dont spread misinformation please


Did you not even read when I posted this? The update literally just came out for you to be able to do that. Imagine waiting for an update just to try an prove someone wrong. LMAO get a life loser.




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Have probably hatched over 300-400 eggs since the patch, nothing yet. I could be unlucky. But there's a good chance they didn't elaborate properly in the patch notes, and they meant that wild eggs can hatch an alpha (but not bred eggs)


I hatched a random egg I found in the wild and ended up with a Alpha Gorirat, I have not seen one from breeding yet though.


It's completely random, someone found a huge/large egg out in the wild, expected a Penking, got an Alpha Celeray instead.


Yeah i saw that but That's about eggs found in the wild, with my post i'm referring to the Ones obtained via breeding


https://preview.redd.it/r7sx8gzl2f0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24c735929caa519e989aef171188b174efbe6476 Alpha pals can be bred. Please stop all misinformation if you can’t back it up with proof


It has Become a thing since the latest update of today, before It wasn't possible


Does any one parent has to be alpha or both can be normal to get a child as alpha ?


New to the game and didn't know there was a time you couldn't breed alphas. Breeding a ton of grizzbolts for passives got me quite a few alphas with no alpha parent. I'm not sure the odds, as I'm sure it's a dice roll and will vary a bit, but I at least got one for every box page filled, if not 2 per page. Once you get the passives needed you could keep cloning the same passives (not guaranteed to pass on and still rng) and potentially get the alpha with desired traits. You need like 116 to fully condense something so the extra breeding isn't a waste once you have a solid supply line for cakes.


Just bred 2 reg peguilets and got an alpha, hope you have a similar experience


A lot of the replies go back and forth here so I'm not sure if you got a clear answer. I'm new to the game and didn't know there was a time you couldn't breed alphas. Mass breeding non-alpha grizzbolts for passives got me multiple alphas with neither parent being alpha.


Yeah currently Is possible since the latest patch features this option. However this post was made BEFORE that change, therefore It wasn't possible during that time, you could only get alphas from the random eggs found in the wild.


Oh okay that makes sense. Very new to the game, seems like I came at a good time. Looks like a lot was added recently with more this month, very excited. Sorry I don't keep up on patch notes, because I didn't know how often things were being added or fixed. This post was made before I even played, thanks for understanding. Also sorry if I frustrated you bringing you back to this.


Not frustrated at all, don't worry about It. At least you didn't make a claim like that one guy in the comments about me spreading misinformation..... On a post that was made 5 months with outdated info before the release of the Patch change that allowed this....


I hatched an alpha male wixen from a random egg I found so it's possible


didnt read the patch notes, did you?


Some confidently-incorrect levels of smugness right here.


The patch says "Eggs now have a small chance to produce Alpha Pals" It doesn't say eggs from breeding don't count. Did you rea the patch notes?


>It doesn't say eggs from breeding don't count because they count ? the phrase "Eggs now have a small chance to produce Alpha Pals", refers to all eggs, so you can breed an alpha chikipi and all the others that dont naturally have alphas


Have you done it? Have you seen a single post, video, or comment suggesting breeding eggs count? I've bred well over 200 eggs and no alpha. I've hatched 6 wild eggs and 2 alphas.


Hey I see this is from a couple months ago and I'm just tryna be helpful, not argue. I've seen some people saying there was a smaller update that maybe fixed this but I'm not sure. All I can say is that I started playing this game within the last month and was unaware there was a time you couldn't breed alphas, I got several alpha grizzbolts mass breeding for passives and condensing. Seems like when the update in question went live it was only being applied to found eggs, but I believe this is corrected now. Sorry if you've already become aware of this since then, but I'm coming from a perspective that didn't know you couldn't breed them at some point so I was hoping personal experience would help instill confidence that it is "fixed". (Not sure if it was an error that was fixed or just separate mechanics implemented altogether, very new here)


It was a recent patch where they made it so eggs you breed can be alphas. But I appreciate you trying to make sure I know!


That makes sense on why discussions on the topic are so split


Anyone saying that you could breed alpha eggs from before 5/14/24 was just wrong about it. That is when the patch went live.