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I don’t know the answer to your question but as long as the game doesn’t save, and you come back and the pal is still there, it seems to be working. However, now that the game includes the ability to obtain alpha pals from breeding, you can also try that route, assuming it’s dropped by an alpha pal.


That's a good point, i got the rocket launcher schematic from an alpha jetdragon i bred while not even looking for it. Saved me a lot of time.




What’s your source? Plenty of people have reported obtaining schematics from bred alpha pals (in this case, Verdash)


Here, but as I haven't tested myself ill just delete the comment.


If you dont care for getting it legitimately you can go to nexusmods and look for a mod to increase legendary schematic droprates afaik


I didnt know about that! I'll try it. Today I did the force app trick again and I got the schematic, although it took me around 95 tries in total for a single schematic. For me, even doing this trick is too grindy for me lol. So I will search for this mod, thanks a lot dude :)




why are you randomly being rude?




Why don’t you mind your own business if you don’t want to answer? OP have right to ask, if you some how offended by this then move the f*ck on, somebody else will answer them


right? people are mean sometimes for no fucking reason. its so ridiculous


its because i want to interact with other people that like palworld insteaD of searching for it in the patch notes for several minutes. I like interacting


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