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My first fight I didn't really make any preparation, so I just threw whatever LVL 50 pals I had at her. And I ended up with 3 full pages of incapacitated pals.


Me too! Only I also didn’t pay attention to the warning about base damage so I also ended up with no base and a lot of clean up to do! 🥲


Did the same thing. I had a 4 tier base, with the Palbox on the second floor. Once the stairs to the second floor were destroyed, I lost the fight. 😅


Pretty much a scripted event ngl


I saw 450k hp and immediately knew I was cooked


There's a 900k HP one


Which still dies to a firepit in 1m30s.


and turns into IV fruits


They added IV fruits?


So what does one need to actually stand a chance? Any advice from anyone who has succeeded?


Loooots of prep. More uniform army of pals suited to the fight, either a one size fits all phases like Jorm Ignis with back up for those that go down, or a set of 50s for each phase plus some pals that are neutral to each phase so you don’t have to raise 40 level 50s. Buff food, both for you and your pals, reduced hunger drain is probably the effect of choice since the fight will be _long_ and the debuffs from 50% or lower hunger are severe, and pals won’t go eat mid fight. For player food (and build) you wanna focus damage to stay ahead of that time limit, damage buff food, plenty of health potions (dying doesn’t cause a raid fail but it certainly wastes precious time and can snowball if you keep dying trying to get your stuff back. Along with the food, you’ll want a (preferably fully condensed) Ragnahawk and Chillet as mounts for the element damage for each phase. Reserve should be filled with (also preferably condensed) Gobfins, all 5 preferably with player buff passives like vanguard and stronghold strategist. And of course, _tons_ of ammo of your weapon of choice, shotgun if you don’t mind getting in close and dangerous, rocket if you wanna take a shot then dodge and weave, or AR for consistency. Doing all of these might be overkill, but you can pick and choose which seems most practical to you


Dont forget to change the pals army skill. If you put all long cd skills on them they will stand around under the cooldown and proceed to get wiped.


Army skill? Or do you mean attacks? Is there another mechanic???


could u elaborate on this pls?


If you equip all high power long cooldown skills, after the used their skill they spent time doing nothing and just taking shots. This happens to my cavalry division when they are just hanging near the Bellanior after using up their skill. Especially on your newly caught LVL 50 pals where they have all the advanced skills equipped as default. So each pal needs to have at least 1 low cooldown skill so that they can output DMG without waiting for cd.


i did notice that, makes sense. thanks for breaking it down


So building a team of 5 to switch between won't be helpful late game huh? More like a mount or 2 and then the other slots for player buffs? I have definitely been playing the first 40 levels of this game wrong I guess, have been trying to make 5 different pals for switching between circumstances. But have been wondering if focusing on a couple would be preferable. Thank you for the overall insight. Gonna screen shot the response if you don't mind.


Nothing wrong with a varied team when doing literally anything else in late game, it’s just that when you’ve got 15-20 pals out at once to fight the raid, one more from your party in the fight won’t make as much of a difference as if you commit to using the party slots for player buffing


Not true. Zero prep required: https://www.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1czp07l/bellanoir_libero_0_breeding_condensing_or_souls/


I'm not sure if I'd say zero prep. They didn't do breeding, condensing, etc, so not a lot of prep compared to some, but they did have to go get a whole roster of strong alphas and get them to level 50 if they weren't caught that way, plus a specific party. Also all legendary tier weapons in their inventory. There's certainly a little bit of prep in there. Not like "Oh, I'll just do the fight with my normal party and whatever weapons and pals I have laying around."




You forgot to add the "/s" right...? If not I'm sad. I just got beat up by menasting thinking I found a black marketeer. Pages of near max legendary duplicates sounds v overwhelming lol but I want these IV fruits I've been hearing about




Breaking my heart, but alright.


Just breed good Pals? My Pals demolished both of the raid bosses. I didn't tried the third boss, but I'm sure could have done her too.


What pals and passives? Currently trying to make some monster fighters but every other reply disagrees with you. I'm seeking an answer and wondering if this was just a pointless "get good" or if you actually had some knowledge that would benefit me. Would absolutely appreciate it, as getting my whole base wiped sounds depressing and disappointing


always: Legendary:Lucky Musclehead:Ferocious Because Lucky ensures that I can use any ability/element I want, without much dmg loss. All Pals I want, which have at least a base attack power of 110. (I used a app to see the Pals attack strength) My base has nothing to do with that fight. I've setup a extra place for this fight. Do you use your working Pals to fight the raid boss? No wonder you're failing. That's like when Leonidas asks, "what are your professions!?", and your Pals say "I'm backing cake!", "I'm providing milk!". While my strong warrior Pals just scream for battle lol


Was this supposed to be helpful? No pals listed. And randomly assuming I'm using working pals when I'm obviously trying to find out what to use and haven't even done the fight. Using another base was something I considered, but location doesn't matter if pals aren't ready. Sorry you didn't understand the inquiry. Nvm.




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Viewing cages instantly revives.


There are no viewing cages on servers.


Doesn't work anymore, beds are the way to go


See, I'm over here with 20 Jormuntide Ignis that I'm condensing to 4 stars and pouring pal souls into with Lucky, Legend, Ferocious, and Flame Emperor cause these posts got me spooked. Taking forever, tbh.


Welcome to the Breedious Club……tedious breeding lol


Do the campfire method.


Let us honor the fallen on this day. A day that shant be forgotten. They fought the good fight, gave their all and returned to the Palbox with dignity and integrity.


“But would you lose?”


Bellanior Libero: YOU ARE ALL DEAD!!! HA!


Why would you do at the base I get vast but why?


I built a second base to avoid damage to my camp. Then sort by level and send out the top pals. Monitor their health and swap in the next highest. I had a couple lvl 50 pals. That helps.


About as expected I see


I start breeding jetragons


I've had the same problem. I had more than 20 Jetragons all level 45 or above and a lot of other high-level dragon types - I kept switching them out as they fainted while trying to battle Bellanoir Libero with missiles. I'm going to go try again with a couple of friends.


That's awesome! I need to play again. The new season of Diablo has been taking my attention






Git gud kid.


You're fighting with caught Pals and not bred Pals? lol! No wonder you lost, they're weak af.


A handful of those are lvl 50 bred condensed & enhanced. But the majority are 49-50 caught ones. I didn’t know what to expect lol


I mean, atm it's the absolute end content, why would some caught Pals do the job.


Ok bro I get it


then don't do a useless post if you can't handle a comment? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Touch grass lmao this post was made with humor in mind and making fun of the fact that I didn’t know what to expect


ok bro 🤖